62 research outputs found

    White paper on the future of plasma science and technology in plastics and textiles

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    This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: “Uros, C., Walsh, J., Cernák, M., Labay, C., Canal, J.M., Canal, C. (2019) White paper on the future of plasma science and technology in plastics and textiles. Plasma processes and polymers, 16 1 which has been published in final form at [doi: 10.1002/ppap.201700228]. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving."This white paper considers the future of plasma science and technology related to the manufacturing and modifications of plastics and textiles, summarizing existing efforts and the current state‐of‐art for major topics related to plasma processing techniques. It draws on the frontier of plasma technologies in order to see beyond and identify the grand challenges which we face in the following 5–10 years. To progress and move the frontier forward, the paper highlights the major enabling technologies and topics related to the design of surfaces, coatings and materials with non‐equilibrium plasmas. The aim is to progress the field of plastics and textile production using advanced plasma processing as the key enabling technology which is environmentally friendly, cost efficient, and offers high‐speed processingPeer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    A Solanum stoloniferum eredetű burgonya Y vírus immunitás gén (Rysto) finomtérképezése és lokalizálása a tetraploid burgonya genomban = Fine mapping and localisation of potato virus Y immunity gene of Solanum stoloniferum (Rysto) in tetraploid potato genome

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    Jelen kutatás célja a Solanum stoloniferum vad burgonya fajból származó burgonya Y vírus extrém rezisztencia gén (Rysto) finomtérképezése és lokalizálása volt a tetraploid burgonya genomban. Munkánk során előállítottunk egy 1100 F1 egyedet tartalmazó térképező populációt, amely hasad az Rysto génre nézve. Minden egyes genotípust hagyományos rezisztencia tesztekkel fenotipizáltunk, majd két - az Rysto génhez kapcsolt - markerrel elvégeztük genotipizálásukat is. A populáció 1:1 hasadási arányt mutatott, tehát a gén szimplex állapotban van jelen a rezisztens szülő genomjában. A populációból 88 genotípust véletlenszerűen kiválasztva négy különböző technikával megkíséreltünk a génnel szorosan kapcsolt további markereket azonosítani. Kutatásaink során Intron- targeting technikával azonosítottunk egy új markert a burgonya kataláz génjében, amely kapcsolt a Rysto génnel. Mivel a kataláz gén helyzete ismert, így a marker lehetővé tette a Rysto gén helyzetének egyértelmű meghatározását is a burgonya XII. kromoszómájára. További újabb, a génnel szorosan kapcsolt markert nem tudtunk azonosítani, azonban a detektált polimorf szekvenciákból részleges kapcsoltsági térképet szerkesztettünk a térképező populáció két szülőpartnerében. A térkép a későbbiekben alkalmas lehet egyéb, a nemesítés szempontjából jelentős gének/tulajdonságok térképezésére is. | The aims of present research project were fine mapping and localisation of extreme resistance gene Rysto originating from Solanum stoloniferum in the tetraploid potato genome. In the research project a mapping population segregating for Rysto gene with 1100 F1 individuals was developed. The phenotype of each individual was determined with conventional serological methods, while their genotype was determined also based on the use of two markers linked to the Rysto gene. The results revealed 1:1 segregation ratio and indicates the presence of a single dominant resistance gene in simplex state in the genome of resistant parent. As a subset population 88 F1 individuals was randomly chosen from the mapping population and four different molecular techniques were applied to identify further markers linked to Rysto gene. During the project one new marker linked to the Rysto gene was identified in the catalase gene of potato by Intron targeting method. Because the chromosomal position of catalase gene is known, it allowed the exact localisation of Rysto gene on chromosome XII of potato. We could not detect additional new markers closely linked to the gene, however by the use of polymorphic sequences were constructed a partial linkage map in both parents of mapping population. In the future these maps could be used for the mapping of other genes/characters being important for breeding purposes

    A White Lady burgonyafajta - Solanum demissum eredetű - fitoftóra rezisztenciájának vizsgálata molekuláris markerek és kapcsoltsági térkép segítségével = Investigation of late blight resistance of Solanum demissum origin in potato cv. White Lady with the help of molecular markers and linkage map

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    A pályázat célja a saját nemesítésű White Lady fajta fitoftóra rezisztenciájának vizsgálata volt, mesterséges fertőzési és molekuláris genetikai vizsgálatokkal. A keszthelyi fajták fajták fő rezisztenciaforrása a Solanum demissum vad faj, amely 11 különböző rezisztencia gént hordoz (R1-R11). Előzetes eredményeink alapján a White Lady széleskörű rezisztenciával rendelkezik a fitoftóra fertőzésével szemben, azonban a rezisztenciáért felelős gének nem ismertek. A pályázat célja volt a White Lady fajta S. demissum eredetű fitoftóra rezisztencia génjeinek meghatározása, a gének térképezése, valamint kapcsolt markerek fejlesztése. Különböző fitoftóra izolátumokkal való mesterséges fertőzéssel megállapítottuk, hogy a White Lady rezisztenciájáért nagy valószínűséggel az R5-ös gén a felelős. Tesztkeresztezés utódainak elemzésével megállapítottuk, hogy a gén szimplex formában van jelen a fajtában. Molekuláris genetikai vizsgálatokkal igazoltuk, hogy a White Lady fajta az R5 génen kívül az R2, R3a és R3b, korábban már klónozott géneket is hordozza, míg R1 és R8 géneket nem. Kapcsoltsági térkép vizsgálati eredményeink szerint az R5 gén valószínűleg az V. kromoszómán helyezkedik el, azonban hozzá kapcsolt markert nem sikerült kifejlesztenünk. Az R2, R3a, R3b gének kimutatása ugyanakkor lehetőséget ad ezen gének marker alapú szelekciójára, amivel lényegesen hatékonyabbá tehető a fitoftórával szemben rezisztencia-nemesítés, megőrizhető a Központ kedvező nemzetközi versenyhelyzete. | The task of the project was to evaluate the late blight resistance of potato cv. White Lady by artificial infection and molecular genetic studies. The main source of late blight resistance of Keszthelys bred varieties is the wild species Solanum demissum that carries 11 different resistance genes to this pathogen (R1-11). Earlier studies showed that White Lady possess wide range of resistance to late blight, however the genes responsible for the resistance were not known. The goal of the project was to determine the S. demissum based resistance genes of White Lady, mapping of the genes and development of molecular markers. By artificial infections with different Phytophtora isolates we proved that most probably the gene R5 is responsible for the resistance in White Lady. Evaluating progenies of test crosses we proved that this gene is in simplex format in this variety. It was proved by molecular studies that above the gene R5, White Lady carry the genes of R2, R3a and R3b while not the gene R1 and R8. Based on our study with a highly saturated genetic map the R5 gene is most probably localized on chromosome V, however we were not able to develop linked markers to this gene yet. By the way the identification of the genes of R2, R3a and R3b gives an opportunity for the molecular selection of these genes in breeding lines making more effective the late blight resistance breeding of the Centre and helps to keep its international competitiveness

    Slow magnetic relaxations in a ladder-type Dy(III) complex and its dinuclear analogue

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    The complex {[Dy2(PDOA)3(H2O)6]·2H2O}n (1) (H2PDOA = 1, 2-phenylenedioxydiacetic acid) was prepared from aqueous solution. Its crystal structure, built up of {-Dy-O-C-O-}n chains interlinked by PDOA ligands yielding a ladder-like arrangement, was determined at 173 K. 1 exhibits slow magnetic relaxation under a small magnetic field BDC = 0.2 T with two (LF and HF) relaxation channels. The LF relaxation time at BDC = 0.2 T and T = 1.85 K is as slow as t(LF) = 46 ms whereas the HF channel is t(HF) = 1.4 ms. The mole fraction of the LF species is xLF = 0.76 at 1.85 K and it escapes progressively on heating. In the dinuclear analogue [Dy2(PDOA)3(H2O)6]·3.5H2O (2) one PDOA ligand forms a bis(chelate) bridge between the two Dy(iii) atoms yielding a local structure analogous to that in 1; however its AC susceptibility data show slightly different quantitative characteristics of the single-molecule magnetic behaviour

    Neocuproine/nitrato complexes of Ni(II). Neutral and cationic species including salts with TCNQ: Preparation, chemical and spectroscopic properties and comparative structural chemistry

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    The cationic complex [Ni(neoc)2(NO3)]+ with NO3− (1), TCNQ− (3), or (TCNQ-TCNQ)2− (4) as counterions, and the neutral complex [Ni(neoc)([NO3]−-κ1O)([NO3]−-κ2O,O´)(H2O)] (2) can be obtained from different reactions involving Ni(II), neoc, NO3− and TCNQ. The molecular and extended crystal structure of compound 2, which displays two different coordination modes for NO3−, are compared to those of the analogous Mn, Fe and Co compounds, revealing a correlation between the coordination geometry of the nominally monodentate nitrato ligand and the covalent radius of the central metal atom. Despite the differences in molecular geometry, the extended structures of the Ni (2) and Mn compounds are similar to each other but different from those of the Fe and Co complexes, which are similar to each other. Complex 1 was further used in the preparation of a new heterospin compound [Ni(neoc)2(NO3)](TCNQ) (3), having an ionic structure with the same complex cation present in 1, accompanied by centrosymmetric anion-radicals (ARs) TCNQ•−. Through a different preparation process, complex 4, with the formula [Ni(neoc)2(NO3)]2(TCNQ-TCNQ), containing the same complex cation as in complexes 1 and 3, but now with the centrosymmetric σ-dimerized dianion (TCNQ-TCNQ)2− has been obtained. The influence of NO3−, TCNQ•− and TCNQ-TCNQ2− anions on the crystal structure of the cation [Ni(neoc)2(NO3)]+ in the compounds has been studied. All of the complexes reported here have supramolecular structures governed by hydrogen bonding systems, adding to their stability

    Syntheses, crystal structures and magnetic properties of complexes based on [Ni(L-L)3]2+ complex cations with dimethylderivatives of 2, 2'-bipyridine and TCNQ

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    From the aqueous-methanolic systems Ni(NO3)2 – LiTCNQ – 5, 5'-dmbpy and Ni(NO3)2 – LiTCNQ – 4, 4'-dmbpy three novel complexes [Ni(5, 5'-dmbpy)3](TCNQ)2 (1), [Ni(4, 4'-dmbpy)3](TCNQ)2 (2) and [Ni(4, 4'-dmbpy)3]2(TCNQ-TCNQ)(TCNQ)2·0.60H2O (3), were isolated in single crystal form. The new compounds were identified using chemical analyses and IR spectroscopy. Single crystal studies of all samples corroborated their compositions and have shown that their ionic structures contain the complex cations [Ni(5, 5'-dmbpy)]2+ (1) or [Ni(4, 4'-dmbpy)]2+ (2 and 3). The anionic parts of the respective crystal structures 1–3 are formed by TCNQ·- anion-radicals and in 3 also by a s-dimerized dianion (TCNQ-TCNQ)2- with a C-C distance of 1.663(5) Å. The supramolecular structures are governed by weak hydrogen bonding interactions. The variable-temperature (2–300 K) magnetic studies of 1 and 3 confirmed the presence of magnetically active Ni(II) atoms with S = 1 and TCNQ·- anion-radicals with S = 1/2 while the (TCNQ-TCNQ)2- dianion is magnetically silent. The magnetic behavior was described by a complex magnetic model assuming strong antiferromagnetic interactions between some TCNQ·- anion-radicals

    Application of direct PCR in rapid rDNA ITS haplotype determination of the hyperparasitic fungus Sphaeropsis visci (Botryosphaeriaceae)

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    Abstract Background The plant pathogenic fungus, Sphaeropsis visci a dark-spored species of Botryosphaeriaceae, which causes the leaf spot disease of the European mistletoe (Viscum album). This species seems to have potential as a tool for biological control of the hemiparasite. For the rapid detection of S. visci haplotypes we tested a direct PCR assay without prior DNA purification. This approach was based on a polymerase enzyme from the crenarchaeon Sulfolobus solfataricus engineered by fusion protein technology, which linked the polymerase domain to a sequence non-specific DNA binding protein (Sso7d). Findings Most isolates of Sphaeropsis visci grouped together in our phylogenetic analyses, indicating that isolates had a previously reported haplotype sequence, which is commonly found in the analyzed Hungarian population. This haplotype was also reported from diseased mistletoe bushes from other European countries. We further identified unique single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the ITS region, which were specific to the only well resolved clade in the phylogenetic analysis. Conclusions The diPCR approach allowed amplification of ITS rRNA gene directly from small amounts of fungal samples without prior DNA extraction. This simple bioassay in plant disease management enables collection of genomic data from fungal plant pathogen populations.Peer reviewe