63 research outputs found

    Numerical viscosity in hydrodynamics simulations in general relativity

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    We present an alternative method to estimate the numerical viscosity in simulations of astrophysical objects, which is based in the damping of fluid oscillations. We apply the method to general relativistic hydrodynamic simulations using a spherical coordinates. We perform 1D-spherical and 2D- axisymmetric simulations of radial oscillations in spherical systems. We calibrate first the method with simulations with added bulk viscosity and study the differences between different numerical schemes. We apply the method to radial oscillations of neutron stars and we conclude that the main source of numerical viscosity in this case is the surface of the star. We expect that this method could be useful to compute the resolution requirements and limitations of the numerical simulations in different astrophysical scenarios in the future.Comment: Accepted for publication in Class. Quantum Grav. 15 pages, 3 figure

    Towards asteroseismology of core-collapse supernovae with gravitational-wave observations - I. Cowling approximation

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    Gravitational waves from core-collapse supernovae are produced by the excitation of different oscillation modes in the proto-neutron star (PNS) and its surroundings, including the shock. In this work we study the relationship between the post-bounce oscillation spectrum of the PNS-shock system and the characteristic frequencies observed in gravitational-wave signals from core-collapse simulations. This is a fundamental first step in order to develop a procedure to infer astrophysical parameters of the PNS formed in core-collapse supernovae. Our method combines information from the oscillation spectrum of the PNS, obtained through linear-perturbation analysis in general relativity of a background physical system, with information from the gravitational-wave spectrum of the corresponding non-linear, core-collapse simulation. Using results from the simulation of the collapse of a 35 M⊙M_{\odot} presupernova progenitor we show that both types of spectra are indeed related and we are able to identify the modes of oscillation of the PNS, namely g-modes, p-modes, hybrid modes, and standing-accretion-shock-instability (SASI) modes, obtaining a remarkably close correspondence with the time-frequency distribution of the gravitational-wave modes. The analysis presented in this paper provides a proof-of-concept that asteroseismology is indeed possible in the core-collapse scenario, and it may serve as a basis for future work on PNS parameter inference based on gravitational-wave observations

    Coherent magneto-elastic oscillations in superfluid magnetars

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    We study the effect of superfluidity on torsional oscillations of highly magnetised neutron stars (magnetars) with a microphysical equation of state by means of two-dimensional, magnetohydrodynamical- elastic simulations. The superfluid properties of the neutrons in the neutron star core are treated in a parametric way in which we effectively decouple part of the core matter from the oscillations. Our simulations confirm the existence of two groups of oscillations, namely continuum oscillations that are confined to the neutron star core and are of Alfv\'enic character, and global oscillations with constant phase and that are of mixed magneto-elastic type. The latter might explain the quasi-periodic oscillations observed in magnetar giant flares, since they do not suffer from the additional damping mechanism due to phase mixing, contrary to what happens for continuum oscillations. However, we cannot prove rigorously that the coherent oscillations with constant phase are normal modes. Moreover, we find no crustal shear modes for the magnetic field strengths typical for magnetars.We provide fits to our numerical simulations that give the oscillation frequencies as functions of magnetic field strength and proton fraction in the core.Comment: 16 pages, 12 figures, accepted by MNRA

    Modulating the magnetosphere of magnetars by internal magneto-elastic oscillations

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    We couple internal torsional, magneto-elastic oscillations of highly magnetized neutron stars (magnetars) to their magnetospheres. The corresponding axisymmetric perturbations of the external magnetic field configuration evolve as a sequence of linear, force-free equilibria that are completely determined by the background magnetic field configuration and by the perturbations of the magnetic field at the surface. The perturbations are obtained from simulations of magneto-elastic oscillations in the interior of the magnetar. While such oscillations can excite travelling Alfv\'en waves in the exterior of the star only in a very limited region close to the poles, they still modulate the near magnetosphere by inducing a time-dependent twist between the foot-points of closed magnetic field lines that exit the star at a polar angle ≳0.19 \gtrsim 0.19\,rad. Moreover, we find that for a dipole-like background magnetic field configuration the magnetic field modulations in the magnetosphere, driven by internal oscillations, can only be symmetric with respect to the equator. This is in agreement with our previous findings, where we interpreted the observed quasi-periodic oscillations in the X-ray tail of magnetar bursts as driven by the family of internal magneto-elastic oscillations with symmetric magnetic field perturbations.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures, 2 tables, Accepted by MNRA

    Magneto-elastic oscillations of neutron stars with dipolar magnetic fields

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    By means of two dimensional, general-relativistic, magneto-hydrodynamical simulations we investigate the oscillations of magnetized neutron star models (magnetars) including the description of an extended solid crust. The aim of this study is to understand the origin of the QPOs observed in the giant flares of SGRs. We confirm the existence of three different regimes: (a) a weak magnetic field regime B<5 x 10^13 G, where crustal shear modes dominate the evolution; (b) a regime of intermediate magnetic fields 5 x 10^13 G<B< 10^15 G, where Alfv\'en QPOs are mainly confined to the core of the neutron star and the crustal shear modes are damped very efficiently; and (c) a strong field regime B>10^15 G, where magneto-elastic oscillations reach the surface and approach the behavior of purely Alfv\'en QPOs. When the Alfv\'en QPOs are confined to the core of the neutron star, we find qualitatively similar QPOs as in the absence of a crust. The lower QPOs associated with the closed field lines of the dipolar magnetic field configuration are reproduced as in our previous simulations without crust, while the upper QPOs connected to the open field lines are displaced from the polar axis. Additionally, we observe a family of edge QPOs. Our results do not leave much room for a crustal-mode interpretation of observed QPOs in SGR giant flares, but can accommodate an interpretation of these observations as originating from Alfv\'en-like, global, turning-point QPOs in models with dipolar magnetic field strengths in the narrow range of 5 x 10^15 G < B < 1.4 x 10^16 G. This range is somewhat larger than estimates for magnetic field strengths in known magnetars. The discrepancy may be resolved in models including a more complicated magnetic field structure or with models taking superfluidity of the neutrons and superconductivity of the protons in the core into account.Comment: 25 pages, 17 figures, 7 tables, minor corrections to match published version in MNRA

    Constraining properties of high-density matter in neutron stars with magneto-elastic oscillations

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    We discuss torsional oscillations of highly magnetised neutron stars (magnetars) using two-dimensional, magneto-elastic-hydrodynamical simulations. Our model is able to explain both the low- and high-frequency quasi-periodic oscillations (QPOs) observed in magnetars. The analysis of these oscillations provides constraints on the breakout magnetic-field strength, on the fundamental QPO frequency, and on the frequency of a particularly excited overtone. More importantly, we show how to use this information to generically constraint properties of high-density matter in neutron stars, employing Bayesian analysis. In spite of current uncertainties and computational approximations, our model-dependent Bayesian posterior estimates for SGR 1806-20 yield a magnetic-field strength Bˉ∼2.1−1.0+1.3×1015 \bar B\sim 2.1^{+1.3}_{-1.0}\times10^{15}\,G and a crust thickness of Δr=1.6−0.6+0.7\Delta r = 1.6^{+0.7}_{-0.6} km, which are both in remarkable agreement with observational and theoretical expectations, respectively (1-σ\sigma error bars are indicated). Our posteriors also favour the presence of a superfluid phase in the core, a relatively low stellar compactness, M/R<0.19M/R<0.19, indicating a relatively stiff equation of state and/or low mass neutron star, and high shear speeds at the base of the crust, cs>1.4×108 c_s>1.4\times10^8\,cm/s. Although the procedure laid out here still has large uncertainties, these constraints could become tighter when additional observations become available.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figures, 6 tables, submitted to MNRA

    Imprints of superfluidity on magneto-elastic QPOs of SGRs

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    Our numerical simulations show that axisymmetric, torsional, magneto-elastic oscillations of magnetars with a superfluid core can explain the whole range of observed quasi-periodic oscillations (QPOs) in the giant flares of soft gamma-ray repeaters. There exist constant phase, magneto-elastic QPOs at both low (f500 Hz), in full agreement with observations. The range of magnetic field strengths required to match the observed QPO frequencies agrees with that from spin-down estimates. These results strongly suggest that neutrons in magnetar cores are superfluid.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure
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