42 research outputs found

    W kierunku ekonomii politycznej energii odnawialnej: czy demokracja i globalizacja mają znaczenie dla krajów Europy Środkowej i Wschodniej (CEEC)

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    Renewable energy policy is one of the remarkable parts of the sustainable development path. However, the political-economic dimension of renewable energy policies is not so much widely discussed. Besides, democracy and globalization are essential factors affecting renewable energy. Hence, this paper examines the relationship between renewable energy consumption, democracy, and globalization in the Central and Eastern European Countries (CEECs) during the period 1995-2021. Economic growth and CO2 emissions are used as control variables in the model. The study employs the panel vector autoregressive (PVAR) estimation technique to quantify the relationship between renewable energy consumption, democracy, and globalization by including economic growth and CO2 emissions. The findings from the PVAR analysis suggest that participatory democracy and globalization positively affect renewable energy consumption, while liberal democracy, economic growth, and CO2 emissions have a negative impact on it. Furthermore, the PVAR Granger causality test outcomes indicate an interactive causal relationship between variables.Polityka w zakresie energii odnawialnej jest jednym z godnych uwagi elementów ścieżki zrównoważonego rozwoju. Polityczno-ekonomiczny wymiar polityki w zakresie energii odnawialnej nie jest jednak tak szeroko dyskutowany. Poza tym demokracja i globalizacja są istotnymi czynnikami wpływającymi na energię odnawialną. Dlatego niniejszy artykuł analizuje związek między zużyciem energii odnawialnej, demokracją i globalizacją w krajach Europy Środkowej i Wschodniej (CEEC) w latach 1995-2021. Wzrost gospodarczy i emisje CO2 są wykorzystywane jako zmienne kontrolne w modelu. W badaniu zastosowano technikę szacowania PVAR do ilościowego określenia związku między zużyciem energii odnawialnej, demokracją i globalizacją, uwzględniając wzrost gospodarczy i emisje CO2. Wyniki analizy PVAR sugerują, że demokracja uczestnicząca i globalizacja pozytywnie wpływają na zużycie energii odnawialnej, podczas gdy demokracja liberalna, wzrost gospodarczy i emisje CO2 mają na nie negatywny wpływ. Ponadto wyniki testu przyczynowości PVAR Grangera wskazują na interaktywny związek przyczynowy między zmiennymi

    Is there any relationship between geopolitical risk and climate change?

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    Purpose: The aim of this study is to point out the impact of geopolitical risk on climate change. The CO2 emissions per capita is used as a proxy for climate change. Methodology: In this study, the data sample covers annual data from 1990 to 2015 for 12 selected Latin American and Asian countries. After standard preliminary tests (Cross-sectional dependence tests, CIPS unit root test, and slope homogeneity test), we employ the second-generation estimator – the AMG (Augmented Mean Group) method to explore the long-run relationship between geopolitical risk and CO2 emissions per capita. Results: The AMG findings document that a 1% rise in geopolitical risk escalates CO2 emissions per capita by 0.001%. In addition, economic growth and fossil energy consumption foster CO2 emissions per capita, whereas renewable energy contributes to decreasing CO2 emissions per capita. Conclusion: In recent years, scholars have attempted to explore the impact of geopolitical risk on environmental degradation. According to our results, in Latin American and Asian countries, decreasing geopolitical risk and conflict can impede environmental degradation. In the long run, a robust clean energy policy should be considered in case of geopolitical conflict by the government. Besides, the government should focus on renewable energy policy and substitute non-renewable energy resources with more technology-intensive resources


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    Introduction: The incidence of skin lesions increases with advancing age, especially in the head and neck region. The aim of this study was to evaluate the demographic data of head and neck skin lesions in the geriatric age group and the preferred surgical approaches. Material-Method: The records of 170 patients of an age >65 years who underwent surgical excision and reconstruction for head and neck lesions in our clinic were retrospectively reviewed. The histopathological results of the lesions and the repair method used were evaluated according to age and localization. Results: The mean age of the patients was 71.42 ± 14.20 years. The histopathologic distribution of the lesions were 75 (44.2%) basal cell carcinoma, 30 (17.6%) squamous cell carcinoma and 65 (38.2%) benign. The most frequent localizations were nose and cheeks, and the most preferred reconstruction methods were primary closure and advancement flap. None of the patients had serious complications. Conclusion: Basal cell carcinoma is the most common lesion in the head and neck region in elderly individuals. The lesions in this region can be detected in the early stage since they are in the visible region. The Surgical excision and repair with local flaps in the treatment provide very successful cosmetic results

    Reliability and Validity of the Turkish Version of the Glasgow-Edinburgh Throat Scale: Use for a Symptom Scale of Globus Sensation in Turkish Population

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    Objective: In this study, we aimed to translate the Glasgow-Edinburgh Throat Scale (GETS) into Turkish and test its reliability and validity.Methods: A total of 69 patients with globus sensation and no signs of otolaryngologic or gastroenterological disease in etiology were included in the study. The patients were asked to complete the translated Turkish version (GETS-T) of GETS and the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS).Results: The Cronbach’s alpha coefficient of the patients in the study group was calculated based on the 12 questions in the GETS-T scale and found as 0.868. The correlation between the GETS-T total score and the total HADS score in the study group was found to be very low and statistically insignificant. As a result of factor analysis, it was found that the first 10 problems in GETS-T were divided into two sub-groups, unlike GETS.Conclusion: Translation of GETS into Turkish (GETS-T) showed high reliability and validity, suggesting that translation and cross-cultural adaptation was appropriate. The GETS-T can be used in studies about globus pharyngeus in future

    Oral antibiotic prophylaxis in elective cesarean deliveries: pilot analysis in tertiary Care Hospital

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    Introduction: Puerperal infection remains a significant cause of maternal morbidity and mortal ity. Those infections occur more likely after cesarean delivery (CD). Prophylactic antibiotics are administered at the time of CD to prevent complications. In addition to intraoperative prophy laxis; prescription of antibiotics during hospital discharge to prevent surgical site infections (SSI) is quite common. Purpose of this study is to determine the utility of prophylactic oral antibiotic prescription in a cohort of low-risk women undergoing CD. Materials and methods: A prospective observational study was conducted between 2014 and 2018 at Ufuk University School of Medicine, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. Total of 389 low risk elective cesarean deliveries were selected. All cases received intraoperative prophy laxis. In group I (157 subjects), no further antibiotics were given and in group II (232 cases), oral cephuroxime 500 mg was given during hospital discharge. Primary outcome was SSI. Secondary outcomes were endometritis and other infectious conditions. Results: Overall SSI rate was 2.5%. Only 2 SSIs were noted in group 1 (1.2%) compared to eight in group II (3.4%). There was no statistical difference in SSI rate between two groups. Secondary outcomes were also comparable. Conclusion: In this study, we failed to reveal any beneficial effect of oral antibiotic prescription during hospital discharge in low risk elective CDs. Therefore, use of oral antibiotics in addition to intraoperative prophylaxis should be questioned in terms of increased costs, emergence of bacterial resistance and long term effects on new born as a consequence of changes in gut microbiom

    Is there any relationship between geopolitical risk and climate change?

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    Purpose: The aim of this study is to point out the impact of geopolitical risk on climate change. The CO2 emissions per capita is used as a proxy for climate change. Methodology: In this study, the data sample covers annual data from 1990 to 2015 for 12 selected Latin American and Asian countries. After standard preliminary tests (Cross-sectional dependence tests, CIPS unit root test, and slope homogeneity test), we employ the second-generation estimator – the AMG (Augmented Mean Group) method to explore the long-run relationship between geopolitical risk and CO2 emissions per capita. Results: The AMG findings document that a 1% rise in geopolitical risk escalates CO2 emissions per capita by 0.001%. In addition, economic growth and fossil energy consumption foster CO2 emissions per capita, whereas renewable energy contributes to decreasing CO2 emissions per capita. Conclusion: In recent years, scholars have attempted to explore the impact of geopolitical risk on environmental degradation. According to our results, in Latin American and Asian countries, decreasing geopolitical risk and conflict can impede environmental degradation. In the long run, a robust clean energy policy should be considered in case of geopolitical conflict by the government. Besides, the government should focus on renewable energy policy and substitute non-renewable energy resources with more technology-intensive resources


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    Kültürel miras alanlarının önemli bir bölümünü oluşturan arkeolojik alanlar sahip oldukları farklı nitelikleri, potansiyelleri ve barındırdıkları sorunlar ile oldukça geniş bir perspektifte ele alınması gereken kültür varlıklarıdır. Diğer kültürel miras öğelerine göre çok daha kolay ve hızlı yok olabilen arkeolojik varlıkların belgelenerek korunmaları gerekmektedir. Arkeolojik mirasın korunmasının yanında alanın bilgisinin topluma doğru biçimde aktarılması ve bu bağlamda sunum yöntemlerinin geliştirilmesi de büyük önem taşımaktadır. Arkeolojik mirasın anlamının ve kapsamının genişlemesine paralel olarak koruma ve sergileme yaklaşımları da değişim göstermiştir. Erken dönemde yalnızca buluntuların kazı çalışmalarıyla açığa çıkarılmaları ve muhafaza edilmeleri biçimindeki koruma yaklaşımının günümüzde yerini; arkeolojik varlığın anlamını ve bilgisini topluma sunmayı temel alan koruma yaklaşımlarına bıraktığı görülmektedir. Arkeolojik mirasın korunarak, topluma sunulması UNESCO, ICOMOS ve Avrupa Konseyi gibi uluslararası kuruluşların tüzüklerinde de önemle vurgulanan konulardan biridir. Arkeolojik miras koruma ve sunum yaklaşımlarının günümüzde geldiği noktayı, arkeolojik miras, koruma ve toplum ilişkisinin tarihsel süreç içerisinde yaşadığı dönüşümü anlamak ve bu sürece ait basamakları ortaya koymak bu çalışmanın odağını oluşturmaktadır. Bu kapsamda; Dünya’da ve Türkiye’de öne çıkan koruma ve sunum yaklaşımları; örnekler ve buna paralel olarak yasal sürecin gelişimi üzerinden aktarılmaya çalışılmıştır