13 research outputs found

    Liderazgo y clima organizacional en docentes del área de la salud

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    El liderazgo y el clima organizacional son dos aspectos importantes a considerar para el crecimiento sostenible y sustentable de cualquier organización. En este sentido, el objetivo del presente estudio es establecer la relación entre los estilos de liderazgo y el clima organizacional existentes en una institución educativa. Se realizó un diseño descriptivo correlacional a una población de 50 docentes del área de la salud; se aplicó un análisis cuantitativo, mediante el programa estadístico SPSS; los datos se obtuvieron por medio de la encuesta. Se categorizaron los estilos de liderazgo y el clima organizacional, de acuerdo al rango de edades, el sexo, el estado civil y la condición laboral de los docentes, determinando la relación entre ambas variables. Del análisis se determinó lo siguiente: el estilo de liderazgo no influye sobre el clima organizacional; los estilos de liderazgo y los niveles de organización son independientes del rango de edades; el sexo es independiente del estilo de liderazgo; la condición laboral no influye sobre el clima organizacional. Por último, el estado civil influye sobre los estilos de liderazgo y el clima organizacional; el sexo influye sobre los niveles de organización, y los estilos de liderazgo dependen de la condición laboral

    A look at the link between bio-altruistic values and pro-environmental attitude in university students

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    The growing environmental concern has highlighted the need to adopt pro-environmental behaviors. Despite previous research on the relationship between environmental values and attitudes, the connection between bio-altruistic values and pro-environmental attitudes in university students remains to be explored. The general objective of this study was to analyze the link between bio-altruistic values and pro-environmental attitudes in university students, and the specific objectives were to evaluate the levels of these variables in different dimensions. Using a correlational design, the New Ecological Paradigm Scale (NEP) and the Multiple Motives for Environmental Protection Scale (MEPS) were administered to 706 students from three public universities in northern Peru. The results revealed that 90.5% of the students exhibited "Good" levels of bio-altruistic values, and the majority showed positive pro-environmental attitudes. The research evidenced a significant association between bio-altruistic values and pro-environmental attitudes, suggesting that as bio-altruistic values increase, pro-environmental attitudes tend to be more positive toward the environment. These findings support previous research, highlighting the positive influence of bio-altruistic values on pro-environmental attitudes. The importance of educational and psychological factors is highlighted, underscoring the need for educational strategies to foster bio-altruistic values. It is concluded that cultivating these values in students can be crucial to promoting pro-environmental behavior and attitudes and advocating their inclusion in educational programs and public policies to build a more sustainable society

    Manual de cosecha y poscosecha de pitahaya amarilla (Hylocereus megalanthus)

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    El Ministerio de Desarrollo Agrario y Riego (MIDAGRI) a través del Instituto Nacional de Innovación Agraria (INIA), pone a disposición el presente “Manual de cosecha y poscosecha de pitahaya amarilla (Hylocereus megalanthus)”, como un documento técnico que describe de manera didáctica y mediante un lenguaje claro, los diferentes procesos de cosecha y poscosecha de esta fruta prometedora en muchos valles del Perú. Esperamos que esta contribución llegue a generar una motivación para los productores, técnicos, profesionales e investigadores quienes están interesados en conocer los procesos de cosecha y poscosecha de la pitahaya amarilla

    Potencialidades del sector agrario: condición necesaria en la generación de empleo en la región Amazonas-Perú

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    The Amazon-Peru region has a productive diversity that highlights the benefits of the agricultural sector. The objective of this research is to analyze the potential of the agricultural sector and its impact on employment in the Amazon-Peru region, as well as to show its commercial prospects and challenges posed to its productive dynamics; In this sense, it is relevant to pay attention to their limitations and take urgent actions so that they do not have indirect repercussions on their economic situation. Based on this, the productive dynamics of agricultural products that emerged in recent agricultural seasons, the prospects of the regional, national and international market, their implications on their development and impact on employment are studied. Taking into account the effect that relates it to geoeconomics, agroclimatic trends and those that refer to the structure and organization of agricultural production and the agri-food chain. In conclusion, agriculture plays a decisive role in the region’s economy, it is the main axis of the economic system and not only provides food and raw materials, but is also the main source of employment for a significant number of the population, representing in average 25% of the Economically Active Population.La región Amazonas-Perú cuenta con una diversidad productiva que resaltan bondades del sector agrario. Esta investigación tiene como objetivo analizar las potencialidades del sector agrario y su incidencia en el empleo en la región Amazonas-Perú, así como mostrar sus perspectivas comerciales y desafíos que se plantea a su dinámica productiva; en ese sentido, se hace relevante prestar atención a sus limitaciones y tomar acciones urgentes a fin de que no tenga repercusiones indirectas en su situación económica. A partir de ello, se estudia la dinámica productiva de los productos agrícolas surgidas en las últimas campañas agrícolas, las perspectivas del mercado regional, nacional e internacional, sus implicancias en su desarrollo y repercusión en el empleo. Teniendo en cuenta el efecto que la relaciona con la geoeconomía, las tendencias agroclimáticas y las que se refieren a la estructura y organización de la producción agrícola y la cadena agroalimentaria. En conclusión, la agricultura desempeña un papel decisivo en la economía de la región, es el eje principal del sistema económico y no sólo provee alimentos y materias primas, sino también es la principal fuente generadora de empleo a una importante cantidad de población, representando en promedio un 25% de la Población Económicamente Activa

    Psychological well-being and family communication in Moshoqueque market traders in the COVID-19 context

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    La siguiente investigación tiene como finalidad identificar la relación entre el bienestar psicológico y la comunicación familiar que tienen los comerciantes del mercado Moshoqueque, en tiempos de COVID-19. La metodología empleada fue de tipo cuantitativo, nivel correlacional y su diseño es no experimental y transaccional. La población estuvo constituida por 100 comerciantes de ambos sexos, la muestra fue de tipo poblacional debido a la pequeñez del grupo de estudio, de los cuales participaron 70 comerciantes por cumplir con los requisitos de inclusión y exclusión. Para poder medir la variable de bienestar psicológico, se utilizó la Escala de Bienestar Psicológico de José Sánchez Canobos y para poder medir la variable de comunicación familiar se utilizó la Escala de comunicación Familiar (FCS). En el análisis de estas variables, se empleó la prueba estadística de correlación de Pearson para determinar la correlación existente entre la variable de bienestar psicológico y la variable de comunicación familiar. Entre los principales resultados encontrados vemos que existe un grado de relación bajo de 218, con un nivel de significancia de 0.01. Se concluye que no existe correlación significativa entre el bienestar subjetivo y la comunicación familiar en los comerciantes del mercado Moshoqueque en tiempos de COVID-19. Sin embargo, sí se encontró una correlación significativa entre el bienestar material y la comunicación familiar en los comerciantes del mercado Moshoqueque en tiempos de COVID-19, porque se ha encontrado un grado de correlación bajo de 336**, con un nivel de significancia de 0.05. Palabras clave: bienestar psicológico; bienestar subjetivo; bienestar material; COVID-19, comunicación familiar.The following research aims to identify the relationship between psychological well-being and family communication among traders in the Moshoqueque market during COVID-19. The methodology used was quantitative, correlational level and its design is non-experimental and transactional. The population consisted of 100 traders of both sexes, the sample was of the population type due to the smallness of the study group, of which 70 traders participated because they fulfilled the inclusion and exclusion requirements. In order to measure the psychological well-being variable, the José Sánchez Canobos Psychological Well-Being Scale was used, and in order to measure the family communication variable, the Family Communication Scale (FCS) was used. In the analysis of these variables, the Pearson correlation statistical test was used to determine the correlation between the psychological well-being variable and the family communication variable. Among the main results found, we see that there is a low degree of relationship of 218, with a significance level of 0.01. It is concluded that there is no significant correlation between subjective well-being and family communication in the Moshoqueque market traders during COVID-19. However, a significant correlation was found between material well-being and family communication in Moshoqueque market traders in COVID-19 times, because a low degree of correlation of 336** has been found, with a significance level of 0.05. Keywords: psychological well-being; subjective well-being; material well-being; COVID-19; family communication

    Bibliometric exploration of Intercultural Bilingual Education: an analysis of scientific production and its implications

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    Intercultural Bilingual Education (IBE) is considered an important means to ensure effective intercultural interaction and promote cultural diversity. In this sense, the objective of the study was to analyze the scientific literature housed in the Scopus database related to IBE. To do this, a quantitative study was carried out, at a descriptive level and bibliometric type, which allows us to know the current situation regarding this topic. The search equation was (‘Intercultural Bilingual Education’ OR ‘Bilingual Education’) and articles from magazines or studies related to the topic were selected for bibliometric analysis and methodological review. The analysis was performed using Scopus metrics and the use of the VOSviewer software. The study contributes to the bibliometrics analysis and provides a methodological review of published journal research on IBE. In conclusion, this bibliographic study presents the importance of the IBE to encourage and promote the teaching of the native language that in many cases derives from our ancestors, which must be rescued and its teaching promoted

    Gestión administrativa de una empresa

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    g El libro tiene como objetivo analizar en qué medida la gestión administrativa influye en la fidelización de las empresas asociadas. El tipo de investigación es aplicada, la metodología que se empleó fue el método cuantitativo, con diseño no experimental, transversal y correlacional. La muestra utilizada fue censal de 129 clientes asociados elegidos con criterios de inclusión y exclusión; y los datos se recolectaron usando dos cuestionarios relacionados con las variables gestión administrativa y fidelización del cliente. Los resultados indicaron que la gestión administrativa fue regular en un 85,27% p= (0.00) y un 79,8% de clientes confirmaron su fidelización hacia la institución. Las dimensiones estudiadas para la gestión administrativa fueron catalogados como buenas en: el presupuesto y contabilidad básica en un 58,1%, la financiación básica y viabilidad económica en un 43,4%, la gestión administrativa documental en un 48,1%, la gestión contable fiscal y laboral en un 50,4%. Como conclusión existe una relación lineal directa entre la gestión administrativa y la fidelización del cliente; resultado corroborado con la prueba estadística de correlación Rho de Spearman (Rho=0.437 Sig. (Bilateral) = 0.000; (p ≤ 0.05)

    Fuzzy Optimization Model for Decision-Making in Single Machine Construction Project Planning

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    Scheduling for a construction project with a limited number of machines is a critical and well-studied problem. Most studies assume that task processing times are exact; in practice, delays frequently occur, rendering the initial work plan invalid. Therefore, adaptability is crucial to the success of a project. This work introduces a fuzzy optimization model for the planning of construction projects executed simultaneously and having only one backhoe. The model assumes imprecise task processing times, represented by triangular fuzzy sets, that accept delays up to a permitted degree of tolerance. The model solution obtains a fuzzy work plan. This is a robust plan that supports incidents (delays). A method to apply the model was created. The fuzzy model can help construction companies reduce delays in the delivery of their projects and avoid excessive penalties. The model was implemented in the CPLEX solver, which can quickly obtain an optimal solution for small and medium instances. For large instances, the model must be solved with metaheuristics. This scientific contribution is important for future work since it consists of the application of fuzzy optimization in a specific area of civil engineering

    Conceptual and Epistemological Clarification for Research in Education, Psychology and Social Sciences

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    The article seeks to clarify the concepts involved in research methodology in education from an epistemological foundation. The method used is semantic and epistemological analysis of the concepts widely used in bibliographic resources on research methodology in social sciences, particularly in education, since it was found that, in the bibliographies on research methodology published in Spanish there is an indistinct use of the main concepts involved in the research process, such as approaches, paradigms, methods and research designs, among others, bringing equivocal understandings, ambiguous meanings and confusing applications of those who do research arising communication complications. It concludes with a proposal for conceptual clarification that allows a comprehensive standardization of the use and meaning of the most commonly used research terms in social science research methodology

    Morphometric comparison of Characidae fish when n < p

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    Currently, great importance has been given to the study of external morphology, especially in fish, when it is used as a means of identifying hybrids. This paper considers a LASSO model based on the truss protocol to compare morphological covarion patterns between specimens of Colossoma macropomum and the hybrid C. macropomum (♀) x P. orinoquensis (♂). In this study, 25 specimens of C. macropomum and 20 specimens of the hybrid C. macropomum (♀) x P. orinoquensis (♂), respectively, were analyzed. The method "Truss protocol" or "trusses" Strauss and Bookstein (1982) was used. LASSO model achieved to reduce the mean squared error. The final model obtained contains only seven covariates. LASSO model fitted on the morphological covariation patterns between specimens of C. macropomum and the hybrid C. macropomum (♀) x P. orinoquensis (♂) showed a good fit and allowed to correctly classify most of the specimens. Differences were observed in the area of the head and in the anterior part of the fish evidenced in covariates associated with hydrodynamic abilities and with foraging