12 research outputs found

    Determinants of Private Investment and The Effects on Economic Growth in Indonesia

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    Investment is important part of development economic, especially on increase of economic growth. Through investment, various of production facilities will be provide, thus will give optimally production output and value added, as a result can improve the economic growth. Investment activities can be done by two main sectors, government and private. Majority of government investment commonly to finance physical and non-physical development that could not be conducted by society. Lack of capital in government sector influence low of encourage on physical infrastructure as driving of business and economic activities. That condition will impact on private investment. This study will explain the effect of government investment and another economic variables, such as economic growth, investment credit, interest rate, inflation and exchange rate, and the influence of private investment on economic growth in Indonesi


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    The need for investment as factors triggering the development of a country has a very important role. Foreign direct investment can be one of the important sources of capital in developing countries, and contribute, the national development by transfer of asset, management, and technology to stimulate the economy of the country. The purpose of this research is to determine the effects of interest rate, inflation, economic growth, openness on foreign direct investment (cases study in 5 South-east Asia countries namely, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Philippines, and Vietnam period of 2005 to 2012). The analytical method in this study is linear regression analytical method of panel data with Fixed Effect Model (FEM) method to calculate the data is used by Eviews 8 software. The result of this research showed that during 2005 to 2012 the economic growth has positive and significant effect on foreign direct investment. Interest rate, inflation, and openness have negative and significant on foreign direct investment. Simultaneously, independent variable is significantly affect on dependent variable

    Causality Relationship between Central Bank Reforms and Inflation: Evidence from Developing Countries

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    This study provides evidence on the relationship between central bank reforms and inflation dynamics in a sample of 37 developing countries. We use panel structural break test and Granger non‐causality tests on annual inflation and the legal index of central bank independence (CBI), as a proxy of central bank reform, over 40 years period. The empirical results indicate a positive effect of central bank independence on inflation stabilization. Besides, we find that there exists bi-directional causality between central bank reforms and inflation. These findings suggest that central bank independence is beneficial in terms of sustained macroeconomic stabilization and should harness among developing countries. In particular, reforms should design to give central banks more autonomy in the conduct of monetary policy and financial sector regulation. JEL Classifications: E31, E58How to Cite:Anwar, C. J., & Nicholas, O. (2020). Causality Relationship Between Central Bank Reforms and Inflation: Evidence from Developing Countries. Signifikan: Jurnal Ilmu Ekonomi, Vol. 9(1), 15-30. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.15408/sjie.v9i1.10955


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    The development of rural local potential is one part of national development efforts. Desa Blokang, Serang is located between the industrial area of Tangerang and Serang that has the potential its natural resources, one of them is bamboo plants, but this local potential has not been utilized properly by the community, the desire of its inhabitants to be able to increase local income is not accompanied by an understanding of production and local resource innovation. Therefore, the purpose of this event is to provide training and assistance for its people about the economic potential of the village and develop the potential by increasing entrepreneurship. The method used is by enlightenment to the community. The positive response was seen from the enthusiasm from the partisipants in following the material and increased understanding of the diversification of local food production and marketing of products via the internet. This provides hope for an increase in household and village income with existing entrepreneurial opportunities


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    Pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk pengembangan dan optimalisasi objek wisata budaya Monumen Kapal Bosok Curugmanis Kota Serang yang mulai mengalami penurunan dikarenakan dampak lockdwn selama pandemi Covid-19 serta dikarenakan ketidaktahuan masyarakat tentang keberadaan objek wisata ini. Salah satu upaya untuk mewujudkan tujuan tersebut adalah dengan metode sociopreneurship concept, yaitu melakukan kolaborasi dan sinergitas antar masyarakat desa, perangkat desa serta akademisi untuk menyelenggarakan kewirausahaan sosial untuk meningkatkan keterampilan, menemukan usaha baru serta melakukan inovasi produk yang sesuai dengan pasar seperti pelatihan pembuatan souvenir/oleh-oleh, melakukan inovasi dan diversifikasi produk pangan. Hal ini semata-mata bukan hanya mencari profit atau nilai tambah ekonomis, akan tetapi dapat menciptakan masyarakat yang memiliki skill baru untuk nantinya dapat dimanfaatkan baik untuk diri sendiri maupun masyarakat sekitar objek wisata. Selanjutnya digunakan pula metode storynomic tourism sebagai solusi terkait permasalahan penurunan jumlah wisatawan. Metode ini kembali populer sejak adanya pandemi Covid-19, metode ini mulai digunakan Kemenparekraf Indonesia sebagai sebuah strategi baru untuk mempromosikan pariwisata dan akan dikembangkan di 244 desa wisata di Indonesia yang melibatkan komunitas lokal, BUMDes dan masyarakat, dengan metode ini objek wisata dapat diangkat melalui cerita budaya, mitos, sejarah dan sebagainya yang dituangkan dalam bentuk video cerita terkait sejarah asli objek wisata tersebut, sehingga diharapkan nantinya wisatawan tertarik untuk berkunjung berdasarkan cerita budayanya

    Evaluation of central bank independence, macroprudential policy, and credit gap in developing countries

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    DATA AVAILABILITY STATEMENT : All relevant data are within the paper and its Supporting Information files.This study aims to examine whether Central Bank Independence (CBI) and Macroprudential Policy (MAPP) are capable of assisting the improvement of stability in the financial system, regarding the credit gap for 20 developing markets from 2000 to 2021. To examine this financial association, a panel threshold nonlinear model was implemented, based on the potentially time-varying influence of the CBI and MAPP index on the credit gap. The effects of this relationship also emphasized the CBI degree, whose greater level often stabilized the financial sector better. In this case, a stronger effect is commonly prioritized when CBI is below its trend. Based on the analysis, the selected experimental countries were categorized into two groups. The results showed that the nations with a higher CBI degree had greater stability in the financial system. Tighter MAPP also improved financial stability when CBI was below its trend. However, it did not enhance stability when CBI was more than the threshold level.http://www.plosone.orghj2023Economic

    Does Globalization Worsen Environmental Quality in ASEAN Countries?

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    The era of globalization, which is characterized by integration between economies, increases world output, but environmental damage becomes an important concern to achieve sustainable growth. Therefore, this study intends to estimate the impact of globalization in economic, social side and political terms together with the variables of GDP per capita, financial development and energy spending on carbon emissions and to prove the presence of Kuznets Environmental Curve Hypothesis in ASEAN using panel data over 2000-2019 period. The results of the study proved that globalization, especially social globalization, and energy consumption have role in escalating environmental damage. GDP per capita is found in the reduction of carbon emissions but financial development was discovered to have no significant impact on increasing carbon emissions. This study does not prove the presence of EKC. Hence, this proposes crucial implications for policy makers. These findings suggest that the policy makers to make sustainable energy development strategies while increasing regional income and economic development through globalization

    Pemberdayaan Perempuan Pedesaan Melalui Optimalisasi Kreativitas Berbasis Produk Unggulan Bambu Sebagai Upaya Peningkatan Perekonomian Keluarga

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    According to the BKKBN, family welfare indicators can meet basic needs such as food, clothing, and housing. Currently, it is not only men who play a role in the family economy, but women also have a role in helping to improve the family's economy. Especially during Covid-19 where the average family income has decreased. The purpose of this service is to optimize the creation of village women through the use and innovation of superior bamboo products as a way to take part in improving the family economy. This service is carried out in the target village located in Pasuluhan Village, Walantaka District, Serang Banten. The method of implementing this service is carried out by conducting counseling with community development in a persuasive and educative manner and mapping participants regarding the business interests of village women, including women and youth groups. The results of the implementation of this service include the innovation of bamboo products in Pasuluhan village, the positive response, and motivation of village women to become entrepreneurs according to their interests and expertise.Indikator kesejahteraan keluarga menurut BKKBN yaitu dapat memenuhi kebutuhan dasarnya seperti pangan, sandang dan perumahan. Saat ini, bukan hanya pria yang berperan dalam perekonomian keluarga, akan tetapi perempuanpun memiliki andil dalam membantu peningkatan ekonomi keluarga. Terutama pada saat Covid-19 dimana pendapatan rata-rata keluarga mengalami penurunan. Tujuan dari pengabdian ini adalah mengoptimalkan kreativitas yang dimiliki perempuan pedesaan melalui pemanfaatan dan inovasi produk unggulan bambu sebagai sebagai salah satu cara untuk ikut andil dalam peningkatan prekonomian keluarga. Pengabdian ini dilaksanakan pada Desa binaan yang berada di Desa Pasuluhan Kecamatan Walantaka Serang Banten. Metode pelaksanaan pengabdian ini dilaksanakan dengan melakukan penyuluhan dengan community development secara persuasif dan edukatif serta dilakukan mapping kepada peserta terkait minat usaha perempuan desa diantaranya ibu-ibu dan pemudi karang taruna. Dari hasil pelaksanaan pengabdian ini diantaranya adalah adanya inovasi produk bambu di desa pasuluhan, adanya respon positif serta motivasi perempuan desa untuk berwirausaha sesuai dengan minat dan keahlian yang dimiliki

    Heterogeneity effect of central bank independence on asset prices : evidence from selected developing countries

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    The study analyzes the response to financial asset prices and economic activity concerning central bank independence (CBI) shocks in selected developing countries. Financial asset prices were divided into the exchange rate, bond yield, and stock price, while the analysis was contingent on a panel Vector Autoregressive estimation. Furthermore, this study identifies heterogeneity across the countries in its sample through poolability tests. This is achieved through a mean-group estimation to the panel Vector Autoregressive by averaging the PVAR coefficients and impulse response function for all individual countries. Additionally, the sample countries are divided into two sub-groups. The results showed that central bank independence reduces bond yield and increases stock price in the first two quarters. However, it takes a year to cause an appreciation in the exchange rate. Moreover, financial asset prices have an essential role in monetary policy transmission to the extent that a change in CBI affects the exchange rate, bond yield, stock price, thereby influencing private consumption and investment

    Monetary policy, macroprudential policy, and bank risk-taking behaviour in the Indonesian banking industry

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    ABSTRACTThere is a growing consensus on the translation of monetary policy actions into changes in credit demand on account of changes in interest rates. The study investigates monetary policy, macroprudential policy, bank-specific and macroeconomic determinants of bank risk-taking from 2010–2022 in Indonesia. The study aims to address a gap in the literature because most previous studies have focused on advanced markets. First, three POLS and fixed effect models are estimated. However, the Durbin Wu-Hausman test indicated endogeneity issues with the estimated models. The second stage uses a system GMM estimation to investigate the impact of central bank rates and macroprudential policy on bank risk-taking. Dynamic-GMM estimations find that, partially the central bank rate and macroprudential policy have a positive impact on bank Z-Score. Furthermore, when central bank rate and macroprudential policy are included in a model, we still find a positive impact of both policies on bank Z-Score