6 research outputs found

    Migrantes mexicanos deportados: exploração do estado de saúde e acesso a serviços de saúde

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    OBJECTIVE To describe the health status and access to care of forced-return Mexican migrants deported through the Mexico-United States border and to compare it with the situation of voluntary-return migrants. METHODS Secondary data analysis from the Survey on Migration in Mexico’s Northern Border from 2012. This is a continuous survey, designed to describe migration flows between Mexico and the United States, with a mobile-population sampling design. We analyzed indicators of health and access to care among deported migrants, and compare them with voluntary-return migrants. Our analysis sample included 2,680 voluntary-return migrants, and 6,862 deportees. We employ an ordinal multiple logistic regression model, to compare the adjusted odds of having worst self-reported health between the studied groups. RESULTS As compared to voluntary-return migrants, deportees were less likely to have medical insurance in the United States (OR = 0.05; 95%CI 0.04;0.06). In the regression model a poorer self-perceived health was found to be associated with having been deported (OR = 1.71, 95%CI 1.52;1.92), as well as age (OR = 1.03, 95%CI 1.02;1.03) and years of education (OR = 0.94 95%CI 0.93;0.95). CONCLUSIONS According to our results, deportees had less access to care while in the United States, as compared with voluntary-return migrants. Our results also showed an independent and statistically significant association between deportation and having poorer self-perceived health. To promote the health and access to care of deported Mexican migrants coming back from the United States, new health and social policies are required.OBJETIVO Analisar o estado de saúde e o acesso aos serviços de saúde de imigrantes mexicanos deportados na fronteira entre México e Estados Unidos. MÉTODOS Foram analisados dados secundários do Inquérito sobre Migração na Fronteira do Norte do México de 2012. O inquérito é contínuo e desenhado para descrever fluxos migratórios na fronteira entre México e Estados Unidos com amostra de população móvel. Foram analisados indicadores de saúde e de acesso aos serviços de saúde dos imigrantes deportados em comparação aos imigrantes que retornaram voluntariamente. Nossa amostra análise incluiu 2.680 migrantes de retorno voluntário, e 6.862 deportados. Foi utilizado modelo de regressão logística ordinal para comparar as probabilidades da pior autopercepção de saúde entre os grupos estudados. RESULTADOS Em comparação com os migrantes de retorno voluntário, deportados foram menos propensos a ter seguro médico em os Estados Unidos (OR = 0,05, IC95% 0,04;0,06). No modelo de regressão uma pior saúde auto-percebida foi associado com ser deportado (OR = 1,71, IC95% 1,52;1,92), bem como a idade (OR = 1,03, IC95% 1,02;1,03) e os anos de escolaridade (OR = 0,94, IC95% 0,93;0,95). CONCLUSÕES De acordo com nossos resultados, deportados tinha menos acesso aos cuidados, enquanto em os Estados Unidos, em comparação com os migrantes de retorno voluntário. Nossos resultados também mostraram uma associação independente e estatisticamente significativa entre a deportação e ter pior saúde auto-percebida. Novas políticas de saúde pública são necessárias para promover a saúde e o acesso aos serviços de saúde nos imigrantes mexicanos deportados dos Estados Unidos

    Moving away from the "unit cost". Predicting country-specific average cost curves of VMMC services accounting for variations in service delivery platforms in sub-Saharan Africa.

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    BACKGROUND: One critical element to optimize funding decisions involves the cost and efficiency implications of implementing alternative program components and configurations. Program planners, policy makers and funders alike are in need of relevant, strategic data and analyses to help them plan and implement effective and efficient programs. Contrary to widely accepted conceptions in both policy and academic arenas, average costs per service (so-called "unit costs") vary considerably across implementation settings and facilities. The objective of this work is twofold: 1) to estimate the variation of VMMC unit costs across service delivery platforms (SDP) in Sub-Saharan countries, and 2) to develop and validate a strategy to extrapolate unit costs to settings for which no data exists. METHODS: We identified high-quality VMMC cost studies through a literature review. Authors were contacted to request the facility-level datasets (primary data) underlying their results. We standardized the disparate datasets into an aggregated database which included 228 facilities in eight countries. We estimated multivariate models to assess the correlation between VMMC unit costs and scale, while simultaneously accounting for the influence of the SDP (which we defined as all possible combinations of type of facility, ownership, urbanicity, and country), on the unit cost variation. We defined SDP as any combination of such four characteristics. Finally, we extrapolated VMMC unit costs for all SDPs in 13 countries, including those not contained in our dataset. RESULTS: The average unit cost was 73 USD (IQR: 28.3, 100.7). South Africa showed the highest within-country cost variation, as well as the highest mean unit cost (135 USD). Uganda and Namibia had minimal within-country cost variation, and Uganda had the lowest mean VMMC unit cost (22 USD). Our results showed evidence consistent with economies of scale. Private ownership and Hospitals were significant determinants of higher unit costs. By identifying key cost drivers, including country- and facility-level characteristics, as well as the effects of scale we developed econometric models to estimate unit cost curves for VMMC services in a variety of clinical and geographical settings. CONCLUSION: While our study did not produce new empirical data, our results did increase by a tenfold the availability of unit costs estimates for 128 SDPs in 14 priority countries for VMMC. It is to our knowledge, the most comprehensive analysis of VMMC unit costs to date. Furthermore, we provide a proof of concept of the ability to generate predictive cost estimates for settings where empirical data does not exist

    Relative efficiency of demand creation strategies to increase voluntary medical male circumcision uptake: a study conducted as part of a randomised controlled trial in Zimbabwe.

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    BACKGROUND: Supply and demand-side factors continue to undermine voluntary medical male circumcision (VMMC) uptake. We assessed relative economic costs of four VMMC demand creation/service-delivery modalities as part of a randomised controlled trial in Zimbabwe. METHODS: Interpersonal communication agents were trained and incentivised to generate VMMC demand across five districts using four demand creation modalities (standard demand creation (SDC), demand creation plus offer of HIV self-testing (HIVST), human-centred design (HCD)-informed approach, HCD-informed demand creation approach plus offer of HIVST). Annual provider financial expenditure analysis and activity-based-costing including time-and-motion analysis across 15 purposively selected sites accounted for financial expenditures and donated inputs from other programmes and funders. Sites represented three models of VMMC service-delivery: static (fixed) model offering VMMC continuously to walk-in clients at district hospitals and serving as a district hub for integrated mobile and outreach services, (2) integrated (mobile) modelwhere staff move from the district static (fixed) site with their commodities to supplement existing services or to recently capacitated health facilities, intermittently and (3) mobile/outreach model offering VMMC through mobile clinic services in more remote sites. RESULTS: Total programme cost was 752 585includingVMMCservice−deliverycostsandaveragecostperclientreachedandcostpercircumcisionwere752 585 including VMMC service-delivery costs and average cost per client reached and cost per circumcision were 58 and 174,respectively.HighestcostsperclientreachedwereintheHCDarm−174, respectively. Highest costs per client reached were in the HCD arm-68 and lowest costs in standard demand creation (52)andHIVST(52) and HIVST (55) arms, respectively. Highest cost per client circumcised was observed in the arm where HIVST and HCD were combined (226)andthelowestintheHCDalonearm(226) and the lowest in the HCD alone arm (160). Across the three VMMC service-delivery models, unit cost was lowest in static (fixed) model (54)andhighestinintegratedmobilemodel(54) and highest in integrated mobile model (63). Overall, economies of scale were evident with unit costs lower in sites with higher numbers of clients reached and circumcised. CONCLUSIONS: There was high variability in unit costs across arms and sites suggesting opportunities for cost reductions. Highest costs were observed in the HCD+HIVST arm when combined with an integrated service-delivery setting. Mobilisation programmes that intensively target higher conversion rates as exhibited in the SDC and HCD arms provide greater scope for efficiency by spreading costs. TRIAL REGISTRATION NUMBER: PACTR201804003064160

    Deported Mexican migrants: health status and access to care

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    OBJECTIVE To describe the health status and access to care of forced-return Mexican migrants deported through the Mexico-United States border and to compare it with the situation of voluntary-return migrants. METHODS Secondary data analysis from the Survey on Migration in Mexico’s Northern Border from 2012. This is a continuous survey, designed to describe migration flows between Mexico and the United States, with a mobile-population sampling design. We analyzed indicators of health and access to care among deported migrants, and compare them with voluntary-return migrants. Our analysis sample included 2,680 voluntary-return migrants, and 6,862 deportees. We employ an ordinal multiple logistic regression model, to compare the adjusted odds of having worst self-reported health between the studied groups. RESULTS As compared to voluntary-return migrants, deportees were less likely to have medical insurance in the United States (OR = 0.05; 95%CI 0.04;0.06). In the regression model a poorer self-perceived health was found to be associated with having been deported (OR = 1.71, 95%CI 1.52;1.92), as well as age (OR = 1.03, 95%CI 1.02;1.03) and years of education (OR = 0.94 95%CI 0.93;0.95). CONCLUSIONS According to our results, deportees had less access to care while in the United States, as compared with voluntary-return migrants. Our results also showed an independent and statistically significant association between deportation and having poorer self-perceived health. To promote the health and access to care of deported Mexican migrants coming back from the United States, new health and social policies are required

    A meta-analysis approach for estimating average unit costs for ART using pooled facility-level primary data from African countries

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    Objective: To estimate facility-level average cost for ART services and explore unit cost variations using pooled facility-level cost estimates from four HIV empirical cost studies conducted in five African countries. Methods: Through a literature search we identified studies reporting facility-level costs for ART programmes. We requested the underlying data and standardised the disparate data sources to make them comparable. Subsequently, we estimated the annual cost per patient served and assessed the cost variation among facilities and other service delivery characteristics using descriptive statistics and meta-analysis. All costs were converted to 2017 US dollars ().Results:WeobtainedandstandardiseddatafromfourstudiesacrossfiveAfricancountriesand139facilities.TheweightedaveragecostperpatientonARTwas). Results: We obtained and standardised data from four studies across five African countries and 139 facilities. The weighted average cost per patient on ART was 251 (95% CI: 193–308). On average, 46% of the mean unit cost correspond to antiretroviral (ARVs) costs, 31% to personnel costs, 20% other recurrent costs, and 2% to capital costs. We observed a lot of variation in unit cost and scale levels between countries. We also observed a negative relationship between ART unit cost and the number of patients served in a year. Conclusion: Our approach allowed us to explore unit cost variation across contexts by pooling ART costs from multiple sources. Our research provides an example of how to estimate costs based on heterogeneous sources reconciling methodological differences across studies and contributes by giving an example on how to estimate costs based on heterogeneous sources of data. Also, our study provides additional information on costs for funders, policy-makers, and decision-makers in the process of designing or scaling-up HIV interventions