512 research outputs found

    Post-test simulations for the NACIE-UP benchmark by STH codes

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    This paper illustrates the results obtained in the last phase of the NACIE-UP benchmark activity foreseen inside the EU SESAME Project. The purpose of this research activity, performed by system thermal–hydraulic (STH) codes, is finalized to the improvement, development and validation of existing STH codes for Heavy Liquid Metal (HLM) systems. All the participants improved their modelling of the NACIE-UP facility, respect to the initial blind simulation phase, adopting the actual experimental boundary conditions and reducing as much as possible sources of uncertainty in their numerical model. Four different STH codes were employed by the participants to the benchmark to model the NACIE-UP facility, namely: CATHARE for ENEA, ATHLET for GRS, RELAP5-3D© for the “Sapienza” University of Rome and RELAP5/Mod3.3(modified) for the University of Pisa. Three reference tests foreseen in the NACIE-UP benchmark and carried out at ENEA Brasimone Research Centre were analysed from four participants. The data from the post-test analyses, performed independently by the participant using different STH codes, were compared together and with the available experimental results and critically discussed

    Isolation and characterization of oxidizedoligogalacturonides: meccanism of dampening of damps

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    Oligogalacturonides (OGs) released upon partial degradation of homogalacturonan, are a well-known class of Damage-Associated Molecular Patterns (DAMPs). Besides inducing immunity, OGs negatively affect plant growth by antagonizing auxin responses. Because the recognition of DAMPs poses the intrinsic risk of activating an exaggerated response that may impair plant survival, dampening mechanisms of DAMPs should exist. Transgenic Arabidopsis plants (OGM plants) expressing a chimeric protein called "OGmachine" accumulate oligogalacturonides (OGs) in their tissues and exhibit enhanced resistance to a variety of pathogens; however the growth of these plants is severely impaired. The prolonged release of OGs triggers defense responses that in the long term are deleterious for the plant. We used the OGM plants as a tool to investigate a possible regulatory mechanism by searching for elicitor-inactive OGs that may derive from elicitor-active OGs through an enzymatic modification. By analyzing the OGs produced in the transgenic plants, modified OGs were isolated. The nature of the modification was investigated by electrospray ionization mass spectrometry and resulted to be the oxidation to galactaric acid of the residue at the reducing end of OGs (oxOGs). OxOGs were tested for their ability to induce defense responses and antagonize auxin responses. In all experiments, they were inactive as compared to the corresponding typical OGs. We succeeded to isolate and characterize one of the enzymes that causes the inactivation of OGs: it is a FAD binding oxidase, that we named OGOX1, capable of producing elicitor-inactive oxidized OGs and H2O2

    Public Preferences for Investments in Renewable Energy Production and Energy Efficiency

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    In this paper we investigate the choices citizens make when asked to express willingness to support a proposed energy policy and are then compelled to allocate the program funds to either renewable energy or energy efficiency. In a survey study based on a random sample of residents of the state of Maine, USA, we find that citizens have preferences for specific types of renewable energy but these preferences do not yield significantly different allocation of investment funds between renewable energy and energy efficiency. We find that preferences are generally consistent regardless of presentation of options (i.e. limited ordering effects). Our results also indicate that personal characteristics that are understudied in the energy literature, including promotion/prevention focus and social/fiscal leanings, influence both willingness to support energy policies and also their allocation of fund choices, but in different ways. This suggests the importance of including multiple options in energy policy proposals, and that targeted messages regarding the components of such policies is key for optimal communication

    Cognitive conflicts in major depression : Between desired change and personal coherence

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    This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited and is not used for commercial purposesThe notion of intrapsychic conflict has been present in psychopathology for more than a century within different theoretical orientations. However, internal conflicts have not received enough empirical attention, nor has their importance in depression been fully elaborated. This study is based on the notion of cognitive conflict, understood as implicative dilemma (ID), and on a new way of identifying these conflicts by means of the Repertory Grid Technique. Our aim was to explore the relevance of cognitive conflicts among depressive patientsPeer reviewedFinal Published versio

    Evidence that PP2A activity is dispensable for spindle assembly checkpoint-dependent control of Cdk1

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    Progression through mitosis, the cell cycle phase deputed to segregate replicated chromosomes, is granted by a protein phosphorylation wave that follows an activation-inactivation cycle of cyclin B-dependent kinase (Cdk) 1, the major mitosis-promoting enzyme. To ensure correct chromosome segregation, the safeguard mechanism spindle assembly checkpoint (SAC) delays Cdk1 inactivation by preventing cyclin B degradation until mitotic spindle assembly. At the end of mitosis, reversal of bulk mitotic protein phosphorylation, downstream Cdk1 inactivation, is required to complete mitosis and crucially relies on the activity of major protein phosphatases like PP2A. A role for PP2A, however, has also been suggested in spindle assembly and SAC-dependent control of Cdk1. Indeed, PP2A was found in complex with SAC proteins while small interfering RNAs (siRNAs)-mediated downregulation of PP2A holoenzyme components affected mitosis completion in mammalian cells. However, whether the SAC-dependent control of Cdk1 required the catalytic activity of PP2A has never been directly assessed. Here, using two PP2A inhibitors, okadaic acid and LB-100, we provide evidence that PP2A activity is dispensable for SAC control of Cdk1 in human cells

    Physicians’ misperceived cardiovascular risk and therapeutic inertia as determinants of low LDL-cholesterol targets achievement in diabetes

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    Background: Greater efforts are needed to overcome the worldwide reported low achievement of LDL-c targets. This survey aimed to dissect whether and how the physician-based evaluation of patients with diabetes is associated with the achievement of LDL-c targets. Methods: This cross-sectional self-reported survey interviewed physicians working in 67 outpatient services in Italy, collecting records on 2844 patients with diabetes. Each physician reported a median of 47 records (IQR 42–49) and, for each of them, the physician specified its perceived cardiovascular risk, LDL-c targets, and the suggested refinement in lipid-lowering-treatment (LLT). These physician-based evaluations were then compared to recommendations from EAS/EASD guidelines. Results: Collected records were mostly from patients with type 2 diabetes (94%), at very-high (72%) or high-cardiovascular risk (27%). Physician-based assessments of cardiovascular risk and of LDL-c targets, as compared to guidelines recommendation, were misclassified in 34.7% of the records. The misperceived assessment was significantly higher among females and those on primary prevention and was associated with 67% lower odds of achieving guidelines-recommended LDL-c targets (OR 0.33, p < 0.0001). Peripheral artery disease, target organ damage and LLT-initiated by primary-care-physicians were all factors associated with therapeutic-inertia (i.e., lower than expected probability of receiving high-intensity LLT). Physician-suggested LLT refinement was inadequate in 24% of overall records and increased to 38% among subjects on primary prevention and with misclassified cardiovascular risk. Conclusions: This survey highlights the need to improve the physicians’ misperceived cardiovascular risk and therapeutic inertia in patients with diabetes to successfully implement guidelines recommendations into everyday clinical practice
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