61 research outputs found

    Congress’s Power under the Full Faith and Credit Clause and the Defense of Marriage Act of 1996

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    I. Introduction II. Defense of Marriage Act ... A. The Perceived Threat of a “Tyrannical Hawaii” ... B. Defense of Marriage Act ... C. Debate over the Defense of Marriage Act III. Textual Defense of the Ratchet and Procedures Theories of Full Faith and Credit ... A. Interpreting “Full Faith and Credit shall be given” … B. Interpreting “the Effect thereof” ... C. Interpreting “Congress may prescribe the Manner” IV. Historical/Interpretive Defense of the Ratchet and Procedures Theories ... A. Drafting and Adoption of the Full Faith and Credit Clause ... B. Madison and the Ratchet Theory ... C. Modern Commentary and the Procedures Theory ... D. Prior Exercise of Congress’ Full Faith and Credit Authority V. Reasoning by Analogy—Comparing Congress’s Full Faith and Credit Power to Other Constitutional Provisions ... A. Fourteenth Amendment Comparison: Unambiguous One-Way Ratchet Defining Congress’s Power to Enforce the Fourteenth Amendment ... B. Article I Comparison: Unambiguous Power to Make Exceptions to Constitutionally Authorized Federal Jurisdiction ... C. Qualifications Clause Comparison: Limited Power to Administer Procedural, not Substantive, Regulations ... D. Fugitive Slave Clause Comparison: (Mis)Reading Congressional Power into Constitutional Silence VI. Constitutional Principles Behind the Full Faith and Credit Clause VII. Conclusion: Anticipating DOMA’s Day in Cour

    Implementation of client and server prototype for 2D MMORPG game

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    Celem pracy była implementacja klienta i serwera dla gry sieciowej typu MMORPG w oparciu o własny protokół przesyłu danych oparty na TCP. W efekcie powstał grywalny prototyp gry, którego działanie i użyte algorytmy zostały szczegółowo opisane w pracy. Narzędziem wykorzystanym do stworzenia gry był silnik Godot, z użyciem języków programowania C# oraz GDScript.The purpose of this master thesis was to implement a client and a server for an online game of MMORPG genre, using custom transfer protocol on top of TCP. As a result, a playable game prototype was made, with its functionality and algorithms described in detail in the thesis. The tool used to create the game was Godot game engine with C# and GDScript programming languages

    Creating a prototype of a game with procedurally generated content

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    Celem pracy było stworzenie prototypu gry z gatunku metroidvania, w której świat byłby generowany losowo, z naciskiem na to, by nie sprawiał on wrażenia sztucznie stworzonego. W efekcie powstał grywalny prototyp gry, którego działanie i użyte algorytmy zostały szczegółowo opisane w pracy. Narzędziem wykorzystanym do stworzenia gry była biblioteka Gosu dla języka programowania Ruby.The purpose of this bachelor thesis was to create a prototype of a game of metroidvania genre, having randomly generated world with emphasis on not having an impression of generated artificially. As an effect, a playable game prototype was made, with its functionality and algorithms described in detail in the thesis. The tool used to create the game was Gosu library for Ruby programming language
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