1,261 research outputs found

    Scaling and universality in turbulent convection

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    Anomalous correlation functions of the temperature field in two-dimensional turbulent convection are shown to be universal with respect to the choice of external sources. Moreover, they are equal to the anomalous correlations of the concentration field of a passive tracer advected by the convective flow itself. The statistics of velocity differences is found to be universal, self-similar and close to Gaussian. These results point to the conclusion that temperature intermittency in two-dimensional turbulent convection may be traced back to the existence of statistically preserved structures, as it is in passive scalar turbulence.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figure

    Large-scale anisotropy in scalar turbulence

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    The effect of anisotropy on the statistics of a passive tracer transported by a turbulent flow is investigated. We show that under broad conditions an arbitrarily small amount of anisotropy propagates to the large scales where it eventually dominates the structure of the concentration field. This result is obtained analytically in the framework of an exactly solvable model and confirmed by numerical simulations of scalar transport in two-dimensional turbulence

    Front propagation in laminar flows

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    The problem of front propagation in flowing media is addressed for laminar velocity fields in two dimensions. Three representative cases are discussed: stationary cellular flow, stationary shear flow, and percolating flow. Production terms of Fisher-Kolmogorov-Petrovskii-Piskunov type and of Arrhenius type are considered under the assumption of no feedback of the concentration on the velocity. Numerical simulations of advection-reaction-diffusion equations have been performed by an algorithm based on discrete-time maps. The results show a generic enhancement of the speed of front propagation by the underlying flow. For small molecular diffusivity, the front speed VfV_f depends on the typical flow velocity UU as a power law with an exponent depending on the topological properties of the flow, and on the ratio of reactive and advective time-scales. For open-streamline flows we find always Vf∼UV_f \sim U, whereas for cellular flows we observe Vf∼U1/4V_f \sim U^{1/4} for fast advection, and Vf∼U3/4V_f \sim U^{3/4} for slow advection.Comment: Enlarged, revised version, 37 pages, 14 figure

    Eulerian Statistically Preserved Structures in Passive Scalar Advection

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    We analyze numerically the time-dependent linear operators that govern the dynamics of Eulerian correlation functions of a decaying passive scalar advected by a stationary, forced 2-dimensional Navier-Stokes turbulence. We show how to naturally discuss the dynamics in terms of effective compact operators that display Eulerian Statistically Preserved Structures which determine the anomalous scaling of the correlation functions. In passing we point out a bonus of the present approach, in providing analytic predictions for the time-dependent correlation functions in decaying turbulent transport.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figures. Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Shear effects on passive scalar spectra

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    The effects of a large-scale shear on the energy spectrum of a passively advected scalar field are investigated. The shear is superimposed on a turbulent isotropic flow, yielding an Obukhov-Corrsin k−5/3k^{-5/3} scalar spectrum at small scales. Shear effects appear at large scales, where a different, anisotropic behavior is observed. The scalar spectrum is shown to behave as k−4/3k^{-4/3} for a shear fixed in intensity and direction. For other types of shear characteristics, the slope is generally intermediate between the -5/3 Obukhov-Corrsin's and the -1 Batchelor's values. The physical mechanisms at the origin of this behaviour are illustrated in terms of the motion of Lagrangian particles. They provide an explanation to the scalar spectra shallow and dependent on the experimental conditions observed in shear flows at moderate Reynolds numbers.Comment: 10 LaTeX pages,3 eps Figure

    Anomalous scaling of passive scalar in turbulence and in equilibrium

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    We analyze multi-point correlation functions of a tracer in an incompressible flow at scales far exceeding the scale LL at which fluctuations are generated (quasi-equilibrium domain) and compare them with the correlation functions at scales smaller than LL (turbulence domain). We demonstrate that the scale invariance can be broken in the equilibrium domain and trace this breakdown to the statistical integrals of motion (zero modes) as has been done before for turbulence. Employing Kraichnan model of short-correlated velocity we identify the new type of zero modes, which break scale invariance and determine an anomalously slow decay of correlations at large scales

    Inverse turbulent cascades and conformally invariant curves

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    We offer a new example of conformal invariance far from equilibrium -- the inverse cascade of Surface Quasi-Geostrophic (SQG) turbulence. We show that temperature isolines are statistically equivalent to curves that can be mapped into a one-dimensional Brownian walk (called Schramm-Loewner Evolution or SLEκ_\kappa). The diffusivity is close to κ=4\kappa=4, that is iso-temperature curves belong to the same universality class as domain walls in the O(2) spin model. Several statistics of temperature clusters and isolines are measured and shown to be consistent with the theoretical expectations for such a spin system at criticality. We also show that the direct cascade in two-dimensional Navier-Stokes turbulence is not conformal invariant. The emerging picture is that conformal invariance may be expected for inverse turbulent cascades of strongly interacting systems.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figure
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