364 research outputs found

    Sterilization of the mentally handicapped

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    An important issue dealing with the mentally handicapped is that of sterilization. Arguments are being presented both pro and con concerning sterilization and guidelines are needed for congruent handling of these cases. In all circumstances care must be taken to ensure that the individual rights, including that of procreation, are not being violated

    Over-approximating Descendants by Synchronized Tree Languages

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    Over-approximating the descendants (successors) of a initial set of terms by a rewrite system is used in verification. The success of such verification methods depends on the quality of the approximation. To get better approximations, we are going to use non-regular languages. We present a procedure that always terminates and that computes over-approximation of descendants, using synchronized tree-(tuple) languages expressed by logic programs


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    Dans les entreprises de grande distribution alimentaire intĂ©grĂ©es, le contrĂŽle opĂ©rationnel, fondĂ© sur des reprĂ©sentations de la performance a priori explicites et fortement rationnelles, rĂ©pond Ă  une logique principalement financiĂšre. Par hypothĂšse, l'activitĂ© de contrĂŽle de ces entreprises devrait se caractĂ©riser par une vision partagĂ©e et cohĂ©rente de la performance de l'organisation pour l'ensemble des acteurs. Notre communication se propose de tester, Ă  travers les rĂ©sultats d'une enquĂȘte rĂ©alisĂ©e auprĂšs de cadres du secteur de la distribution alimentaire, l'hypothĂšse de cohĂ©rence des reprĂ©sentations de la performance dans une perspective cognitive.ContrĂŽle ; CohĂ©rence; ReprĂ©sentations ; Cartographie causale

    Les Tableaux de bord stratégiques entre conception et action : propos d'étape d'une recherche intervention

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    International audienceLa présente communication les premiÚres observations d'une recherche - intervention menée dans un centre de profit appartenant à un grand groupe international du secteur de l'emballage. Cette recherche s'inscrit dans une démarche constructiviste de conception et de mise en oeuvre des tableaux de bord stratégiques : l'explicitation de la vision stratégique comme la construction du modÚle de causalité et la définition d'indicateurs, procÚdent d'un processus émergent de construction collective au cours duquel s'expriment les représentations des différents acteurs

    A new function for an old organelle: microtubule nucleation at the Golgi apparatus

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    The microtubule cytoskeleton of a mammalian cell origi-nates from the perinuclear region and controls membrane trafficking, organelle positioning, and cell polarisation. Although the centrosome is viewed as the major micro-tubule organising centre, there is emerging evidence that the Golgi apparatus also has a role in the nucleation of perinuclear microtubules during the interphase. In a recent paper in The EMBO Journal, Rivero and colleagues reported the identification of a microtubule nucleation machinery at the Golgi and provided clues about func-tional differences between Golgi- and centrosome-nucleated microtubules. Earlier studies have shown that microtubules can be nucleated by Golgi membranes (Chabin-Brion et al, 2001). Golgi-dependent microtubule nucleation requires g-tubulin and the g-TuRC complex

    CaractĂ©risation des typologies d'utilisateurs d’un service de taxis Ă©lectriques

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    «RÉSUMÉ: Les introductions rĂ©pĂ©tĂ©es de nouveaux services de mobilitĂ©Ì Ă  la demande Ă  partir de la fin des annĂ©es 2000 ont forcĂ© l’industrie du taxi Ă  se rĂ©inventer. Active de 2015 Ă  2019, l’entreprise TĂ©o Taxi a opĂ©rĂ© Ă  MontrĂ©al une flotte de taxis Ă©lectriques. Une des particularitĂ©s de TĂ©o Taxi Ă©tait d’offrir Ă  ses clients la possibilitĂ©Ì de commander un taxi par l’intermĂ©diaire d’une application mobile. Plus que de modifier l’expĂ©rience client, cette technologie permet de caractĂ©riser le comportement des utilisateurs de ce service de taxis. Si ce type d’analyse sur les usagers est depuis longtemps fait pour d’autres modes de Transport comme le transport collectif avec l’utilisation des donnĂ©es de carte Ă  puce, il Ă©tait jusqu’à prĂ©sent impossible de le faire pour le taxi.» et «----------ABSTRAT:Repeated introductions of new mobility services such as Transportation network companies since the late 2000s forced the taxi industry to reinvent itself. Active from 2015 to 2019, TĂ©o Taxi operated a fleet of electric taxis in Montreal. One particularity of TĂ©o Taxi is that a trip can be ordered by the customers via a mobile app. More than improving the customer experience, this technology is an opportunity to explore and characterize TĂ©o Taxi users’ behaviour. While this type of user analysis has long been done for other modes of transportation such as public transportation with the use of smart card data, it has not been possible for the taxi due to the lack of data.

    Controlabilidade de sistemas lineares em grupos de Lie

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    Começamos com uma breve introdução Ă  teoria de Lie. Em seguida, definimos campos de vetores afins e lineares em grupos de Lie, e provamos a equivalĂȘncia entre trĂȘs caracterizaçÔes dos campos de vetores lineares. EntĂŁo definimos os campos de vetores lineares internos, e estabelecemos propriedades deles com relação a campos invariantes Ă  direita. Feito isso, definimos os sistemas de controle lineares, afins, e invariantes Ă  direita, a condição do posto, e a condição ad-rank. EntĂŁo focamos nos sistemas lineares para definir e estudar seus vĂĄrios tipos de conjuntos de atingibilidade, e sua ĂĄlgebra de Lie. Em seguida, tratamos o caso dos sistemas lineares internos. Mostramos que existe um sistema invariante associado, cuja controlabilidade em tempo finito, e com tempo Ăłtimo, estĂŁo relacionadas Ă quelas do sistema linear interno. Depois disso, aplicamos esses resultados ao estudo da controlabilidade dos sistemas lineares em grupos de Lie semi-simples e em grupos de Lie nilpotentes, e dos sistemas de controle afins em grupos de Lie compactos. Terminamos com alguns exemplos.We begin with a brief introduction to Lie theory. Then we de ne a ne and linear vector elds on Lie groups, and we prove the equivalence between three characterizations of linear vector elds. After this, we de ne the inner linear vector elds, and establish some of their properties with regard to right invariant vector elds. Then we de ne the a ne, linear and right invariant control systems, the rank condition and the ad-rank condition. Then we focus on linear systems to de ne and study their various types of reachable sets, and their Lie algebras. After this, we study the case of inner linear systems. We show that there exists a related invariant system, whose controllability in nite time, and in optimal time, are related to those of the inner linear system. Then we apply these results to the study of the controllability of linear control systems on semisimple Lie groups and on nilpotent Lie groups, and of a ne systems on compact Lie groups. We nish with some examples

    L’excellence aux limites
 ou le paradoxe des vignobles septentrionaux français d’aprùs l’exemple cîte-d’orien

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    L’implantation et la renommĂ©e des vignobles cĂŽte-d’oriens, comme celles d’autres grands vignobles septentrionaux français, sont paradoxales. La proximitĂ© des limites culturales en latitude induit des risques importants et structure l’espace viticole. Pourtant, le climat a aussi des avantages par ses composantes sous-rĂ©gionales (l’est bourguignon) et locales (le talus de la CĂŽte), en maximisant la xĂ©rothermicitĂ© dans une ambiance tempĂ©rĂ©e. De plus, la sociĂ©tĂ©, depuis l’origine de la viti-viniculture, a promu la qualitĂ© par la sĂ©lection des cĂ©pages et des pratiques culturales de faible rendement. La culture « à la limite » a suscitĂ© l’innovation, tandis que certains risques assumĂ©s (la variabilitĂ©) deviennent des atouts.The setting up and the fame of the “CĂŽte d’Or” vineyards, like that of the other great French northern vineyards, are unexpected. The latitudinal proximity of the wine-growing borders leads to serious risks and organizes the wine-growing space. However the climate has also some advantages, its sub-regional (eastern Burgundy) and local characteristics (the scarp of the “CĂŽte”) contributing to an increase of xerothermicity within a temperate climate. In addition, from the origins of wine-growing man has sought to develop quality by selecting wine-stocks and encouraging low yield growing practices. Wine growing “at the margin” has led to innovation, where as some accepted risks (variability) become an advantage.Die EinfĂŒhrung und Bedeutung des Weinbaus der CĂŽte d’Or sind, wie die anderer großer nördlicher französischer Weinbaugebiete, paradox. Die NĂ€he der Anbaugrenzen nach dem Breitengrad bringt hohe Risiken mit sich und strukturiert den Weinbauraum. Dennoch hat das Klima auch Vorteile durch seine subregionalen Komponenten (östliches Burgund) und lokalen Komponenten (Böschung der CĂŽte), indem es die Xerothermie in einem gemĂ€ĂŸigten Umfeld maximiert. Außerdem hat die Gesellschaft seit dem Ursprung der Weinbaukultur die QualitĂ€t durch die Selektion der Rebsorten und durch die Kulturpraxis der geringen ErtrĂ€ge gefördert. Der Anbau an der Grenze hat Innovationen hervor gerufen wĂ€hrend manche ĂŒbernommenen Risiken (die VariabilitĂ€t) zu TrĂŒmpfen wurden
