181 research outputs found

    Factores de Riesgo Psicosocial en Estudiantes Universitarios

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    El siguiente trabajo está elaborado como auxiliar de investigación, ya que la investigación esta derivada por medio del grupo de Desarrollos Humanos Educativos y Organizacionales (DHEOS), donde se optó por la realización de la adaptación de la investigación pero en este caso solo se estaría enfocando en el módulo de riesgo psicosocial para la prevención de conductas suicidas en estudiantes universitarios, donde se realizó la búsqueda de información en fuentes bibliográficas para la obtención de datos. El suicidio a sido una de las causas de muerte que afecta a las personas que tengan algún tipo de problema psicológico o social, esto se ve mas afectado en los estudiantes universitarios ya que por diversas razones estos llegan a generar diversos síntomas negativos que lo conllevarían a realizar dicha conducta, de tal manera que por medio de esta investigación se buscaría optar por darles a conocer las causas y los factores de riesgo por las cuales pasan los universitarios. De tal manera principalmente en la realización del trabajo se realizó una idea de realizar un juego que fuera igual a un “escape room” donde el participante para poder pasar de habitaciones o de niveles tendría que resolver cada una de las preguntas presentadas, luego de haber terminado el juego podría encontrar un acceso a una página web donde podía encontrar información mas detallada sobre el tema, posterior a ello, se validó el contenido del módulo por medio de jueces expertos. Para la siguiente parte se realizó la adaptación de las actividades de cada sesión al medio virtual por medio de diferentes plataformas virtuales para que estas fueran de fácil acceso para los participantes.The following work is elaborated as a research assistant, since the research is derived through the group of Human Educational and Organizational Developments (DHEOS), where it was chosen to carry out the adaptation of the research but in this case, it would only be focusing on the module of psychosocial risk for the prevention of suicidal behaviors in university students, where the search for information in bibliographic sources was carried out to obtain data. Suicide has been one of the causes of death that affects people who have psychological or social problem, this is more affected in college students since for various reasons they come to generate various negative symptoms that would lead them to perform such conduct, so that through this research would seek to choose to give them to know the causes and risk factors through which university students go through. In this way, mainly in the realization of the work, an idea was made of making a game that was like an "escape room" where the participant to be able to pass rooms or levels would have to solve each of the questions presented, after having finished the game could find an access to a web page where he could find more detailed information on the subject, after that, the content of the module was validated by expert judges. For the next part, the activities of each session were adapted to the virtual environment by means of different virtual platforms so that the participants could easily access them

    Study on prejudices and perceptions in nursing assistant students. Diagnosis and improvement: approach of the students to an excluded collective, a proposal

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    RESUMEN: El presente trabajo es una propuesta de intervención en la que se estudia dentro de nuestro alumnado de Técnico en Cuidados Auxiliares de Enfermería, las percepciones negativas, prejuicios o estigmatización hacia ciertos colectivos vulnerables dentro de nuestra ciudad. La existencia de prejuicios, según la bibliografía, podría afectar a las competencias que deben tener estos estudiantes para una correcta labor profesional futura. Para ello, primero, se diagnostican cuáles son los colectivos percibidos de una manera más negativa por nuestros alumnos. Esto se hace a través de dos cuestionarios diseñados al efecto. En segundo lugar, se propone realizar actividades de sensibilización y acercamiento entre el alumnado y el colectivo diana seleccionado. La selección del colectivo servido se hace utilizando dos variables. Por un lado, los cuestionarios ya mencionados. Por otro lado, seleccionando un colectivo con el que sea viable, realizar un acercamiento y contacto social de calidad. Para que la intervención sea eficaz, se precisa un acercamiento social entre los estudiantes y el colectivo seleccionado, y a ser posible, contactos cara a cara entre iguales. La intervención se articula en torno a una metodología de aprendizaje-servicio, utilizando un contenido curricular, de estos alumnos, de los primeros auxilios. Por último, se propone una valoración, sobre si ha habido una mejora en la percepción con respecto al colectivo vulnerable elegido. Esto se hace cuantitativamente, repitiendo uno de los dos cuestionarios iniciales, comparando resultados. Y, cualitativamente, con otra nueva herramienta diseñada para este fin. Se concluye que diagnosticar y actuar sobre los prejuicios de los estudiantes hacia ciertos colectivos, es posible y conveniente para su mejora profesional futura. ABSTRACT: This work is a proposal for intervention in which it is studied within our students of nursing assistants, negative perceptions, prejudices or stigmatization towards certain vulnerable groups within our city. The existence of prejudices, according to the bibliography, could affect the competencies these students should have for proper professional work in the future. For that, first, are diagnosed which vulnerable groups are perceived in the most negative way within our students. This is done through two questionnaires designed for this purpose. Secondly, it is proposed to carry out awareness and outreach activities between the students and the target group selected. The selection of the group served is done using two variables. On the one hand, the questionnaires already mentioned. On the other hand, selecting a group with which it is viable, make a quality social contact and approach. For the intervention to be effective, a social approach between the students and the selected group is required, and if possible, face-to-face contacts between equals. Intervention is used through a learning-service methodology, using a curricular content of these students, first aid. Finally, an assessment is proposed, on whether there has been an improvement in the perception towards the chosen vulnerable group. This is done quantitatively, repeating one of the two initial questionnaires, comparing results. And qualitatively, with another new tool designed for this purpose. It is concluded that diagnosing and acting on students’ prejudices towards certain groups is possible and convenient for their future professional improvement

    Regulation of glutamine synthetase activity in the unicellular cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. strain PCC 6803 by the nitrogen source: Effect of ammonium

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    Glutamine synthetase activity from Synechocystis sp. strain PCC 6803 is regulated as a function of the nitrogen source available in the medium. Addition of 0.25 mM NH4Cl to nitrate-grown cells promotes a clear short-term inactivation of glutamine synthetase, whose enzyme activity decreases to 5 to 10% of the initial value in 25 min. The intracellular levels of glutamine, determined under various conditions, taken together with the results obtained with azaserine (an inhibitor of transamidases), rule out the possibility that glutamine per se is responsible for glutamine synthetase inactivation. Nitrogen starvation attenuates the ammonium-mediated glutamine synthetase inactivation, indicating that glutamine synthetase regulation is modulated through the internal balance between carbon-nitrogen compounds and carbon compounds. The parallelism observed between the glutamine synthetase activity and the internal concentration of α-ketoglutarate suggests that this metabolite could play a role as a positive effector of glutamine synthetase activity in Synechocystis sp. Despite the similarities of this physiological system to that described for enterobacteria, the lack of in vivo 32P labeling of glutamine synthetase during the inactivation process excludes the existence of an adenylylation-deadenylylation system in this cyanobacterium.Dirección General de Investigación Científica y Técnica PB 88-002

    Integrated computational materials engineering in solar plants: the virtual materials design project

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11837-018-2970-5The high temperatures required for efficient operation of solar thermal power plants constitutes one of the major challenges of this technology. Gaining insight into materials behavior at very high temperatures is critical to improve their techno-economic feasibility. Standard material characterization approaches become inefficient, as extensive testing campaigns are required. We propose a multiscale–multiphysical approach that accounts for materials composition to (1) predict the behavior of both Inconel 625 and new solar salts, and (2) assess the thermomechanical performance of key components. We carried out a complete thermoelastic multiscale analysis that spans six time and length scales in a single simulation platform, combining discrete and continuum tools (from quantum to continuum mechanics). These applications show the substantial economic benefits that may be achieved by an ICME approach in the energy sector, reducing the cost of prototypes while decreasing development times and maintenance costs due to a better understanding of materials behavior.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Purification and Properties of Glutamine Synthetases from the Cyanobacteria Synechocystis sp. Strain PCC 6803 and Calothrix sp. Strain PCC 7601

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    Glutamine synthetases (GSs) from two cyanobacteria, one unicellular (Synechocystis sp. strain PCC 6803) and the other filamentous (Calothrix sp. strain PCC 7601 [Fremyella diplosiphon]), were purified to homogeneity. The biosynthetic activities of both enzymes were strongly inhibited by ADP, indicating that the energy charge of the cell might regulate the GS activity. Both cyanobacteria exhibited an ammonium-mediated repression of GS synthesis. In addition, the Synechocystis sp. showed an inactivation of GS promoted by ammonium that had not been demonstrated previously in cyanobacteria.Comisión Asesora de Investigación Científica y Técnica 45/85 85-047

    Multiscale thermo-mechanical analysis of multi-layered coatings in solar thermal applications

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    Solar selective coatings can be multi-layered materials that optimize the solar absorption while reducing thermal radiation losses, granting the material long-term stability. These layers are deposited on structural materials (e.g., stainless steel, Inconel) in order to enhance the optical and thermal properties of the heat transfer system. However, interesting questions regarding their mechanical stability arise when operating at high temperatures. In this work, a full thermo-mechanical multiscale methodology is presented, covering the nano-, micro-, and macroscopic scales. In such methodology, fundamental material properties are determined by means of molecular dynamics simulations that are consequently implemented at the microstructural level by means of finite element analyses. On the other hand, the macroscale problem is solved while taking into account the effect of the microstructure via thermo-mechanical homogenization on a representative volume element (RVE). The methodology presented herein has been successfully implemented in a reference problem in concentrating solar power plants, namely the characterization of a carbon-based nanocomposite and the obtained results are in agreement with the expected theoretical values, demonstrating that it is now possible to apply successfully the concepts behind Integrated Computational Materials Engineering to design new coatings for complex realistic thermo-mechanical applications.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Profile of Mood States Factor Structure Does Not Accurately Account for Patients with Chronic Pain

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    Objective. The need for measuring emotional functioning in patients with chronic pain was recognized decades ago. The Initiative on Methods, Measures, and Pain Assessment in Clinical Trials (IMMPACT) proposed the Profile of Mood States for this purpose. However, to date, its factor structure has not been confirmed in these patients. Methods. We set out to use confirmatory factor analysis to test the theoretical structure of seven factors: Tension- Anxiety, Depression-Dejection, Anger-Hostility, Vigor-Activity, Fatigue-Inertia, Confusion-Bewilderment, and Friendliness. Participants. The sample consisted of 588 Spanish adult patients with chronic pain. Results. The original structure could not be verified according to the obtained fit indices (e.g., root-mean-square error of approximation =0.11). For this reason, we carried out a second study that relied on exploratory factor analysis to evaluate the structure in half of the cases and confirmatory factor analysis to validate it in the other half. The factor structure detected in the exploratory factor analysis was not satisfactory, nor could it be validated with confirmatory factor analysis (e.g., normed fit index between 0.54 and 0.56). Conclusions. The factor structure of the Profile of Mood States could not be satisfactorily confirmed. Consequently, other mood measures and shorter, optimized versions of the POMS are discussed as possible alternatives

    Graphic Engineering in the Sustainable Preservation of the Municipal Heritage of Montilla (Cordoba, Spain) from the 18th Century: Master Builder Vicente López Cardera in Montilla

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    The change of territorial organisation in the 18th century in Spain was strongly related to the preservation of the local heritage. Academic architects, military engineers, and master builders coexisted to carry out the design and management of municipal construction works. The evolution of the figure of the master builder and the confrontation with architects and the guilds since the creation of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts of San Fernando posed an inflection point in this aspect. The first aim of the present study was to highlight the figure of Vicente López Cardera, master builder in the Council and Diocese of Córdoba between the late 18th century and the early 19th century, through his work on the municipal interventions in the maintenance of the construction works and infrastructures in Montilla (Córdoba, Spain) around the year 1794. The second aim of the study was to emphasise the role of graphic engineering in the conservation of municipal heritage in the Modern Age through the study of drawings and plans provided by him in the analysed documentation. His thinking in the approach to these works fits with the ideas of social hygienic improvements that began with the Enlightenment as well as with the concept of sustainable development in culture; hence, his work is relevant in the sustainable development planning of cities in the present. With this study, missing heritage elements are also revealed, opening future lines of research that lead to their virtual reconstruction and the promotion of tourism in rural areas

    Evaluation of a psychological intervention for patients with chronic pain in primary care

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    According to evidence from recent decades, multicomponent programs of psychological intervention in people with chronic pain have reached the highest levels of efficacy. However, there are still many questions left to answer since efficacy has mainly been shown among upper-middle class patients in English-speaking countries and in controlled studies, with expert professionals guiding the intervention and with a limited number of domains of painful experience evaluated. For this study, a program of multicomponent psychological intervention was implemented: (a) based on techniques with empirical evidence, but developed in Spain; (b) at a public primary care center; (c) among patients with limited financial resources and lower education; (d) by a novice psychologist; and (e) evaluating all domains of painful experience using the instruments recommended by the Initiative on Methods, Measurement, and Pain Assessment in Clinical Trials (IMMPACT). The aim of this study was to evaluate this program. We selected a consecutive sample of 40 patients treated for chronic non-cancer pain at a primary care center in Utrera (Seville, Spain), adults who were not in any employment dispute, not suffering from psychopathology, and not receiving psychological treatment. The patients participated in 10 psychological intervention sessions, one per week, in groups of 13–14 people, which addressed psychoeducation for pain; breathing and relaxation; attention management; cognitive restructuring; problem-solving; emotional management; social skills; life values and goal setting; time organization and behavioral activation; physical exercise promotion; postural and sleep hygiene; and relapse prevention. In addition to the initial assessment, measures were taken after the intervention and at a 6-month follow-up. We assessed the program throughout the process: before, during and after the implementation. Results were analyzed statistically (significance and effect size) and from a clinical perspective (clinical significance according to IMMPACT standards). According to this analysis, the intervention was successful, although improvement tended to decline at follow-up, and the detailed design gave the program assessment a high degree of standardization and specification. Finally, suggestions for improvement are presented for upcoming applications of the program