413 research outputs found

    A Carrington-like geomagnetic storm observed in the 21st century

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    In September 1859 the Colaba observatory measured the most extreme geomagnetic disturbance ever recorded at low latitudes related to solar activity: the Carrington storm. This paper describes a geomagnetic disturbance case with a profile extraordinarily similar to the disturbance of the Carrington event at Colaba: the event on 29 October 2003 at Tihany magnetic observatory in Hungary. The analysis of the H-field at different locations during the "Carrington-like" event leads to a re-interpretation of the 1859 event. The major conclusions of the paper are the following: (a) the global Dst or SYM-H, as indices based on averaging, missed the largest geomagnetic disturbance in the 29 October 2003 event and might have missed the 1859 disturbance, since the large spike in the horizontal component (H) of terrestrial magnetic field depends strongly on magnetic local time (MLT); (b) the main cause of the large drop in H recorded at Colaba during the Carrington storm was not the ring current but field-aligned currents (FACs), and (c) the very local signatures of the H-spike imply that a Carrington-like event can occur more often than expected.Comment: 18 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication in SWS

    Supergranular-scale magnetic flux emergence beneath an unstable filament

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    Here we report evidence of a large solar filament eruption on 2013, September 29. This smooth eruption, which passed without any previous flare, formed after a two-ribbon flare and a coronal mass ejection towards Earth. The coronal mass ejection generated a moderate geomagnetic storm on 2013, October 2 with very serious localized effects. The whole event passed unnoticed to flare-warning systems. We have conducted multi-wavelength analyses of the Solar Dynamics Observatory through Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) and Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) data. The AIA data on 304, 193, 211, and 94 \AA sample the transition region and the corona, respectively, while HMI provides photospheric magnetograms, continuum, and linear polarization data, in addition to the fully inverted data provided by HMI. [...] We have observed a supergranular-sized emergence close to a large filament in the boundary of the active region NOAA11850. Filament dynamics and magnetogram results suggest that the magnetic flux emergence takes place in the photospheric level below the filament. Reconnection occurs underneath the filament between the dipped lines that support the filament and the supergranular emergence. The very smooth ascent is probably caused by this emergence and torus instability may play a fundamental role, which is helped by the emergence.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures, online material at Journa

    The Spanish SpaceWeather Service SeNMEs. A Case Study on the Sun-Earth Chain

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    Comunicación presentada en el Coimbra Solar Physics Meeting, 5-9 October 2015, Coimbra, PortugalThe Spanish Space Weather Service SeNMEs, www.senmes.es, is a portal created by the SRG-SW of the Universidad de Alcalá, Spain, to meet societal needs of near real-time space weather services. This webpage-portal is divided in different sections to fulfill users needs about space weather effects: radio blackouts, solar energetic particle events, geomagnetic storms and presence of geomagnetically induced currents. In less than one year of activity, this service has released a daily report concerning the solar current status and interplanetary medium, informing about the chances of a solar perturbation to hit the Earth’s environment. There are also two different forecasting tools for geomagnetic storms, and a daily ionospheric map. These tools allow us to nowcast a variety of solar eruptive events and forecast geomagnetic storms and their recovery, including a new local geomagnetic index, LDiñ, along with some specific new scaling. In this paper we also include a case study analysed by SeNMEs. Using different high resolution and cadence data from space-borne solar telescopes SDO, SOHO and GOES, along with ionospheric and geomagnetic data, we describe the Sun-Earth feature chain for the event.MINECO project AYA2013-47735PPeer reviewe

    Involvement of RET oncogene in human tumours: specificity of RET activation to thyroid tumours.

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    Non-thyroid neoplasia were analysed by Southern blot of genomic DNA and DNA prepared by reverse transcription and amplification by polymerase chain reaction (RT/PCR) for the activation of the RET oncogene. It is known that the rearrangement of RET occurs in about 10%-20% of human thyroid papillary carcinomas. None of 528 non-thyroid tumours showed rearrangement of the RET proto-oncogene, whereas three out of 30 thyroid papillary carcinomas were positive for RET activation. Therefore the activation of RET seems to be a somatic cell mutation specific to human thyroid carcinomas

    Tbx1 expression in pharyngeal epithelia is necessary for pharyngeal arch artery development.

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    During embryonic life, the initially paired pharyngeal arch arteries (PAAs) follow a precisely orchestrated program of persistence and regression that leads to the formation of the mature aortic arch and great vessels. When this program fails, specific cardiovascular defects arise that may be life threatening or mild, according to the identity of the affected artery. Fourth PAA-derived cardiovascular defects occur commonly in DiGeorge syndrome and velocardiofacial syndrome (22q11DS), and in Tbx1(+/-) mice that model the 22q11DS cardiovascular phenotype. Tbx1 is expressed in pharyngeal mesoderm, endoderm and ectoderm, and, in addition, we show that it is expressed in precursors of the endothelial cells that line the PAAs, thus expanding the number of tissues in which Tbx1 is potentially required for fourth PAA development. In this study, we have used cell fate mapping and tissue-specific gene deletion, driven by six different Cre lines, to explore Tbx1 gene-dosage requirements in the embryonic pharynx for fourth PAA development. Through this approach, we have resolved the spatial requirements for Tbx1 in this process, and we show pharyngeal epithelia to be a critical tissue. We also thereby demonstrate conclusively that the role of Tbx1 in fourth PAA development is cell non-autonomous
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