435 research outputs found

    Vídeo on Demand para la Educación e investigación: excepciones al derecho de autor

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    Irakaskuntzan edo ikerkuntzan irakasleek Internet sarea erabiltzen dutenean, ikasgelan edo ikasgelatik kanpo, Europan jabetza intelektuala eta egile eskubideak arautzen dituzten legeak ez betetzeko arriskua izan dezakete. Hau ez da irakasleen borondate arau-hauslearengatik gertatzen, baizik eta egungo legeria zein obretan baimentzen den edo ez definitzerakoan ez delako ez egokia, ez argia ezta errealista ere. Ikerketarako kasu berezia dira estatuko unibertsitateen hezkuntzarako eta ikerkuntzarako eskatu ahalako bideoko kanalak edo Internet telebista. Tresna hauek aukera zabalak eskaintzen dituzte eta geroz eta irisgarriagoak dira estatuko eta mundu osoko irakasleentzat. Berezitasunak dituzte bitartekoek sortu dituzten erabilerari dagokionean User Generated Contents direlakoak edo jabetza intelektuala edukiak erabili nahi dituen pertsonaren esku ez dagoenean, edota estatuko eta europako legeriak finkatzen dituzten mugaen eta salbuespenen kasuan. Ikerketaren aztergai zehatza Madrilgo Universidad Complutenseren Videoma plataformako e-Televisión eta TV-Doc kanalak dira.; The use of the Internet by Professors inside and out of the classroom, as a tool for education and research involves many risks. One of such risks is infringement current Copyright and Authors Moral Rights that protect authors in Europe. This is not due to voluntary infringement by the Professors but as a result of the current Legislation not being accurate, clear or realistic regarding the fair use of copyrighted works.A case of special interest is that of the Video On Demand Channels (VOD) or Internet TV inside Spanish Universities. These are tools that offer broad possibilities, which are becoming more and more available for Professors whether they are Spanish or any other country in the world. Such channels show particularities regarding the use of copyrighted works and also regarding User Generated Content (UGC) in terms of the limits and exceptions to Intellectual Property Rights established in the current Legislation both in Spain and the European Union.Specifically, the e-Television and TV-Doc channels of the platform Videoma of the Universidad Complutense de Madrid are studied.; El uso del Internet por los profesores, tanto dentro como fuera del aula, como herramienta para la enseñanza y la investigación, entraña riesgos como el de incumplir gravemente las leyes actuales que regulan la propiedad intelectual y protegen los derechos de autor en Europa.Esto no es debido a la voluntad infractora de los docentes, sino, en gran parte, a que la legislación actual no resulta adecuada, clara ni realista en los usos de obras que permite o no.Caso de especial estudio son los canales de Vídeo On Demand (en adelante VOD) o Internet TV de universidades españolas para la educación y la investigación, herramienta de amplias posibilidades, cada vez más accesible para los profesores tanto españoles como del resto del mundo, y que presenta sus particularidades en cuanto a los usos que pueda hacerse o no de contenidos generados por terceros -los User Generated Contents (en adelante UGC)- y contenidos cuyos derechos de propiedad intelectual están en manos de personas distintas a quien pretende usarlos, y en cuanto a las limitaciones y excepciones a los derechos de propiedad intelectual que la Ley, tanto española como europea, establece. Específicamente se estudian los canales e-Televisión y TV-Doc de la plataforma Videoma de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid

    MicroRNA Mediated Cardioprotection - Is There a Path to Clinical Translation?

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    In the past 20 years, there have been several approaches to achieve cardioprotection or cardiac regeneration using a vast variety of cell therapies and remote ischemic pre-conditioning (RIPC). To date, substantial proof that either cell therapy or RIPC has the potential for clinically relevant cardiac repair or regeneration of cardiac tissue is still pending. Preclinical trials indicate that the secretome of cells in situ (during RIPC) as well as of transplanted cells may exhibit cardioprotective properties in the acute setting of cardiac injury. The secretome generally consists of cell-specific cytokines and extracellular vesicles (EVs) containing microRNAs (miRNAs). It is currently hypothesized that a subset of known miRNAs play a crucial part in the facilitation of cardioprotective effects. miRNAs are small non-coding RNA molecules that inhibit post-transcriptional translation of messenger RNAs (mRNAs) and play an important role in gene translation regulation. It is also known that one miRNAs usually targets multiple mRNAs. This makes predictability of pharmacokinetics and mechanism of action very difficult and could in part explain the inferior performance of various progenitor cells in clinical studies. Identification of miRNAs involved in cardioprotection and remodeling, the composition of miRNA profiles, and the exact mechanism of action are important to the design of future cell-based but also cell-free cardioprotective therapeutics. This review will give a description of miRNA with cardioprotective properties and a current overview on known mechanism of action and potential missing links. Additionally, we will give an outlook on the potential for clinical translation of miRNAs in the setting of myocardial infarction and heart failure

    Total arterial off-pump surgery provides excellent outcomes and does not compromise complete revascularization†

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    OBJECTIVES The combination of aortic ‘no-touch' off-pump surgery (OPCAB) and total arterial revascularization (TAR) can reduce peri-procedural morbidity and yields excellent long-term outcomes albeit at a reported risk of incomplete revascularization. The feasibility of OPCAB-TAR with specific regards to the complete revascularization (CR) in patients with multi-vessel disease was evaluated. METHODS From 2003 to 2010, 712 patients underwent TAR including 526 patients who had OPCAB-TAR and 186 patients who received on-pump TAR [(ONCAB grafting (ONCABG)-TAR)]. Of these, 52% (n=272; OPCAB) vs. 83% (n=155; ONCABG) had triple-vessel disease (TVD). To balance patient characteristics, a non-parsimonious, propensity score (PS) model was applied. Endpoints evaluated were mortality, stroke, major adverse cardiac and cerebrovascular events (MACCE). To evaluate CR, an ‘Index of CR' (ICOR) was calculated, defined as the number of distal anastomoses divided by the number of the diseased coronary vessels. CR was assumed when the following requirements were fulfilled: the number of distal anastomoses was equal to or higher than that of diseased vessels (ICOR≥1), and all affected coronary territories (left anterior descending, circumflex artery and/or right coronary artery) were grafted. RESULTS Mortality was comparable between groups, whereas OPCAB patients suffered from significantly decreased rates of MACCE [3.0 vs. 7.0%; propensity-adjusted odd ratio (PAOR)=0.24; confidence interval (CI) 95% 0.08-0.66; P=0.006] including a clear trend towards reduced stroke and myocardial infarction. In the subgroup with TVD, OPCAB patients presented with significantly reduced rates for MACCE (1.8 vs. 5.8%; PAOR=0.07; CI 95% 0.01-0.65; P=0.02), including a significantly lower rate for stroke. For all-comers, the number of diseased vessels was lower after OPCAB (2.36±0.73 vs. 2.87±0.39; P<0.001) and consequently, these patients received an overall lower number of distal anastomoses (2.42±1.15 vs. 3.06±0.98; P<0.001). Although the ICOR was slightly lower (1.04±0.37 vs. 1.07±0.37; P=0.02), CR was achieved more frequently in OPCAB patients (82.1 vs. 73.1%; P=0.01). In the subgroup with TVD, the number of distal anastomoses (2.99±1.14 vs. 3.10±0.98; P=0.19) and the ICOR (1.00±0.38 vs. 1.03±0.33; P=0.19) was comparable between groups. The frequency of CR was slightly higher (75 vs. 67.7%; P=0.11), and the proportion of complete in situ grafting was significantly higher after OPCAB (37.1 vs. 23.9%; P=0.005). CONCLUSIONS Aortic ‘no-touch' OPCAB-TAR leads to a significant reduction of MACCE. It does not compromise CR in patients with TVD and thus can be safely applied to these patient

    Moebius strip enterprises and expertise in the creative industries: new challenges for lifelong learning?

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    The paper argues that the emergence of a new mode of production – co-configuration is generating new modes of expertise that EU policies for lifelong learning are not designed to support professionals to develop. It maintains that this change can be seen most clearly when we analyse Small and Medium Size (SMEs) enterprises in the creative industries. Drawing on concepts from Political Economy - ‘Moebius strip enterprise/expertise’ and Cultural Historical Activity Theory - project-object’ and the ‘space of reasons’, the paper highlights conceptually and through a case study of an SME in the creative industries what is distinctive about the new modes of expertise, before moving on to reconceptualise expertise and learning and to consider the implications of this reconceptualisation for EU policies for lifelong learning. The paper concludes that the new challenge for LLL is to support the development of new forms expertise that are difficult to credentialise, yet, are central to the wider European goal of realising a knowledge economy

    Informar: ¿Derecho o deber? ¿De qué hablamos cuando hablamos del derecho a informar?

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    Sección Deptal. de Derecho Constitucional (Ciencias de la Información)Fac. de Ciencias de la Informaciónpu

    Total arterial off-pump surgery provides excellent outcomes and does not compromise complete revascularization†

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    OBJECTIVES The combination of aortic ‘no-touch' off-pump surgery (OPCAB) and total arterial revascularization (TAR) can reduce peri-procedural morbidity and yields excellent long-term outcomes albeit at a reported risk of incomplete revascularization. The feasibility of OPCAB-TAR with specific regards to the complete revascularization (CR) in patients with multi-vessel disease was evaluated. METHODS From 2003 to 2010, 712 patients underwent TAR including 526 patients who had OPCAB-TAR and 186 patients who received on-pump TAR [(ONCAB grafting (ONCABG)-TAR)]. Of these, 52% (n=272; OPCAB) vs. 83% (n=155; ONCABG) had triple-vessel disease (TVD). To balance patient characteristics, a non-parsimonious, propensity score (PS) model was applied. Endpoints evaluated were mortality, stroke, major adverse cardiac and cerebrovascular events (MACCE). To evaluate CR, an ‘Index of CR' (ICOR) was calculated, defined as the number of distal anastomoses divided by the number of the diseased coronary vessels. CR was assumed when the following requirements were fulfilled: the number of distal anastomoses was equal to or higher than that of diseased vessels (ICOR≥1), and all affected coronary territories (left anterior descending, circumflex artery and/or right coronary artery) were grafted. RESULTS Mortality was comparable between groups, whereas OPCAB patients suffered from significantly decreased rates of MACCE [3.0 vs. 7.0%; propensity-adjusted odd ratio (PAOR)=0.24; confidence interval (CI) 95% 0.08-0.66; P=0.006] including a clear trend towards reduced stroke and myocardial infarction. In the subgroup with TVD, OPCAB patients presented with significantly reduced rates for MACCE (1.8 vs. 5.8%; PAOR=0.07; CI 95% 0.01-0.65; P=0.02), including a significantly lower rate for stroke. For all-comers, the number of diseased vessels was lower after OPCAB (2.36±0.73 vs. 2.87±0.39; P<0.001) and consequently, these patients received an overall lower number of distal anastomoses (2.42±1.15 vs. 3.06±0.98; P<0.001). Although the ICOR was slightly lower (1.04±0.37 vs. 1.07±0.37; P=0.02), CR was achieved more frequently in OPCAB patients (82.1 vs. 73.1%; P=0.01). In the subgroup with TVD, the number of distal anastomoses (2.99±1.14 vs. 3.10±0.98; P=0.19) and the ICOR (1.00±0.38 vs. 1.03±0.33; P=0.19) was comparable between groups. The frequency of CR was slightly higher (75 vs. 67.7%; P=0.11), and the proportion of complete in situ grafting was significantly higher after OPCAB (37.1 vs. 23.9%; P=0.005). CONCLUSIONS Aortic ‘no-touch' OPCAB-TAR leads to a significant reduction of MACCE. It does not compromise CR in patients with TVD and thus can be safely applied to these patient

    Negative microbiological results are not mandatory in deep sternal wound infections before wound closure†

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    OBJECTIVES To define the outcome of treatment for deep sternal wound infections (DSWIs) using direct wound closure (DC) or vacuum-assisted therapy (VAT) based on negative vs. positive microbiological results. METHODS Between 1999 and 2008, 7746 patients underwent median sternotomy for cardiac surgery at our institution. Patients were screened for DSWI and out of the cohort 159 were identified (2%). These patients were treated, either using DC or VAT with delayed wound closure. Outcomes were retrospectively analysed to determine the effect of negative cultures at the time of closure. RESULTS The indication for sternotomy was CABG 51%, isolated valve 18%, CABG/valve 18% and other related cardiovascular procedures 14%. Sixty-five percent of the wound infections was diagnosed during rehabilitation period. One hundred and five (66%) patients were treated with VAT vs. 54 (34%) patients with direct closure. Coagulase negative staphylococci were found in 48% of bacterial cultures. In 75% of the patients, the microbiological results were positive at time of wound closure (69.2% VAT vs. 87.0% direct closure, P=0.014). Out of 159 patients, 5.0% were with positive microbiological results at the time of closure readmitted vs. 5.1% with negative microbiological results (P=1.0). Patients with VAT stayed significantly longer in the hospital (mean 21±16 vs. 13±12, P=0.002). CONCLUSIONS Negative microbiological results are not mandatory before wound closure, as the rate of readmissions for recurrence of infection showed no difference between groups. Our results also suggest that shortening of VAT despite positive microbiological results may be feasibl

    Medios y periodistas en la era del gobierno abierto y la transparencia

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    Sección Deptal. de Derecho Constitucional (Ciencias de la Información)Fac. de Ciencias de la Informaciónpu