81,941 research outputs found


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    La città di Cerda si colloca a poca distanza dal fiume Imera Settentrionale, lungo la strada che collega la costa tirrenica della Sicilia con l’entroterra. La fondazione si deve al nobile Giuseppe Santostefano e Cerda, che nel 1656 ne avvia la costruzione e dopo tre anni ottiene la licentia populandi dal re Filippo IV

    Crescent Singularities in Crumpled Sheets

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    We examine the crescent singularity of a developable cone in a setting similar to that studied by Cerda et al [Nature 401, 46 (1999)]. Stretching is localized in a core region near the pushing tip and bending dominates the outer region. Two types of stresses in the outer region are identified and shown to scale differently with the distance to the tip. Energies of the d-cone are estimated and the conditions for the scaling of core region size R_c are discussed. Tests of the pushing force equation and direct geometrical measurements provide numerical evidence that core size scales as R_c ~ h^{1/3} R^{2/3}, where h is the thickness of sheet and R is the supporting container radius, in agreement with the proposition of Cerda et al. We give arguments that this observed scaling law should not represent the asymptotic behavior. Other properties are also studied and tested numerically, consistent with our analysis.Comment: 13 pages with 8 figures, revtex. To appear in PR

    Cultura literària de la dona en la València dels segles XVI i XVII

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    Resum: El present treball fa una revisió a la cultura literària de les dones valencianes dels segles XVI i XVII. A més de fer una ullada a les principals fons bibliogràfiques, l’autor assenyala altres possibles vies per descobrir l’activitat escripturària femenina. En concret, aporta dades sobre Clara de la Cerda, una senyora d’origen castellà americà afincada a Oliva, la qual va gestionar els seus negocis personalment i va redactar interessants papers de caire administratiu.Paraules clau: Cultura literària femenina, Escriptura, València, Edat Moderna, Clara de la Cerda, OlivaAbstract: The present work does a review to the literary culture of the Valencian women of the 16th and 17th century. Beside throwing a glimpse to the principal bibliographical sources, the author indicates other possible routes to discover the feminine writer activity. Specifically, it provides data about Clara de la Cerda, a lady of Spanish American origin based in Oliva, which managed her business personally and wrote interesting administrative.Keywords: Literary feminine Culture, Writing, Valencia, Modern Age, Clara de la Cerda, Oliv

    Advances on elementary equivalence in model theory of fuzzy logics

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    Dellunde and Garca-Cerda~na are supported by EdeTRI (TIN2012-39348-C02-01); Garca-Cerda~na is also supported by the Spanish MICINN project MTM 201125745 and the grant 2009SGR 1433 from the Generalitat de Catalunya;Noguera is supported by the project GA13-14654S of the Czech Science Foundation and by the FP7-PEOPLE-2009-IRSES project MaToMUVI (PIRSES-GA-2009-247584)Peer Reviewe
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