20 research outputs found

    Kahramanmaraş koşullarında şeker mısır çeşitlerinde,farklı ekim ve dikim zamanları ile yetiştirme tekniklerinin verim ve erkenciliğe etkisi üzerinde bir araştırma

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    TEZ3219Tez (Doktora) -- Çukurova Üniversitesi, Adana, 1999.Kaynakça (s. 160-165) var.x, 165 s. ; res. ; 30 cm.

    A statistical optimization attempt by applying the Taguchi technique for the optimum transesterification process parameters in the production of biodiesel from Papaver somniferum L. seed oil

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    This work has been accomplished for synthesizing biodiesel from crude oil extracted from Papaver somniferum L. seeds. The oil content of the seeds was detected to be at 43.51 ± 1.58 % which is higher than most of the feedstock used in biodiesel production. The obtained oil was exposed to the transesterification process under demanded reaction conditions as an L9 (9–runs) orthogonal attempt guessed by the Taguchi method. In conclusion, the highest yield of the produced biodiesel was found at the following optimized reaction conditions: molar ratio for methanol to oil of 9:1, NaOH concentration of 0.75 wt%, reaction temperature of 60 °C, and reaction time of 60 min. The exploration of the prominent reaction factors was acquired thanks to the Taguchi technique and the substantial parameters were found to be as follows: catalyst concentration, molar ratio for methanol to oil, reaction temperature, and reaction time with the contribution factors of 47.18 %, 30.04 %, 16.87 %, and 5.91 %, respectively. The statistical analysis carried out based on the ANOVA demonstrated that the monitored yield (88.97 %) were in good consonance with the estimated yield (89.93 %). In addition, the physicochemical characteristics of produced biodiesel was within the limits given in the global biodiesel standards. It can be concluded that Papaver somniferum L. seed oil can be recommended as a novel and important feedstock for biodiesel production in the close future studies as well as industrial applications when the obstructions will remove for the harvesting of this plant

    Biodiesel synthesis from Styrax officinalis L. seed oil as a novel and potential non-edible feedstock: A parametric optimization study through the Taguchi technique

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    WOS:000508914300090The development of renewable and sustainable candidates for petroleum-based fuels is needed to address the present issue of the increasing fuel crisis regarding transportation, environmental pollution, and consumption of the petroleum reserves. In addition, there is a need to explore new non-edible oils for biodiesel production due to problems such as fuel versus food as well as procurement and presence. Therefore the experimental research was carried out to synthesize biodiesel from Styrax officinalis L. oil. It has been firstly investigated and reported as a novel feedstock for the production of alternative fuel. The raw material was subjected to esterification at desired reaction parameters estimated by 9-runs (L9) orthogonal approach of Taguchi technique. Noteworthy, the oil content was found to be at 48.29 +/- 3.81%. The maximum biodiesel yield of 89.23% was obtained under the following optimized conditions: catalyst concentration of 0.6 wt%, methanol to oil molar ratio of 6:1, reaction duration of 60 min and reaction temperature of 60 degrees C. The detection of the substantial parameters was achieved using the Taguchi method and the significant parameters were obtained as follows: catalyst concentration, methanol to oil molar ratio, reaction duration, and reaction temperature with contribution factors of 78.07%, 20.32%, 0.42%, and 1.19%, respectively. Statistical analysis employing ANOVA exhibited that emerged outcomes are in good agreement with the predicted values. The fuel properties of the methyl esters from Styrax officinalis L. oil were within the ranges of the EN 14214 specifications. Therefore, the novel seeds can be a suitable feedstock for biodiesel production in the nearest future.This study was supported by Scientific Research Projects Unit of Yozgat Bozok University, Yozgat, Turkey, for financial support under the contact numbers of projects: 6602a-MUH/19-259

    Fatty Acid Composition of Seed Oil from Cocklebur (Xantium Strumarium Subsp. Strumarium) Grown in Turkey

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    Vegetable oils are not only used for human consumption but also used for industrial purposes (soaps, biodiesel, painting, cosmetics, etc.). One of the most important criteria in determining the usage areas of vegetable oils is the fatty acid composition it contains. Turkey supplies its edible oil needs with both seed and vegetable oil imports. To meet this vegetable oil need of Turkey, vegetable oils obtained from different plants are of great importance. This study, it was aimed to determine the oil content, fatty acid composition, and some properties of cocklebur (Xantium strumarium subsp. strumarium) seeds collected from the natural area. 100 fruit weight (g), seed weight (g), and hull ratio (%) were determined as 32.23±2.66, 7.17±0.99, and 77.70±2.84, respectively. Cocklebur seeds contain 24.19% seed oil. Its oil is rich in linoleic (%76.97) and oleic (%11.91) acids

    Fuel properties of biodiesel produced from balci variety oil of safflower (carthamus tinctorious l.)

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    In this study, the production of biodiesel from the cold pressed oil of safflower ( Carthamus tinctorius L.) of Balci variety grown in Yozgat ecological condition has been carried out. The oil yield of Balci seed and the biodiesel output of the oil were studied in order to know the productivity of the oil. The fuel properties of biodiesel assessed includes, density (15o C), flash point, kinematic viscosity (40o C), cloud point, pour point, freezing point, water content, calorific value, pH and copper strip corrosion. The fuel properties of the biodiesel produced were compared with that of TS EN 14214

    The production of biodiesel from safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) oil as a potential feedstock and its usage in compression ignition engine: A comprehensive review

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    WOS:000512406900035Nowadays, energy consumption is progressively boosting in all sectors because of the rising in population and enhancing lifestyle. The dependency over fossil-based fuels has been increasing due to the ever-growing need for energy. The declining characterization of such energy sources and the increment nature of energy demand have led to vital apprehensions of energy regarding future energy safety. Keeping this in mind, the usage of alternative fuels such as biodiesel can be one of the possible solutions in order to accomplish the future energy demand. In this context, the biodiesel production is an attractive way for researchers. Biodiesel is non-toxic, biodegradable and renewable fuel that can be produced from vegetable oils, animal fats and also their wastes by applying different techniques. Contrary to the advantages, the biggest disadvantage of biodiesel is that costs are largely dependent on the feedstock. Although it has the nature of the food, safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) can be utilized as a feedstock for biodiesel production because its oil consumption is limited and it can be grown in arid and dry areas all over the world. This review paper has presented a detailed overview of safflower plant, the physicochemical properties of safflower oil and its biodiesel, the performance, emission and combustion characteristics of the safflower oil biodiesel when used in a diesel engine. The findings of the present work revealed that biodiesel production from safflower oil is possible and the observations from the literature resulted in comparable fuel properties, engine performance and emission parameters with those of diesel.This study was supported by Scientific Research Projects Unit of Yozgat Bozok University, Yozgat, Turkey, for financial support under the contact numbers of projects: 6602b-MUH/19-274

    Determination of essential oil components, mineral matter, and heavy metal content of salvia virgata jacq. grown in culture conditions

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    WOS:000482732100002Most members of the family Lamiaceae are of considerable importance in areas such as medicine, food, cosmetics, and perfumery, as they are rich in essential oils, aromatic oils, and secondary metabolites. Sage, a member of this family, is the generic name for species of the genus Salvia. The genus Salvia has approximately 900 species worldwide. There are 99 species of the genus Salvia L in Turkey; 51 of these species are endemic. The local name of S. virgata is "yilancik" or "fatmanaotu" in Turkey, and it is used for the treatment of wounds and various skin diseases. In addition, a decoction prepared by using aerial parts of this species is used to prevent blood cancer. In this study, essential oil composition and heavy metal and nutrient element contents (aluminum, cadmium, cobalt, chrome, nickel, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, sulfur, iron, copper, zinc, manganese, boron, and sodium) of S. virgata grown in Yozgat, Turkey, under local ecological conditions were determined using standard analytical processes. The essential oil content in the aerial parts of S. virgata harvested during full flowering was 0.01% (w/w). The principal constituents of the essential oil were pentacosane (20.09%), caryophyllene oxide (6.90%), phytol (6.83%), spathulenol (6.09%), and nonacosane (5.15%). The highest macroand micromineral contents were Ca and K, and Fe and Na, respectively. The accumulated concentrations of the three metals found were lower than the maximum allowed for human consumption without health risks.Yozgat Bozok University Scientific Research Projects Unit (BAP) [6602c-ZF/17-87]This work is part of a project supported by the Yozgat Bozok University Scientific Research Projects Unit (BAP; Project Code: 6602c-ZF/17-87, Yozgat, Turkey)

    A Study on the Determination of Optimum Germination Methods for Cocklebur Seeds (Xanthium strumarium L.)

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    This study was carried out to determine the most suitable method for the germination of cocklebur (Xanthium strumarium L.) seeds collected in 2014 from the Muslubelen Pass at 1440 m in Yozgat province. Cocklebur seeds treated with different GA₃ (50, 250, 500, 1000, 2000 ppm) and temperature (in the oven 90 °C and 120 °C for 1, 5 and 10 minut es) and seed germination was observed. Germination times and rates were determined by 10 different observations in 13 different applications. Germination times for 24 h GA3 (50, 250, 500, 1000, 2000 ppm), 10 min. in oven (90 °C and 12 0 °C) was determined as 10 days, and for 1 min. in oven 90 °C and 120 °C (8 and 11th application), and 5 min. in oven 90 °C an d 120 °C (9 and 12th application) germination times determined as 11 days. The germination time in the 13th application (10 min at 120 ° C) was 18 days. Germination rates of cocklebur seeds were found to be about 26% in the 13th application (10 min of the plant 120° C), 70% in the 9th application (5 min . of the plant 90° C) and 90-100% in other applications

    Determination of the biodiesel fuel characteristics of poppy (Papaver somniferum L.) seed oil

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    Haşhaş (Papaver somniferum L.) hem dünyada hem de ülkemizde önemli bir tıbbi bitkidir. Aynı zamanda tohumlarından yağ elde edilmektedir. Bu çalışmada Yozgat ekolojik koşullarında yetiştiriciliği yapılan iki haşhaş çeşidinin (TMO-1 ve OFİS 8) tohumlarından soğuk presle elde edilen yağların, Transesterifikasyon yöntemi ile 2 aşamalı olarak üretimi gerçekleştirilerek bazı biyodizel özellikleri tespit edilmiş, standartlara uygunluğu incelenmiştir. Elde edilen veriler TMO-1 ve OFİS 8 çeşitleri için sırasıyla; kinematik viskoziteleri (40°C’de) 4.238, 4.139 mm2 /s; yoğunlukları, 884.46 kg/m3 , 883.82 kg/m3 , parlama noktaları, 169°C, 164°C; su muhtevaları, 425.38 mg/kg, 496.39 mg/kg; bulutlanma noktaları, - 3°C, -7°C; akma noktaları, -7°C, -16°C; donma noktaları, -11°C, -21°C; pH’ları, 7, 6.6; sülfat ve kül miktarları, 0.0095 m/m (%), 0.0110 m/m (%), SFTN, -1°C, -2°C olarak tespit edilmiştir. Elde edilen yakıt analiz sonuçlarının EN 14214 ve ASTM D6751 standartlarına uygun olup olmadığı amaçlanmış ve uygunluk gösterdiği görülmüştür. Bu sonuçlara göre haşhaş biyodizelleri B100 ya da daha farklı karışım yakıtların dizel motorlarda kullanılabilecek özelliklere sahip olduğu söylenebilir.Poppy (Papaver somniferum L.) is an important medicinal plant both in the world and in our country. At the same time, oil is obtained from the seeds. In this study, the oils obtained from the seeds of two poppy cultivars (TMO-1 and OFİS 8) grown in Yozgat ecological conditions were produced by the Transesterification method in 2 stages, some biodiesel properties were determined and their compliance with the standards was examined. The data obtained are for TMO-1 and OFİS 8 cultivars; kinematic viscosities (at 40°C) 4.238, 4.139 mm2 /s; densities, 884.46 kg/m3 , 883.82 kg/m3 , flash points, 169°C, 164°C; water contents, 425.38 mg / kg, 496.39 mg / kg; cloud points, -3°C, -7°C; pour points, -7°C, - 16°C; freezing points, -11 ° C, -21 ° C; their pH is 7, 6.6; sulfate and ash amounts were determined as 0.0095 m/m (%), 0.0110 m/m (%), SFTN, -1°C, -2°C, respectively. It was aimed whether the obtained fuel analysis results comply with EN 14214 and ASTM D6751 standards and it has been seen that they comply. According to these results, it can be said that poppy biodiesels B100 or different blended fuels have properties that can be used in diesel engines

    Determination of fuel properties of biodiesel produced from safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) Dincer species grown in Yozgat province conditions

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    Bu çalışmada Yozgat ili şartlarında yetiştirilen ülkemiz tescilli aspir (Carthamus tinctorius L.) çeşitlerinden Dinçer (Dikensiz) çeşidinin tohumlarından ham yağ elde edilmiştir. Elde edilen bu ham yağdan üretilen biyodizelin analizleri yapılmıştır. Dinçer tohum ham yağ biyodizeli 15C'de ki yoğunluğu (882.97 kg/m3), pH değeri (6), parlama noktası (178oC), bakır şerit korozyon (1a), su içeriği (499.20 mg/kg), ısıl değeri (38.448 MJ/kg), bulutlanma, akma ve donma noktaları sırasıyla (-5.7oC, -12.9oC ve -15.8oC) olarak tespit edilmiştir. Elde edilen sonuçlara göre Dinçer çeşidinin tohum ham yağının biyodizel üretimi açısından TS EN 14214 standardına uygun olacağı sonucuna varılmıştır.In this study, the crude oil of the seeds of the cv. Dincer (Barbless), grown in conditions of Yozgat province and that belongs to our country registered safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) varieties, was extracted variety. The biodiesel was analyzed that produced from this oil. The fuel properties of Dincer seed crude oil biodiesel determinated such as density at 15oC (882.97 kg/m3), pH value (6), flash point (178oC), copper strip corrosion (1a), water content (499.20 mg/kg), calorific value (38.448 MJ/kg), cloud, pour and freezing points (-5.7oC, -12.9oC and -15.8oC) respectively. Based on obtained results it is concluded that the production of biodiesel from the crude oil which extracted from Dincer seeds is suitable for TS EN 14214 standards