68 research outputs found

    Overwinter Mortality of Trout in Temple Fork of the Logan River

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    The objectives of this study were to determine the mortality rates of trout in Temple Fork of the Logan River during the winter of 1970-1971 and to identify factors related to trout mortality. Trout in seven 100-m sections of the 7 3-km stream were sampled by electroshocking in October, December, February, and April. Captured trout were weighed measured and tagged or fin-clipped. Scale samples were taken for age determinations and the fish were returned to the creek. Water temperature, snow cover, and anchor ice were monitored. Three species of trout were found in Temple Fork: brown, rainbow, and cutthroat trout. Daily instantaneous mortality rates were calculated for both marked trout and estimated numbers in the stream

    Exploration of the Effectiveness of NaProTechnology in Women’s Healthcare

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    Many women today struggle with abnormal menstrual cycles and the painful symptoms of reproductive disorders. The standard approach to treatment of irregular menses, PCOS, endometriosis, hormonal abnormalities, PMS, and other conditions is the prescription of a pill for symptom management. A relatively new and innovative method to fertility care is drawing the attention of healthcare providers and prospective clients alike, which offers an alternative approach. NaProTechnology, or Natural Procreative Technology, works with Fertility Awareness-Based Methods (FABMs) to detect and treat various reproductive disorders. This project will assist in bridging the gaps in education and overall awareness of treatment options available in women\u27s healthcare. It will assess the risks and benefits of both natural and artificial approaches, review statistical data on relevant research, and evaluate the holistic impact NaProTechnology and FABMs have on clients who utilize it

    Effect of nitrogen, location, and harvesting stage on peppermint (Mentha X piperita L.) productivity, oil content, and composition

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    Peppermint dry weight biomass was higher in Verona (8119 kg/ha) than in Stoneville (6115 kg/ha). Overall both, oil content and yield were higher in bud formation stage than flowering stage. The levels of major essential oil constitutes were (-)-menthol 26 – 30 %, (-)-menthone 14 – 21 %, (+)-menthofuran 5 – 11 %, and eucalyptol 3 – 4 % of total essential oil content at flowering stage. Menthone content and its yield were higher at first cut; however, (+)-menthofuran content and its yield were higher at the second cut at bud formation. Although N fertilizers at rate 80 kg/ha did not affect essential oil content and yield at cut 1, N rate at 80 + 80 kg/ha increased oil yield at cut 2

    Connecting the Dots: Data Use in Afterschool Systems

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    Afterschool programs are seen as a way to keep low-income children safe and to foster the skills needed to succeed in school and life. Many cities are creating afterschool systems to ensure that such programs are high-quality and widely available. One way to do so is to ensure afterschool systems develop and maintain a data system.This interim report presents early findings from a study of how afterschool systems build their capacity to understand and improve their practices through their data systems. It examines afterschool data systems in nine cities that are part of The Wallace Foundation's Next Generation Afterschool System-Building initiative, a multi-year effort to strengthen systems that support access to and participation in high-quality afterschool programs for low-income youth. The cities are Baltimore, Md., Denver, Colo., Fort Worth, Texas, Grand Rapids, Mich., Jacksonville, Fla.,Louisville, Ky., Nashville, Tenn., Philadelphia, Pa., and Saint Paul, Minn.To date, research on data use in afterschool systems has focused more on the implementation of technology than on what it takes to develop and sustain effective data use. This study found that the factors that either enabled or hampered the use of data in afterschool systems—such as norms and routines, partner relationships, leadership and coordination, and technical knowledge—had as much to do with the people and process components of the systems as with the technology.Strategies that appear to contribute to success include:    Starting small. A number of cities intentionally started with a limited set of goals for data collection and use, and/or a limited set of providers piloting a new data system, with plans to scale up gradually.    Ongoing training. Stakeholders learned that high staff turnover required ongoing introductory trainings to help new hires use management information systems and data. Providing coaching and developing manuals also helped to mitigate the effects of turnover and to further the development of more experienced and engaged staff.    Outside help. Systems varied in how they used the expertise of outside research partners. Some cities identified a research partner who participated in all phases of the development of their data systems. Others used the relationship primarily to help analyze and report data collected by providers. Still others did not engage external research partner, but identified internal staff to support the system. In any of these scenarios, dedicated staffers with skills in data analytics were key.


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    The purpose of this study was to compare the 3D reconstruction accuracy, through a rigid bar test, provided by two moving systems, optoelectronic cameras (MOCAP) and action sport cameras (ASC). The cameras were fixed in the same rolling rigid structure (4.4 × 4.0 × 2.5 m) and the data were acquired simultaneously by the two motion analysis systems. Algorithms were previously developed to perform the roto-translation of the global coordinate system from reference points arranged on the floor, while the cameras and the structure were moving (40 m, antero-posterior direction). The mean inter-markers distance was 598.93 mm and 585.27 mm, and the standard deviation was 6.20 mm and 2.23 mm, by ASC and MOCAP. Despite the ASC had a performance almost 3 times worse than the MOCAP, the ASC is a more portable system and less expensive

    Effects of immune supplementation and immune challenge on oxidative status and physiology in a model bird:implications for ecologists

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    One route to gain insight into the causes and consequences of ecological differentiation is to understand the underlying physiological mechanisms. We explored the relationships between immunological and oxidative status and investigated how birds cope physiologically with the effects of immune-derived oxidative damage. We successively implemented two experimental manipulations to alter physiological status in a model bird species: the homing pigeon (Columba livia). The first manipulation, an immune supplementation, was achieved by oral administration of lysozyme, a naturally occurring and non-specific antimicrobial enzyme. The second manipulation, an immune challenge, took the form of an injection with lipopolysaccharide, a bacterial endotoxin. Between groups of lysozyme-treated and control birds, we compared lipopolysaccharide-induced changes in reactive oxygen metabolites, total antioxidant capacity, haptoglobin, oxygen consumption, body mass and cloacal temperature. Lysozyme supplementation intensified the lipopolysaccharide-induced inflammatory response and generated short-term oxidative and metabolic costs. We identified significant interactions between immune supplementation and immune challenge in terms of reactive oxygen metabolites, haptoglobin and oxygen consumption. Our study provides alternative interpretations of differences in oxidative and immunological indices and demonstrates that these indices can also fluctuate and interact across very short time scales, reflecting something akin to current ‘health status’ or ‘physiological condition’. These ephemeral effects highlight the need to broadly consider current physiological condition when drawing conclusions that relate physiology to ecology and evolution

    Crackproof Your Software: Protect Your Software Against Crackers

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    Vida pĂșblica e privada: estruturas institucionais e apoio pessoal em atividades educacionais de mĂŁes solteiras de baixa renda

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    Drawing on a case study of 60 low-income single mothers in California, I present a grounded account of the barriers and supports single mothers encounter in their pursuit of postsecondary education (PSE) and detail what the women themselves attributed to their success. I highlight the role both significant others (peers, family, friends) and institutional structures (the county welfare department and a community college district) played in their access and persistence within a community college district. In doing so, I provide a rich portrait of single mothers’ pursuits of postsecondary education to inform the empirical research gaps in the literature on the effects of welfare reform on the pursuit of PSE. I find that not only does the support of significant others play an important role in single mothers’ access of PSE, but that referrals to PSE from the county welfare department were as equally important—a finding that counters the dominant discussion in scholarly work on the barriers welfare departments pose to welfare recipients’ pursuit of PSE. Supportive significant others remained an important factor in the women’s abilities to persist in their postsecondary pursuits, but the women also cited student support programs designed to address the needs of low-income students as facilitating their persistence. The implications for the impact of welfare department practices, community college support structures and close networks of significant others on low-income single mothers’ access and persistence in a community college district are discussed.  A partir de un estudio de caso de 60 madres solteras con bajos ingresos en California, presento un estudio en profundidad de las barreras y apoyos que las madres solteras encuentran en su bĂșsqueda por acceso a la educaciĂłn post-secundaria (PSE) y explicĂł los factores que las mujeres identifican como exitosos. Se destacan el papel de los seres queridos (compañeros, familiares, amigos) y las estructuras institucionales (el departamento de bienestar del condado y un distrito de universidades comunitarias community colleges) que facilitaron el acceso y persistencia en sus estudios. Al hacer esto, ofrezco un retrato de actividades madres solteras en procura de educaciĂłn post-secundaria para avanzar en las brechas en la literatura sobre los efectos de las reformas a las polĂ­ticas de “estado de bienestar social” en la bĂșsqueda del PSE. No sĂłlo el apoyo de seres queridos , sino que las referencias a PSE del departamento de bienestar del condado fueron de igual importancia. Esta conclusiĂłn  contradice la perspectiva dominante en las investigaciones sobre las barreras sociales que representan los apoyos institucionales para las personas que reciben asistencia social. El apoyo de seres queridos sigue siendo un factor importante en la capacidad de las mujeres para persistir en sus actividades de educaciĂłn superior, pero las mujeres tambiĂ©n mencionaron programas de apoyo al estudiante diseñados para atender las necesidades de estudiantes de bajos ingresos para facilitar su persistencia. TambiĂ©n se discuten las prĂĄcticas agencias estatales de apoyo social, estructuras de apoyo de las universidades comunitarias y las redes cercanas de seres queridos en el acceso de madres solteras con bajos ingresos y su persistencia en una universidad comunitaria.Com base em um estudo de caso de 60 mĂŁes de baixa renda na CalifĂłrnia, apresento um estudo em profundidade sobre as barreiras e apoios que mĂŁes solteiras encontraram na procura de acesso a educação pĂłs-secundĂĄria (PSE) e detalho os fatores que as mulheres atribuĂ­ram para seu sucesso. Destaco o papel dos seres queridos (pares, famĂ­lia, amigos) tanto como das estruturas institucionais (do departamento de assistĂȘncia social de uma universidade comunitĂĄria) jogaram no acesso e permanĂȘncia na universidade.. Ao fazer isso, apresento um retrato rico das atividades das mĂŁes solteiras na educação pĂłs-secundĂĄria para avançar sobre as lacunas na literatura de pesquisa sobre os efeitos das reformas das polĂ­ticas de “estado de bem-estar social” na busca ao PSE. Eu descobri  que nĂŁo sĂł o apoio de pessoas queridas desempenha um papel importante no acesso das mĂŁes solteiras ao PSE mas as açÔes institucionais dos departamentos foram igualmente importantes. A minha perspectiva contradisse a perspectiva dominante no trabalho acadĂȘmico sobre o barreiras que departamentos de assistĂȘncia social impĂ”em na procura de PSE. Apoio dos entes queridos permaneceu um fator importante na capacidade das mulheres de permanecer em suas atividades educativas, mas as mulheres tambĂ©m citaram programas de apoio ao estudante projetados para facilitar a sua permanĂȘncia. TambĂ©m se discutem as prĂĄticas dos departamentos de assistĂȘncia social, estruturas de apoio das faculdades e redes prĂłximas dos entes queridos sobre o acesso e permanĂȘncia de mĂŁes solteiras de baixa renda em uma faculdade
