920 research outputs found

    Determination of the Effect of Drought Stress on the Seed Germination in Some Plant Species

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    Especially the use of drought‐resistant plant species reduces maintenance and irrigation costs, and plants increase the retention and success to continue its life in arid landscape. In this study, some plant species used have been studied to determine their tolerance to drought stress in gardens and parks in Kastamonu. For this purpose, germination trials have been in conducted -2, -4, -6, and -8 Bar water stress. Landscaping applications commonly used some species such as Cupressus sempervirens L., Ailanthus altissima (Mill.) Swingle, Pyracantha coccinea Roem, Thuja orientalis, Pinus sylvestris L., Sophora japonica, Cedrus libani A. Rich., Acer pseudoplatanus L., Pinus brutia Ten., and Pinus nigra Arnold. ssp. pallasiana (Lamb.) Holmboe. Their seeds were evaluated different levels of water stress in the germination percentage. PEG 6000 solution was used in the formulation of water stress. The seeds were exposed to constant temperature of 25°C for a period of 35 days at germination cabinet. As a result, this experiment calculated germination in different water stress levels what percentage has fallen, so the least affected by increased water stress was studied to determine the species. Also results showed increased water stress and reduce the percentage of germination in all species. The highest level of water stress -8 Bar, which was also obtained stress level proportional germination values Pinus nigra Arnold. ssp. pallasiana (Lamb.) Holmboe (64.8%) and Pinus brutia Ten. (46.5%)

    “Death audit is a fight” – provider perspectives on the ethics of the Maternal and Perinatal Death Surveillance and Response (MPDSR) system in Ethiopia

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    Background Maternal and neonatal health are regarded as important indicators of health in most countries. Death auditing through, for example, the Maternal and Perinatal Death Surveillance and Response (MPDSR) is viewed as key to preventing maternal and newborn mortality. However, little is known about the implications of implementing perinatal auditing for healthcare professionals in low-income contexts. This study aimed to explore the ethical and practical consequences clinicians experience concerning MPDSR reporting practices in Ethiopia. Methods Qualitative semi-structured in-depth individual interviews were conducted with 16 healthcare workers across professions at selected facilities in Ethiopia. The interview questions were related to clinicians’ experiences with, and perceptions of, death auditing. Their strategies for coping with newborn losses and the related reporting practices were also explored. The material was analyzed following systematic text condensation, and the NVivo11 software was used for organizing and coding the data material. Results Participants experienced fear of punishment and blame in relation to the perinatal death auditing process. They found that auditing did not contribute to reducing perinatal deaths and that their motivation to stick to the obligation was negatively affected by this. Performing audits without available resources to provide optimal care or support in the current system was perceived as unfair. Some hid information or misreported information in order to avoid accusations of misconduct when they felt they were not to blame for the baby’s death. Coping strategies such as engaging in exceedingly larger work efforts, overtreating patients, or avoiding complicated medical cases were described. Conclusions Experiencing perinatal death and death reporting constitutes a double burden for the involved healthcare workers. The preventability of perinatal death is perceived as context-dependent, and both clinicians and the healthcare system would benefit from a safe and blame-free reporting environment. To support these healthcare workers in a challenging clinical reality, guidelines and action plans that are specific to the Ethiopian context are needed.publishedVersio

    Reducing the Complexity of Normal Basis Multiplication

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    In this paper we introduce a new transformation method and a multiplication algorithm for multiplying the elements of the field GF(2k)(2^k) expressed in a normal basis. The number of XOR gates for the proposed multiplication algorithm is fewer than that of the optimal normal basis multiplication, not taking into account the cost of forward and backward transformations. The algorithm is more suitable for applications in which tens or hundreds of field multiplications are performed before needing to transform the results back

    Yet another Improvement of Plantard Arithmetic for Faster Kyber on Low-end 32-bit IoT Devices

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    This paper presents another improved version of Plantard arithmetic that could speed up Kyber implementations on two low-end 32-bit IoT platforms (ARM Cortex-M3 and RISC-V) without SIMD extensions. Specifically, we further enlarge the input range of the Plantard arithmetic without modifying its computation steps. After tailoring the Plantard arithmetic for Kyber's modulus, we show that the input range of the Plantard multiplication by a constant is at least 2.45 times larger than the original design in TCHES2022. Then, two optimization techniques for efficient Plantard arithmetic on Cortex-M3 and RISC-V are presented. We show that the Plantard arithmetic supersedes both Montgomery and Barrett arithmetic on low-end 32-bit platforms. With the enlarged input range and the efficient implementation of the Plantard arithmetic on these platforms, we propose various optimization strategies for NTT/INTT. We minimize or entirely eliminate the modular reduction of coefficients in NTT/INTT by taking advantage of the larger input range of the proposed Plantard arithmetic on low-end 32-bit platforms. Furthermore, we propose two memory optimization strategies that reduce 23.50% to 28.31% stack usage for the speed-version Kyber implementation when compared to its counterpart on Cortex-M4. The proposed optimizations make the speed-version implementation more feasible on low-end IoT devices. Thanks to the aforementioned optimizations, our NTT/INTT implementation shows considerable speedups compared to the state-of-the-art work. Overall, we demonstrate the applicability of the speed-version Kyber implementation on memory-constrained IoT platforms and set new speed records for Kyber on these platforms

    Effect of angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors on periprocedural myocardial infarction in patients with metabolic syndrome

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    Background: Metabolic syndrome (MetS) has been reported as a risk factor for cardiovascular events. The aim of the present study is to investigate the association between chronic angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (ACE-I) therapy and the rate of periprocedural myocardial infarction (PMI) after elective coronary stenting among patients with MetS. Methods: The inclusion criteria were MetS and plan for elective percutaneous coronary intervention. To assess the effect of ACE-I treatment on the incidence of PMI, measurements of cardiac biomarkers (CK-MB mass and troponin I) were performed at baseline and 24 h after the procedure. Results: A total of 459 patients fulfilling the inclusion criteria were recruited to chronic ACE-I treatment and ACE-I naive groups in a 2/1 ratio. Baseline troponin I and CK-MB levels were similar in both treatment groups, whereas they were significantly lower in ACE-I group 24 h after the procedure. Univariate analysis identified body mass index (BMI), LDL cholesterol, nitrate and ACE-I use as significant factors for the development of PMI. Multivariate regression model revealed that body mass index increased and use of nitrate and ACE-I decreased the probability of PMI independent from confounding factors (OR 1.14, 95% CI 1.05–1.23, p = 0.002 for BMI; OR 0.26, 95% CI 0.14–0.48, p = 0.01 for nitrate use, OR 0.51, 95% CI 0.27–0.93, p = 0.03 for ACE-I use). Conclusions: This prospective observational cohort trial demonstrated that chronic ACE-I therapy was an independent predictor for reduced PMI among patients with MetS who underwent elective coronary intervention

    Recurrent hydatidiform moles: detection of a new mutation in the NLRP7 gene in the family

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    Hydatidiform moles are the most common type of gestational trophoblastic neoplasia. Hyperproliferative vesicular trophoblasts and imperfect fetal development are abnormal pregnancies, and recurrent hydatidiform moles are rare. Mutations in NLRP7 are responsible for recurrent hydatidiform mole. Genetic heterogeneity has been demonstrated in patients with the NLRP7 mutation. This study presents our case with gravida 11, parity 0, histopathologically diagnosed with six hydatidiform moles and five missed abortion histories at age 35. Karyotype analyses of the unrelated couple were normal. A genetic examination revealed a novel mutation of the NLRP7 gene in the patient, his brother, and his parents. Detecting a new NLRP7 mutation in recurrent hydatidiform moles cases provides further evidence for the predetermined role of NLRP7 mutations in the pathophysiology of recurrent moles hydatidiform. Based on our findings, we hope to contribute to the literature by expanding the spectrum of recurrent pregnancy loss associated with NLRP7 mutations in patients

    Does Fundus Fluorescein Angiography Procedure Affect Ocular Pulse Amplitude?

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    Purpose. This study examines the effects of fundus fluorescein angiography (FFA) procedure on ocular pulse amplitude (OPA) and intraocular pressure (IOP). Materials and Methods. Sixty eyes of 30 nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy patients (15 males, 15 females) were included in this cross-sectional case series. IOP and OPA were measured with the Pascal dynamic contour tonometer before and after 5 minutes of intravenous fluorescein dye injection. Results. Pre-FFA mean OPA value was  mmHg and post-FFA mean OPA value was  mmHg (). Pre-FFA mean IOP value was  mmHg and post-FFA mean IOP value was  mmHg (). Conclusion. Although both mean OPA and IOP values were decreased after FFA procedure, the difference was not statistically significant. This clinical trial is registered with Australian New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry number ACTRN12613000433707

    Kvinners erfaringer med abortnemnder

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    Denne rapporten presenterer resultatene fra en amfunnsvitenskapelig studie om kvinners erfaringer med abortnemnder. Rapporten bygger på 13 dybdeintervju med kvinner som hadde erfaring med å søke om og gjennomleve andretrimesterabort innenfor et abortnemndsystem. Kvinnene hadde fått sine abortbegjæringer behandlet i nemnd ved åtte ulike sykehus i hele landet. Studien undersøkte kvinnenes helhetlige prosess med å søke andretrimesterabort innen rammene av et abortnemndsystem, opplevelser knyttet til selve møtet med nemnden og kvinnenes erfaringer knyttet til nemndenes myndighet til å fatte beslutning om deres liv samtidig som de skal ivareta kvinnenes rett til informasjon og veiledning. Kvinnene fortalte sine historier fra de oppdaget svangerskapet til tiden etter at abortfødsel var overstått. Analysen som presenteres i denne rapporten fokuserer på temaene 1) Forventninger og forberedelser til nemndsmøtet, 2) Å møte abortnemnden og 3) Tidsrammer og oppfølging. Studien viser at tiden før selve nemndsmøtet preges av varierende forkunnskaper og ulik og mangelfull informasjon til kvinnene om plikter og rettigheter ved nemndsbehandling. Muligheten for å få avslag preget kvinnene i forkant av nemndsmøtet, og gjorde kvinnenes beslutningsprosess vanskeligere. Videre viser studien at abortnemndene organiseres svært ulikt fra sykehus til sykehus. Noen kvinner opplevde at nemnden ga råd og støtte utover det å avklare om aborten oppfylte lovens kriterier. Mens noen opplevde nemndsmøtet som både belastende og meningsløst, opplevde andre det som en støtte. Metaforer som «eksamen» eller «avhør» ble brukt til å beskrive noen av kvinnenes møte med nemnden. Kvinner som hadde søkt om å få avslutte et ønsket svangerskap var frustrert over at partner ikke hadde plass som part i nemndsystemet. Tidsaspektet formet kvinnenes opplevelser med nemndsbehandling. For noen var det å vente på nemnden en belastning. For andre gjorde lovens grenser for svangerskapets avslutning at vanskelige avgjørelser måtte tas på kort tid. Kvinnene hadde et stort behov for støtte og oppfølging etter abortfødsel, og i dag er det ikke noe system som sikrer dette. Abortnemndene utgjør bare én del av et større system som aktiveres når en kvinne søker en andretrimesterabort. Kvinnenes erfaringer med abortnemndsystemet preges av skjevheten i makt mellom dem selv og nemnden. Denne skjevheten begrenser rommet for tvil og muligheten for en god og opplysende dialog. Noen kvinner opplever at møtet med nemnd gir dem større kontroll over egen situasjon. Slik det fungerer i dag favoriserer nemndsystemet ressurssterke kvinner og kan bidra til å ytterligere marginalisere sårbare kvinner. Uklarhet og ulik praksis knyttet til abortnemndens oppgave utover det å fatte et vedtak om andretrimesterabort, skaper risiko for at viktig informasjon ikke formidles. Dette svekker kvinners rett til å ikke delta i nemndsmøte samt hennes mulighet til å handle på bakgrunn av riktig informasjon. Dagens system tar i liten grad høyde for at de fleste andrestrimesteraborter er avbrudd av ønskede svangerskap. For kvinner som opplever dette virker abortnemdsystemet fremmedgjørende og lite forståelsesfullt. Dette kan gjøre den vanskelige tiden etter en gjennomført abort ekstra krevende. Dagens helsesystem sikrer ikke god oppfølging til kvinnene som gjennomgår en andretrimesterabort. Tiden etter en gjennomført abortfødsel er den mest sårbare for kvinnene som har vært gjennom abortnemndsystemet. Det er grunn til å stille spørsmål til ressursbruken knyttet til nemndsmøtene i kontrast til få ressurser til oppfølgingstjenester