59 research outputs found

    Musical Instrument Practice Predicts White Matter Microstructure and Cognitive Abilities in Childhood

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    Musical training has been associated with advantages in cognitive measures of IQ and verbal ability, as well as neural measures including white matter microstructural properties in the corpus callosum (CC) and the superior longitudinal fasciculus (SLF). We hypothesized that children who have musical training will have different microstructural properties in the SLF and CC. One hundred children aged 7.9–9.9 years (mean age 8.7) were surveyed for their musical activities, completed neuropsychological testing for general cognitive abilities, and underwent diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) as part of a larger study. Children who play a musical instrument for more than 0.5 h per week (n = 34) had higher scores on verbal ability and intellectual ability (standardized scores from the Woodcock-Johnson Tests of Cognitive Abilities), as well as higher axial diffusivity (AD) in the left SLF than those who did not play a musical instrument (n = 66). Furthermore, the intensity of musical practice, quantified as the number of hours of music practice per week, was correlated with axial diffusivity (AD) in the left SLF. Results are not explained by age, sex, socio-economic status, or physical fitness of the participants. The results suggest that the relationship between musical practice and intellectual ability is related to the maturation of white matter pathways in the auditory-motor system. The findings suggest that musical training may be a means of improving cognitive and brain health during development

    Cardiovascular Fitness and Creativity in Children

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    Creativity permeates virtually all aspects of humanity, as human-made creations and connections are all around us. Another common human phenomenon is aerobic exercise, and its corresponding, longer-term condition, cardiovascular fitness. Multiple studies support cardiovascular fitness as a positive correlate of, and aerobic exercise as an inducer of, cognitive benefits and both structural and functional brain changes, across ages and species. From an understanding of the relationships between aerobic exercise/cardiovascular fitness and certain neurocognitive changes, along with an understanding of the neural processes underlying creativity, a theoretical psychophysiological relationship between aerobic exercise/cardiovascular fitness and creativity appears. There is indirect support that neural and behavioral changes induced by exercise, or consistent with high cardiovascular fitness, may result in improved creativity. However, there is currently little research examining this relationship. Additionally, the relationship of aerobic exercise/cardiovascular fitness and creativity has seemingly been unexamined in children. In this study, cardiovascular fitness levels of eight 9-11 year olds, as determined by a maximal oxygen consumption test, were related to both the number and uniqueness of appropriate responses in creativity tasks. There were no significant correlations between cardiovascular fitness and these creativity measures. The limited sample size hindered the ability to ascertain a more complete analysis of these relationships. Future research should include a larger sample size, take into consideration factors such as motivation, sleep, and stress, and perform neuroimaging. These would allow a more comprehensive understanding of the relationship between cardiovascular fitness and creativity.Ope

    Caudate nucleus volume mediates the link between cardiorespiratory fitness and cognitive flexibility in older adults

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    The basal ganglia play a central role in regulating the response selection abilities that are critical formental flexibility. In neocortical areas, higher cardiorespiratory fitness levels are associated with increased gray matter volume, and these volumetric differences mediate enhanced cognitive performance in a variety of tasks. Here we examine whether cardiorespiratory fitness correlates with the volume of the subcortical nuclei that make up the basal ganglia and whether this relationship predicts cognitive flexibility in older adults. Structural MRI was used to determine the volume of the basal ganglia nuclei in a group of older, neurologically healthy individuals (mean age 66 years, N = 179).Measures of cardiorespiratory fitness (VO2max), cognitive flexibility (task switching), and attentional control (flanker task) were also collected. Higher fitness levels were correlated with higher accuracy rates in the Task Switching paradigm. In addition, the volume of the caudate nucleus, putamen, and globus pallidus positively correlated with Task Switching accuracy.Nested regression modeling revealed that caudate nucleus volume was a significantmediator of the relationship between cardiorespiratory fitness, and task switching performance. These findings indicate that higher cardiorespiratory fitness predicts better cognitive flexibility in older adults through greater grey matter volume in the dorsal striatum

    Physical Activity Increases White Matter Microstructure in Children

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    Children are becoming increasingly inactive, unfit, and overweight, yet there is relatively little causal evidence regarding the effects of physical activity on brain health during childhood. The present study examined the effects of an after-school physical activity program (FITKids2) on the microstructure of white matter tracts in 7- to 9-year-old children. We measured the microstructural properties of white matter via diffusion tensor imaging in 143 children before and after random assignment to either a 9-month after-school physical activity program (N = 76, mean age = 8.7 years) or a wait list control group (N = 67, mean age = 8.7 years). Our results demonstrate that children who participated in the physical activity program showed increased white matter microstructure in the genu of the corpus callosum, with no changes in white matter microstructure in the wait list control group which reflects typical development. Specifically, children in the physical activity program showed increases in fractional anisotropy (FA) and decreases in radial diffusivity (RD) in the genu from pre- to post-test, thereby suggesting more tightly bundled and structurally compact fibers (FA) and increased myelination (RD), with no changes in estimates of axonal fiber diameter (axial diffusivity, AD). The corpus callosum integrates cognitive, motor, and sensory information between the left and right hemispheres of the brain, and the white matter tract plays a role in cognition and behavior. Our findings reinforce the importance of physical activity for brain health during child development

    Physical Fitness, White Matter Volume and Academic Performance in Children: Findings From the ActiveBrains and FITKids2 Projects

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    Objectives: The aims of this study were (i) to examine the association between cardiorespiratory fitness and white matter volume and test whether those associations differ between normal-weight and overweight/obese children (ii) to analyze the association between other physical fitness components (i.e., motor and muscular) and white matter volume, and (iii) to examine whether the fitness-related associations in white matter volume were related to academic performance.Methods: Data came from two independent projects: ActiveBrains project (n = 100; 10.0 ± 1.1 years; 100% overweight/obese; Spain) and FITKids2 project (n = 242; 8.6 ± 0.5 years; 36% overweight/obese, United States). Cardiorespiratory fitness was assessed in both projects, and motor and muscular fitness were assessed in the ActiveBrains project. T1-weighted images were acquired with a 3.0 T S Magnetom Tim Trio system. Academic performance was assessed by standardized tests.Results: Cardiorespiratory fitness was associated with greater white matter volume in the ActiveBrain project (P < 0.001, k = 177; inferior fronto-opercular gyrus and inferior temporal gyrus) and in the FITKids project (P < 0.001, k = 117; inferior temporal gyrus, cingulate gyrus, middle occipital gyrus and fusiform gyrus) among overweight/obese children. However, no associations were found among normal-weight children in the FITKids project. In the ActiveBrains project, motor fitness was related to greater white matter volume (P < 0.001, k = 173) in six regions, specifically, insular cortex, caudate, bilateral superior temporal gyrus and bilateral supramarginal gyrus; muscular fitness was associated with greater white matter volumes (P < 0.001, k = 191) in two regions, particularly, the bilateral caudate and bilateral cerebellum IX. The white matter volume of six of these regions were related to academic performance, but after correcting for multiple comparisons, only the insular cortex remained significantly related to math calculations skills (β = 0.258; P < 0.005). In both projects, no brain regions showed a statistically significant negative association between any physical fitness component and white matter volume.Conclusion: Cardiorespiratory fitness may positively relate to white matter volume in overweight/obese children, and in turn, academic performance. In addition, motor and muscular fitness may also influence white matter volume coupled with better academic performance. From a public health perspective, implementing exercise interventions that combine aerobic, motor and muscular training to enhance physical fitness may benefit brain development and academic success

    A neuroimaging investigation of the association between aerobic fitness, hippocampal volume and memory performance in preadolescent children

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    Because children are becoming increasingly overweight, unhealthy and unfit, understanding the neurocognitive benefits of an active lifestyle in childhood has important public health and educational implications. Animal research has indicated that aerobic exercise is related to increased cell proliferation and survival in the hippocampus as well as enhanced hippocampal-dependent learning and memory. Recent evidence extends this relationship to elderly humans by suggesting that high aerobic fitness levels in older adults are associated with increased hippocampal volume and superior memory performance. The present study aimed to further extend the link between fitness, hippocampal volume, and memory to a sample of preadolescent children. To this end, magnetic resonance imaging was employed to investigate whether high- and low-fit 9- and 10-year-old children showed differences in hippocampal volume and if the differences were related to performance on an item and relational memory task. Relational but not item memory is primarily supported by the hippocampus. Consistent with predictions, high-fit children showed greater bilateral hippocampal volumes. Furthermore, hippocampal volume was positively associated with performance on the relational but not the item memory task. The findings are the first to suggest that aerobic fitness can impact the structure and function of the developing human brain

    Role Of Childhood Aerobic Fitness In Successful Street Crossing

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    In this work, task complexity is considered as a multidimensional, integral characteristic of a task. The more complex a task is, the higher the cognitive demands for performing the task. Components of task complexity impose demands on the mental efforts of users. This article proposes a general approach to evaluate the complexity of computer-based tasks. The proposed principles of complexity evaluation and measures of complexity provide a proper basis for optimization, modification, and enhancement of the software design process. Experimental results support the effectiveness of the proposed method for both the design of man-machine systems and human-computer interfaces. The suggested methods and principles of complexity assessment derive from systemic-structural activity theory. © 2012 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC