748 research outputs found

    Montelukast jest skutecznym lekiem w zapobieganiu zespołowi hiperstymulacji jajników: badania eksperymentalne

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    Objectives: To determine the efficacy of montelukast in comparison with cabergoline in the prevention of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS) in rats. Material and methods: An experimental OHSS model was formed in 35 female Wistar rats. Rats (22 days old) were randomized into 5 groups, each containing 7 animals. The control group received no therapy; the mild OHSS group was administered pregnant mare serum gonadotropin (PMSG) 10 IU for 4 days, hCG 10 IU on the 5th day; the severe OHSS group received PMSG 10 IU for 4 days, hCG 30 IU on the 5th day. The montelukast group: received montelukast 10 mg/kg/day and the cabergoline group was administered cabergoline 100μg/kg/day via oral gavage for 6 days (days 22–27), in addition to those of severe OHSS. All groups were sacrificed on 28th day. Body weight, ovarian diameter and weight, vascular permeability, vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), semiquantitative VEGF receptor-1, and VEGF receptor-2 (VEGFR-2) immunohistochemistry were evaluated. Results: Ovarian diameter and VEGF expression were significantly lower in the montelukast and cabergoline groups than in the severe OHSS group. While montelukast was more effective in limiting vascular permeability in the severe OHSS, cabergoline was superior to montelukast with respect to the limiting effect on increased body weight and VEGFR-2 expression. Conclusions: The VEGF/VEGFR-2 interaction plays an important role in OHSS pathogenesis. Montelukast limits VEGF expression, and cabergoline reduces both VEGF and VEGFR-2 expressions; they are both effective therapies for the prevention of severe OHSS.Cel: Ocena skuteczności montelukastu w porównaniu z kabergoliną w zapobieganiu zespołowi hiperstymulacji jajników (OHSS) u szczurów. Materiał i metoda: Model doświadczalny OHSS stanowiło 35szczurów rasy Wistar, płci żeńskiej. Szczury (22 dniowe) podzielono na 5 grup, każda zawierająca 7 zwierząt. Grupa kontrolna nie otrzymała żadnej terapii. Grupa z łagodnym OHSS otrzymała gonadotropinę z surowicy ciężarnych klaczy (PMSG) w ilości 10IU przez 4 dni, hCG 10IU w 5 dniu, grupa z ciężkim OHSS otrzymała PMSG 10IU przez 4 dni, hCG 30IU w 5 dniu. Grupa z montelukastem otrzymała montelukast w dawce 10mg/kg/dzień a grupa z kabergoliną otrzymała kabergolinę 100μg/kg/dzień przez doustny zgłębnik przez 6 dni (dni 22-27). Wszystkie zwierzęta zabito w 28 dniu. Oceniono masę ciała, wymiar i wagę jajników, przepuszczalność naczyń, czynnik wzrostu śródbłonka naczyń (VEGF) oraz w immunohistochemii półilościowo receptor – 1 VEGF i receptor-2 VEGF. Wyniki: Wymiar jajnika oraz ekspresja VEGF były istotnie niższe w grupach z monelukastem i kabergoliną niż w grupie z ciężkim OHSS. Podczas gdy montelukast był bardziej skuteczny w ograniczaniu przepuszczalności śródbłonków w ciężkim OHSS, to kabergolina okazała się lepsza od montelukastu po uwzględnieniu ograniczającego efektu zwiększonej masy ciała i ekspresji VEGFR-2. Wnioski: Wzajemne oddziaływanie VEGF/VEGFR-2 odgrywa istotną role w patogenezie OHSS. Montelukast ogranicza ekspresję VEGF, a kabergolina zmniejsza zarówno ekspresję VEGF jak i VEGFR-2; obie terapie są skuteczne w zapobieganiu ciężkiemu OHSS

    Dynamics of the chiral phase transition from AdS/CFT duality

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    We use Lorentzian signature AdS/CFT duality to study a first order phase transition in strongly coupled gauge theories which is akin to the chiral phase transition in QCD. We discuss the relation between the latent heat and the energy (suitably defined) of the component of a D-brane which lies behind the horizon at the critical temperature. A numerical simulation of a dynamical phase transition in an expanding, cooling Quark-Gluon plasma produced in a relativistic collision is carried out.Comment: 30 pages, 5 figure

    Templated fabrication of InSb nanowires for nanoelectronics

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    Among various ways to produce nanowires, anodic alumina membrane-(AAM-) based synthesis has constantly received much attention, because AAM has a uniform and parallel porous nanostructure which makes it an ideal template material for fabricating highly ordered nanostructures. In this paper, we report fabrication of InSb nanowire arrays with diameter of 200 nm and 30 nm by direct current electrodeposition inside the nanochannels of anodic alumina membranes without subsequent annealing. The nanowires have four major growth directions, (220) being the most dominant with structure defects such as twins. The transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) results demonstrate that these InSb nanowires are uniform with diameters about 200 nm and 30 nm, corresponding to the pore diameter of the AAMs. The I-V measurement of a single nanowire is also reported with encouraging preliminary results

    Global population genetic structure and demographic trajectories of the black soldier fly, Hermetia illucens

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    Compared with conventional livestock, genetic resources of farmed insects remain poorly characterised. The paper identifies 16 well-distinguished genetic clusters indicating substantial global population structure of Black Soldier Fly (BSF; Hermetia Illucens). The data revealed genetic hotspots in central South America and successive northwards range expansions within the indigenous ranges of the Americas. The study highlights genetic footprints characteristic of progressing domestication due to increasing socio-economic importance of H. illucens, and ongoing introgression between domesticated strains globally traded for large-scale farming, and wild populations in some regions.Swiss Federal Office for AgricultureSwiss Agency for Development and CooperationSwiss National Science FoundationAustrian Science FoundationAustralian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR)National Research Foundation, South Afric

    Stimulation of Na<sup>+</sup>/H<sup>+</sup> Exchanger Isoform 1 Promotes Microglial Migration

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    Regulation of microglial migration is not well understood. In this study, we proposed that Na+/H+ exchanger isoform 1 (NHE-1) is important in microglial migration. NHE-1 protein was co-localized with cytoskeletal protein ezrin in lamellipodia of microglia and maintained its more alkaline intracellular pH (pHi). Chemoattractant bradykinin (BK) stimulated microglial migration by increasing lamellipodial area and protrusion rate, but reducing lamellipodial persistence time. Interestingly, blocking NHE-1 activity with its potent inhibitor HOE 642 not only acidified microglia, abolished the BK-triggered dynamic changes of lamellipodia, but also reduced microglial motility and microchemotaxis in response to BK. In addition, NHE-1 activation resulted in intracellular Na+ loading as well as intracellular Ca2+ elevation mediated by stimulating reverse mode operation of Na+/Ca2+ exchange (NCXrev). Taken together, our study shows that NHE-1 protein is abundantly expressed in microglial lamellipodia and maintains alkaline pHi in response to BK stimulation. In addition, NHE-1 and NCXrev play a concerted role in BK-induced microglial migration via Na+ and Ca2+ signaling. © 2013 Shi et al

    Gender differences in diabetes self-care in adults with type 1 diabetes: Findings from the T1D Exchange clinic registry

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    Aims To evaluate gender differences in diabetes self-care components including glycemic, blood pressure and lipid control, utilization of diabetes technologies and acute diabetes complications in adults with type 1 diabetes. Methods A total of 9,481 participants >18 years were included in the analysis, 53% were female. Variables of interest included glycemic control measured by HbA1c, systolic/diastolic blood pressures, presence of dyslipidemia, insulin delivery modality, and rates of acute complications. Results Glycemic control was similar in women and men (mean HbA1c in both groups: 8.1% ± 1.6% (64 ± 16 mmol/mol), (p = 0.54). More women used insulin pump therapy (66% vs. 59%, p < 0.001) but use of sensor technology was similar (p < = 0.42). Women had higher rates of diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) (5% vs. 3%, p < 0.001) and eating disorders (1.7% vs. 0.1%, p < 0.001). Severe hypoglycemia rates were not different between men and women (p = 0.42). Smoking (6% vs 4%, p < 0.001), systolic (125 ± 14.2 vs. 121 ± 14.4, p < 0.001) and diastolic blood pressure (73.3 ± 9.5 vs. 72.2 ± 9.3, p < 0.001) and rate of dyslipidemia (28% vs. 23%, p < 0.001) were higher in men. Conclusion While glycemic control in type 1 diabetes was similar regardless of gender, rates of DKA and eating disorders were higher in women while rates of smoking, hypertension and dyslipidemia were higher in men

    Laboratory parameters associated with prolonged hospital length of stay in COVID-19 patients in Johannesburg, South Africa

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    BACKGROUND. Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has imposed unprecedented stressors on South Africa (SA)’s healthcare system. Superimposed on the country’s quadruple burden of disease, pandemic-related care further exposes existing inequities. Some of these inequities are specific to hospital-based inpatient services, such as the geographical maldistribution of hospital beds, lack of oxygen supplies and assisted ventilation, and scarcity of trained healthcare workers. Certain high-risk groups, such as individuals with cardiometabolic comorbidity, are likely to develop severe COVID-19 disease requiring hospitalisation with potential for a prolonged length of stay (LoS). It may be helpful for health authorities to identify those at risk for prolonged LoS to facilitate appropriate health systems planning. OBJECTIVES. To identify hospital admission laboratory parameters associated with a hospital stay >14 days in patients with COVID-19 pneumonia. METHODS. A retrospective observational study design was used. Laboratory data were obtained from an SA private laboratory for 642 inpatients with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 pneumonia, comprising 7 months of admission laboratory data from six private hospitals in Johannesburg, Gauteng Province. RESULTS. Of 642 hospital admissions for pneumonia, 497 were confirmed to have COVID-19 infection (reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction test positive). In the COVID-19-positive group, hospital LoS was prolonged in 35.4% of admissions. Univariate analysis demonstrated an association with the following risk factors for prolonged LoS: older age; male sex; high serum creatinine, sodium (Na), chloride, potassium and urea levels and low estimated glomerular filtration rate; raised white blood cell count, lymphopenia, neutrophilia and an elevated neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio (NLR); and elevated levels of D-dimers, interleukin-6 (IL-6), and procalcitonin (PCT). The strongest univariate associations (relative risk (RR) ≥2.0) with a hospital stay >14 days were high Na levels, NRL >18, high PCT levels and IL-6 >40 pg/mL. On multivariable analysis, the following factors remained significantly associated with prolonged LoS: older age (RR 1.015 per year of age; 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.005 - 1.024); hypernatraemia (RR 1.80; 95% CI 1.25 - 2.60); hyperkalaemia (RR 1.61; 95% CI 1.18 - 2.20); and neutrophilia (RR 1.47; 95% CI 1.15 - 1.88). CONCLUSIONS. COVID-19 pandemic preparedness requires hospital-based inpatient care to be prioritised in resource-limited settings, and availability of beds and prompt admissions are essential to ensure good clinical outcomes. In this study of COVID-19 patients admitted with pneumonia, multivariable analysis showed older age, hypernatraemia, hyperkalaemia and neutrophilia to be associated with LoS >14 days. This may assist with healthcare systems planning.http://www.samj.org.zadm2022School of Health Systems and Public Health (SHSPH

    Turkish D-light : accentuating heritage values with daylight

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    Historic buildings have their own cultural identity, which is often related to their aesthetic qualities such as period characteristics (geometry, size, colour, form and shape), materials and construction. Daylight is one of the primary elements contributing to the distinctiveness of the visual environment of many historic buildings, but is rarely considered as one of the components that shape the character of a building when adaptive preservation schemes of historical buildings are planned. Many historic buildings were originally designed to accommodate activities different to their new use and preserving the quality of daylight that originally contributed to their visual identity is a challenging task. Maintaining the ‘day-lit appearance’ of a building can be particularly problematic if the building is to be used as a museum or a gallery owing to the artefacts’ conservation requirements. This work investigated the opportunities of maintaining the original ambient conditions of renovated historical buildings while meeting the required daylight levels of the proposed new use. The study utilised an annual daylight simulation method and hourly weather data to preserve daylight conditions in renovated historic buildings. The model was piloted in a Turkish bathhouse situated in Bursa, Turkey, that is currently under renovation. The simulation model produces 4483 hourly values of daylight illuminance for a period of a whole year using the computer program Radiance. It is concluded that daylight characteristics should be taken into account when developing a renovation scheme. With increasing pressure on valuing historic buildings in many parts of the world, the work reported here should be beneficial to those concerned with the conservation and adaptive reuse of historic buildings. The study findings could also be useful to those interested in predicting potential energy savings by combining daylighting and electric lighting in historic buildings