41 research outputs found

    Precisa-se sempre de inventores mas ainda se procuram os inovadores

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    Por diversas razões e há décadas, a questão da inovação na educação é brandida como um slogan por numerosos dirigentes políticos mas também por um número razoável de pedagogos. A mediatização da formação está no centro desta problemática na qual se misturam, demasiadas vezes e sem distinção, as questões com origem na invenção de novas práticas e do papel que nelas desempenham as tecnologias, as que se ligam à socialização destas invenções e aquelas relativas à sua utilidade real. Muito cedo Geneviève Jacquinot-Delaunay iniciou múltiplos trabalhos que concorrem para elucidar esta problemática. Ela procura mostrar, nomeadamente, como e porquê a especificidade dos media nunca é tomada em conta, mas também procura elaborar propostas visando melhor compreender os processos de inovação e o seu acompanhamento e controlo. Este artigo discute as noções de invenção e de inovação na senda dos trabalhos de Geneviève Jacquinot-Delaunay e da comunidade científica para a animação da qual ela contribui fortemente numa perspetiva interdisciplinar. Convoca o modelo da instrumentação digital da atividade e as suas duas dimensões subsequentes da mediação e da génese instrumentais para apreender os processos de invenção e de inovação. Propõe, enfim, o modelo de zona proximal de desenvolvimento da instrumentação que confronta sumariamente à realidade da política atual de implantação massiva de tablets táteis no ensino escolar

    Video and online learning in higher education: A bibliometric analysis of the open acess scientific production, through Web of Science

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    Video is used, today and generally, as a preferential technology for the online broadcast of educational contents, in higher education. This exploratory bibliometric analysis surveys scientific publications written in English, in Open Access, in the field of Education, in the period between 2007 and 2017, considering the following topics: video, higher education, online learning, distance learning and MOOC. Three strings of searches have been used, in total, 96 publications have been identified, mainly articles in journals and respective affiliated authors, also primarily, to institutions of European countries.This work is funded by CIEd–Research Centre on Education, projects UID/CED/1661/2013 and UID/CED/1661/2016, Institute of Education, University of Minho, Portugal, through national funds of FCT/MCTES-PT. The first author is also funded by FCT/MCTES-PT, sabbatical grant SFRH/BSAB/135571/2018 and hosted by Laboratoire TECHNÉ, University of Poitiers, France.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Pertinences et impuissances d’une politique globale de changement autour des TICE face aux stratégies d’acteurs

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    Cet article présente le déploiement de l’Environnement Numérique de la Formation Initiale de Télécom Paris à la fois comme un élément inscrit de manière plus globale dans une politique de changement organisationnel menée par l’école, un instrument de ce changement et un objet socio-technique que les enseignants-chercheurs s’approprient. Par conséquent, si innovation pédagogique il y a, elle est moins liée à l’institutionnalisation du changement qu’aux initiatives locales et utilisations novatrices qui permettent d’appréhender un cours d’une manière différente.This paper presents the implementation of a web-based system for the academic programs at Telecom Paris, as a part of the policy of organizational change led by the school, an instrument of this change and a socio-technical object that the academic staff appropriates. As a result, if pedagogic innovation there is, it is less linked to the institutionalisation of change than to local initiatives and to the innovative uses which allow to teach in a different way

    How Tightly Linked Are Pericopsis elata (Fabaceae) Patches to Anthropogenic Disturbances in Southeastern Cameroon?

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    peer reviewedWhile most past studies have emphasized the relationships between specific forest stands and edaphic factors, recent observations in Central African moist forests suggested that an increase of slash-and-burn agriculture since 3000–2000 BP (Before Present) could be the main driver of the persistence of light-demanding tree species. In order to examine anthropogenic factors in the persistence of such populations, our study focused on Pericopsis elata, an endangered clustered timber species. We used a multidisciplinary approach comprised of botanical, anthracological and archaeobotanical investigations to compare P. elata patches with surrounding stands of mixed forest vegetation (“out-zones”). Charcoal samples were found in both zones, but were significantly more abundant in the soils of patches. Eleven groups of taxa were identified from the charcoals, most of them also present in the current vegetation. Potsherds were detected only inside P. elata patches and at different soil depths, suggesting a long human presence from at least 2150 to 195 BP, as revealed by our charcoal radiocarbon dating. We conclude that current P. elata patches most likely result from shifting cultivation that occurred ca. two centuries ago. The implications of our findings for the dynamics and management of light-demanding tree species are discussed

    La pédagogie universitaire à l’heure du numérique – Questionnement et éclairage de la recherche

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    Il y a toujours un risque à vouloir prolonger des journées scientifiques par la publication d’un ouvrage dont l’ambition est à la fois de construire de la cohérence dans un ensemble nécessairement un peu disparate et d’approfondir des analyses que le contexte initial de la communication orale n’a pas toujours permis de développer. Catherine Loisy et Geneviève Lameul l’ont pris. Le pari est d’autant plus ambitieux que l’ouvrage donne aussi bien la parole à des chercheurs qu’à des praticiens af..

    Acculturation numérique et médiation instrumentale. Le cas des adolescents français.

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    "Digital culture" is used mostly to refer to the skills and practices of the youth in a society marked by digital and networked information and communication technology. We propose to substitute this narrow definition with a more holistic view according to which, digital culture is not reduced to youth or digital technology but pertains to all the elements that define our culture in this digital age. It is the school's responsibility to guarantee the right to education to everyone so that they are well prepared for their social and professional lives and be able to exercise their citizenship. To be able to fulfill this duty, the school must integrate the determinants of the digital culture while elaborating its policies and their expression, in both its discourse as well as its action. The indicators available show that this encounter between the School and the digital culture turns out to be tumultuous. This report strives to propose an epistemological and methodological approach to apprehend these issues from a cultural perspective which make it possible to take into account the views of various actors. In order to do so, two theoretical propositions are put forward. The first one seeks to realize the genesis of individual uses of digital technology in order to situate it in the interaction between the individual and the collective cultural bedrock. It shows how the cognitive process of instrumentation is renewed in a space formed by analogy with the proximal zone of development of activity theory. The second proposition aims to reveal the processes by which the digital technologies contribute to the evolution of our culture and the role that they play in the dynamics of acculturation observed in the educational field. To do so, it uses a matrix approach that cross tabulates the records of technological mediation with the dimensions that characterize the culture.Le plus souvent, la culture numérique désigne les compétences et les pratiques des plus jeunes dans notre société marquée par les technologies de l'information et de la communication numériques et en réseaux. À cette définition étroite, nous proposons de substituer une vision plus holistique dans laquelle la culture numérique ne se réduit ni aux jeunes, ni aux technologies numériques mais réfère l'ensemble des éléments qui définissent notre culture dont les évolutions profondes, rapides et soutenues doivent beaucoup aux technologies numériques. L'École ayant la responsabilité de garantir à chacun le droit à l'éducation afin de s'insérer dans la vie sociale et professionnelle et de pouvoir exercer sa citoyenneté, elle se doit d'intégrer les déterminants de la culture numérique dans l'élaboration de sa politique et de sa traduction, en discours comme en actes. Les indicateurs disponibles montrent que cette rencontre de l'École et du numérique s'avère tumultueuse. Ce rapport d'Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches (HDR) s'applique à proposer un cadre épistémologique et méthodologique pour appréhender ces questions sous l'angle culturel qui permet de prendre en compte le point de vue des différents acteurs. Pour ce faire, deux propositions théoriques sont avancées. La première cherche à rendre compte de la genèse individuelle des usages des technologies numériques pour la situer dans l'interaction entre l'individu et le substrat collectif culturel. Il s'agit de mettre en évidence comment les processus cognitifs de l'instrumentation s'actualisent au sein d'un espace conçu par analogie avec la zone proximale de développement de la théorie de l'activité. La deuxième proposition vise à révéler les processus par lesquels les technologies numériques contribuent aux évolutions de notre culture, et le rôle qu'elles jouent dans les dynamiques d'acculturation que l'on observe au sein du champ éducatif. Pour ce faire, on recourt à une approche matricielle qui croise les registres de la médiation technologique avec les dimensions qui caractérisent la culture

    On demande toujours des inventeurs et l’on cherche encore les innovateurs

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    For various reasons, and for decades, the topic of innovation in education has been flaunted as a slogan by many political leaders but also by many educators. The use of digital media in education is at the heart of this question. Several issues are often intermingled: some related to the invention of new practices and the role played by technology, others related to socialization of these inventions and some others relating to their real value. Geneviève Jacquinot-Delaunay very early undertook numerous researches that contributed to clarify this question. She tries in particular to show how and why the specificity of the media is almost never taken into account. She also undertakes to develop new propositions to understand better the innovation processes and how we can manage them. This article discusses the concepts of invention and innovation in the wake of the work of Geneviève Jacquinot-Delaunay and of the scientific community she greatly contributed to develop and animate in an interdisciplinary perspective. It deals with the model of the digital instrumentation of activity and its two subsequent dimensions - instrumental mediation and instrumental genesis for understanding the invention and innovation processes. Finally, it proposes a new model about the proximal zone of instrumental development and briefly confronts the model with the reality of the current policy of massive deployment of tablet PCs in school education.

    La culture numérique dans le champ de l’éducation, quelques références bibliographiques

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    Qu’il est difficile l’exercice de la bibliographie à vocation pédagogique… Surtout quand il faut être concis ! Pour ne pas sombrer dans l’excès et pour donner du sens à mes choix, il me semble utile d’essayer de répondre au mieux à trois exigences. La première concerne la nécessité de concilier les indispensables textes fondateurs des chercheurs établis avec les publications des jeunes chercheurs. C’est bien l’association d’un cadre de référence stable avec ces propositions nouvelles, même s..