40 research outputs found
Caracterização molecular de Cryptosporidium em bezerros de assentamentos rurais da região Noroeste do estado de São Paulo, Brasil
The study was conducted on 25 properties of the settlements Sao Jose I and Salvador, located in the municipalities of Brejo Alegre and Birigui, in the State of Sao Paulo, Brazil. A record of variables was elaborated and included data such as gender, breed and age of the animals. A total of 231 stool samples were collected from bovines aged one to six months, 128 being females and 103 males, 131 crossbred and 100 Holstein. Among the 231 samples, 17 (7.36%) were positive for Crvptosporidium spp. both by malachite green negative staining and by nested-PCR. Of the 17 positive samples, 14 were sequenced in agarose gel. These sequences were detected between 99% and 100% of genetic similarity for the following species. One sequence was similar to C. parvum (AB513880.1), one to C. bovis (MF074602.1), two to C. ryanae (KT922233.1), one to C. felis (KM977642.1) and nine were similar for C. andersoni reference MF350628. C. andersoni was found in animals aged 2-6 months, an age group which is different from those described by several authors. The presence of C. parvum indicates that the calves in the studied region should be considered a potential source for zoonotic transmission. For the first time to our knowledge, C. felis was identified in cattle in America401491496FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO - FAPESP2012/13733-3O estudo foi realizado num total de 25 propriedades localizadas nos assentamentos São José I e Salvador, situados nos municípios de Brejo Alegre e Birigui, no estado de São Paulo. Um registro de variáveis foi elaborado, incluindo dados como sexo, raça e idade dos animais. Foram colhidas 231 amostras de fezes de bovinos de um a seis meses de idade, sendo 128 fêmeas e 103 machos, 131 mestiços e 100 da raça Holandesa. Entre os 231 bovinos examinados, 17 (7,36%) foram positivos para Cryptosporidium spp. tanto pela coloração negativa de verde malaquita como pela nested-PCR. Das 17 amostras positivas, 14 apresentaram amplificação pela eletroforese em gel de agarose suficiente para fazer o sequenciamento de DNA. Essas sequências foram detectadas similaridade genética entre 99% e 100% com as seguintes espécies. Uma sequência foi semelhante com C. parvum (referência: AB513880.1), uma com C. bovis(MF074602.1), duas com C. ryanae (KT922233.1), uma com C. felis (KM977642.1) e nove foram semelhantes com C. andersoni (MF350628). O estudo caracteriza a presença do Cryptosporidiumspp. em bovinos oriundos de propriedades produtoras de leite na região Noroeste do estado de São Paulo, sendo o C. andersoni a espécie mais prevalente nesses animais, principalmente em uma faixa etária diferente das descritas por diversos autores. A presença de C. parvum indica que os bezerros da região estudada devem ser considerados como uma fonte potencial de oocistos de espécies zoonóticas.Identificamos com ineditismo o C. felis em bovinos na América, o que corrobora outros estudos realizados na Polônia e Espanha e evidencia a presença de espécies de Cryptosporidium em fezes em hospedeiros não naturais. Palavras-chave: Bezerros. Caracterização molecular. Criptosporidiose. Nested-PCR.Protozoan of the genus Cryptosporidium are obligate intracellular coccidia with a cosmopolitan distribution. Biological data and various molecular genotyping tools indicate that the genus Cryptosporidium comprises about 30 valid species and more than 70 genotypes that can infect fishes, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals (NAKAMURA; MEIRELES, 2015).Among the named species, 13 have been described in cattle. Of these, nine present zoonotic potential, being more prevalent in humans: Cryptosporidium hominis, Cryptosporidium parvum, Cryptosporidium meleagridis, Cryptosporidium cuniculus and, occasionally,Cryptosporidium muris, Cryptosporidium suis, Cryptosporidium ubiquitum, Cryptosporidium felis(BORNAY-LLINARES et al. 1999; CARDONA et al., 2015) and Cryptosporidium canis (KVÁČ et al., 2016).Cattle are mainly infected with C. parvum, Cryptosporidium bovis, Cryptosporidium ryanaeand Cryptosporidium andersoni (XIAO, 2010). Of these, only the first is of zoonotic importance, being a concern for public health, since human cryptosporidiosis can be acquired from infected calves (LEARMONTH et al., 2004; SOPWITH et al., 2005; DEL COCO et al., 2014). These four species of Cryptosporidium are frequently diagnosed in cattle of different ages. Among these, C. parvumis the most prevalent in young pre-weaning calves (less than two months old) and shows low host specificity, and some genotypes are considered to have high zoonotic potential (DIXON et al., 2011).During the post-weaning phase (three to 11 months of age) a reduction in the prevalence of C. parvum is observed, however, in this stage an increase of C. bovis and C. ryanae infections is noticed. The latter two species are not considered zoonotic and show high specificity for bovine. C. andersoni is the species that mainly infects post-weaned calves and adult cattle. These parasitic species can infect other ruminants and rarely humans (DIXON et al., 2011).Due to the ability of this protozoan to infect different hosts and its constant presence in the environment, humans can acquire the infection in several ways, such as through ingestion of food and water contaminated with oocysts, direct contact with infected people (anthroponotic) or animals (zoonotic). Increases in environmental contamination and infected reservoirs assist in zoonotic transmission, as human cryptosporidiosis is also caused by certain species that also affect ruminants. The contact of humans with the feces of these animals that contains oocysts or contaminated water constitutes routes of transmission to humans (DEL COCO et al., 2014
Foraging behavior of Hudsonian Godwit Limosa haemastica (Charadriiformes, Scolopacidae) in human-disturbed and undisturbed occasions in the Atlantic coast of Brazil
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq
Epiphyte plants use by birds in Brazil
This study firstly reviewed the interspecific interaction records between birds and epiphyte plants in Brazil. Forty two documents, including articles, scientific notes, books and thesis, and 35 personal records and from collaborators were argued, totaling 112 species of birds that interacted with 97 species of epiphyte plants. Two articles treated the theme specifically and another 40 treated related subjects, such as: pollination of epiphytes, ecology and feeding behavior of birds. Studies were concentrated mainly in Atlantic Forest, in the southeastern Brazilian region. The epiphyte species more visited by birds was Aechmea nudicaulis (Bromeliaceae). The main visitor of epiphytes was Ramphodon naevius (Trochilidae). According to the number of authors' citations an index of generality in bird-epiphyte interactions was created. As result the index inferred that the ovenbird Cichlocolaptes leucophrus and the bromeliad Nidularium procerum are less generalist and more specialist species in bird-epiphyte interactions. The totality of the papers showed a considerable number of bird species that use the epiphytes plants and its resources, including nectar, fruits, invertebrates, nest material, nesting place, water and bath. Considering the importance of epiphytes to supply a variety of resources for birds, these results highlighted the necessity of additional and specific studies about the theme in various Brazilian regions and biomes.O presente estudo trata-se da primeira revisão sobre registros de interações interespecíficas entre aves e plantas epífitas no Brasil. Quarenta e dois documentos, incluindo artigos, notas científicas, livros, teses e 35 registros pessoais e de colaboradores foram levantados, totalizando 112 espécies de aves que interagiram com 97 espécies de plantas epífitas. Dois artigos se referiram sobre o tema especificamente, e outros 40 documentos trataram de assuntos relacionados, tais como polinização de epífitas, ecologia e forrageamento de aves. Os estudos foram realizados principalmente na Mata Atlântica da região sudeste do Brasil. A espécie de epífita mais visitada pelas aves foi Aechmea nudicaulis (Bromeliaceae). A principal espécie de ave visitante de plantas epífitas foi Ramphodon naevius (Trochilidae). Considerando o número de citações, foi criado um índice de generalização para interações entre espécies de aves e epífitas. Este índice inferiu que o furnariídeo Cichlocolaptes leucophrus e a bromélia Nidularium procerum são respectivamente as espécies menos generalistas e mais especialistas em interações interespecíficas aves-epífitas. A totalidade dos estudos mostrou um considerável número de espécies de aves que utilizam as plantas epífitas e seus recursos, incluindo néctar, frutos, invertebrados, material para ninho, local para nidificação, água e banho. Considerando a importância da variedade de recursos oferecidos pelas plantas epífitas, os resultados encontrados na presente revisão destacam a necessidade de estudos adicionais e específicos sobre o tema em várias regiões e biomas brasileiros.El presente estudio es la primera revisión de registros de interacciones interespecíficas entre aves y plantas epífitas en Brasil. Cuarenta y dos documentos, incluyendo artículos, notas científicas, libros, tesis y 35 registros personales y de colaboradores fueron levantados, totalizando 112 especies de aves que interactúan con 97 especies de plantas epífitas. Dos artículos se refieren al tema específicamente, y otros 40 documentos tratan de asuntos relacionados, tales como polinización de epífitas, ecología y forrajeo de aves. Los estudios fueron realizados principalmente en el Bosque Atlántico de la región sudeste de Brasil. La especie de epífita más visitada por las aves fue Aechmea nudicaulis (Bromeliaceae). La principal especie de ave visitante de plantas epífitas fue Ramphodon naevius (Trochilidae). Considerando el número de citas, fue creado un índice de generalización para interacciones entre especies de aves y epífitas. Este índice infirió que el furnarídeo Cichlocolaptes leucophrus y la bromelia Nidularium procerum son respectivamente las especies menos generalistas y más especialistas en interacciones interespecíficas aves-epífitas. La totalidad de los estudios mostró un número considerable de especies de aves que utilizan plantas epífitas y sus recursos, incluyendo néctar, frutos, invertebrados, material para la construcción de nidos, lugares para anidamiento, agua y baño. Considerando la importancia de la variedad de recursos ofrecidos por las plantas epífitas, los resultados encontrados en la presente revisión destacan la necesidad de estudios adicionales y específicos sobre el tema en varias regiones y biomas brasileños
Coexistence between Nearctic-Neotropical migratory shorebirds and humans on urban beaches of the Southern Hemisphere: a current conservation challenge in developing countries
The arrival of migratory shorebirds on beaches in urban communities in developing countries is a current challenge for the protection of these migrant birds. Nearctic-Neotropical migrants rely on roosting and feeding sites during their stopover on wintering sites in the Southern Hemisphere to acquire sufficient energy to complete their migratory cycles. On the other hand, cities in the Southern Hemisphere are growing rapidly, which results in increasing competition for space between humans and birds, such as for use in beach habitats. In the present study, I analyze the probability for occurrence for Nearctic-Neotropical migratory birds relative to the number of people in southeastern Brazil, the most populated region of South America. The frequency of occurrence of migrants, their distance of tolerance to people and the number of people were recorded in sample areas (circle plots with 20 m radius) on a 9 km stretch of urban beaches from November to February from 2009 to 2013. The probability of occurrence of Nearctic birds decreased as the number of people increased. When the number of people exceeded 20, the probability of occurrence of birds was almost zero. Furthermore, more than 95 % of birds moved off when people were within 16 m of reach. These results are discussed in the context of conservation actions since no management plan has been developed for migrant shorebirds that use urban beaches as stopover or wintering sites in developing countries
Frugivory by the White-bearded Manakin (Manacus manacus, Pipridae) in restinga forest, an ecosystem associated to the Atlantic forest
Manakins (Pipridae) are one of the most abundant fruit-eaters and seed dispersers in the understory of neotropical forests. We describe the fruit diet of the White-beaded Manakin (Manacus manacus) based on a two-year study of its foraging behavior on fruiting plants, collecting seeds from feces and regurgitations of trapped individuals, and from lekking males' courts in restinga forests at the southern coast of the state of São Paulo, Brazil. Manacus manacus consumed 58 species of fruits from 30 different plant families. Fruits were taken at 3.5 ± 1.9 m height and 1.5 ± 1.6 m below the forest canopy using mainly sally-strike and glean manoeuvres. Most of the fruits were berries ranging from 3.1 to 17 mm in diameter and containing from 1 to 86 seeds. Fruits up to 12 mm in diameter were swallowed whole. Ripe and unripe fruits were equally consumed. Our results corroborate with the great variety of small fruits consumed by manakin species, and indicate that M. manacus is an important seed disperser, potentially contributing to recruitment of plants in restinga