29,408 research outputs found

    A experiência da pessoa com dor oncológica na sua transcendência

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    Objetivo: compreender a experiência da pessoa com dor crónica do foro oncológico na sua transcendência. Método: metodologia de natureza qualitativa, utilizando a fenomenologia. Os participantes foram dez doentes do foro oncológico seguidos na consulta da dor e como instrumento de colheita de dados utilizámos a entrevista parcialmente estruturada. Resultados: a partir do agrupamento das unidades de significação, emergiram os temas centrais sendo um dos temas: a transcendência na experiência da pessoa com dor crónica do foro oncológico e, a partir do agrupamento das unidades de significação para este tema central, foram identificados os subtemas: esperança e força interior e, fé. Conclusão: a esperança é percecionada como uma força interior que conduz ao pensamento positivo. A fé, ao estabelecer uma crença com o transcendente ou o divino é concebida como conforto, como uma fonte de apoio e possibilidade de partilha

    Interpersonal interactions and empathy modulate perception of threat and defensive responses

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    The defensive peripersonal space (DPPS) is a vital "safety margin" surrounding the body. When a threatening stimulus is delivered inside the DPPS, subcortical defensive responses like the hand-blink reflex (HBR) are adjusted depending on the perceived threat content. In three experiments, we explored whether and how defensive responses are affected by the interpersonal interaction within the DPPS of the face. In Experiment 1, we found that the HBR is enhanced when the threat is brought close to the face not only by one's own stimulated hand, but also by another person's hand, although to a significantly lesser extent. In Experiments 2 and 3, we found that the HBR is also enhanced when the hand of the participant enters the DPPS of another individual, either in egocentric or in allocentric perspective. This enhancement is larger in participants with strong empathic tendency when the other individual is in a third person perspective. These results indicate that interpersonal interactions shape perception of threat and defensive responses. These effects are particularly evident in individuals with greater tendency to having empathic concern to other people

    Office operative hysteroscopy: an option to consider

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    A molecular mechanism of symmetry breaking in the early chick embryo

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    The first obvious sign of bilateral symmetry in mammalian and avian embryos is the appearance of the primitive streak in the future posterior region of a radially symmetric disc. The primitive streak marks the midline of the future embryo. The mechanisms responsible for positioning the primitive streak remain largely unknown. Here we combine experimental embryology and mathematical modelling to analyse the role of the TGFβ-related molecules BMP4 and Vg1/GDF1 in positioning the primitive streak. Bmp4 and Vg1 are first expressed throughout the embryo, and then become localised to the future anterior and posterior regions of the embryo, where they will, respectively, inhibit or induce formation of the primitive streak. We propose a model based on paracrine signalling to account for the separation of the two domains starting from a homogeneous array of cells, and thus for the topological transformation of a radially symmetric disc to a bilaterally symmetric embryo

    Elevated expression of artemis in human fibroblast cells is associated with cellular radiosensitivity and increased apoptosis

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    Copyright @ 2012 Nature Publishing GroupThis article has been made available through the Brunel Open Access Publishing Fund.Background: The objective of this study was to determine the molecular mechanism(s) responsible for cellular radiosensitivity in two human fibroblast cell lines 84BR and 175BR derived from two cancer patients. Methods: Clonogenic assays were performed following exposure to increasing doses of gamma radiation to confirm radiosensitivity. γ-H2AX foci assays were used to determine the efficiency of DNA double strand break (DSB) repair in cells. Quantitative-PCR (Q-PCR) established the expression levels of key DNA DSB repair proteins. Imaging flow cytometry using Annexin V-FITC was used to compare artemis expression and apoptosis in cells. Results: Clonogenic cellular hypersensitivity in the 84BR and 175BR cell lines was associated with a defect in DNA DSB repair measured by the γ-H2AX foci assay. Q-PCR analysis and imaging flow cytometry revealed a two-fold overexpression of the artemis DNA repair gene which was associated with an increased level of apoptosis in the cells before and after radiation exposure. Over-expression of normal artemis protein in a normal immortalised fibroblast cell line NB1-Tert resulted in increased radiosensitivity and apoptosis. Conclusion: We conclude elevated expression of artemis is associated with higher levels of DNA DSB, radiosensitivity and elevated apoptosis in two radio-hypersensitive cell lines. These data reveal a potentially novel mechanism responsible for radiosensitivity and show that increased artemis expression in cells can result in either radiation resistance or enhanced sensitivity.This work was supported in part by The Vidal Sassoon Foundation USA. This article is made available through the Brunel Open Access Publishing Fund

    Resistance to novel drug classes

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    Understanding the mechanisms that underlie resistance development to novel drugs is essential to a better clinical management of resistant viruses and to prevent further resistance development and spread. RECENT FINDINGS: Integrase inhibitors and CCR5 antagonists are the more recent antiretroviral classes developed. The HIV-1 integrase, responsible for the chromosomal integration of the newly synthesized double-stranded viral DNA into the host genomic DNA, represents a new and important target; and two integrase inhibitors (INIs), raltegravir and elvitegravir, have been shown promising results in clinical trials. Viral entry is also an attractive step for the development of new drugs against HIV variants resistant to current antiretroviral drugs, and two CCR5 antagonists have been designed to inhibit HIV-1 binding to R5 co-receptor and are under clinical investigation. SUMMARY: Drug resistance to INIs occurs through the selection of mutations within HIV integrase. The kinetic of selection seems rapid and one mutation alone is able to confer resistance to integrase inhibitor, suggesting that this class of drug has a low genetic barrier. Two ways could explain the failure of the CCR5 antagonist class: a rapid outgrowth of pre-existing archived X4 virus or the selection of a resistance to CCR5 antagonists through amino acid changes in V

    Nonconservative Lagrangian mechanics II: purely causal equations of motion

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    This work builds on the Volterra series formalism presented in [D. W. Dreisigmeyer and P. M. Young, J. Phys. A \textbf{36}, 8297, (2003)] to model nonconservative systems. Here we treat Lagrangians and actions as `time dependent' Volterra series. We present a new family of kernels to be used in these Volterra series that allow us to derive a single retarded equation of motion using a variational principle
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