27 research outputs found

    The Government's response to comments on the Green Paper government.direct

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    SIGLEAvailable from British Library Document Supply Centre-DSC:GPE/1244 / BLDSC - British Library Document Supply CentreGBUnited Kingdo

    Asia Pacific directory of information systems researchers, 1994

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    Cilj rada je analizirati postupak obiteljske medijacije u hrvatskom pravnom sustavu. U radu se polazi od analize alternativnog rjeÅ”avanja postupka, razvoja metoda obiteljske medijacije i usporedbe postupka mirenja i obiteljske medijacije. U nastavku se analizira utjecaj dokumenata Vijeća Europe i Europske Unije na mirenje i obiteljsku medijaciju. Potom se prelazi na razvoj obiteljske medijacije u hrvatskom zakonodavstvu te se analizira kako je tekao taj razvoj i na koji način su međunarodni dokumenti na njega utjecali. Na kraju slijedi analiza trenutnog postupka obveznog savjetovanja i obiteljske medijacije. Zaključno se ističe koji su nedostaci trenutnog sustava te koji su pozitivni pomaci učinjeni u odnosu na prethodno uređenje mirnog rjeÅ”avanja obiteljskih sporova.The aim of this thesis is to analyze the procedure of family mediation in the Croatian legal system. The paper starts with an analysis of alternative dispute resolution, development of family mediation methods and comparison of the mediation and family mediation procedure. The impact of Council of Europe and European Union documents on reconciliation and family mediation is analyzed below. Further in paper it moves on to the development of family mediation in Croatian lawmaking and analyzes how this development took place and how international documents influenced it. Finally, an analysis of the current compulsory counseling and family mediation process follows. In conclusion, it highlights the shortcomings of the current system and what positive developments have been made compared to the previous settlement of family dispute settlement

    Interaction between States and Citizens in the Age of the Internet: ā€œe-Governmentā€ in the United States, Britain, and the European Union.

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    We examine the origins of the recent shift towards ā€œe-governmentā€ in three cases: the United States, Britain, and the European Union. We set out three heuristic models of interaction between states and citizens that might underpin the practice of ā€œe-government.ā€ Focusing on U.S., British, and European Union initiatives, we undertake a comparative analysis of the evolution of key policy statements on e-government reform in national (and supranational) government. We conclude that the democratic potential of the Internet has been marginalized as a result of the ways in which government use of such technology has been framed since the early 1990s. An executive-driven, ā€œmanagerialā€ model of interaction has assumed dominance at the expense of ā€œconsultativeā€ and ā€œparticipatoryā€ possibilities


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