478 research outputs found

    Comparison of the cobas 4800 CT/NG test with culture for detecting neisseria gonorrhoeae in genital and nongenital specimens in a low-prevalence population in New Zealand

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    To assess the clinical utility of replacing microbial culture for Neisseria gonorrhoeae with a nucleic acid amplification test (NAAT), we compared N. gonorrhoeae culture with the cobas 4800 CT/NG test for 18,247 urogenital and 666 nongenital samples. For urogenital specimens, the sensitivity, specificity, and positive and negative predictive values of the cobas N. gonorrhoeae PCR were 98.7%, 100%, 95.6%, and 100%, respectively, and for nongenital specimens, the values were 100%, 99.8%, 92.9%, and 100%, respectively. In our test population, 37% (10,185) of patients tested over the study period were screened for C. trachomatis by PCR but were not screened for gonorrhea by culture. Of these, 43 were N. gonorrhoeae positive by PCR and therefore went undiagnosed. The cobas 4800 CT/NG test diagnosed 33% (n=30) more urogenital and 25% (n=3) more rectal gonorrhea infections than culture and, based on the above performance indicators, does not require supplementary testing for urogenital or rectal specimens. The ability to test noninvasive specimens (such as urine and self-taken vulvovaginal swabs) for N. gonorrhoeae will enable more patients to be screened for infection, thus offering significant positive public health benefits. Copyrigh

    The pattern of mucocutaneous disorders in HIV – infected children attending care and treatment centres in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

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    \ud \ud HIV/AIDS is associated with a wide range of mucocutaneous disorders some of which are useful in the clinical staging and prognosis of the syndrome. There is paucity of information regarding the prevalence and pattern of mucocutaneous disorders among HIV infected children attending paediatric Care and Treatment Centres (CTC) in Dar es Salaam. To determine the prevalence and pattern of mucocutaneous disorders among HIV infected children attending public paediatric 'Care and Treatment Centres' in Dar es Salaam. This was a cross sectional descriptive study involving public paediatric 'Care and Treatment Centres' in Dar es Salaam. Clinical information was obtained using a questionnaire. Dermatological examination was carried out in daylight. Investigations were taken as appropriate. Data was analysed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) program version 10.0. Chi-squared and Fisher's exact tests were utilized. A p-value of less than 0.05 was considered statistically significant. Three hundred and forty seven HIV infected children (52% males) attending CTCs were recruited into the study. Mucocutaneous disorders were encountered in 85% of them. There was no gender difference in the prevalence of the infective mucocutaneous disorders but males had a higher prevalence of non-infective/inflammatory dermatoses (58%) than females (42%) (p = 0.02). Overall, mucocutaneous disorders (infective + non infective) were more prevalent in advanced stages of HIV disease. Children with advanced HIV disease had a significantly increased frequency of fungal and viral infections (43% and 25% respectively than those with less advanced disease; 24% and 13% respectively (p = 0.01). Seventy four percent of the HIV-infected children with mucocutaneous disorders were already on ART. Mucocutaneous disorders among HIV infected children attending Care and Treatment Centres are common and highly variable. Comprehensive management should also emphasize on the management of mucocutaneous disorders

    Lifting the lid: a clinical audit on commode cleaning

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    Many healthcare-associated infections (HCAIs) are preventable by infection control procedures designed to interrupt the transmission of organisms from a source. Commodes are in use constantly throughout healthcare facilities. Therefore commode surfaces are constantly handled, and any pathogens present have the potential to be transferred to not only other surfaces but also, more importantly, to patients, thus compromising patient safety. In order to examine the effectiveness and thoroughness of cleaning commodes an audit was undertaken to assess compliance with evidence-based practice. This audit demonstrates a cycle which includes defining best practice, implementing best practice, monitoring best practice and taking action to improve practice. The audit results confirmed an issue that the authors had long suspected. That is, that commodes allocated to individual patients are not always cleaned after every use. Using adenosine triphosphate (ATP) bioluminescence as an indicator of organic soiling also demonstrated that commodes that were considered clean were not always cleaned to a high standard. Implementing the audit recommendations improves staff knowledge through education, standardises cleaning procedures and ultimately improves patient safety

    Reconsidering current objectives for physical activity within physical education

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    Children’s participation in physical activity (PA) has important positive benefits for their health and academic outcomes. Within the school day, physical education (PE) is increasingly endorsed as a key time for children to accumulate PA. Despite this increasing emphasis, research papers and policy documents frequently identify PE lessons as ‘not active enough’. However, contemporary objectives for sufficient PA in PE may not be based on the highest quality evidence. Furthermore, while the objectives appear compatible, they contain profound differences. Continued pursuit of these objectives may be detrimental to achieving positive experiences of PA in PE. For instance, an exclusive focus on PA objectives may encourage teachers to prioritise fitness-based activities over others that young people enjoy. Pursuing short-term goals for PA also risks investing limited lesson time to develop important elements of physical literacy that only become developed after prolonged engagement and practice. Importantly, what is at stake is not only achieving sufficient PA in PE, but also encouraging lifelong participation in PA and the long-term health of today’s children

    Acceptability of temporary suspension of visiting during norovirus outbreaks:investigating patient, visitor and public opinion

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    Background Noroviruses are a leading cause of outbreaks globally and the most common cause of service disruption due to ward closures. Temporary suspension of visiting (TSV) is increasingly a recommended public health measure to reduce exposure, transmission and impact during norovirus outbreaks; however, preventing patient–visitor contact may contravene the ethos of person-centred care, and public acceptability of this measure is not known. Aim To investigate the acceptability of TSV during norovirus outbreaks from the perspectives of patients, visitors and the wider public. Methods Cross-sectional survey of patients (N = 153), visitors (N = 175) and the public (N = 224) in three diverse areas in Scotland. Health Belief Model constructs were applied to understand ratings of acceptability of TSV during norovirus outbreaks, and to determine associations between these levels and various predictor variables. Findings The majority (84.6%) of respondents indicated that the possible benefits of TSV are greater than the possible disadvantages. Conversely, the majority (70%) of respondents disagreed that TSV ‘is wrong as it ignores people's rights to have contact with family and friends’. The majority (81.6%) of respondents agreed that TSV would be more acceptable if exceptions were made for seriously ill or dying patients. Correlational analysis demonstrated that overall acceptability was positively related to perceived severity (r = 0.65), identified benefits (r = 0.54) and implementing additional communication strategies (r = 0.60); acceptability was negatively related to potential barriers (r = −0.49). Conclusions There is greater service user and public support for the use of TSV than concerns around impinging upon patients' rights to have visitors. TSV should be considered as an acceptable infection control measure that could be implemented consistently during norovirus outbreaks

    Does mixing acute medical admissions with burn patients increase infective complications from paediatric thermal injuries?

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    In the winter of 2005–2006, the management at our children's hospital elected to admit ‘overspill’ acute medical admissions to the ward used for plastic surgery and burns for logistical reasons. This study was conducted to assess the effects of that change on the incidence of infective complications in thermally-injured patients. Seventy-three patients were studied, 23 in the sample winter and 50 in the two preceding control winters. The data gathered included days on IV fluids and antibiotics, transfer to the Paediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU), microbiology and a ‘septic signs score’ – based on pyrexia, irritability, diarrhoea/vomiting, wound colonization, bacteraemia. The outcomes studied were: the maximum ‘septic signs score’; patients with a score ≥3; wound colonization; PICU admission; days on antibiotics and IV fluids. A statistically significant increase in patients with septic episodes was demonstrated by an increase in the mean septic signs score (0.66–1.48, P = 0.044) and the number of patients with a score ≥3 (4–22%, P = 0.017). Other analysed variables did not reach statistical significance although the raw data suggested a trend. It was concluded that there is an association between mixing acute medical admissions with thermally-injured patients and an increase in the incidence of infective complications in the latter group