476 research outputs found

    Association between worldwide dietary and lifestyle patterns with total cholesterol concentrations and DALYs for infectious and cardiovascular diseases: An ecological analysis

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    Global dietary and lifestyle trends are primary risk factors for communicable and non-communicable diseases. An ecological analysis was conducted to examine the association of global dietary and lifestyle patterns with total cholesterol concentrations. This study also investigated whether total cholesterol modified the association between dietary and lifestyle habits with disability-adjusted-life-years-lost (DALYs) for infectious and cardiovascular diseases (CVDs). Country-specific mean total cholesterol concentrations and DALYs for infectious and CVDs were obtained. Data were then matched to country-specific food and energy availability for consumption and information on obesity, physical inactivity, urbanization, gross domestic product (GDP), life expectancy and smoking. Stepwise multiple regression models were developed to identify significant predictors of total cholesterol concentrations and DALYs for infectious and CVDs. Life expectancy and egg and meat consumption were significantly associated with cholesterol concentrations. DALYs for infectious diseases were associated with smoking, life expectancy and per capita GDP. Smoking was the only predictor of DALYs for CVDs. The improvement of socio-demographic conditions and economic growth is likely to reduce the burden of communicable diseases in developing countries. A concurring increase in non-communicable diseases is expected, and these results have, yet again, identified smoking as a primary risk factor for CVDs

    Unique Thermal Properties of Clothing Materials.

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    Cloth wearing seems so natural that everyone is self-deemed knowledgeable and has some expert opinions about it. However, to clearly explain the physics involved, and hence to make predictions for clothing design or selection, it turns out to be quite challenging even for experts. Cloth is a multiphased, porous, and anisotropic material system and usually in multilayers. The human body acts as an internal heat source in a clothing situation, thus forming a temperature gradient between body and ambient. But unlike ordinary engineering heat transfer problems, the sign of this gradient often changes as the ambient temperature varies. The human body also perspires and the sweat evaporates, an effective body cooling process via phase change. To bring all the variables into analysis quickly escalates into a formidable task. This work attempts to unravel the problem from a physics perspective, focusing on a few rarely noticed yet critically important mechanisms involved so as to offer a clearer and more accurate depiction of the principles in clothing thermal comfort

    L’influenza dell’attaccamento e della sensibilità diadica genitorialesullo sviluppo psicomotorio del bambino nato pretermine

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    Lo scopo di questa ricerca è studiare i precursori dell’attaccamento e la sensibilità diadica genitoriale nelle famiglie con bambino nato pretermine. Sono state considerate 110 famiglie delle quali 55 con figli nati pretermine ( peso alla nascita < 1500 gr.) per un totale di 330 soggetti valutati durante i primi sei mesi di età corretta del bambino. Le diadi madre-bambino e padre-bambino sono state sottoposte al CARE-Index, una procedura videoregistrata per la valutazione dei precursori dell’attaccamento; ad entrambi i genitori sono stati somministrati CES-D, per la valutazione della depressione e STAI Y-2, per la valutazione dell’ansia di tratto. Lo sviluppo psicomotorio dei neonati è stato valutato tramite le scale Bayley. Rispetto ai controlli, nelle madri dei bambini pretermine sono stati evidenziati bassi punteggi di Sensibilità Diadica al CARE-Index (p=.025) ed elevati livelli di ansia (p=.026). Nei padri sono stati riscontrati bassi punteggi di Sensibilità Diadica (p=.004) e alti livelli di sintomi depressivi (p=.003). Nelle famiglie pretermine i precursori dell’attaccamento sono più frequentemente di tipo insicuro nelle madri (p=.000) e nei padri (p=.000), mentre nei neonati solo nell’interazione con la madre (p=012). Questi fattori sono risultati associati a minori punteggi alle scale Bayley (p=.000). Nelle madri dei neonati pretermine si riscontrano frequenti difficoltà con la famiglia di origine, nei padri una percezione negativa del proprio bambino e una maggiore insoddisfazione per l’assistenza ricevuta. Questi risultati evidenziano che il 40% delle madri e il 75% dei padri dei bambini nati pretermine rientra nella fascia ad alto rischio del CARE-Index (che richiede un trattamento psicologico e/o farmacologico). In tali casi, la scarsa sensibilità diadica, i precursori di attaccamento insicuro e le difficoltà psicologiche dei genitori sembrano influenzare lo sviluppo psicomotorio del bambino
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