377 research outputs found

    Real-Time Implementation of Non-Linear Physical Models with Modal Synthesis and Performance Analysis

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    Modal decomposition is a popular analysis approach involving the description of a target system via a bank of resonant oscillators called modes. Early sound synthesis frameworks successfully exploited this idea for the simulation of vibrating objects such as bars, plates and strings. While popular, modal synthesis is often applied to linear systems, since the modes become densely coupled in systems presenting distributed or multiple nonlinearities. In this work, the modal approach is used for the simulation of nonlinearly connected systems. When the nonlinearity is of cubic type, a suitable energy-stable modal update can be derived requiring the solution of a single linear system at each time step. A working plugin written in the C++ programming language is presented. Moreover, the performance of the plugin is analysed considering systems of different dimensions, defining the current limits for a real-time application of these models. The analysis also revealed a linear correlation between the number of modes which compose the systems and the CPU usage necessary for their real-time computation

    A Foundational View on Integration Problems

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    The integration of reasoning and computation services across system and language boundaries is a challenging problem of computer science. In this paper, we use integration for the scenario where we have two systems that we integrate by moving problems and solutions between them. While this scenario is often approached from an engineering perspective, we take a foundational view. Based on the generic declarative language MMT, we develop a theoretical framework for system integration using theories and partial theory morphisms. Because MMT permits representations of the meta-logical foundations themselves, this includes integration across logics. We discuss safe and unsafe integration schemes and devise a general form of safe integration

    Monitoraggio di un gruppo di cervi (Cervus elaphus L.) marcati: uso del territorio in un areale alpino

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    Al fine di acquisire informazioni sull'uso del territorio in ambiente alpino da parte di cervi selvatici e di cervi allevati in recinto e reintrodotti nell'ambiente naturale, sono stati analizzati gli avvistamenti di 10 cervi marcati in Val Fontana (Provincia di Sondrio). Le dimensioni dello spazio minimo occupato dalle femmine sono risultate mediamente di 358 ettari (comprese tra 28 e 875 ettari). Non si sono evidenziati veri e propri comportamenti migratori stagionali, anche se una cerva si \uc3\ua8 spostata temporaneamente in Val Malenco ed \uc3\ua8 poi riapparsa in Val Fontana. I territori invernali rappresentano una frazione pi\uc3\ub9 piccola di quelli estivi, e sono localizzati a quote generalmente inferiori. La cerva allevata in recinto si \uc3\ua8 rivelata inadatta a rappresentare il comportamento tipico della sua specie, sia dal punto di vista spaziale che sociale

    Correlações entre caracteres de aparência de tubérculo de batata entre gerações iniciais de seleção.

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    O objetivo do estudo foi estimar a herdabilidade e correlação genética de caracteres componentes da aparência geral de tubérculos de batata nas duas primeiras gerações de seleção.Resumo

    On Arrangements of Orthogonal Circles

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    In this paper, we study arrangements of orthogonal circles, that is, arrangements of circles where every pair of circles must either be disjoint or intersect at a right angle. Using geometric arguments, we show that such arrangements have only a linear number of faces. This implies that orthogonal circle intersection graphs have only a linear number of edges. When we restrict ourselves to orthogonal unit circles, the resulting class of intersection graphs is a subclass of penny graphs (that is, contact graphs of unit circles). We show that, similarly to penny graphs, it is NP-hard to recognize orthogonal unit circle intersection graphs.Comment: Appears in the Proceedings of the 27th International Symposium on Graph Drawing and Network Visualization (GD 2019

    Tamanho do recipiente na expressão de caracteres de aparência geral de tubérculos nas gerações iniciais de seleção.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a influência do tamanho de recipiente utilizado na geração de plântulas, na expressão de caracteres de aparência de tubérculos