1,269 research outputs found

    Changes in dietary habits during Covid-19 lockdown in Egypt: the Egyptian COVIDiet study

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    Purpose COVID-19 lockdown changed social habits and lifestyle, including dietary habits, of people worldwide. However, limited information is available about these changes in Egypt. This cross-sectional study investigates the effects of COVID-19 lockdown on dietary habits among the Egyptian populations. Methods An online questionnaire, based on sociodemographic data and dietary adherence in accordance with the validated PREDIMED MedDiet Adherence Screener (MEDAS), was used all over the Egyptian governorates. The dietary changes were statistically evaluated for significance in relation to age, gender, body mass index (BMI), education level and governorates. Results A total of 1010 participants (76% aged below 36 years, 77% female, 22% obese, and 62% universitylevel education) answered the questionnaire. Respondents ≤ 20 years had a significant increase in weight and consumption of carbonated beverages, commercial pastries, fried and fast food. Egyptians > 50 years old had a significant decrease in physical activity. Underweight people (less than 3% of participants) increased their fast food intake with a prominent rise in weight. However, obese people increased cooking frequency and increased eating times with a decrease in physical activity. Male participants reported increased intake of carbonated beverages and fast food, while female participants increased the intake of homemade pastries with a significant decrease in physical activity. Approximately 50% of participants with postgraduate education reported decreased intake of fast food and carbonated beverages as well as decreased body weight. Residents of Cairo showed a significant increase in vegetable intake, and fried food intake with a decrease in seafood consumption. Participants from the Delta region had a significant increase in pastries intake. Conclusion The findings of this study explored the need for increasing awareness about healthy lifestyle in future lockdown periods

    Comprehensive Characterization and Quantification of Antioxidant Compounds in Finger Lime (Citrus australasica L.) by HPLC-QTof-MS and UPLC-MS/MS

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    Celia Rodriguez-Perez thanks the University of Granada for the PPJIA2019-04 project. Authors also acknowledge Teagasc for the access to the LC-MS/MS facilities and the support to this work through the Teagasc Walsh Fellowships Program (2016038).Australian finger limes (Citrus australasica L.), an unusual citrus due to its unique pulp with a caviar-like appearance, has reached the global market as a promising source of bioactive compounds that promote health. This research was, therefore, performed to shed light on the bioactivity and composition of different parts of Citrus australasica L. (peel and pulp). Initial ultrasound-assisted extraction using MeOH:H2O (80:20, v/v) was carried out. After that, four fractions (hexane, ethyl acetate, butanol and water) were generated through liquid-liquid partitioning, and the total phenolic content (TPC) and antioxidant activity were evaluated using the Folin-Ciocalteu and the ferric reducing antioxidant power (FRAP) assays, respectively. The ethyl acetate fraction in the peel, which presented the highest values of TPC and antioxidant activity, was characterized using high-performance liquid chromatography coupled to quadrupole time-of-flight (HPLC-QTof) mass spectrometry. Fifteen compounds were identified, of which seven were characterized for the first time in this matrix. Moreover, ten phenolic compounds were quantified using ultra-performance liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry (UPLC-MS/MS). The major compounds in the sample were citric acid, pyrogallol, caffeic acid, coumarin, rutin, naringin, 2-coumaric acid, didymin, naringenin and isorhamnetin, which were found in a range from 2.7 to 8106.7 mu g/g sample dry weight. Finally, the results presented in this novel work confirmed that the peel by-product of C. australasica L. is a potential source of bioactive compounds and could result in a positive outcome for the food, cosmetics and pharmaceutical industries.University of Granada PPJIA2019-04Teagasc Walsh Fellowships Program 201603

    Associations between Changes in Health Behaviours and Body Weight during the COVID-19 Quarantine in Lithuania: The Lithuanian COVIDiet Study

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    The COVID-19 quarantine has caused significant changes in everyday life. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of the quarantine on dietary, physical activity and alcohol consumption habits of Lithuanians and the association between health behaviours and weight changes. An online cross-sectional survey was carried out among individuals older than 18 years in April 2020. The self-administered questionnaire included health behaviour and weight change data. Altogether 2447 subjects participated in the survey. Almost half of the respondents (49.4%) ate more than usual, 45.1% increased snacking, and 62.1% cooked at home more often. Intake of carbonated or sugary drinks, fast food and commercial pastries decreased, while consumption of homemade pastries and fried food increased. A decrease in physical activity was reported by 60.6% of respondents. Every third (31.5%) respondent, more often those already with overweight, gained weight. Multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that the higher odds of weight gain were associated with females, older age, increased consumption of sugary drinks, homemade pastries and fried food, eating more than usual, increased snacking, decreased physical activity and increased alcohol consumption. Our data highlighted the need for dietary and physical activity guidelines to prevent weight gain during the period of self-isolation, especially targeting those with overweight and obesit

    A Comprehensive Review of the Effect of Honey on Human Health

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    Honey is a nutritious, healthy, and natural food, to which antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antimicrobial properties have been attributed, mainly due to its content of phenolic compounds. The aim of this review is to analyze the available evidence of the effect of honey on humans. Fortyeight clinical trials published between 1985 and 2022 were analyzed, with a total of 3655 subjects. More beneficial effects of honey intake than no or negative effects on different cardiovascular and metabolic risk factors, glucose tolerance, mucositis caused by chemo-radiotherapy, cough in children and wound healing, among others have been observed. Although the number of studies conducted to date is limited and the different investigations are not standardized, beneficial effects of honey intake have been observed, especially when its intake replaces the intake of other sweeteners. In addition, honey could be a safe adjuvant to be administered alongside drugs used for certain diseases.Programa Operativo de Empleo Juvenil (Youth Employment Program)Junta de Andalucía-Consejería de Universidad, Investigación e Innovación Research Project: P21_00777 M.P.-M

    Cooking at Home and Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet During the COVID-19 Confinement: The Experience From the Croatian COVIDiet Study

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    We thank all the subjects for their contribution and our friends and colleges for the dissemination of the survey questionnaire. Additionally, we thank Prof. Ana Kovaˇci´c for English editing and academic writing revision.Introduction: The primary aims of this study were to evaluate the changes in dietary behavior among the Croatian adult population during the COVID-19 outbreak and to explore the impact of confinement on cooking habits. Methods: The study was based on results from COVIDiet_Int cross-sectional study-a part of COVIDiet project (NCT04449731). A self-administered online questionnaire was used to assess the frequency of food consumption, eating habits, and sociodemographic information. A total number of 4,281 participants (80.5% females and 19.4% males) completed the questionnaire. Results: The Mediterranean Diet Adherence Screener (MEDAS) score before the confinement was 5.02 +/- 1.97, while during the confinement, the MEDAS score increased to 5.85 +/- 2.04. Participants who had higher adherence to the Mediterranean diet (MedDiet) during the confinement were mostly females (88.8%), aged between 20 and 50 years, with the highest level of education (66.3%) and normal BMI (70.6%). The majority of participants maintained their dietary behavior as it was before COVID-19 confinement, while 36.9% decreased their physical activity. Participants with higher MEDAS score were more eager to increase their physical activity. Additionally, higher median values of MEDAS score were noted for participants with body mass index values below 24.9 kg/m(2) (6.0 vs. 5.0 for participants with BMI above 25 kg/m(2)). Participants in all residence places increased their cooking frequency during the confinement (53.8%), which was associated with an increase in vegetables, legumes, as well as fish and seafood consumption. Conclusions: According to our findings, Croatian adults exhibited medium adherence to the MedDiet during the COVID-19 confinement. The results suggest that cooking frequency could be positively associated with overall dietary quality, which is of utmost importance in these demanding times

    Mechanisms of interaction between montmorillonite and 3-aminotriazole

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    The adsorption of aminotriazole, at its solution pH, with montmorillonite saturated with different cations has been studied. A pesticide-montmorillonite complex is formed through interlamellar cations which are not displaced. Aminotriazole is situated mostly as a polarized molecule around Mg2+ and Zn2+ cations, removing a great amount of water. In Na+- and Li+-montmorillonite, the pesticide remains as a non-polarized molecule, hydration water being retained in the interlamellar space; the pesticide is coordinated to interlamellar cations through water bridges. For all samples a proportion of cationic aminotriazole is also adsorbed, the amount being greater with increasing polarizing power of the interlamellar cation; consequently, in Fe3+-montmorillonite all the aminotriazole adsorbed is in the cationic form.The authors acknowledge the Direcci6n General de Investigaci6n Científica y Técnica, Spain, for financial support of this work through Project PB87-0240.Peer Reviewe

    Clay mineralogy of soils from SW Spain with high iron content

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    26 páginas.-- 2 graficas.-- 8 tablas.-- 26 referencias. -- Trabajo enviado para su publicación en la revista SOIL SCIENCE.-- (no se llegó a publicar).- Se convirtió en este otro artículo "Occurrence of talc in soils with high iron content from the south-west of Spain" publicado en Australian Journal of Soil Research 34: 635-651 (1996) http://hdl.handle.net/10261/65016The mineralogy of the clay fraction of four soil one alfisol and three inceptisols developed on cambian limestone, and to consider the mode of formation in terms of pedogenic processand classification has been determined. In soils I and II there is a high proportion of goethite accompanied by hematite at the bottom of the profiles, according to the data goethite is originated directly from the bedrock and hematite is produced by dehydration of goethite. The most characteristic is the presence of maghemite in the upper horizon of these profiles. Its presence is related with the weathering of hematite, that may produce goethite and later maghemite by dehydration. The non-ferrous minerals of soil are: talc, chlorite and interstratified talc-chlorite, profile II has in addition to kaolinite, vermiculite and illite. In soil IV a high proportion of goethite and hematite has been found, a high relation exist between bath iron oxides. The hematite is originated directly from the bedrock and goethite is produced from hematite. The high proportion of kaolin is characteristic, showing an external contribution or extensive pedogenic processes. Soil III is constituted by goethite and hematite and it is difficult to determine, the origen of these iron oxides. The non-ferrous minerals are kaolinite, chlorite and illite.N

    Determinación de sulfato de bario, óxidos de titanio y partículas de carbono en la capa superficial de los monumentos históricos-artísticos

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    La caracterización cualitativa y cuantitativa de determinadas fases presentes en la superficie de los materiales ornamentales presenta grandes dificultades por encontrarse en muy baja proporción, además de otras dificultades analíticas. En este trabajo se describe un método para aislar el sulfato de bario y los óxidos de titanio presentes en capas superficiales de edificios localizados en áreas conta minadas. Previa extracción de compuestos orgánicos e iones solubles, se procede a un ataque ácido empleando una mezcla de HF, HNOy y HCIO4. El residuo ais lado por este método se caracterizó mediante microscopía electrónica de bamdo, análisis químico por dispersión de energías de rayos X y difracción de rayos X. Estimándose los porcentajes de carbono, barita (sulfato de bario), anatasa (óxido de titanio) y rutilo (óxido de titanio) presentes en las capas superficiales

    Analysis of the Psychosocial Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Nursing Staff of the Intensive Care Units (ICU) in Spain

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    COVID-19; Enfermeras; Unidad de cuidados intensivosCOVID-19; Nurses; Intensive care unitCOVID-19; Infermeres; Unitat de cures intensives(1) The public health emergency, caused by COVID-19, has resulted in strong physical and mental exhaustion in healthcare workers. This research has been designed with the aim to describe the psychosocial impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on nurses working in intensive care units (ICU) and identify the related risk factors. (2) This is a cross-sectional study, in which a self-administered questionnaire was designed to cover the dimensions of interest associated with psychosocial factors during the pandemic and their factor risks. (3) A total of 456 nursing professionals participated, and 88.4% were women. Most of the professionals had a temporary contract (71.3%) and person at risk close to them (88.8%). Regarding psychosocial factors, there was a worsening in most of the associated variables, especially in sleep problems, anxiety, stress, and job performance. Female nurses were more prone to anxiety. Those under 30, as well as those with temporary contracts, were more unfocused. Professionals with a person at risk in their environment felt much more worried. The degree of exposure was associated with greater fear. (4) Those nurses who were female, younger, and with a temporary employment contract were shown to be more vulnerable to the impact of the pandemic on their psychosocial health. Because of this, it is necessary to adopt effective strategies for the protection of nurses’ health, focusing on the specific risk factors identified