11 research outputs found

    Mythical numbers and the proceeds of organised crime: estimating mafia proceeds in Italy

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    Organised crime is a field vulnerable to mythical numbers, i.e. exaggerated estimates lacking empirical support, but acquiring acceptance through repetition. The figures on mafia proceeds in Italy are a striking example of this problem. This study proposes an estimation of mafia proceeds in Italy from nine criminal activities (sexual exploitation of women, illicit firearms trafficking, drug trafficking, counterfeiting, the illicit cigarette trade, illicit gambling, illicit waste disposal, loan sharking, and extortion racketeering) by region and type of mafia (Cosa Nostra, Camorra,\u2018Ndrangheta, Apulian mafias, and other mafias). The results estimate yearly mafia proceeds at approximately \u20ac10.7 bn (0.7% of the Italian GDP), discussing the impact on the regional and national economies and the differences among the types of mafias as to their geographical sources of revenue

    Corruption and Public Expenditure in Italian Mezzogiorno

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    This paper is divided in two parts. The first, exposes a review ofthe empirical literature on the italian economy and particularly on the Italian Mezzogiorno dealing with the relationship between government expenditure in public works, corruption, and productivity in the private sector of the economy. These studies underline the fact that corruption often makes public expenditure for infrastructures ineffective: this is especial/y true when public expenditure is discretional/y managed by political actors. In the second part, startingfrom a criticaI analysis of actual Italian legislation concerning public contracts, we suggest anti-corruption strategies, in order to guarantee the effectiveness, efficiency and efficacy ofpublic works.Economic Development, Corruption, Infrastructures, Productivity

    Autonomia siciliana, federalismo, sviluppo locale

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    In che modo l’autonomismo e il federalismo hanno contribuito o possono potenzialmente contribuire allo sviluppo della Sicilia? L’articolo si propone di rispondere a questa domanda analizzando l’incerto rapporto tra sviluppo territoriale e autonomia, a partire dal ruolo dello statuto siciliano che da opportunità si trasforma in vincolo fino all’ambiguità dell’attuale svolta federalista