737 research outputs found

    An appraisal of the fisheries resources of the coastal waters of Madras state

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    The Madras State has a coastline of 620 miles with an inshore belt of 9,000 sq. miles and a continental shelf of 30,000 sq. miles. The Bay of Bengal, Palk Strait, Gulf of Mannar and the Arabian Sea with their varied hydrobiological conditions contribute to varied fisheries resources. Exploitation is confined to the coastal areas, within 10 fathoms, with non-powered indigenous crafts. But, with introduction of motorised boats, the annual catch has increased to four times from 44,000 tonnes in 1950-51 to 1,75,000 tonnes in 1966-67. Offshore fishing grounds between 10 and 40 fathoms have an estimated stock of 84,000 tonnes, mostly of mackerels, tunas, sea-breams, rock-cods and shrimps for immediate exploitation. The Wadge Bank extending over 4,000 sq. miles off Cape Comorin sustains a large reserve of demersal fishes and provides scope for expansion of trawling with larger vessels

    Neutrino Telescopes as a Direct Probe of Supersymmetry Breaking

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    We consider supersymmetric models where the scale of supersymmetry breaking lies between 5 ×106\times 10^6 GeV and 5 ×108\times 10^8 GeV. In this class of theories, which includes models of gauge mediated supersymmetry breaking, the lightest supersymmetric particle is the gravitino. The next to lightest supersymmetric particle is typically a long lived charged slepton with a lifetime between a microsecond and a second, depending on its mass. Collisions of high energy neutrinos with nucleons in the earth can result in the production of a pair of these sleptons. Their very high boost means they typically decay outside the earth. We investigate the production of these particles by the diffuse flux of high energy neutrinos, and the potential for their observation in large ice or water Cerenkov detectors. The relatively small cross-section for the production of supersymmetric particles is partially compensated for by the very long range of heavy particles. The signal in the detector consists of two parallel charged tracks emerging from the earth about 100 meters apart, with very little background. A detailed calculation using the Waxman-Bahcall limit on the neutrino flux and realistic spectra shows that km3^3 experiments could see as many as 4 events a year. We conclude that neutrino telescopes will complement collider searches in the determination of the supersymmetry breaking scale, and may even give the first evidence for supersymmetry at the weak scale.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Sparticle spectrum and constraints in anomaly mediated supersymmetry breaking models

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    We study in detail the particle spectrum in anomaly mediated supersymmetry breaking models in which supersymmetry breaking terms are induced by the super-Weyl anomaly. We investigate the minimal anomaly mediated supersymmetry breaking models, gaugino assisted supersymmetry breaking models, as well as models with additional residual nondecoupling D-term contributions due to an extra U(1) gauge symmetry at a high energy scale. We derive sum rules for the sparticle masses in these models which can help in differentiating between them. We also obtain the sparticle spectrum numerically, and compare and contrast the results so obtained for the different types of anomaly mediated supersymmetry breaking models.Comment: LaTeX, 20 pages, 6 figures. A few comments and a reference added; typos corrected; version published in Phys. Rev.

    Goldstones in Diphotons

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    We study the conditions for a new scalar resonance to be observed first in diphotons at the LHC Run-2. We focus on scenarios where the scalar arises either from an internal or spacetime symmetry broken spontaneously, for which the mass is naturally below the cutoff and the low-energy interactions are fixed by the couplings to the broken currents, UV anomalies, and selection rules. We discuss the recent excess in diphoton resonance searches observed by ATLAS and CMS at 750 GeV, and explore its compatibility with other searches at Run-1 and its interpretation as Goldstone bosons in supersymmetry and composite Higgs models. We show that two candidates naturally emerge: a Goldstone boson from an internal symmetry with electromagnetic anomalies, and the scalar partner of the Goldstone of supersymmetry breaking: the sgoldstino. The dilaton from conformal symmetry breaking is instead disfavoured by present data, in its minimal natural realization.Comment: 18 pages + refs, 2 figures. v2: typos corrected, references added, discussions extended and three new plots. Conclusion unchanged. v3: published versio

    Can codimension-two branes solve the cosmological constant problem?

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    It has been suggested that codimension-two braneworlds might naturally explain the vanishing of the 4D effective cosmological constant, due to the automatic relation between the deficit angle and the brane tension. To investigate whether this cancellation happens dynamically, and within the context of a realistic cosmology, we study a codimension-two braneworld with spherical extra dimensions compactified by magnetic flux. Assuming Einstein gravity, we show that when the brane contains matter with an arbitrary equation of state, the 4D metric components are not regular at the brane, unless the brane has nonzero thickness. We construct explicit 6D solutions with thick branes, treating the brane matter as a perturbation, and find that the universe expands consistently with standard Friedmann-Robertson-Walker (FRW) cosmology. The relation between the brane tension and the bulk deficit angle becomes Δ=2πG6(ρ3p)\Delta=2\pi G_6(\rho-3 p) for a general equation of state. However, this relation does not imply a self-tuning of the effective 4D cosmological constant to zero; perturbations of the brane tension in a static solution lead to deSitter or anti-deSitter braneworlds. Our results thus confirm other recent work showing that codimension-two braneworlds in nonsupersymmetric Einstein gravity do not lead to a dynamical relaxation of the cosmological constant, but they leave open the possibility that supersymmetric versions can be compatible with self-tuning.Comment: Revtex4, 17 pages, references added, typos corrected, minor points clarified. Matches published versio

    Sneutrino Mass Measurements at e+e- Linear Colliders

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    It is generally accepted that experiments at an e+e- linear colliders will be able to extract the masses of the selectron as well as the associated sneutrinos with a precision of ~ 1% by determining the kinematic end points of the energy spectrum of daughter electrons produced in their two body decays to a lighter neutralino or chargino. Recently, it has been suggested that by studying the energy dependence of the cross section near the production threshold, this precision can be improved by an order of magnitude, assuming an integrated luminosity of 100 fb^-1. It is further suggested that these threshold scans also allow the masses of even the heavier second and third generation sleptons and sneutrinos to be determined to better than 0.5%. We re-examine the prospects for determining sneutrino masses. We find that the cross sections for the second and third generation sneutrinos are too small for a threshold scan to be useful. An additional complication arises because the cross section for sneutrino pair to decay into any visible final state(s) necessarily depends on an unknown branching fraction, so that the overall normalization in unknown. This reduces the precision with which the sneutrino mass can be extracted. We propose a different strategy to optimize the extraction of m(\tilde{\nu}_\mu) and m(\tilde{\nu}_\tau) via the energy dependence of the cross section. We find that even with an integrated luminosity of 500 fb^-1, these can be determined with a precision no better than several percent at the 90% CL. We also examine the measurement of m(\tilde{\nu}_e) and show that it can be extracted with a precision of about 0.5% (0.2%) with an integrated luminosity of 120 fb^-1 (500 fb^-1).Comment: RevTex, 46 pages, 15 eps figure

    Gauge-Higgs Unification in Orbifold Models

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    Six-dimensional orbifold models where the Higgs field is identified with some internal component of a gauge field are considered. We classify all possible T^2/Z_N orbifold constructions based on a SU(3) electroweak gauge symmetry. Depending on the orbifold twist, models with two, one or zero Higgs doublets can be obtained. Models with one Higgs doublet are particularly interesting because they lead to a prediction for the Higgs mass, which is twice the W boson mass at leading order: m_H=2 m_W. The electroweak scale is quadratically sensitive to the cut-off, but only through very specific localized operators. We study in detail the structure of these operators at one loop, and identify a class of models where they do not destabilize the electroweak scale at the leading order. This provides a very promising framework to construct realistic and predictive models of electroweak symmetry breaking.Comment: 27 pages, uses axodraw.sty; v2: version to appear in JHE

    A Constrained Standard Model from a Compact Extra Dimension

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    A SU(3) \times SU(2) \times U(1) supersymmetric theory is constructed with a TeV sized extra dimension compactified on the orbifold S^1/(Z_2 \times Z_2'). The compactification breaks supersymmetry leaving a set of zero modes which correspond precisely to the states of the 1 Higgs doublet standard model. Supersymmetric Yukawa interactions are localized at orbifold fixed points. The top quark hypermultiplet radiatively triggers electroweak symmetry breaking, yielding a Higgs potential which is finite and exponentially insensitive to physics above the compactification scale. This potential depends on only a single free parameter, the compactification scale, yielding a Higgs mass prediction of 127 \pm 8 GeV. The masses of the all superpartners, and the Kaluza-Klein excitations are also predicted. The lightest supersymmetric particle is a top squark of mass 197 \pm 20 GeV. The top Kaluza-Klein tower leads to the \rho parameter having quadratic sensitivity to unknown physics in the ultraviolet.Comment: 31 pages, Latex, 2 eps figures, minor correction

    Quantum self-consistency of AdS×ΣAdS \times \Sigma brane models

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    Continuing on our previous work, we consider a class of higher dimensional brane models with the topology of AdSD1+1×ΣAdS_{D_1+1} \times \Sigma, where Σ\Sigma is a one-parameter compact manifold and two branes of codimension 1 are located at the orbifold fixed points. We consider a set-up where such a solution arises from Einstein-Yang-Mills theory and evaluate the one-loop effective potential induced by gauge fields and by a generic bulk scalar field. We show that this type of brane models resolves the gauge hierarchy between the Planck and electroweak scales through redshift effects due to the warp factor a=eπkra=e^{-\pi kr}. The value of aa is then fixed by minimizing the effective potential. We find that, as in the Randall Sundrum case, the gauge field contribution to the effective potential stabilises the hierarchy without fine-tuning as long as the laplacian ΔΣ\Delta_\Sigma on Σ\Sigma has a zero eigenvalue. Scalar fields can stabilise the hierarchy depending on the mass and the non-minimal coupling. We also address the quantum self-consistency of the solution, showing that the classical brane solution is not spoiled by quantum effects.Comment: 10 page

    The Gravitino-Stau Scenario after Catalyzed BBN

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    We consider the impact of Catalyzed Big Bang Nucleosynthesis on theories with a gravitino LSP and a charged slepton NLSP. In models where the gravitino to gaugino mass ratio is bounded from below, such as gaugino-mediated SUSY breaking, we derive a lower bound on the gaugino mass parameter m_1/2. As a concrete example, we determine the parameter space of gaugino mediation that is compatible with all cosmological constraints.Comment: 1+14 pages, 6 figures; v2: minor clarifications, 1 reference added, matches version to appear in JCA