240 research outputs found

    Validation of the Italian version of the Revised Prenatal Coping Inventory (NuPCI) and its correlations with pregnancy-specific stress

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    Background: Pregnancy is a period of happiness but also of physical and psychological changes that can lead to distress. Functional coping strategies can reduce the pregnancy specific-stress. This study aimed to assess the psychometric properties of the Revised Prenatal Coping Inventory (NuPCI) in an Italian sample and to investigate how coping strategies were associated with pregnancy-specific stress. Methods: In this cross-sectional study, low-risk pregnant women (N = 211) were assessed with NuPCI, NuPDQ (Revised-Prenatal Distress Questionnaire), Brief-COPE (Coping Orientation to the Problems Experienced), and STAI (State-Trait Anxiety Inventory). The reliability of NuPCI was evaluated by assessing its internal consistency and factor structure (with a Confirmatory Factor Analysis, CFA). The concurrent validity between NuPCI and Brief-COPE and NuPDQ and STAI was investigated. Lastly, the relationship between NuPCI and NuPDQ was analyzed, as well as the ability of these scales to predict Apgar score at birth. Results: Internal consistency of NuPCI scales was good for Planning-Preparation (\u251C=0.84) and Spiritual-Positive Coping (\u251C=0.81) scales, acceptable for Avoidance (\u251C=0.76) scale. Moreover, the original three-factor structure was confirmed using a CFA with 29 of the 32 items (\u3c72374 = 618.06; RMSEA = 0.056, 95% confidence interval: [0.048, 0.063]); CFI = 0.920; and TLI = 0.913). Statistically significant correlations between NuPCI scales and Brief-COPE subscales ranged between r = + 0.217 and r = + 0.624; also, NuPDQ score was positively correlated with STAI scales (State scale: r = + 0.539; Trait scale: r = + 0.462). Concurrent validity was confirmed reporting that NuPDQ score was predicted by NuPCI scores (R2 = 0.423, p < 0.001), positively by Avoidance (\u3b2=+0.572) and Planning-Preparation (\u3b2=+0.215) and negatively by Spiritual-Positive Coping (\u3b2=-0.132). Finally, considering the stress, the effect of the Avoidance and Spiritual-Positive Coping scores respectively in decreasing (+ 155%) and increasing (+ 16%) the Apgar score became stronger. Conclusions: Italian NuPCI has sound psychometric properties and it is a useful coping measure. NuPDQ showed also a good validity. Our results may suggest a significant role for coping strategies, particularly in modulating the condition of the newborn at birth

    Characterization of humic fractions in leachates from soil under organic and conventional management and their interactions with the root zone

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    Humic fractions were shown to be closely involved in gene expression and promotion of different PM H+-ATPase isoforms, as well as in lateral root development, indicating an enhanced nutrient absorption capacity of the plant root system. HPLC-SEC confirmed that water-soluble humic substances (WSHS) correspond to a subfraction of the fulvic fraction of humic substances. This was supported by E465/E665 ratios higher than 8.5. These ratios generally increased over the growing season in cultivated soils but showed significant differences between conventionally and organically managed bare soils. FTIR data and the analytical quantification of carboxyls confirmed relevant structural changes in bare soil under both organic and conventional farming management. Absorption intensities ratios at 1,590\u20131,570 cm-1 and 1,440\u20131,380 cm-1 showed the predominant aliphatic character of these molecules

    Characterization of humic fractions in leachates from soil under organic and conventional management and their interactions with the root zone

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    Humic fractions were shown to be closely involved in gene expression and promotion of different PM H+-ATPase isoforms, as well as in lateral root development, indicating an enhanced nutrient absorption capacity of the plant root system. HPLC-SEC confirmed that water-soluble humic substances (WSHS) correspond to a subfraction of the fulvic fraction of humic substances. This was supported by E465/E665 ratios higher than 8.5. These ratios generally increased over the growing season in cultivated soils but showed significant differences between conventionally and organically managed bare soils. FTIR data and the analytical quantification of carboxyls confirmed relevant structural changes in bare soil under both organic and conventional farming management. Absorption intensities ratios at 1,590–1,570 cm-1 and 1,440–1,380 cm-1 showed the predominant aliphatic character of these molecules

    Psychological factors associated with vaccination hesitancy: an observational study of patients hospitalized for COVID-19 in a later phase of the pandemic in Italy

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    Introduction: Vaccination against SARS-CoV-2 has been used to reduce the severity of COVID-19 disease and the incidence of new cases. However, a significant proportion of people have shown vaccination hesitancy. Methods: This study explored psychological factors related to vaccination hesitancy in a sample of Italian COVID-19 patients (N = 54), hospitalized during 2021, after vaccines had been made available and while the vaccination campaign was on-going. Consecutive patients, aged 18 or older, admitted to the hospital with a diagnosis of COVID-19 were assessed with a set of standardized measures. Results: In our sample, 48.1% was not vaccinated and 7.4% died within 6months after hospitalization, with a preponderance of deaths among non-vaccinated patients. Non-vaccinated participants had higher resilience scores at the CD-RISC-10 scale than vaccinated ones (33.6 ± 5.50 vs 28.6 ± 6.61; t40.2=+ 2.94, p = 0.005). No statistically significant differences were found between the two groups for any other measures. Discussion: Higher levels of resilience among non-vaccinated patients may reflect greater identity worth and self-esteem, in turn resulting in a decrease in vaccination likelihood. This finding may have important public health implications, as it indicates that specific psychological aspects, such as resilience, may result in vaccination hesitancy, with implications for hospitalization rates, and thus healthcare costs, as well as loss of lives

    Resultados fotográficos de las observaciones conjuntas MPE-OAFA del cometa Halley

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    Se muestra el cometa Halley tal como fuera observado desde la Estación Astronómica de Altura "El Leóncito" con instrumental perteneciente al Instituto MaxPlanck (MP·) y al Observatorio Félix Aguilar (OAFA). Estos resultados (fotográficos) fueron obtenidos con: Cámara de Estado Solido CID intensificada como elemento sensor del telescopio Doble Super Schmidt; Cámara SEC intensificada adosada al telescopio Schmidt; Cámara Nikon de 35 mm teleobjetivo de 300 mm F/2 y telescopio Astrográfico Doble.Asociación Argentina de Astronomí

    A smart and sustainable future for viticulture is rooted in soil: How to face cu toxicity

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    In recent decades, agriculture has faced the fundamental challenge of needing to increase food production and quality in order to meet the requirements of a growing global population. Similarly, viticulture has also been undergoing change. Several countries are reducing their vineyard areas, and several others are increasing them. In addition, viticulture is moving towards higher altitudes and latitudes due to climate change. Furthermore, global warming is also exacerbating the incidence of fungal diseases in vineyards, forcing farmers to apply agrochemicals to preserve production yields and quality. The repeated application of copper (Cu)-based fungicides in con-ventional and organic farming has caused a stepwise accumulation of Cu in vineyard soils, posing environmental and toxicological threats. High Cu concentrations in soils can have multiple impacts on agricultural systems. In fact, it can (i) alter the chemical-physical properties of soils, thus com-promising their fertility; (ii) induce toxicity phenomena in plants, producing detrimental effects on growth and productivity; and (iii) affect the microbial biodiversity of soils, thereby influencing some microbial-driven soil processes. However, several indirect (e.g., management of rhizosphere processes through intercropping and/or fertilization strategies) and direct (e.g., exploitation of vine resistant genotypes) strategies have been proposed to restrain Cu accumulation in soils. Furthermore, the application of precision and smart viticulture paradigms and their related technologies could allow a timely, localized and balanced distribution of agrochemicals to achieve the required goals. The present review highlights the necessity of applying multidisciplinary approaches to meet the requisites of sustainability demanded of modern viticulture

    Urea-Doped Calcium Phosphate Nanoparticles as Sustainable Nitrogen Nanofertilizers for Viticulture: Implications on Yield and Quality of Pinot Gris Grapevines

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    In recent years, the application of nanotechnology for the development of new “smart fertilizers” is regarded as one of the most promising solutions for boosting a more sustainable and modern grapevine cultivation. Despite showing interesting potential benefits over conventional fertilization practices, the use of nanofertilizers in viticulture is still underexplored. In this work, we investigated the effectiveness of non-toxic calcium phosphate nanoparticles (Ca3(PO4)2∙nH2O) doped with urea (U-ACP) as a nitrogen source for grapevine fertilization. Plant tests were performed for two years (2019–2020) on potted adult Pinot gris cv. vines grown under semi-controlled conditions. Four fertilization treatments were compared: N1: commercial granular fertilization (45 kg N ha−1); N2: U-ACP applied in fertigation (36 kg N ha−1); N3: foliar application of U-ACP (36 kg N ha−1); C: control, receiving no N fertilization. Plant nitrogen status (SPAD), yield parameters as well as those of berry quality were analyzed. Results here presented clearly show the capability of vine plants to recognize and use the nitrogen supplied with U-ACP nanoparticles either when applied foliarly or to the soil. Moreover, all of the quali–quantitative parameters measured in vine plants fed with nanoparticles were perfectly comparable to those of plants grown in conventional condition, despite the restrained dosage of nitrogen applied with the nanoparticles. Therefore, these results provide both clear evidence of the efficacy of U-ACP nanoparticles as a nitrogen source and the basis for the development of alternative nitrogen fertilization strategies, optimizing the dosage/benefit ratio and being particularly interesting in a context of a more sustainable and modern viticulture.PSR 2014/2020 Regione Autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia—Misure 16.1.1, DGR 1313/2018, DC 398/AGFOR 2020—GESOVIT PROJECTFondazione Cariplo, Italy, Grant n. 2016-0648, project: Romancing the stone: size controlled HYdroxyaPATItes for sustainable Agriculture (HYPATIA

    Nutraceutical Profiles of Two Hydroponically Grown Sweet Basil Cultivars as Affected by the Composition of the Nutrient Solution and the Inoculation With Azospirillum brasilense

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    Sweet basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) is one of the most produced aromatic herbs in the world, exploiting hydroponic systems. It has been widely assessed that macronutrients, like nitrogen (N) and sulfur (S), can strongly affect the organoleptic qualities of agricultural products, thus influencing their nutraceutical value. In addition, plant-growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) have been shown to affect plant growth and quality. Azospirillum brasilense is a PGPR able to colonize the root system of different crops, promoting their growth and development and influencing the acquisition of mineral nutrients. On the bases of these observations, we aimed at investigating the impact of both mineral nutrients supply and rhizobacteria inoculation on the nutraceutical value on two different sweet basil varieties, i.e., Genovese and Red Rubin. To these objectives, basil plants have been grown in hydroponics, with nutrient solutions fortified for the concentration of either S or N, supplied as SO42\u2013 or NO3\u2013, respectively. In addition, plants were either non-inoculated or inoculated with A. brasilense. At harvest, basil plants were assessed for the yield and the nutraceutical properties of the edible parts. The cultivation of basil plants in the fortified nutrient solutions showed a general increasing trend in the accumulation of the fresh biomass, albeit the inoculation with A. brasilense did not further promote the growth. The metabolomic analyses disclosed a strong effect of treatments on the differential accumulation of metabolites in basil leaves, producing the modulation of more than 400 compounds belonging to the secondary metabolism, as phenylpropanoids, isoprenoids, alkaloids, several flavonoids, and terpenoids. The primary metabolism that resulted was also influenced by the treatments showing changes in the fatty acid, carbohydrates, and amino acids metabolism. The amino acid analysis revealed that the treatments induced an increase in arginine (Arg) content in the leaves, which has been shown to have beneficial effects on human health. In conclusion, between the two cultivars studied, Red Rubin displayed the most positive effect in terms of nutritional value, which was further enhanced following A. brasilense inoculation

    Plasmopara viticola infection affects mineral elements allocation and distribution in Vitis vinifera leaves

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    Plasmopara viticola is one of the most important pathogens infecting Vitis vinifera plants. The interactions among P. viticola and both susceptible and resistant grapevine plants have been extensively characterised, at transcriptomic, proteomic and metabolomic levels. However, the involvement of plants ionome in the response against the pathogen has been completely neglected so far. Therefore, this study was aimed at investigating the possible role of leaf ionomic modulation during compatible and incompatible interactions between P. viticola and grapevine plants. In susceptible cultivars, a dramatic redistribution of mineral elements has been observed, thus uncovering a possible role for mineral nutrients in the response against pathogens. On the contrary, the resistant cultivars did not present substantial rearrangement of mineral elements at leaf level, except for manganese (Mn) and iron (Fe). This might demonstrate that, resistant cultivars, albeit expressing the resistance gene, still exploit a pathogen response mechanism based on the local increase in the concentration of microelements, which are involved in the synthesis of secondary metabolites and reactive oxygen species. Moreover, these data also highlight the link between the mineral nutrition and plants\u2019 response to pathogens, further stressing that appropriate fertilization strategies can be fundamental for the expression of response mechanisms against pathogens