114 research outputs found
Auditoría de gestión a la Dirección Distrital de Chimborazo, del Ministerio de Transporte y Obras Públicas, período enero – diciembre 2016
El objetivo del presente trabajo de investigación es Realizar una Auditoría de Gestión a la Dirección Distrital de Chimborazo, del Ministerio de Transporte y Obras Públicas, en el período Enero – Diciembre 2016; se realizó la consulta en varias fuentes bibliográficas para la construcción del marco teórico, se empleó la investigación del tipo descriptiva, de campo y bibliográfico-documental, se aplicaron los procedimientos de auditoría en cada una de las fases, se evaluó la estructura del control interno según las Normas de la Contraloría General del Estado, dando el nivel de confianza del 73% moderado y el riesgo de 27% moderado, los resultados principales son la carencia de indicadores de gestión en la realización de los proyectos de la organización, no se aplica el proceso de reclutamiento de personal, incluido la documentación para el ingreso de personal, no se ha practicado evaluaciones al desempeño a un grupo de servidores, por lo que se desconoce cuáles son los puntos que afectan el cumplimiento de los objetivos y metas institucionales. En conclusión el Ministerio Transporte Obras Públicas de la Provincia de Chimborazo no ha sido objeto anteriormente de Auditoría de Gestión, a pesar de ser una institución pública y de contar en su normativa la necesidad de ejecutar los indicadores de gestión a los proyectos, por lo que recomienda la aplicación periódicamente Auditorías de Gestión y tomar en cuenta las recomendaciones hechas en el informe presentado en la propuesta.The present research is a Management Audit to the District Office of Chimborazo, of the Ministry of Transport and Public Works, in the period January - December 2016; with the purpose of evaluating the effectiveness and efficiency in the management processes of the institution. The audit procedures were applied in each of the phases, as they are: preliminary knowledge where general information of the entity was requested, in the second phase the Rules of the General Contralory of the State were determined, giving the confidence level of 73% moderate, in the execution phase, the main results reflect the lack of management indicators in the realization of the projects of the organization, the recruitment process of personnel is not applied, including the documentation for the entry of personnel, no evaluations have been carried out to the performance of a group of servers, so it is unknown what are the points that affect the fulfilment of the institutional objectives and goals. In conclusion, the Ministry of Transport and Public Works of the province of Chimborazo has not previously been subject to Management Audit, despite being a public institution and having in its regulations the need to execute the management indicators for the projects; therefore, it is recommended the recurring application of Management Audits and take into account the recommendations made in the report presented in this proposal
Ukrajinski migranti u Europskoj uniji: komparativna studija Češke Republike i Italije
This paper aims to provide a comparative analysis of links between personal
characteristics and remittance behavior as well as to investigate the determinants of
integration and to validate the remittance decay hypothesis in the target country for
Ukrainian migrants in the Czech Republic and Italy. Our research attempts to answer a
number of novel research questions by determining whether some personal attributes
could be attached to Ukrainian labor migrants in the EU and their families in Ukraine.
Our findings show that migration characteristics of one ethnic group or nation reveal
the same patterns regardless of the target country. It appears that remittance behavior of Ukrainian migrants in the Czech Republic and Italy is significantly determined
by their financial situation, demographic characteristics, level of human capital and
level of integration as well as specific context characteristics. Moreover, our findings
provide evidence for the fact that those Ukrainian migrants who are more settled in a
target country tend to send fewer or no remittances back to their home country.Članak donosi komparativnu analizu povezanosti osobnih karakteristika migranata i njihova
ponašanja pri transferu financijskih sredstava u domovinu. Također ispituje odrednice integracije
i potvrđuje hipotezu o prestanku transfera novca ukrajinskih migranata iz Češke Republike
i Italije. Naše istraživanje pokušava odgovoriti na brojna nova pitanja utvrđujući postoje
li neke posebne značajke ukrajinskih migranata u EU i njihovih obitelji u Ukrajini. Rezultati
pokazuju da su migracijske karakteristike etničke grupe ili nacije iste, bez obzira na zemlju
migracije. Ponašanje ukrajinskih migranata u Češkoj i Italiji u vezi s transferom novca u domovinu
značajno određuje njihova financijska situacija, demografska obilježja, stupanj radnog
znanja i vještina te stupanj integracije u novu zemlju kao i specifičnost društvenog konteksta.
Štoviše, postoje dokazi da ukrajinski migranti koji su bolje uklopljeni u novu zemlju upućuju
manje novčanih transfera u domovinu ili to uopće ne čine
High-throughput detection of ethanol-producing cyanobacteria in a microdroplet platform.
Ethanol production by microorganisms is an important renewable energy source. Most processes involve fermentation of sugars from plant feedstock, but there is increasing interest in direct ethanol production by photosynthetic organisms. To facilitate this, a high-throughput screening technique for the detection of ethanol is required. Here, a method for the quantitative detection of ethanol in a microdroplet-based platform is described that can be used for screening cyanobacterial strains to identify those with the highest ethanol productivity levels. The detection of ethanol by enzymatic assay was optimized both in bulk and in microdroplets. In parallel, the encapsulation of engineered ethanol-producing cyanobacteria in microdroplets and their growth dynamics in microdroplet reservoirs were demonstrated. The combination of modular microdroplet operations including droplet generation for cyanobacteria encapsulation, droplet re-injection and pico-injection, and laser-induced fluorescence, were used to create this new platform to screen genetically engineered strains of cyanobacteria with different levels of ethanol production.This research has received funding from EC within
the FP7 DEMA project, grant agreement no. 309086. Both S.A.C.
and E.K. are supported by DEMA funding.This is the final published version. It first appeared at http://rsif.royalsocietypublishing.org/content/12/106/20150216#ack-1
Hacia una internacionalización del sistema de enseñanza español: la enseñanza bilingüe francés-español
Memoria ID-0243. Ayudas de la Universidad de Salamanca para la innovación docente, curso 2015-2016
Creación de un repertorio de las dificultades gramaticales y léxicas más frecuentes en la enseñanza/aprendizaje del FLE (Français Langue Étrangère) en el Grado de Francés
Memoria ID-0122. Ayudas de la Universidad de Salamanca para la innovación docente, curso 2017-2018
Coordinación y promoción del grado en estudios franceses: taller de teatro en lengua francesa
Memoria ID-301. Ayudas de la Universidad de Salamanca para la innovación docente, curso 2013-2014
Contribución de las asignaturas teórico-prácticas del Grado en Estudios Franceses a la adquisición de los niveles de lengua francesa (MCERL)
Memoria ID-0078. Ayudas de la Universidad de Salamanca para la innovación docente, curso 2016-2017
Seguimiento, acreditación y promoción del Grado en Estudios Franceses: XVIIº taller de teatro en lengua francesa
Memoria ID-0282. Ayudas de la Universidad de Salamanca para la innovación docente, curso 2014-2015
Futuros filólogos. Competencia laboral en tratamiento de textos y gestión de patrimonio bibliográfico
Memoria ID-300. Ayudas de la Universidad de Salamanca para la innovación docente, curso 2013-2014
Futuros filólogos (2): competencias digitales en tratamiento de textos y enseñanza de idiomas
Memoria ID-0098. Ayudas de la Universidad de Salamanca para la innovación docente, curso 2014-2015
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