6 research outputs found


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    Background: Diabetes mellitus type 2 is a common problem that occurs in people who have metabolic disorders characterized by increased blood sugar due to decreased secretion by pancreatic beta cells or impaired insulin function. Objectives: This study aims to determine what factors are associated with self-management in Type 2 DM patients at the Buduran Health Center.Design: This study was a quantitative research. The design in this study was a cross-sectional analytic with a sample of 80 people who were carried out at the endocrine polyclinic Puskesmas Buduran Sidoarjo. Research instrument used the Diabetes Self-Management Questionnaire (DSMQ) developed by Schmitt et al (2013) to determine the self-management of type 2 DM patients and to measure the level of knowledge using the Diabetes Knoeledge Test (DKT) instrument developed by Burrough et al (2008), measure to physical activity using the Summary of Diabetes Self Care Activities (SDSCA), measure to family support using Family Support Questionairre, and measure to self efficacy using Diabetes management Self Efficacy Scale (DMSES). The sample siza with simple random sampling method, and data analysis using spearman rank test. Results: The results showed that there was a significant relationship between the level of knowledge and self-management with a coefficient value (r=0.576), a significant relationship between activity ability and self-management with a coefficient value (r=0.612), a significant relationship between family support and self-management with a value of coefficient (r=0.592) and there is a significant relationship between self-efficacy and self-management with a coefficient value (r=0.660). Conclusion: Patients DM Type 2 can be overcome by providing education in every prolanis activity program which is expected to increase knowledge, activity abilities, family support and self-efficacy, so that patients are able to improve self-management well. This intervention is highly recommended for people with Type 2 DM by increasing the frequency of health education and involving the family of diabetes mellitus patients so that patients are able to carry out self-management well


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    Tindakan sirkumsisi merupakan tindakan bedah yang meninggalkan luka setelah prosedur. Perawatan pasca sirkumsisi merupakan tahapan yang penting untuk mencegah terjadinya infeksi, masih banyak keluarga yang mempercayai mitos tentang penyembuhan luka sirkumsisiKegiatan ini diwujudkan melalui peningkatan informasi dalam wujud edukasi keluarga dan peserta. Subjek pada kegiatan ini adalah keluarga dan peserta khitan massal di masjid Al Karomah Griya Samudra Asri Kramat Jegu Taman Sidoarjo.Pengukuran tingkat pengetahuan menggunakan kuesioner dengan metode observasional analisis.Kegiatan ini dilakukan di masjid Al Karomah Griya Samudra Asri Kramat Jegu Taman Sidoarjo pada tanggal 24-25 Juni 2023, yang diikuti oleh 30 peserta yang didampingi oleh keluarga. Dari hasil observasi dan analisis didapatkan bahwa 96,67% keluarga memiliki tingkat pengetahuan baik, dan 6,67% memiliki tingkat pengetahuan cukup. Edukasi merupakan suatu upaya yang direncanakan untuk menyebarkan pesan, menanamkan keyakinan bisa melakukan suatu anjuran yang dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan. Peranan dan pengetahuan orangtua dalam tahap perawatan diperlukan untuk mempercepat proses penyembuhan luka.Keterlibatan keluarga dalam hal ini orang tua serta kerjasama yang baik dengan peserta akan meningkatkan pengetahuan serta status penyembuhan luka pasca sirkumsis

    Health promotion strategy for emergency choking at Elementary School Gisik Cemandi Sidoarjo

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    Choking is the entry of a foreign object into the throat or respiratory tract. This is a dangerous condition that can happen to anyone. In cases of choking in children, the initial treatment that can be done is back blows and chest thrusts. This activity was carried out to provide Health Education to students and teachers at SDN Gisik Cemandi Sidoarjo, as well as to gain skills in helping children and the community in their environment if a child experiences a choking incident. The implementation method is carried out in the form of a lecture using power points, posters with pictures of signs of choking, and how to handle it independently, and the Heimlich Maneuver. The results of the activity were that participants received information and increased their knowledge regarding the signs of choking, and how to handle it independently as well as the Heimlich Maneuver to students and teachers at SDN Gisik Cemandi Sidoarjo on November 11, 2023. The results of the socialization on handling emergency choking carried out at SDN Gisik Cemandi Sidoarjo were considered effective so that students and teachers are able to provide first aid in cases of choking

    Stigma and Anxiety Levels With Adherence on the Treatment Schedule Patient With HIV/AIDS in Indonesia

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    The stigma related with HIV/AIDS poses a psychological challenge to people living with HIV/AIDS. Adherence to the treatment schedule is very lmporlanl to reduce the impact of HIV/AIDS. StiSmatization is a 50- cial problem that affects physical health. As a result, the patients are anxious and react negatively to medication adherence. This study analyzes the stitma, anxiety, and adherence to treatment schedules for HIV/AlD5 patienls in Surabaya, lndonesia. Methods:: The present study use.d correlational research, involving 97 respndents, chosen by simple random sampling. The instruments of stigma variable used Berger HIV Stigma scale, variable of anxiety used Zung Self-Rating Anxiety Scale (ZSAS), and variable of adherence to treatment schedules used modified Morisky Medication Adherence Scale-B (MMAS-B) in which all instruments used have been tested for validity with the Cronbach's alpha value > 0.90. Data analysis used the Spearman rho test with the pvalue < O.O5. Results: The results show that there is d relationship between stigma (pvalue = 0.012) and anxiety level (pvalue= 0.02) with adherence to keatment schedules for patients- There is a ne8ative relationship between the stigma and the level of anxiety with treatment schedules in patients. Conclusion: The implication of the research is that stigma and anxiety levels affect the HIV/AIDS patients' treatment schedules. This research suggests that health workers need to provide more coping strategies and educational udates at the beginning of ARV (Antiretroviral) treatment along with the initiation of t-amily gathering activities, and assess the anxiety symptoms of a patient during the therapy so that the patient will adhere to treatment schedules


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    Background: Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is a metabolic disease characterized by high blood glucose levels as a result of insufficient insulin secretion, impaired insulin activity or both. Patients with diabetes mellitus are at risk for complications that can affect their quality of life. These complications can be minimized through self-management. Objectives: The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between self-management and quality of life in type 2 DM patients. Design: This study was a quantitative research. The design in this study was a cross-sectional analytic with a sample of 75 people who were carried out at the endocrine polyclinic RS Pusat TNI Angkatan Laut (RSPAL) DR. Ramelan Surabaya. Research instrument used the Diabetes Self-Management Questionnaire (DSMQ) developed by Schmitt et al (2013) to determine the self-management of type 2 DM patients and to measure the quality of life using the Diabetes Quality of Life Brief (DQoL Brief) instrument developed by Burrough et al (2008). The sample siza with simple random sampling method, and data analysis using spearman rank test. Results: The results showed that there was a significant relationship between self-management and quality of life in type 2 DM patients (p-value = .000, r = .394). Conclusion: There is a significant positive relationship between the level of self-management and quality of life in type 2 DM patients. From the results of the Spearman test correlation coefficient, there is a positive sign. This means that the higher the patient's self-management, it will also improve the quality of their life. The implication of this study are nurses can increase patient knowledge by providing education that focuses on improving self-management and facilitating the provision of family support as well as supervision and monitoring related to self-management by type 2 DM patients

    Stigma and Anxiety Levels With Adherence on the Treatment Schedule Patient With HIV/AIDS in Indonesia

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    Introduction: The stigma related with HIV/AIDS poses a psychological challenge to people living with HIV/AIDS. Adherence to the treatment schedule is very important to reduce the impact of HIV/AIDS. Stigmatization is a social problem that affects physical health. As a result, the patients are anxious and react negatively to medication adherence. This study analyzes the stigma, anxiety, and adherence to treatment schedules for HIV/AIDS patients in Surabaya, Indonesia. Methods: : The present study used correlational research, involving 97 respondents, chosen by simple random sampling. The instruments of stigma variable used Berger HIV Stigma scale, variable of anxiety used Zung Self-Rating Anxiety Scale (ZSAS), and variable of adherence to treatment schedules used modified Morisky Medication Adherence Scale-8 (MMAS-8) in which all instruments used have been tested for validity with the Cronbach’s alpha value > 0.90. Data analysis used the Spearman rho test with the p-value ≤ 0.05. Results: The results show that there is a relationship between stigma (p-value = 0.012) and anxiety level (p-value= 0.02) with adherence to treatment schedules for patients. There is a negative relationship between the stigma and the level of anxiety with treatment schedules in patients. Conclusion: The implication of the research is that stigma and anxiety levels affect the HIV/AIDS patients’ treatment schedules. This research suggests that health workers need to provide more coping strategies and educational updates at the beginning of ARV (Antiretroviral) treatment along with the initiation of family gathering activities, and assess the anxiety symptoms of a patient during the therapy so that the patient will adhere to treatment schedule