31 research outputs found

    Bergson Felsefesinde Bilinç, Süre, Madde ve Evrim İlişkisi Bağlamında Hayat

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    In this study, it will be tried to be explained the relationship between consciousness, memory, time, matter and evolution within the framework of French Philosopher Bergson’s conception of life and vital force (Élan vital). The basis of his views on metaphysics is based on comprehension of life and vital force. Bergson made a connection between the seemingly disconnected concepts; time, evolution, consciousness, and memory within the frame of vital force, as well as explaining what they are, how they are formed, their relations with each other, space and matter. In fact, he also expresses life itself with the concept of vital force. Since all of these concepts are almost inseparable from each other, when one is mentioned others are mentioned as well. Bergson linked closely the structures of these concepts by using the best way the qualitatively intertwinement, basis of his own philosophical claim, so he could present the entity as a whole through these concepts. He created this approach in a kind of way based on psychological and biological principles. Bergson claims that in the face of scientific developments, existence/life cannot be assessed by a mechanical or finalist view, because, according to him, freedom tries to make itself dominant in existence/in life. Bergson’s views have been tried to be critically examined in this essay.Bu çalışmada Fransız filozof Bergson’un hayat ve hayat hamlesi anlayışı çerçevesinde bilinç, bellek, süre, madde ve evrim arasında kurduğu ilişki açıklanmaya çalışılacaktır. Onun metafizik hakkındaki görüşlerinin esasını hayat ve hayat hamlesi anlayışı oluşturmaktadır. Bergson hayat hamlesi anlayışı çerçevesinde, birbirinden kopukmuş gibi görünen süre, evrim, bilinç ve bellek kavramlarının arasında bağlantı kurduğu gibi bunların ne olduklarını, nasıl oluştuklarını, birbirleri, mekân ve madde ile olan ilişkilerini de açıklamıştır. Bergson hayat hamlesi kavramı ile esasında hayatı da ifade etmektedir. Bu kavramların hepsi birbirlerinden neredeyse ayrılamayacak olmalarından dolayı, birinden bahsedilirken bir anlamda diğerleri de dile getirilmiş olunur. Bergson, bu kavramların yapılarını, kendi felsefi iddiasının temeli olan niteliksel olarak iç içe geçmeyi en iyi şekilde kullanarak, birbirlerine bağlamıştır, böylece bu kavramlar aracılığıyla varlığı bir bütün olarak sunabilmiştir. O, bu yaklaşımını psikolojik ve biyolojik esaslara dayalı bir şekilde oluşturmuştur. Döneminin bilimsel gelişmeleri karşısında mekanik veya finalist bir bakışla varlığın/hayatın değerlendirilemeyeceğini iddia eder. Çünkü ona göre varlıkta/hayatta özgürlük kendisini hâkim kılmaya çalışır. Bergson’un görüşleri bu makalede eleştirel olarak incelenmeye çalışılmıştır

    The prevalence of obesity and the factors affecting obesity in the students of secondary education

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    Background: Childhood obesity has reached alarming dimensions all around the world. In this study, our objective is to determine the prevalence of childhood obesity in the secondary education as well as genetic, cultural and environmental factors giving rise to obesity, nutritional habits, family history and activity status.Methods: The research was performed on 750 students aged between 14-18. Body Mass Index (BMI= weight/height2 (kg/m²)) and Relative Body Mass Index (Rel BMI)  values of each child were calculated by making use of their height and weight measurements. An evaluation was made through the use of a questionnaire form consisting of 46 questions that questioned the family history, nutritional habits and activity status of the children at issue.Results: About 41.7% of 750 children incorporated into the study were female, whereas 58.2% of them were male. The age distribution was between the age range, 14-18. According to BMI values, 12.3% of the children were overweight, while 4% of them were obese. According to Relative BMI values, on the other hand, 10.4% of the children were overweight, whereas 12.9% of them were obese. When the children’s nutritional habits, activity status and family history were evaluated, we ascertained that doing physical exercises irregularly, consuming pastry foods at home and the presence of obesity history within the family had all led to the development of obesity as well as being overweight (p <0.05).Conclusions: In these research subjects comprising children of secondary education, we showed that the nutritional habits, cultural nutritional differences and the insufficiency in physical activities as well as the genetic susceptibility in children could be the determinants in obesity development

    Evaluation of the relationship of disease activity with neutrophile to lymphocyte ratio and platelet to lymphocyte ratio in patients with peptic ulcer and gastritis

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    Background: Dyspepsia is a confusing complaint in terms of patient approach and management. Since the most important clinical diagnoses that occur with dyspeptic complaints are gastroduodenitis, peptic ulcer disease and gastric-esophageal cancers, endoscopic evaluation method is often preferred in the diagnosis. It has been shown that NLR (neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio) can be an important marker in many chronic systemic diseases, especially malignancies. Since upper gastrointestinal endoscopy is an invasive and costly procedure, NLR and PLR (Platelet to lymphocyte ratio) may be useful as a new marker to help in the diagnosis of gastritis and peptic ulcer. In our study, we aimed to investigate how NLR and PLR changes seen in patients with gastritis and peptic ulcer diseases.Methods: A total of 906 patients who applied to the internal medicine clinic of our hospital between January 2016 and September 2017 were included in the study. The demographic data, drugs, endoscopy and biopsy results and hemogram parameters of the patients were obtained from the outpatient clinic records. NLR and PLR values were calculated and statistically interpreted.Results: According to the endoscopy results, a total of 906 patients with 311 (34.3%) gastritis, 288 (31.8%) peptic ulcer and 307 (33.9%) normal findings were included in to the study. Male to female ratios were 55% to 45% in gastritis patients, 55,6% to 44,4% in peptic ulcer patients and 53,4% to 46,6% in normal subjects. The median age of the patients was 50 years (18-82 years). The median NLR and PLR ratios were 1.82 (0.54-8.35) and 107.8 (46.27-446.43) in the gastritis group, 1.9 (0.61-9.86) in the peptic ulcer group and 110.95 (44.03-340.65) and 1.71 (0.56-12.89) and 106.02 (40.41-397.62) in the normal group. While a significant difference was obtained between the groups in terms of NLR ((p=0.048), no significant difference was found for PLR (p=0.422).Conclusions: In our study, a statistical significant difference was found between patients with gastritis and peptic ulcer and normal subjects in terms of NLR, but this difference was not at a level that could be used in clinical practice

    Evaluation of cognitive functions in diabetic patients

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    Background: Diabetes Mellitus is an independent risk factor for cognitive impairment and dementia. In this study, authors investigated cognitive functions in the diabetes and control group with Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE). Authors analyzed the association of cognitive status with age, sex, duration of diabetes, insulin use and HbA1c in diabetic patients.Methods: Fifty patients with diabetes diagnosed between the ages of 50 and 70 who applied to this Diabetes and General Internal Medicine Clinics between January 2017 and September 2017 were included. Fifty patients with nondiabetes diagnosed with similar age and demographic characteristics were included in the control group. MMSE was applied to both groups. In the diabetic group, cognitive functions were investigated in relation with age, gender, duration of diabetes, insulin usage and HbA1c.Results: The MMSE score in diabetic patients was lower than the control group (p<0.05). In addition, cognitive impairment in diabetic patients was associated with duration of diabetes and HbA1c level. There wasn't significant difference was found between cognitive impairment and age, sex, insulin use.Conclusions: Diabetes Mellitus is a risk factor for cognitive impairment and dementia with many possible mechanisms. In the routine, there is no screening for cognitive impairment and dementia in diabetic patients; but if authors detect early cognitive impairment, authors can prevent cognitive impairment progression to dementia with medical treatment and cognitive exercises

    QT dispersion in irritable bowel syndrome

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    Background: The pathogenesis of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) has not been fully elucidated. The gastrointestinal tract have a well-differentiated intrinsic nervous system and also this system is connected with nervous system. The symptoms of IBS are related with autonomic nervous system (ANS). It was also possible to see cardiovascular symptoms due to this link. This link can influence QT dispersion (QTd). The aim of this case control study is to show the cardiac effects of IBS by changes in QTd.Methods: There were 56 newly diagnosed patients with IBS and 60 control subjects were included in this study. IBS was diagnosed using the new Roma IV Criterias. Standard 12-lead electrocardiogram (ECG) were taken in both two groups. QTd and corrected QTd (QTcd), QT max, QT min, QT avarage, Corrected QT (QTc) min, QTc max, QTc avarage values were calculated with Bazzet Formula from rest ECGs.Results: There were 56 newly diagnosed patients with IBS and 60 control subjects were included in the study (p:0.94). The mean age of the patients and control patients were 51.75±10.41 years and 48.41±9.72 (p: 0.53) years, respectively. QTd and corrected QTd (QTcd), QT max, QT min, QT mean, Corrected QT (QTc) min, QTc max, QTc mean values were calculated. QTd and QTcd values were found to be significantly higher in the patients with IBS (40.2±7.18; 34.1±6.18 / 52±9.8; 50.6±7.61 Msec, respectively). It is concluded that, QTd (p: 0.022) and QTcd (p: 0.032) were significantly incresased in the IBS.Conclusions: Activation of ANS in the patients with IBS can affect QT period in ECG

    A Very Rare Presentation of Multiple Myeloma: Unilateral Raccoon Eye

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    Multiple myeloma (MM), the second most common hematological malignancy, is caused by the accumulation of monoclonal plasma cells in bone marrow. It accounts for 10–15% of deaths from hematological malignancies and approximately 2% of deaths from cancer. The median age at presentation is 70 years old. The diagnosis is incidental in 30% of cases. MM is often discovered through routine blood screening with a large gap between the total protein and the albumin levels.Two thirds of patients complain of bone pain, especially lower back pain. MM could be diagnosed after a pathologic fracture occurs in one third of patients. Presentation with symptoms related to hyperviscosity, hypercalcemia and bleeding tendency could also be observed. A rare presentation of MM is peri-orbital ecchymotic lesion (raccoon eye). Here, we report a 64 years old, male patient presented with unilateral raccoon eye and high erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) to internal medicine outpatient. The patient was referred to hematology outpatient and was diagnosed with multiple myeloma

    Turkey Basin Planning For Hydraulic Power Plants With Pss/E Software

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    Ülkemizde ve tüm dünyada elektrik enerjisine olan ihtiyaç her geçen yıl artmaktadır. Buna karşılık olarak her geçen yıl elektrik üretimini de kademeli olarak arttırmak gerekmektedir. Önümüzdeki yıllarda elektrik enerjisindeki üretim tüketim dengesini korumak her geçen yıl daha da zorlaşacaktır. Ama günümüzdeki teknolojik gelişmelerden anlaşıldığı üzere bu konuyla edilecek mücadelede yazılım programları en büyük asistanımız olacaktır. Elektrik tüketimi için enerji santralleri kurmalıyız ve bunun bir sonucu olarak kurulan her bir üretim ve tüketim merkezleri için altyapının hazırlanması gerekir. Fakat artan bu iletim altyapısına paralel olarak planlama her geçen yıl daha da zorlaşacak ve hesaplamalar karmaşıklaşacaktır. Karmaşıklaşan bir sistemde planlamanın önemi de artacaktır. Son yıllarda bir Alman şirketi olan Siemens simülasyon yazılımında önemli gelişmeler kaydetmiştir. Bu çalışmaların sonucunda PSS/E adı verilen bir program geliştirilmiş ve iletim altyapısının tüm teçhizatlarıyla yazılım programı yardımı ile bilgisayara atılması sağlanmıştır. Ayrıca bu yazılım sayesinde analizler sadece teknik ile sınırlandırılmamış coğrafik olarak da analiz yapılabilmesi hatların uzunlukları gibi bilgilerin de yazılıma aktarılabilmesi sağlanmıştır. Bu tez çalışması mühendislerin güç sistem analizinin simülasyonunun nasıl yapılacağını, simülasyon sonrası sonuçların nasıl yorumlanması gerektiğini açıklamaktadır. Gerçek bir sistem ile simülasyon arasındaki farkları da daha iyi anlayabilmek için şu anda tesis edilmekte olan Reşadiye Trafo Merkezinin de devrede olduğu durum analiz edilmiş detaylı raporlanmıştır. İlerleyen yıllarda bu çalışma incelendiğinde Reşadiye trafo merkezinde gerçeklen durum ile bu tezdeki tahminler karşılaştırılabilecek tutarlılığı daha net anlaşılabilecektir.Ayrıca sisteme giren verilerin görüntülenmesi sayesinde sistem bir eğitim materyali olarak kullanılabilecektir.Electrical energy consumption demand increases every year in our country and also in all over the world. So every year we need to increase the production. In the future years it will be more and more difficult to maintain the balance between electricity production and consumption. But it seems developments in the software technology will be a good assistant for engineers in the future years. Because of the increasing energy demand we have to make production centrals. For these productions and consumptions, engineers have to prepare the infrastructure of the electricity transmission system. But as a result of the increasing system transmission system planning will be more complicated. In a complicated system simulations for planning will be more important. A German company Siemens made a good achievement about simulation software in the recent years. And a simulation software PSS/E (Power System Simulation for Engineers) has been created by Siemens. With this simulation software we can now design the transmission system in computer. We can make the analysis now not only with technically but also with geographically. This thesis explains how engineers can design power system, and how can make the simulations. After the simulation this thesis will show the conclusions about the analysis. To understand what are differences between the simulation and real system in this thesis i also worked a real project named Resadiye Substation

    The human condition in terms of existential standing for Bergson

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    Bu çalışmada Henri Bergson'un felsefi sisteminde varlığın değerlendirilmesi açısından insanın konumu tartışılmaktadır. Bergson'un felsefe anlayışında varlığın yapısı sürekli bir oluş olarak sunulduğundan, insanın bu oluşsal konum açısından nasıl konumlandırdığı önem kazanmaktadır. Bu sürekli değişmeler alanında, insanı insan yapanın ne olduğu bir sorun olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Bu çalışmada bu sorun ayrıntılı olarak incelenmeye çalışılmıştır. Henri Bergson'un felsefesi temel olarak onun zaman anlayışına dayalıdır ki o bunu süre olarak adlandırır. Bergson süre kavramını düşüncesinin ilk dönemlerinde daha açık bir şekilde insanla ilişkili olarak ortaya koyduktan sonra, bu kavramı daha da genişleterek evrenle özdeşleştirmiştir. Daha sonraki çalışmalarında Bergson insanı bir süre varlığı olarak ortaya koymuştur. Bergson varlık düşüncesini ortaya koyarken hayat hamlesi, bellek, bilinç ve evrim kavramlarını kullanmıştır. Hayatın kendini oluşturmaya koyarken ki çabası evrim olarak belirir. Hayat maddenin kendisine karşı olan direncini aşmaya çalışır, maddeye özgürlük sokmaya çalışır. Hayat bu bağlamda çeşitli gelişim aşamalarından sonra, kendini gerçek anlamda ve özgür bir şekilde insanda ortaya koymuştur. Dolayısıyla insan hayatın kendini gerçekleştirdiği varlık olarak ortaya çıkmaktadır. Ayrıca Bergson'un hem varlık düşüncesinde hem de insan anlayışında bellek önemli bir yere sahiptir ki bu kavram da süreyle ilişkilidir.In this thesis, what has been discussed is that human condition in terms of evaluation of existence in Henri Bergson's philosophical system. Because of structure of existence is a continual presence in Bergson's philosophical system, it is very important that what is the position of human according to this position. In this continual transition area, what brings into being a human essence is a critical question. In this thesis, this question is researched in detail. Henri Bergson's philosophy is based fundamentally on his concept of time, which he calls it duration. Bergson, firstly explain his thoughts about duration related with human in his first period, then he extends it and he identify this concept with universe. Bergson presents human like presence of duration in his later works. Life's self-creation effort appears as evolution. Life, tries to exceed the resistance against the matter, and try inserting the freedom into the matter. After various development stages, life presents itself in human with it's real meaning and freely. Therefore, human emerges like existence which life realize itself on it. In addition, memory has an important position in both on the human understanding and existence in Bergson's thought; also this concept is related with the duration

    Solidarity as the basis of existence in the face of epidemics

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    Zorlu dönem ya da durumlar karşılaştığında insan, varlığı ve varoluşunu gözden geçirir, yaşadıklarının ve kendisinin bilincine varır. Bilincin varoluşun anlamlandırılmasında rolü bu bağlamda ön plana çıkar. Varoluşun sonsuzluğu içinde varolanlar kendilerini sınırsız ve sonsuz bir şekilde gerçekleştirmek isterler. Diğer yandan hayat kendisini sonsuz çeşitlilikte ifade etmeye de yönelmiştir. Her var olan kendisini sınırsız/sonsuz şekilde gerçekleştirmeye çalışırken başkasının iradesiyle karşılaşır ve bu da bir çatışmaya neden olur. Bu çatışmada varlıklar kırılır, incinir. Kırılganlıkta bilinç kendisine yaşam alanı bulur. Aynı zamanda hayatın sonsuz çeşitliliğin kırılgan, narin bir canlanma sürecine ihtiyaç duyduğu da açıkça ortaya çıkar. Buradan hareketle varlığın özünde çatışma kadar dayanışmanın da olduğu görülür. Hayatın sürdürülmesi bir arada olmakla, birlikte eylemde bulunmakla ve uzlaşmakta söz konusu olur. Dayanışma ile eksikliklerin ve sorunların üstesinden gelinebilir. Bir değer ve bilinç varlığı olarak insan, dayanışma ile salgın gibi felaketlerin sorunların üstesinden gelebilecektir. Bu çalışmada salgın hastalıklarla baş etmenin yolu olarak dayanışmanın rolü incelenecektir. Dayanışma ile insanların kendisinden başka olan her şeyi araçsallaştırmaya yönelik tavrının önüne geçilmesinin ve varolma isteğinin kayıtsızlığının araçsallaştırıcı tavrına karşı duruşun dayanağı olarak dayanışmanın önemine değinilecektir.When challenging times or situations are encountered, man reviews his existence and being, and becomes conscious of himself and his experiences. The role of consciousness in making sense of existence comes to the fore in this context. Those who exist in the eternity of existence want to realize themselves in an unlimite and infinite way. On the other hand, life has tended to express itself in an infinite variety. While every being tries to realize itself in an unlimited / infinite way, it encounters the will of someone else, and this causes a conflict. In this conflict, beings are broken and hurt. Consciousness finds a living space in fragility. It also becomes clear that life's infinite variety requires a fragile, delicate process of revival. From this point of view, it is seen that there is solidarity as much as conflict in the essence of existence. Sustaining life is a matter of being together, acting together and compromising. Deficiencies and problems can be overcome with solidarity. As a being of value and consciousness human beings with solidarity will be able to overcome disaster problems such as epidemics. This study will examine the role of solidarity as a means of dealing with epidemics. With solidarity, it will be mentioned that the attitude of people towards instrumentalizing everything other than themselves can be prevented and the importance of solidarity as the basis of the stance against the indifference of the indifference of the desire to exist