193 research outputs found

    A Comparison of Optimal Portfolio Performances of Three Optimization Methods

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    This study compares performances of three portfolios established based on Markowitz optimization, shrinkage optimization, and Black- Litterman optimization. BIST30 companies are used to test the results. Markowitz optimization is unrestricted, thus generates the highest possible utility. However, portfolio weights display high values of short- selling needs. Shrinkage optimization restricts short selling needs gradually, but it does not block short- selling. On the other hand, Black- Litterman model totally prohibits short- selling. Results show that the lowest utility is originated by Black- Litterman model. Shrinkage model generates average returns and less- than- average risk. Therefore, shrinkage ratio is a strong candidate for future portfolio building. The results also suggest that short selling should be included in portfolio activities to maximize performance. Short- selling improves portfolio performance significantl

    Responses of salivary cortisol levels and sedation score to oral hydroxyzine premedication in children undergoing outpatient surgery

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    Aim: To evaluate the sedation score response and salivary cortisol levels (SC) to premedication with sedative hydroxyzine in children with outpatient surgery and the relationships between the two. Methods: Eighty-seven ASA 1 classified patients (American Society of Anesthesiologists Classification 1, normal healthy patients), aged 4-13 years, were randomly and prospectively allocated into the study. Children having outpatient surgery (e.g. inguinal/abdominal surgery, circumcision) either did not have a premedication or received oral hydroxyzine (2 h before the surgery) as a sedative drug. All patients were evaluated for the level of sedation by Ramsay sedation score [RSS, from 1 (awake, anxious, restless or both) to 6 (asleep, exhibits no response)] by an independent anesthesiologist. Salivary samples taken during the assessment of sedation score were analyzed for cortisol levels. Results: SC increased significantly by increasing age (r=0.447; p<0.001). Premedication with hydroxyzine produced higher sedation scores (1.73 vs 1.46, p=0.014) and patients with higher sedation scores had lower SC (p<0.01). Circumcised children had similar SC to hernia/inguinal surgery (p>0.05). Conclusion: The data suggest that salivary cortisol increases by increased age and provide evidence that sedation is associated with suppressed cortisol levels. Moreover, different types of surgery appear to be perceived as similar threats by the children

    Recovery of tinnitus and sensorineural hearing loss due to lysis of arachnoid adhesions in the posterior cranial fossa: Is there a novel etiology in neurotological disorders?

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    WOS: 000408247500032PubMed ID: 28816700We reported the recovery of sensorineural hearing loss and tinnitus in a 22-year-old man after complete removal of intracranial portion of jugular foramen schwannoma via the retrosigmoid approach. The aim of this case report was to present the excision of a large jugular foramen schwannoma via the retrosigmoid approach and to describe the improvement of sensorineural hearing loss related to arachnoid inflammations due to chronic arachnoiditis after suboccipital craniectomy. The recovery of sensorineural hearing loss and tinnitus after release of arachnoid adhesions may indicate the clinical significance of these adhesions or arachnoiditis, which should also be considered and investigated in the etiology of other neurotological diseases


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    Şırnak kömür madeni atık şeyl yığın tasarımı ve GEO5 FEM stabilite risk değerlendirme

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    Yığınların GEO 5 FEM programı ile sınır ağ modellemesi ve stabilite analizleri yapılmıştır. S1, S2, S3 ve S4 no’lu heyelanların geliştiği yamaçların 1/1000 ölçekli topoğrafik haritaları arazi çalışmalarıyla hazırlanmış ve yığının yapısal kesitleri çıkarılmıştır. Yığından alınan zemin örnekleri üzerinde yapılan laboratuar deneyleri ile yamaç molozunun fiziksel ve mekanik özellikleri; Efektif içsel sürtünme açısı (φ′°) 17°-22.5°, efektif kohezyonu (c′) 0,5-1,8 kg/cm2, maksimum kuru birim hacim ağırlık 1.87-2.25 g/cm3, doygun birim hacim ağırlık 1.78-2.43 g/cm3, doğal birim hacim ağırlık 1.9-2.35 g/cm3, kuru birim hacim ağırlık 1.97-2.40 g/cm3, tane birim hacim ağırlığı (γs) 2.47-2.60 g/cm3, permeabilite katsayısı 1x10-4 - 6.5x10-4 cm/s, olarak belirlenmiş ve ayrıca tane dağılım testleri yapılmıştır. Yamaçların hazırlanan kesitlerinde, GEO 5 FEM programında olası kritik gerilme yüzeyleri irdelenmiştir. Yamaç kaymasını engelleyen kaya dolgusu topuk tasarımları yapılmıştır. Yığın malzemenin belirlenen jeoteknik özellikleri de kullanılarak GEO5 FEM ve stabilite programı aracılığı ile güvenlik katsayıları belirlenmiş ve hesaplanan değerlere göre S3 ve S4 no’lu yamaçların stabil oldukları S1 ve S2 no’lu yamacın ise stabil olmadığı tespit edilmiştir. Kalker topuk kaya dolguları ile GEO5 FEM programı aracılığı ile stabilitenin sağlandığı belirlenmiştir.In Sirnak, for mining landfills geotechnical stability analyses were conducted by GEO5 FEM. An area of near 7 km2 study area and the surrounding area has been 1/1.000 scale engineering geological map, as well as the drilling and laboratory geotechnical engineering properties of materials are determined by experiments. S1, S2, S3 and S4 hillsides to develop landslide slopes 1/1000 scale topographic maps and geological field studies prepared by processing units on the map the geological cross-sections were prepared. By laboratory experiments carried out on soil samples taken from fields of physical and mechanical properties of slope debris; effective angle of internal friction (φ '°) 17° -22.5°, effective cohesion (c') 0,5-1,8 kg/cm2, the maximum dry unit weight 1.87 -2.25 g/cm3 1.78-2.43 g/cm3 saturated unit weight, unit weight 1.9-2.35 g/cm3 1.97-2.40 g/cm3, unit weight (γs) 2.47-2.60 g / cm3, permeability coefficient of 1x10-4 - 6.5x10-4 cm / s, the particle distribution were determined and also tested. Geological sections prepared slopes, the geostatical properties of the material were determined by the trial slip surfaces. Rock fill pillar design were made and calculated according to the values via the S3 and S4 are stable hillsides, S1, S2 have been found that to close the unstable slope. Stability was performed by limestone pillar rockfills on hazardous dumps


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    WOS: 000312928700009Objective: Psychological stress, which deteriorates mental and physical health of individuals at their working environment, is an important problem for public health and health at work. Recent studies have indicated that living with animals might be beneficial for individuals with physical, mental and social health problems, and it could even increase the quality of life in these people. In this present study, we aimed to investigate the relationship between pet ownership, psychological stress level, regular exercising, and smoking among white collar workers. Material and Method: In this cross-sectional study, 212 out of 230 white collar workers (92%), who worked for a business company in Besiktas district of Istanbul, were enrolled. 12-Item General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12) were applied to define psychological stress levels and mental health conditions of the workers. Data obtained from GHQ-12 was evaluated by using Goldberg type grading method (0-0-1-1). Sociodemographic characteristics of participants, and information about the relationship between pet ownership, and smoking, regular exercising were obtained by a questionnaire form made up of close- and open-ended questions. Data were evaluated by percentage distribution, Chi square test and Mann Whitney U test. Results: Of the participants, 51 were female, 161 were male, and the mean of age was 30.65 +/- 3.56 years. Among the participants, 82 had pets and 130 individuals had no pet. Rate of pet owners was 98.7% in our study group with total score of GHQ-12 = 4 expressed that they had no pets. GHQ-12 scores among pet owners were statistically significantly lower than the ones without pets (p<0.001). Smoking rate was statistically significantly higher among participants without pets than the rate in pet owners (p<0.001). Pet owner participants were exercising significantly more regularly than the ones without pets (p<0.001). Conclusion: As far as the reported changes in behavior and attitudes of participants, pet ownership had favorable effects in healthy life behaviors like nutrition, regular exercising, and non-smoking. According to the results of General Health Questionnaire among workers, psychological stress level was higher among participants without pets. We believe that having a pet can be supportive for improving physical and mental health conditions of individuals, who are working under stressful conditions

    Liver abscess due to Yersinia bacteremia in a well-controlled type I diabetic patient

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    Yersiniae enterocolitica, a gram negative rod-like organism, causes terminal ileitis and mesenteric adenitis in adolescents and adults. Some forms present with liver and spleen abscesses and have worse prognosis. We report a type 1 diabetic patient with a liver abscess mimicking metastatic liver disease who was successfully treated with percutaneous drainage and antibiotic administration; culture from blood was positive for Yersinia enterocolitica, but drainage material from the liver abscess did not yield a positive result for Yersinia enterocolitica. Although the prognosis is not good in such cases, with high mortality rates, our patient recovered from the disease with appropriate treatment. (Pol J Endocrinol 2011; 62 (4): 357&#8211;360)Gram-ujemna pałeczka Yersiniae enterocolitica powoduje zapalenie końcowego odcinka jelita cienkiego i zapalenie węzłów chłonnych krezki u młodzieży i dorosłych. Czasami obserwuje się przypadki ropni wątroby lub śledziony, które wiążą się z gorszym rokowaniem. Autorzy opisują przypadek chorego na cukrzycę typu 1 z ropniem wątroby imitującym guz przerzutowy wątroby, u którego zastosowano skuteczne leczenie obejmujące drenaż przezskórny i antybiotykoterapię. W posiewie krwi wyhodowano Yersinia Enterocolitica, jednak z treści uzyskanej w wyniku drenażu ropnia nie uzyskano potwierdzenia obecności tych bakterii. Mimo że w takich przypadkach rokowanie jest niepomyślne i notuje się wysoki odsetek zgonów, dzięki odpowiedniemu leczeniu pacjent powrócił do zdrowia. (Endokrynol Pol 2011; 62 (4): 357&#8211;360

    Effect of adenoidectomy / tonsillectomy on temporomandibular joint (TMJ) function and mouth opening in early period

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    Bu çalışmada, adenoidektomi ve/veya tonsillektomi yapılan hastalarda ameliyat sırasında kullanılan ağız ekartörüne bağlı olarak ağız açıklığı derecesinde ve temporomandibular eklemde (TME) etkilenme olup olmadığının dijital kumpas aleti kullanıla- rak değerlendirilmesi amaçlandı. Kasım 2015 - Kasım 2016 yılları arasında üçüncü basamak bir KBB kliniği tarafından ağız ekar- törü kullanılarak adenoidektomi ve/veya tonsillektomi ameliyatı yapılan 30 hasta (6-43 yaşları arası, 17’si erkek ve 13’ü kadın) ile, kontrol grubu olarak septoplasti ameliyatı olan 20 hasta (19- 47 yaşları arası, 12’si erkek ve 8’i kadın ) olmak üzere toplam 50 hastanın ağız çene açıklığı dijital kumpas aleti ile ameliyattan 1 saat önce, 4 saat sonra, 1 hafta sonra ve 1 ay sonra olmak üzere ölçüldü. Adenoidektomi ve/veya tonsillektomi yapılan hastalarda operasyon sonrası 4. saat, 1 hafta sonrası ve 1 ay sonrası ağız açıklığı ölçümlerindeki değişim istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bulun- muştur (p=0,001, p0,05). Her iki gruptaki ağız açıklığı ölçümlerinin yaş ile ilişkisi- ne bakıldığında; yaşla beraber ağız açıklığındaki artışın da %57,5 düzeyinde korelasyon gösterdiği saptanmıştır (r: 0,575, p=0,001, p0.05). There is 57.5% positive correlation betwe- en patients’ age, and range of mouth opening in two groups (r:0.575, p=0.001, p<0.01). As a conclusion; mouth opening and TMJ function might be effected by mouth gag in adenoidectomy / tonsillectomy surgeries depending on the duration of surgery and age of the patient. Small sample size and short follow-up period were limitations of the study