6 research outputs found

    Potential Impacts of Climate Change on Photochemistry of \u3ci\u3eZostera Marina\u3c/i\u3e L.

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    Seagrasses account for approximately 10% of the ocean’s total carbon storage, although photosynthesis of seagrasses is carbon limited at today’s oceanic pH. Therefore, increasing atmospheric CO2 concentration, which results in ocean acidification/carbonation, is predicted to have a positive impact on seagrass productivity. Previous studies have confirmed the positive influence of increasing CO2 on photosynthesis and survival of the temperate eelgrass Zostera marina L., but the acclimation of photoprotective mechanisms in this context has not been characterized. This study aimed to quantify the long-term impacts of ocean acidification on photochemical control mechanisms that promote photosynthesis while simultaneously protecting eelgrass from photodamage. Eelgrass were grown in controlled outdoor aquarium tanks at different aqueous CO2 concentrations ranging from ~50 to ~2100 μM from May 2013 to October 2014, and compared for differences in optical properties and photochemistry. Even with daily and seasonal variations of temperature and light, CO2 enrichment consistently increased plant size, leaf thickness and chlorophyll use efficiency, and decreased pigment content and the package effect while maintaining similar light harvesting efficiency. These CO2 responses resembled high light acclimation suggesting a common photosynthetic sensory function, such as redox regulation, controls long-term acclimation of leaf morphology. Laboratory incubations resolved this mutual regulation of redox state via carbon and light availability, by measuring O2 production, total CO2 uptake and fluorescence of the acclimated leaves. The morphological acclimations due to CO2 enrichment were facilitated by improved photosynthetic capacity. Increasing CO2 availability, relative to oxygen concentrations, maximized chlorophyll specific photosynthesis to its physiological limits at pH 6.2 by minimizing photorespiration, and increased the light requirement to saturate photosynthesis. The instantaneous increase of photosynthesis up to 8 fold reduced the role of alternative electron pathways and non-photochemical quenching for photoprotection, therefore increasing quantum yield of oxygen production. These findings explained how seagrasses resist photodamage in shallow high light environments, while maintaining long daily period of light-saturated photosynthesis to compensate carbon limitation and sustain growth. The quasi-mechanistic models generated by this study provide a pathway for including the photoprotection and photoacclimation processes in understanding the dynamic response of seagrasses to fluctuating coastal environments and climate change

    Photorespiration in Eelgrass (\u3ci\u3eZostera marina\u3c/i\u3e L.): A Photoprotection Mechanism for Survival in a CO₂-Limited World

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    Photorespiration, commonly viewed as a loss in photosynthetic productivity of C3 plants, is expected to decline with increasing atmospheric CO2, even though photorespiration plays an important role in the oxidative stress responses. This study aimed to quantify the role of photorespiration and alternative photoprotection mechanisms in Zostera marina L. (eelgrass), a carbon-limited marine C3 plant, in response to ocean acidification. Plants were grown in controlled outdoor aquaria at different [CO2]aq ranging from ~55 (ambient) to ~2121 μM for 13 months and compared for differences in leaf photochemistry by simultaneous measurements of O2 flux and variable fluorescence. At ambient [CO2], photosynthesis was carbon limited and the excess photon absorption was diverted both to photorespiration and non-photochemical quenching (NPQ). The dynamic range of NPQ regulation in ambient grown plants, in response to instantaneous changes in [CO2]aq, suggested considerable tolerance for fluctuating environmental conditions. However, 60 to 80% of maximum photosynthetic capacity of ambient plants was diverted to photorespiration resulting in limited carbon fixation. The photosynthesis to respiration ratio (PE : RD) of ambient grown plants increased 6-fold when measured under high CO2 because photorespiration was virtually suppressed. Plants acclimated to high CO2 maintained 4-fold higher PE : RD than ambient grown plants as a result of a 60% reduction in photorespiration. The O2 production efficiency per unit chlorophyll was not affected by the CO2 environment in which the plants were grown. Yet, CO2 enrichment decreased the light level to initiate NPQ activity and downregulated the biomass specific pigment content by 50% and area specific pigment content by 30%. Thus, phenotypic acclimation to ocean carbonation in eelgrass, indicating the coupling between the regulation of photosynthetic structure and metabolic carbon demands, involved the downregulation of light harvesting by the photosynthetic apparatus, a reduction in the role of photorespiration and an increase in the role of NPQ in photoprotection. The quasi-mechanistic model developed in this study permits integration of photosynthetic and morphological acclimation to ocean carbonation into seagrass productivity models, by adjusting the limits of the photosynthetic parameters based on substrate availability and physiological capacity

    Arsenic concentrations in seagrass around the Mediterranean coast and seasonal variations

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    Arsenic’s occurrence in the environment could be due to human activities as well as to natural sources. In this study, Posidonia oceanica and Cymodocea nodosa are collected in 84 sites around the Mediterranean basin. In addition, both seagrass are collected monthly, in two sites (Calvi in Corsica and Salammbô in Tunisia). Arsenic concentrations in C. nodosa present seasonal variations in relation with spring phytoplankton blooms. For both species arsenic concentration is higher in the vicinity of geological sources (mining), lagoon outlets and industrial activities. Moreover, Mediterranean islands (Balearic, Sardinia, Corsica, Malta, Crete and Cyprus) and the Southern basin coastline exhibit lower concentrations in Arsenic than the rest of the Mediterranean basin. The wide spread distribution of these two species would encourage their use in a global monitoring network devoted to Arsenic contamination.peer-reviewe

    Impact of Ocean Carbonation on Long-Term Regulation of Light Harvesting in Eelgrass \u3ci\u3eZostera marina\u3c/i\u3e

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    Seagrasses account for approximately 10% of the total carbon stored in the ocean, although photosynthesis of seagrasses is carbon-limited at present oceanic pH levels. Therefore, increasing atmospheric CO2 concentration, which results in ocean acidification/carbonation, is predicted to have a positive impact on seagrass productivity. Previous studies have confirmed the positive influence of increasing CO2 on photosynthesis and survival of the temperate eelgrass Zostera marina, but the acclimation of photoprotective mechanisms in this context has not been characterized. We aimed to quantify the long-term impacts of ocean acidification on photochemical control mechanisms that promote photosynthesis while simultaneously protecting eelgrass from photodamage. Eelgrass were grown in controlled outdoor aquaria at different aqueous CO2 concentrations ranging from ~50 to ~2100 μM from May 2013 to October 2014 and examined for differences in leaf optical properties. Even with daily and seasonal variations of temperature and light, CO2 enrichment consistently increased plant size, leaf thickness and chlorophyll use efficiency, and decreased pigment content and the package effect while maintaining similar light-harvesting efficiency. These acclimation responses suggest that a common photosynthetic sensory function, such as redox regulation, can be manipulated by CO2 availability, as well as light, and may serve to optimize photosynthetic carbon gain by seagrasses into the Anthropocene

    Experimental Impacts of Climate Warming and Ocean Carbonation on Eelgrass Zostera Marina

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    CO2 is a critical and potentially limiting substrate for photosynthesis of both terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. In addition to being a climate-warming greenhouse gas, increasing concentrations of CO2 will dissolve in the oceans, eliciting both negative and positive responses among organisms in a process commonly known as ocean acidification. The dissolution of CO2 into ocean surface waters, however, also increases its availability for photosynthesis, to which the highly successful, and ecologically important, seagrasses respond positively. Thus, the process might be more accurately characterized as ocean carbonation. This experiment demonstrated that CO2 stimulation of primary production enhances the summertime survival, growth, and proliferation of perennial eelgrass Zostera marina from the Chesapeake region, which is regularly impacted by summer heat stress. The experiment also quantified the logarithmic response to CO2 in terms of shoot proliferation, size, growth and sugar accumulation that was funda mentally consistent with model predictions based on metabolic carbon balance derived from short-term laboratory experiments performed with other eelgrass populations from cool ocean climates and other seagrass species from tropical and temperate environments. Rather than acting in a neutral fashion or as an independent stressor, increased CO2 availability can serve as a quantitative antagonist to counter the negative impact of climate warming on seagrass growth and survival. These results reinforce the emerging paradigm that seagrasses are likely to benefit significantly from a high-CO2 world