11 research outputs found

    Cross-sex hormone therapy and transgender people’s health: an approach to metabolic impact, cardiovascular disease incidence and lgtbq+ dietary guidelines

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    Treballs Finals de Grau de Nutrició Humana i Dietètica, Facultat de Farmàcia i Ciències de l'Alimentació, Campus de l'Alimentació de Torribera, Universitat de Barcelona. Curs: 2019-2020. Tutor: Joana Relat Pardo[eng] Some important differences in health outcomes of women and men are not just due to biological causes but are partly explained by the influence that gender-related factors have on their choices and actions. Transgender individuals who seek a full transition to the gender they identify with may undergo cross-sex hormone therapy (CSHT). The administration of sex hormones must proceed with caution due to its metabolic implications. Also, cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk factors should be precisely screened throughout the process. In this review, little significant metabolic alterations were found either in transgender women or transgender men. CVD incidence was reported higher in transgender women populations. Overall, CSHT was reported safe. Reviewed dietary guidelines came up insufficient to fully address specific dietetic and nutritional requirements of the lesbian, gay, transgender, bisexual and queer (LGTBQ+) community. Dietitian-Nutritionists and the rest of health providers and researchers must broaden their knowledge and awareness on dealing with the health care management of the whole LGTBQ+ community

    Effect of COVID-19 Lockdown on Dietary Habits and Lifestyle of Food Science Students and Professionals from Spain

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    On 11 March 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared COVID-19 a global pandemic, forcing countries around the world to confine their population to halt the rapid spread of the virus. This study aimed to evaluate the changes in dietary habits and lifestyle during the COVID-19 lockdown a specific population with academic and professional knowledge in food sciences from Spain. An online questionnaire, based on 41 items, including sociodemographic data, dietary habits, food-related behaviors, and lifestyle were distributed using academic and institutional mailing lists and social media. Results showed a higher intake of fruit and vegetables, legumes, eggs, fish, and yogurt together with a decrease in consumption of alcoholic beverages between before and during the lockdown period. Nevertheless, an increase in consumption of some fruitive foods and an increase in self-reported weight were also observed, although in lower percentages than in other populations. A worse sleep quality and an increase in working hours and sitting time were also reported. Overall, trends towards healthier dietary habits were observed within the study sample during COVID-19 confinement period. Keywords: COVID-19; college students; coronavirus; dietary habits; e-survey; food sciences; lifestyle; lockdown

    Lockdown and eating habits among professionals and students

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    Since the World Health Organization (WHO) declared Covid-19 a global pandemic, the number of cases and deaths has risen rapidly, forcing countries around the world to confine their population in order to control the virus's spread. In this study, changes in dietary habits and lifestyle during the Covid-19 lockdown from March to June 2020 have been evaluated in a specific Spanish population with an academic knowledge of food sciences. An online questionnaire, which covered sociodemographic data, dietary habits, food-related behaviours and lifestyle was distributed among professionals and students in the field of food sciences. During the lockdown, this population reported a significant increase in the consumption of fruits, vegetables, legumes, eggs, fish, and yogurt, along with a decrease in the intake of alcoholic beverages. Nevertheless, there was also an increase in the consumption of salty snacks, chocolate and homemade pastries. Poor sleep quality and increased working hours and sitting time were also reported. Overall, the studied population showed trends towards healthier dietary habits during the Covid-19 lockdown in comparison with the general population

    Knowledge and perceptions of food sustainability in a Spanish university population

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    In 2015, the United Nations adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, with 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at its core. Besides tackling climate change and the fight to reduce inequality, the SDG number 12 is specifically focused to develop strategies toward food sustainability. The aim of this study, aligned with SDG number 12, was to analyze the level of knowledge and perceptions of food sustainability in a university community from Spain. A descriptive cross-sectional study, based on an online questionnaire, was carried out between July and November 2021 with convenience sampling. The survey included 28 items and was distributed among students, teachers, researchers and administrative staff from a Spanish university. A total of 1,220 participants completed the survey. 70.4% of the respondents heard about the environmental impact of food and more than 50% were aware of the existence of the SDGs. The different aspects related to diet that concerned them the most were food waste, plastic usage, and environmental impact. They reported that a sustainable diet should be mainly based on local and seasonal products and with a low environmental impact as well as no or the minimum food waste. When asked if they were following a sustainable diet, 77% answered affirmatively. Moreover, the food groups more involved in a sustainable diet should be vegetables and fruits, olive oil, legumes, and whole grains. Regarding food waste, 60% of the surveyed population claimed to generate it at home, with the use of leftovers and planning shopping and meals being some of the most important domestic actions to avoid it. Further initiatives must be implemented to increase the level of knowledge as well as to raise the awareness on the importance to translate it into individual and collective actions that allow a shift toward more sustainable practices

    Effect of COVID-19 Lockdown on Dietary Habits and Lifestyle of Food Science Students and Professionals from Spain

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    On 11 March 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared COVID-19 a global pandemic, forcing countries around the world to confine their population to halt the rapid spread of the virus. This study aimed to evaluate the changes in dietary habits and lifestyle during the COVID-19 lockdown a specific population with academic and professional knowledge in food sciences from Spain. An online questionnaire, based on 41 items, including sociodemographic data, dietary habits, food-related behaviors, and lifestyle were distributed using academic and institutional mailing lists and social media. Results showed a higher intake of fruit and vegetables, legumes, eggs, fish, and yogurt together with a decrease in consumption of alcoholic beverages between before and during the lockdown period. Nevertheless, an increase in consumption of some fruitive foods and an increase in self-reported weight were also observed, although in lower percentages than in other populations. A worse sleep quality and an increase in working hours and sitting time were also reported. Overall, trends towards healthier dietary habits were observed within the study sample during COVID-19 confinement period

    El menú pel canvi

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    Responsible for a large percentage of greenhouse gas emissions as well as of energy waste, deforestation and soil quality loss, the food system’s size and continuous need for production make it a key element within the framework of sustainability. In a society that increasingly values the transition towards planet- friendly alternatives, a group of young activists was created to make a positive contribution to our food system’s increased sustainability. This group drafted a manifesto that set out some points in need of immediate action. These points included food accessibility, regenerative agriculture, food waste control measures, food education, revaluation of food guides and food labelling according to planetary health diets as well as a true cost-accounting approach for the food market. This document, called Menu4Change, was presented at the Future of Food Conference (2021), receiving a very warm welcome from industry stakeholders and policy makers. The creation of young activist groups such as this one reflects the need for change in today’s paradigm as well as the young people’s demand to be heard. The transition towards sustainability cannot ignore future consumers, leaders and politicians. We demand spaces where our voice may be heard and where our opinion can be valued, in order to build a better future for our planet, driven by climate responsibility.Responsable d’un gran percentatge d’emissions de gasos amb efecte d’hivernacle i processos relacionats amb el malbaratament energètic o la desforestació i la pèrdua de qualitat del sòl, l’envergadura i necessitat contínua de producció del sistema alimentari el converteixen en una peça clau en el marc de la sostenibilitat. En una societat en la qual cada cop més es valora la transició cap a alternatives respectuoses amb el nostre planeta, es va crear un grup de joves activistes motivats per contribuir en un sistema alimentari més sostenible. Aquest grup va elaborar un manifest que recollia diferents punts en els quals demanaven acció immediata en diversos aspectes. Entre ells es troben l’accessibilitat a l’alimentació, l’agricultura regenerativa, mesures de restricció i control del malbaratament alimentari, educació en nutrició, reavaluació de l’etiquetatge i les guies nutricionals amb una perspectiva de salut planetària, així com també una crida a l’estipulació de preus justos pels aliments. Aquest document, el menú pel canvi, va ser presentat a la conferència Future of Food del 2021 amb una gran acollida per part de responsables de la indústria i de polítiques de salut a Europa. La formació de grups de joves activistes com aquest és un reflex de la necessitat de canvi en el paradigma actual i de la demanda de la gent jove de ser escoltada. La transició cap a la sostenibilitat no pot deixar de banda els futurs consumidors, líders i polítics, que hem de poder disposar d’espais on se’ns escolti, es valori la nostra perspectiva per tal de construir un planeta on puguem viure en el futur proper i s’impulsi la responsabilitat climàtica

    Perceptions of Food among College Students in the Field of Food Science: A Food Sustainability Approach

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    The complex concept of food sustainability has become crucial in all spheres of life. Dietitians, food scientists, and technologists are in a unique position to promote sustainability in food systems. However, the perceptions of food sustainability among food science professionals and college students are under-researched, particularly in Spain. The aim of this study was therefore to analyze perceptions related to food and to food sustainability in a sample of Human Nutrition and Dietetics (HND) and Food Science and Technology (FST) students in Barcelona (Spain). An exploratory and descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out using qualitative and quantitative methodology and convenience sampling. Two focus groups and an online questionnaire were conducted (300 participants completed the survey, 151 from HND and 149 from FST). Although the students expressed concern about food sustainability, their dietary choices were primarily associated with or influenced by taste/pleasure and health/nutrition. The issue of sustainability seemed more internalized by women than men, whereas the generalized conception of a sustainable diet was essentially based on environmental aspects, with socioeconomic dimensions largely overlooked. The concept of sustainability should be promoted among food science students in all its multidimensionality, and actions need to be implemented that bring sustainability closer to students' social practices, which should be incorporated into all university education and that is taught by professors duly trained in the subject

    Lockdown and eating habits among professionals and students

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    Des que l’Organització Mundial de la Salut (OMS) va declarar la COVID-19 una pandèmia mundial, el nombre de casos i morts ha anat augmentant ràpidament i ha obligat els països de tot el món a confinar la seva població per controlar la propagació del virus. En aquest estudi, s’han avaluat els canvis en els hàbits dietètics i l’estil de vida durant el confinament de març a juny del 2020 dins d’una població espanyola específica amb coneixements acadèmics en ciències de l’alimentació. Es va fer arribar un qüestionari en línia a professionals i estudiants de l’àmbit de les ciències de l’alimentació, que incloïa preguntes sobre les dades sociodemogràfiques, els hàbits dietètics, els comportaments relacionats amb l’alimentació i l’estil de vida. Durant el confinament, aquesta població va mostrar un augment significatiu en la ingesta de fruites, verdures, llegums, ous, peix i iogurt, juntament amb una disminució del consum de begudes alcohòliques. D’altra banda, també es va observar un augment del consum d’aperitius salats, xocolata i brioixeria casolana. Així mateix, les dades també van revelar una pitjor qualitat del son i un augment en el nombre d’hores dedicades a treballar i a realitzar activitats sedentàries. En general, aquesta població va mostrar una tendència envers l’adopció d’hàbits dietètics més saludables durant el confinament per la COVID-19 en comparació amb la població general.Since the World Health Organization (WHO) declared Covid-19 a global pandemic, the number of cases and deaths has risen rapidly, forcing countries around the world to confine their population in order to control the virus’s spread. In this study, changes in dietary habits and lifestyle during the Covid-19 lockdown from March to June 2020 have been evaluated in a specific Spanish population with an academic knowledge of food sciences. An online questionnaire, which covered sociodemographic data, dietary habits, food-related behaviours and lifestyle was distributed among professionals and students in the field of food sciences. During the lockdown, this population reported a significant increase in the consumption of fruits, vegetables, legumes, eggs, fish, and yogurt, along with a decrease in the intake of alcoholic beverages. Nevertheless, there was also an increase in the consumption of salty snacks, chocolate and homemade pastries. Poor sleep quality and increased working hours and sitting time were also reported. Overall, the studied population showed trends towards healthier dietary habits during the Covid-19 lockdown in comparison with the general population

    Data_Sheet_1_Knowledge and perceptions of food sustainability in a Spanish university population.PDF

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    In 2015, the United Nations adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, with 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at its core. Besides tackling climate change and the fight to reduce inequality, the SDG number 12 is specifically focused to develop strategies toward food sustainability. The aim of this study, aligned with SDG number 12, was to analyze the level of knowledge and perceptions of food sustainability in a university community from Spain. A descriptive cross-sectional study, based on an online questionnaire, was carried out between July and November 2021 with convenience sampling. The survey included 28 items and was distributed among students, teachers, researchers and administrative staff from a Spanish university. A total of 1,220 participants completed the survey. 70.4% of the respondents heard about the environmental impact of food and more than 50% were aware of the existence of the SDGs. The different aspects related to diet that concerned them the most were food waste, plastic usage, and environmental impact. They reported that a sustainable diet should be mainly based on local and seasonal products and with a low environmental impact as well as no or the minimum food waste. When asked if they were following a sustainable diet, 77% answered affirmatively. Moreover, the food groups more involved in a sustainable diet should be vegetables and fruits, olive oil, legumes, and whole grains. Regarding food waste, 60% of the surveyed population claimed to generate it at home, with the use of leftovers and planning shopping and meals being some of the most important domestic actions to avoid it. Further initiatives must be implemented to increase the level of knowledge as well as to raise the awareness on the importance to translate it into individual and collective actions that allow a shift toward more sustainable practices.</p