139 research outputs found

    Selection of recombinant antibodies against Lawsonia intracellularis

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    Proliferative enteropathy, caused by the obligate intracellular bacterium Lawsonia intracellularis (McOrist et al., 1995), is a widely distributed disease throughout the world causing substantial economic loss. The diagnostics of the disease is complicated by limited value of serological surveys as well as the fact that L. intracellularis can only be cultured in cell cultures

    Factors Influencing Purchases of Organic Food

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    The goal of the article is to describe factors influencing purchases of organic food by consumers in a selected area of the Czech Republic. We have researched and analysed reference books and studies focused on the topic to fulfil the goals of the article. Data acquired during a questionnaire survey with selected consumers was used as primary data. The impact of different factors on the purchase of organic food was researched based on an effect of demographic indicators. Hypotheses were stated to study relations among variables, and we examined the statistical importance and correlation of particular hypotheses. We used another statistical method – a decision tree – to seek connections between the variables. The results show that purchases of organic food are influenced by the price, the taste, the sense of health and the content. The connection between the researched factors and demographic indicators is usually low and statistically insignificant

    Investigation of the clinical behaviors of pediatric dentists working in Turkey during the normalization period of the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    Objective: Our aim is to investigate the clinical attitudes and behaviors of pediatric dentists during the new normalization period of the COVID-19 pandemic.Materials and methods: Our study was conducted online among pediatric dentistry specialists working in Turkey and a total of 256 people participated. According to personal information, the six questions asked in the second part were analyzed in terms of physicians' adaptation to the new normal order, clinical arrangements, measures to be taken, and their approaches to treatment procedures.Results: The responses to the option "my anxiety has decreased and I have learned to live with this situation" were mostly found in women (42.86%), those with a working period of 1-5 years (42.11%) and pediatric dentists aged 20-25 years (42.86%). In our study, it was observed that ART was practiced more in public hospitals (100%) compared to university and private hospitals. It was observed that 73.91% of pediatric dentists working in university hospitals preferred panoramic films. This rate was significantly higher than those working in state and private hospitals.Conclusions: It was observed that the pediatric dentists participating in our study acted in accordance with the precautions and measures during the new normalization period. In this process, procedures that produce less aerosol were preferred more frequently

    Role of Larch/C++ specifications in black-box testing of object-oriented software

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    Identifies critical issues involved with the testing of object oriented software, and with testing of an implementation based on its formal specifications

    Online Habits of the 55 plus Generation in a Selected Region of the Czech Republic

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    Svrha – Internet postaje dio života generacije od 55 i više godina. Istraživanje pretpostavlja da sve više raste broj starijih osoba koje koriste internet. Na temelju ove pretpostavke, cilj je rada istražiti utjecaj izabranih demografskih obilježja na varijable korištenja interneta. Te varijable uključuju učestalost korištenja interneta, mjesto pristupa internetu, vrstu traženih informacija te ukupnu učestalost korištenja ovog medija za određenu svrhu. Metodološki pristup – Uvod predstavlja teorijsku pozadinu teme, a slijedi ga dio rada koji je usredotočen na procjenu podataka prikupljenih primarnim istraživanjem. Ti podaci uključuju korištenje koefi cijenta korelacije koji mjeri razinu zavisnosti između promatranih varijabli. Drugi alat koji se koristi tijekom istraživanja naziva se stablo odlučivanja. Ono otkriva varijablu s najjačim utjecajem na korištenje interneta. U ovom slučaju to je bila varijabla lokacija s koje se pristupa internetu. Rezultati i implikacije – Pri ispitivanju uvjetovanosti između demografskih varijabli i korištenja interneta, govori se o nezavisnosti ili preciznije, neznatnoj zavisnosti. To se odnosi na činjenicu da starije osobe svih dobi koriste internet bez obzira na demografska obilježja. To je više uvjetovano društvenim utjecajima. Ograničenja – Podatke dobivene ovom analizom nije moguće primijeniti na cijelu Republiku Češku. Doprinos – Na temelju rezultata istraživanja može se odbaciti bilo kakav značajan utjecaj demografskih obilježja na to da starije osobe koriste internet. Diskurs opisuje i kasnije uspoređuje poglede i stranih i domaćih istraživanja o tom pitanju