675 research outputs found

    Telmatobius solitarius n. sp.: A New Rare Telmatobiid Frog from the Highland Patagonian Territories (Rio Negro, Argentina)

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    Telmatobius solitarius, a new rare species from the ancient volcanic tableland of Southern Pilcaniyeu (Rio Negro, Argentina), is described. Its general relationships with the recently discovered Telmatobius praebasalticus and T. reverbera are discussed. The general features of such a chain of semiterrestrial telmatobiid frogs from the highland Patagonian territories are pointed out.Material digitalizado en SEDICI gracias a la colaboración del Dr. Jorge Williams (FCNM-UNLP).Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    Geographical barriers and serological relationships in some african toads of the Bufo regularis complex

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    Serological relationships of several African toads of the Bufo regularis group have been studied. Two fundamental assemblies of populations were recognizable by crossed precipitin tests. They seem correpond to the Blair’s «Western» and «Eastern» groups in accordance with their reciprocal rate of genetic compatibility. Between the regularis toads North and South of Cunene river percent values of homo-heterologous precipitin reactions range between 70.4 - 72.9 %. On the other hand the Angolan populations and the isolated regularis populations from Djanet (Sahara: Algeria) show values ranging between 80.6 - 87.0 %, in spite of the wide geographical intervals. Serological distance increases between regularis toads and the several allo- -sympatric species belonging to the same regularis complex, such as pardalis, rangeri or maculatus-pusillus, (range of percent values between 60.5 - 69.0%). Furthermore a noticeable similarity is remarkable between rangeri and pardalis (83.7 - 84.7 %) in accordance with Poynton’s systematic statements (1964). Evolutive features of this troublesome group of toads were briefly discussed. The paleogeographic interest of the pleistocenic climatic cycles of the present Saharian Desert and the ancient Kalahari Basin were also emphasized as very important ecological barriers.Material digitalizado en SEDICI gracias a la colaboración del Dr. Jorge Williams (FCNM-UNLP).Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    The Present Taxo-Serological Works in the Field or Herpetology at the institute Biologia Animal Cuyo University, Mendoza, Argentina

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    Since several years ago the precipitin immunological tests are utilized as a routine technique in the herpetological works of the Institute of Animal Biology, the Cuyo University, Mendoza, Argentina. ’l'he fitness of the method enables it to contribute very effectively to the solution of, or the adequate approach to, a number of phvletic or taxogenetic problems, which are difficult to solve by the accessible morphological evidence alone, 'l'he discriminating significance of the whole antigenic systems of the sera by means of (he immunological comparisons indicate. the progressive levels of the genetic ami taxonomic relationships, such as at the .subspecific or generic levels. It would be difficult, of course, to establish a rigid yardstick measuring in numerical terms both the phyletic (or genetic) and serological distances. But the repeated quantitative expression of the homo-heterologous precipitin reactions may provide a true biologically objective kind of evidence which is probably more natural than most of the diagnostic characters currently used in taxonomy. I wish to enumerate here a number of works being carried out at this time in our Laboratory, utilizing the Libby’s Photron- reflectomctric technique. They deal with different groups of Sauria and Anura, both from the Neotropical and Palearctic biotas.Material digitalizado en SEDICI gracias a la colaboración del Dr. Jorge Williams (FCNM-UNLP).Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    Further comments on the holotype of <i>Liolaemus ruizleali</i> Donoso Barros and Cei, 1971, from northern Patagonia, Argentina (Reptilia, Iguanidae)

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    To avoid misleading or controversial interpretations of the present taxonomic status of Liolaemus ruizleali Donoso Barros and Cei, 1971, the original description of its holotype is carefully compared with the morphological characters of Liolaemus rothi Koslowsky, 1898. No differences are shown by such a careful checking, thus the taxonomic status of Liolaemus ruizleali as a synonymous of Liolaemus rothi is again supported by unquestionable kinds of evidence.Material digitalizado en SEDICI gracias a la colaboración del Dr. Jorge Williams (FCNM-UNLP).Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    On a Paraguayan sample of a long time confused species: <i>Physalaemus fuscomaculatus</i> (Steindachner, 1864) (Anura, Leptodactylidae)

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    The poorly known taxon Physalaemus fuscomaculatus (Steindachner, 1864) is now defined and illustrated on the basis of a still unidentified sample of Paraguayan specimens from the Zoological Museum of Turin, Italy, collected in 1893 by A. Borelli close to Rio Apa, atributary of the Paraguay River. The comparison of such a sample with Steindachner’s/holotype was earned out and a suitable iconographie documentation is presented. The identity of Steindachner’s holotype and Borelli’s sample was unquestionably supported, and a new suitable description of the species, on the basis of the original description, is now available. This paper contributes to clarify more than a century of taxonomic confusion, having been long time neglected Physalaemus biligonigerus (Cope, 1860) owing to a misled diagnosis of Physalaemus fuscomaculatus (=Paludicola fuscomaculata) since Boulenger’s time.Una antica raccolta di A. Borelli nella regione di Rio Apa, Paraguay, è stata studiata e confrontata con il tipo di Physalaemus fuscomaculatus (Steindachner, 1864), depositato nel Naturhistorisches Museum di Vienna. Confermata la sua identità con detta specie, rara e poco conosciuta, ne è stata possibile una nuova descrizione, redatta sulla base del lavoro originale di Steindachner e accompagnata da una soddisfacente documentazione iconografica. Si è dato così un contributo alla chiarificazione di una oscura situazione tassonomica, protratta per oltre un secolo e dovuta alla confusione di tale specie con Physalaemus biligonigerus (Cope, 1860), i cui reali limiti morfologici e biogeografici possono ora essere definiti e inquadrati in una generale discussione del genere Physalaemus e dei suoi gruppi naturali di specie affini.Material digitalizado en SEDICI gracias a la colaboración del Dr. Jorge Williams (FCNM-UNLP).Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    A New Frog of the Genus <i>Syrrhophus</i> from the Bolivian Plateau

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    A new Syrrhophus (S. laplacai, new species) is described from the Bolivian Plateau, 100 km east of La Paz, in the Unduavi region (3400 m), on the borders of the tropical rain belt or "yungas." This genus of frog has not previously been reported from the Bolivian region. The affinities of the new species with S. montium Shreve are discussed. This latter Andean form has been recently placed by Lynch in the South American genus Niceforonia, leaving only Mexican and Central American forms in the genus Syrrhophus.Material digitalizado en SEDICI gracias a la colaboración del Dr. Jorge Williams (FCNM-UNLP).Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    Revision of the Patagonian Iguanids of the <i>Liolaemus elongatus</i> Complex

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    Patagonian lizards of the Liolaemus elongatus complex are revised. The proposed taxonomic arrangement consists of the widespread subandean L. elongatus elongatus (Koslowsky) between 33° and 45° south latitude, L. elongatus petrophilus Donoso B. and Cei from Central Rio Negro uplands and Northern Chubut, and a new allosympatric, closely related form, L. austromendocinus sp.nov., here described, from southern Mendoza Province, Argentina. Geographical variation and clinal trends of L. elongatus elongatus are analyzed and discussed. Sympatry and serological relationships of L. elongatus elongatus and L. austromendocinus north of the Barrancas-Colorado river are reported and criticized.Material digitalizado en SEDICI gracias a la colaboración del Dr. Jorge Williams (FCNM-UNLP).Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    A new species of Tropidurus (Sauria, Iguanidae) from the arid Chacoan and western regions of Argentina

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    Se describe una nueva especie del grupo torquatus del genero Tropidurus—T. etheridgei de la región chaqueña, distribuida entre los 33° y 19° de latitud sur, y desde las laderas orientales andinas y los bordes del Paraná, en Paraguay y Corrientes. Esta nueva especie es característica de la amplia cuenca continental de génesis y especiación del dominio chaqueño, y como en el caso de otros elementos herpetofaunisticos de la misma área, ha llegado probablemente a diferenciarse en los periodos mas áridos del Pleistoceno. Se reconoce de las poblaciones limítrofes de la cuenca paranense por una significativa combinación de caracteres, entre estos la ausencia de cavidades o “bolsillos” cutáneos axilares e inguinales, diferencias en la lepidosis cefálica y el mayor tamaño de las escamas (79-84 alreadedor del cuerpo en los machos, 88-94 en las hembras, contra 90-116 y 101-128, respectivamente, en las poblaciones al este del Paraná). Se hace un resumen del presente estado taxonómico del grupo, actualmente en revisión y aparentemente formado por conjuntos de poblaciones, bien diferenciadas y probablemente aisladas a nivel específico: al norte del Rio Amazonas, en la región costera nororiental brasileña, en la costa dunosa al norte de Río de Janeiro, y en la mencionada región de la cuenca del Paraná, en contacto con T. etheridgei.Material digitalizado en SEDICI gracias a la colaboración del Dr. Jorge Williams (FCNM-UNLP).Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    Two New Species of Ctenoblepharis (Reptilia, Iguanidae) from the Arid Environments of the Central Argentina (Mendoza Province)

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    Two new species of the iguanid genus Ctenoblepharis, C. donoso barrosi and C. rabinoi, are described, on the basis of adult specimens collected from the arid lands of the southeastern Mendoza province, Argentina. General notes on the geographical distribution and ecological features of the genus are included.Material digitalizado en SEDICI gracias a la colaboración del Dr. Jorge Williams (FCNM-UNLP).Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    A Reassessment of the Genus <i>Ctenoblepharis</i> (Reptilia, Sauria, Iguanidae) with a Description of a New Subspecies of <i>Liolaemus multimaculatus</i> from Western Argentina

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    A reassessment of the heterogeneous genus Ctenoblepharis auctorum is proposed, including the species adspersus, stolzmanni, reichei and probably nigriceps. Phrynosaura Werner, 1907, and Helocephalus Philippi, 1860, are synonyms of Ctenoblepharis Tschudi, 1845; Ctenoblepharis anomalus, C. donosobarrosi, C. marmorata, C. schmidti and C. jamesi are evolutionary lines of the polymorphic genus Lioaemus. A distinct psammophilous species group is made up by Liolaemus rabinoi (Cei), Liolaemus multimaculatus multimaculatus (Dumeril and Bibron) and Liolaemus multimaculatus riojanus subsp. nov. here described. Should these lizards be accorded a formal recognition, the generic name Ortholaemus, formerly used by Girard (1857), is available. A brief discussion of the disjunct distribution of the rabinoi-multimaculatus complex is presented.Material digitalizado en SEDICI gracias a la colaboración del Dr. Jorge Williams (FCNM-UNLP).Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse