964 research outputs found

    Accurate Binary Decisions For Assessing Coronary Artery Disease

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    Generalized linear models offer convenient and highly applicable tools for modeling and predicting the behavior of random variables in terms of observable factors and covariates. This paper investigates applications of a special case of generalized linear model to improve the accuracy of predictions and decisions adopting Bayesian methods, in the specific context of assessing coronary artery disease. The basic model is developed for this application using binary response. The results clearly demonstrate the potential advantages offered by this approach

    Contracts in Procurement Management: An Investıgatıon on the Baby Maternity Industry

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    Realization of procurement activities in a rational and highly efficient way is extremely important for enterprises. The enterprises that are able to realize an advantageous procurement transaction compared to other enterprises in the purchasing process will gain an opportunity to get ahead in hard competition conditions. Thus, it will be possible for these enterprises to grow and increase their market share. In addition, the required products to be at the right time and in the right place is very important for the continuation of the operations of the enterprise.Enterprises sign a contract to make a solid agreement with the individuals and organizations they are dealing with, to reduce uncertainties for the future and to perform a rational procurement transaction. Contracts are a legal practice which brings rights and obligations for both parties from the moment they are signed validly. For this reason, contracts in commercial life have found a significant application areas. In this study, the importance of procurement function and its importance for the enterprises is examined first and then the subjects that enterprises should consider in terms of contract management are mentioned. In the last chapter, three contracts were included in the study in order to understand the practice of the subject. Thus, a better understanding of the importance of contract management for enterprises has been achieved

    Interaction with Matter of Ionizing Radiation and Radiation Damages (Radicals)

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    Interaction of matter with “ionizing radiation,” that is, high-energy electromagnetic radiation (X- or gamma rays) or α- or β-particles, can promote chemical change which commonly involves free radicals. Free radicals formed by high-energy radiation in solids can then be identified by analysis of their EPR spectra

    EPR Analysis of Antioxidant Compounds

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    A free radical is a molecular species having an unpaired electron and it is a highly reactive entity and unstable. A free radical is a molecule with one or more unpaired electrons in its outer shell. Free radicals can be formed by chemical bond breakage from molecules or by redox reactions. When cells use oxygen, the oxidative stress occurs. The oxidative stress causes free radical formation. Free radicals can also be generated from ionizing radiations, ozone, heavy metal poisoning, cigarette smoking, and chronic alcohol intake. These free radicals are highly reactive and oxidize biomolecules leading to tissue injury and cell death. They also cause toxic effects and diseases. Antioxidants neutralize free radicals resulting from oxidative stress. Antioxidants play an important role in the treatment of diseases. The most suitable method for the analysis of free radicals is the electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy method. The EPR method detects a paramagnetic center with a single electron. It gives information about the interactions with other nuclei around one electron. It provides information on the structure and environment of radicals

    Potassium Nutrition in Plants and Its Interactions with Other Nutrients in Hydroponic Culture

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    Potassium is an essential major nutrient for plant growth and development. Plants absorb more K (potassium) than any other element, with the exception of N. Most plant-available forms of essential plant nutrients are ionic. Among the many plant mineral nutrients, K stands out as a cation having the strongest influence on quality attributes. Potassium ions are involved in many processes that result from ionic activity in the hydroponic nutrient solution and often provide positive contributions. Due to the presence of potassium cation ions, some elements increase in nutrient solution, whereas others decrease

    Dipolar Interactions: Hyperfine Structure Interaction and Fine Structure Interactions

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    The interaction between the nuclear spin and the electron spin creates a hyperfine structure. Hyperfine structure interaction occurs in paramagnetic structures with unpaired electrons. Therefore, hyperfine structure interaction is the most important of the fundamental parameters investigated by electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy. For EPR spectroscopy the two effective Hamiltonian terms are the hyperfine structure interaction and the electronic Zeeman interaction. The hyperfine structure interaction has two types as isotropic and anisotropic hyperfine structure interactions. The zero-field splitting term (electronic quadrupole fine structure), the nuclear Zeeman term, and the nuclear quadrupole interaction term are among the Hamiltonian terms used in EPR. However, their effects are not as much as the term of the hyperfine structure interaction. The zero-field splitting term and the nuclear quadrupole interaction term are the fine structure terms. The interaction of two electron spins create a zero-field splitting, the interaction between the two nucleus spins form the nuclear quadrupole interaction. Hyperfine structure interaction, zero-field interaction, and nuclear quadrupole interaction are subclasses of dipolar interaction. Interaction tensors are available for all three interactions

    Magnetic Resonance

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    Magnetic resonance is divided into electron spin resonance (ESR) [electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR)] and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) according to the working region in the electromagnetic spectrum. If the studied region is in the microwave region, this resonance type is electron spin resonance. If the region studied is the radio frequency region, then nuclear magnetic resonance is mentioned. ESR and NMR are similar in terms of their basic theorem

    Biomedical EPR

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    Free radicals may participate in biological processes. An enzymatic dehydrogenation involved free radical intermediates. The oxidations of organic molecules, although they are bivalent, proceed in two successive steps, the intermediate state being a free radical. In an attempt to correlate the action of such a variety of carcinogenic agents as sodium hydroxide, ultraviolet and ionizing radiations and thousands of organic compounds, a free radical intermediate always suggests itself. Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) has brought sufficient sensitivity and discrimination to observe free radical intermediates directly in many of these reactions. EPR is aided by an increased sensitivity in many cases and has made a much greater contribution by distinguishing among paramagnetic ions, odd molecules and free radicals

    Model selection in multivariate adaptive regressions splines (MARS) using alternative information criteria

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    Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines (MARS) is a useful non-parametric regression analysis method that can be used for model selection in high-dimensional data. Since MARS can identify and model complex, non-linear relationships between the dependent variable and independent variables without requiring any assumptions, it has advantage over simple linear regression techniques. Also, for simplifying the model building process and preventing overfitting, MARS can select automatically the variables to be included in the model, which is useful for datasets with many variables. While MARS is a flexible non-parametric regression method, generalized cross validation (GCV) technique is used within the MARS framework to avoid overfitting and to select the best model. GCV criterion is widely used and can be effective in many situations, however it has some criticism. These criticism are the arbitrary value of the smoothing parameter used in the algorithm of the GCV criterion and the models obtained using this criterion are high-dimensional. In this paper, it is aimed to obtain the barest model that best explains the relationship between the dependent variable and independent variables by using alternative information criteria (Akaike information criterion (AIC), Schwarz Bayesian criterion (SBC) and information complexity criterion (ICOMP(IFIM)PEU)) instead of the use of smoothing parameters in order to put an end to the criticism. To achieve this goal, a simulation study was first conducted with a data set composed of variables that do and do not contribute to the dependent variable to test the success of the information criteria. As a consequence of this simulation work, when variables (which do not contribute to the dependent variable) are not included in the regression model, it demonstrates the success of the criteria in model selection. As a real data set, the reasons for loan defaults were investigated between the years 2005–2019 by utilizing data from 18 banks operating in Türkiye. The results obtained reveal the success of ICOMP(IFIM)PEU criterion in model selection


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    Akdeniz’in kontrolü ve güvenliği açısından önemli bir konumda olan Girit’e, Osmanlı Devleti’nin 1645 yılında başlattığı sefer, adanın tümüyle fethedildiği 1669 yılına kadar yaklaşık çeyrek asır sürmüştür. Osmanlı tarihinde önemli bir yer tutan Girit’in fethi, Osmanlı Kroniklerinde geniş bir şekilde yer aldığı gibi, seferi anlatan pek çok müstakil eser de kaleme alınmıştır. Bu eserlerin çoğu sefere bizzat katılan kişilerin kaleme aldığı gazâvatnâme türü eserlerdir. Bunun yanı sıra Osmanlı Arşivlerinde de Girit seferi ile ilgili pek çok belge yer almaktadır. Girit seferi’nin yer aldığı kaynakların başında dönemin Osmanlı Tarihi kroniklerinden olan Târîh-i Naîmâ, Silahdar Târîhi, Fezleke, Târih-i Râşid ve Seyahatnâme gelmektedir. Bunların yanında sadece Girit Seferi’ni anlatan, Tevârih-i Cezîre-i Girid, Hikâyet-i Azîmet-i Sefer-i Kandiye, Girid Fethi Tarihi, Ravzatü’l-Ebrar, Cevâhirü’t-Tevârih, Târîh-i Fazıl Ahmed Paşa gibi monografik eserler de mühimdir. Bu kaynaklarda, Girit seferi hakkında üzerinde durulan başlıca konular şunlardır: Sefer için yapılan hazırlıklar, adanın tamamının fethedildiği 1669 yılına kadar olan kara ve deniz savaşları, savaş sırasında yaşanan olaylar, fethedilen yerlerdeki kale ve şehirlerin durumu, savaş sırasındaki yazışmalar, azil ve atamalar. Bu çalışmada, Osmanlı tarihinde yaklaşık çeyrek asır süren Girit Savaşı’nın, Osmanlı kaynakları ve arşiv belgelerine yansıyan anlatısı benzerlik veya farklılık bağlamında karşılaştırmalı olarak ele alınmaya çalışılmıştır.The expedition, which began in 1645 in Crete which is an important location for the control and security of the Mediterranean, was completed in 1669, when the whole island was conquered. The conquest of Crete, which lasted for about a quarter century, occupies an important place in Ottoman history. Therefore, the Cretan expedition has been widely published in chronicles, and many works have been written about the expedition. Most of these works were written by the people who participated in the expedition and these works are type of gavazatname. The archive records also contain many documents related to the Crete Expedition. Tarih-i Naima, Silahdar Tarihi, Tarih-i Râşid, Fezleke, Seyahatname which are from the Ottoman History Chronicles of the time are placed near the top of Crete Expedition. In addition, there are some works describing only the Cretan Expedition, such as Tevarih-i Cezire-i Girid, Hikayet-i Azimet-i Sefer-i Kandiye, Girid Fethi Tarihi, Ravzatü'l Ebrar, Cevahirü't-tevarih, Tarih-i Fazıl Ahmed Paşa. In the sources, the topics of the Cretan Expedition are as follows: preparations for the expedition, land and sea battles until 1669 when the whole island was conquered, events during the war, the status of the fortresses and cities in conquered places, correspondence during the war, dismissal and appointments. In this study, the narrative reflected in Ottoman sources and archival dokuments about the Cretan War, which lasted about a quarter of a century in the Ottoman history, was tried to be considered comparatively in terms of similarity and differences