30 research outputs found

    “I Always Worry about What Might Happen Ahead”: Implementing Safer Conception Services in the Current Environment of Reproductive Counseling for HIV-Affected Men and Women in Uganda

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    We explored healthcare provider perspectives and practices regarding safer conception counseling for HIV-affected clients. Methods. We conducted semistructured interviews with 38 providers (medical and clinical officers, nurses, peer counselors, and village health workers) delivering care to HIV-infected clients across 5 healthcare centres in Mbarara District, Uganda. Interview transcripts were analyzed using content analysis. Results. Of 38 providers, 76% were women with median age 34 years (range 24–57). First, we discuss providers\u27 reproductive counseling practices. Emergent themes include that providers (1) assess reproductive goals of HIV-infected female clients frequently, but infrequently for male clients; (2) offer counseling focused on "family planning" and maternal and child health; (3) empathize with the importance of having children for HIV-affected clients; and (4) describe opportunities to counsel HIV-serodiscordant couples. Second, we discuss provider-level challenges that impede safer conception counseling. Emergent themes included the following: (1) providers struggle to translate reproductive rights language into individualized risk reduction given concerns about maternal health and HIV transmission and (2) providers lack safer conception training and support needed to provide counseling. Discussion. Tailored guidelines and training are required for providers to implement safer conception counseling. Such support must respond to provider experiences with adverse HIV-related maternal and child outcomes and a national emphasis on pregnancy prevention

    Psychosocial Challenges Facing Women Living with HIV During the Perinatal Period in Rural Uganda

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    The complexities of navigating pregnancy while living with HIV predispose women to additional stress. Finding ways to minimize psychosocial challenges during the perinatal period may maximize the well-being of mothers living with HIV and their children. The goal of this study was to explore psychosocial challenges experienced by women living with HIV (WLWH) during pregnancy and the postpartum. We conducted individual in-depth interviews with 20 WLWH recruited from an HIV treatment cohort study in Mbarara, Uganda as part of a larger study exploring perinatal depression. We conducted content analyses to identify themes related to challenges of WLWH during pregnancy and the postpartum. Participants had a median age of 33 years [IQR: 28± 35], a median of 3 living children [IQR: 2±5], and 95% had achieved HIV-RNA suppression. Challenges were organized around the following themes: HIV -related stigma from health professionals, HIV status disclosure dilemma, unintended pregnancy and intimate partner violence, HIV and environmental structural barriers and distress and fear related to maternal and child health. Stigma centered on discrimination by health care professionals and personal shame associated with being pregnant as a WLWH. This led to difficulty engaging in HIV care, particularly when coupled with structural barriers, such as lack of transportation to clinic. Participants experienced intimate partner violence and lacked support from their partners and family members. Distress and fear about the health and uncertainty about the future of the unborn baby due to maternal deteriorating physical health was common. The perinatal period is a time of stress for WLWH. Challenges experienced by WLWH may compromise successful engagement in HIV care and may reduce quality of life for women and their children. Strategies aimed at alleviating the challenges of WLWH should involve the larger structural environment including partners, family and community member as well as policy makers, funders and program implementers to work together for the common cause. These consolidated efforts may not only lower the risk of psychological distress but has potential to create long lasting solutions to benefit the wider community

    Process evaluation of a parent-child communication intervention for adolescent sexual and reproductive health in Uganda

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    Abstract Background Previous initiatives concerning adolescent sexual and reproductive health (SRH) education in Low-or-Middle Income Countries (LMICs) have been limited by cultural norms and misinformation perpetuated within families. Responding to the paucity of research on the implementation of SRH interventions in LMICs and limited knowledge regarding their mechanisms, this study undertakes a process evaluation of a parent-focused intervention to promote parent-adolescent communication about SRH in Uganda. Methods This paper explores the implementation, contextual factors and mechanisms of impact of the intervention, using the Medical Research Council (MRC) guidelines for process evaluations. Implementation was evaluated through indicators of dose, fidelity and adaptations, acceptability and feasibility. The contextual factors and mechanisms of impact were evaluated to refine the intervention’s causal assumptions. Data was collected during April - October 2021 in South-Western Uganda using a mixed-methods approach, including document analysis, intervention observations, interviews, focus group discussions and most significant change stories. Results The acceptability of the intervention was related to its community engagement, the strong rapport with delivery agents, and individual characteristics of participants. Five contextual factors influencing implementation were highlighted; (i) cultural norms, (ii) perceptions about youth SRH, (iii) poverty, (iv) Covid-19 pandemic, and (v) prior research projects in the community. When considering the intervention’s mechanisms of impact, four causal pathways were identified; (i) Awareness of SRH needs helped parents overcome stigma, (ii) Parenting skills training improved SRH communication, (iii) Group learning stimulated shared parenting, and (iv) Group learning improved co-parenting. Conclusion The paper presented three key learnings and corresponding recommendations for future research. Firstly, implementation success was credited to meaningful community engagement which improved acceptability and uptake. Secondly, the complex influences of contextual factors highlighted the need for contextual analysis in research studies to inform intervention design. Finally, this evaluation recognised the interplay between mechanisms of impact and suggested further research consider such combined impacts when designing intervention content

    “I beg you
breastfeed the baby, things changed”: infant feeding experiences among Ugandan mothers living with HIV in the context of evolving guidelines to prevent postnatal transmission

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    Abstract Background For women living with HIV (WLWH) in low- and middle-income countries, World Health Organization (WHO) infant feeding guidelines now recommend exclusive breastfeeding until six months followed by mixed feeding until 24 months, alongside lifelong maternal antiretroviral therapy (ART). These recommendations represent the sixth major revision to WHO infant feeding guidelines since 1992. We explored how WLWH in rural Uganda make infant feeding decisions in light of evolving recommendations. Methods We conducted semi-structured interviews with 20 postpartum Ugandan WLWH accessing ART, who reported pregnancy < 2 years prior to recruitment. Interviews were conducted between February–August 2014 with babies born between March 2012–October 2013, over which time, the regional HIV treatment clinic recommended lifelong ART for all pregnant and breastfeeding women (Option B+). Content analysis was used to identify major themes. Infant feeding experiences was an emergent theme. NVivo 10 software was used to organize analyses. Results Among 20 women, median age was 33 years [IQR: 28–35], number of livebirths was 3 [IQR: 2–5], years on ART was 2.3 [IQR: 1.5–5.1], and 95% were virally suppressed. Data revealed that women valued opportunities to reduce postnatal transmission. However, women made infant feeding choices that differed from recommendations due to: (1) perception of conflicting recommendations regarding infant feeding; (2) fear of prolonged infant HIV exposure through breastfeeding; and (3) social and structural constraints shaping infant feeding decision-making. Conclusions WLWH face layered challenges navigating evolving infant feeding recommendations. Further research is needed to examine guidance and decision-making on infant feeding choices to improve postpartum experiences and outcomes. Improved communication about changes to recommendations is needed for WLWH, their partners, community members, and healthcare providers

    Gendered experiences of parent–child communication on sexual and reproductive health issues : a qualitative study employing community-based participatory methods among primary caregivers and community stakeholders in rural South-Western Uganda

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    Open and positive parent-child communication about sexual and reproductive health (SRH) is known to reduce negative SRH outcomes for young people. However, socio-cultural influences can inhibit meaningful SRH communication. Restrictive gender norms threaten the SRH of adolescents, as they make adolescent boys more likely to engage in risky sexual behavior and make girls more vulnerable to negative SRH outcomes. This study intended to critically understand the impact of gender norms and expectations on parent-child SRH communication in rural south-western Uganda. Methods: The study adopted a community-based participatory approach using community stakeholder engagement meetings (n = 2), in-depth interviews (n = 12), and three focus group discussions with parents (n = 18). The study considered biological parents, step-parents, grandparents, uncles and aunties, as long as they were primary caregivers of adolescents aged 10-14. Results: Participants elaborated on the socio-cultural aspects that shaped their experiences of parent-child SRH communication such as cultural gender norms, religion, and media influences. They also referred to socio-economic challenges, lack of knowledge, and the role of peers and schools. Conclusions: There is need for community-based interventions to improve parent-child SRH communication to address the deeply rooted cultural and gender contexts in rural south-western Uganda

    Narratives of most significant change to explore experiences of caregivers in a caregiver-young adolescent sexual and reproductive health communication intervention in rural south-western Uganda.

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    BackgroundThis paper presents findings from a qualitative effectiveness evaluation of an intervention aimed at improving caregiver-young adolescent sexual and reproductive health (SRH) communication including training modules for caregivers on parent-child SRH communication.MethodsData was collected (October 2021-November 2021) using a narrative interviewing technique with thirty caregivers (8 males and 22 females), who received the parent-child communication intervention in Mbarara district, south-western Uganda. We explored caregivers' experiences with the intervention based on four domains of change: caregiver-young adolescent communication on SRH issues, knowledge and attitudes towards adolescent SRH, parenting skills, and personal life and family. Thematic analysis was used to code and analyse the data, with attention to gender differences.ResultsFindings highlight positive parenting as a key attribute of SRH communication, along with a transformation of knowledge and attitudes towards the SRH of young adolescents leading to an overall improvement in SRH communication. However, communication is still limited to comfortable topics.ConclusionOur findings indicate improved caregiver-adolescent SRH communication practices following a community intervention. Programming for adolescent health on broader sexuality topics, comfortability and attitude change among caregivers could promote behaviour change on a long term. Future studies may focus on the long term impacts of interventions of this nature and test interventions aimed at addressing comfortability with discussingSRH issues

    Narratives of most significant change to explore experiences of caregivers in a caregiver-young adolescent sexual and reproductive health communication intervention in rural south-western Uganda

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    Background This paper presents findings from a qualitative effectiveness evaluation of an intervention aimed at improving caregiver-young adolescent sexual and reproductive health (SRH) communication including training modules for caregivers on parent-child SRH communication. Methods Data was collected (October 2021-November 2021) using a narrative interviewing technique with thirty caregivers (8 males and 22 females), who received the parent-child communication intervention in Mbarara district, south-western Uganda. We explored caregivers’ experiences with the intervention based on four domains of change: caregiver-young adolescent communication on SRH issues, knowledge and attitudes towards adolescent SRH, parenting skills, and personal life and family. Thematic analysis was used to code and analyse the data, with attention to gender differences. Results Findings highlight positive parenting as a key attribute of SRH communication, along with a transformation of knowledge and attitudes towards the SRH of young adolescents leading to an overall improvement in SRH communication. However, communication is still limited to comfortable topics. Conclusion Our findings indicate improved caregiver–adolescent SRH communication practices following a community intervention. Programming for adolescent health on broader sexuality topics, comfortability and attitude change among caregivers could promote behaviour change on a long term. Future studies may focus on the long term impacts of interventions of this nature and test interventions aimed at addressing comfortability with discussingSRH issues

    Level and comfort of caregiver–young adolescent communication on sexual and reproductive health : a cross-sectional survey in south-western Uganda

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    Background Communication on sexual and reproductive health (SRH) between caregivers and their young adolescent children plays a significant role in shaping attitudes and behaviours that are critical to laying the foundations for positive and safe SRH behaviours in later adolescence. Nevertheless, this communication is often limited, particularly in countries where adolescent sexuality is taboo. This study assessed the topics discussed ('level') and the comfort of caregivers with communicating with young adolescents on SRH, and their correlates. Methods A cross-sectional survey was conducted among 218 caregivers of young adolescents (10-14 years) in Mbarara district of south-western Uganda in January and February 2020. Participants were selected through consecutive sampling. A structured, pre-tested questionnaire administered by interviewers was used for data collection. The surveys were computer-assisted using Kobo Collect software. Data was exported to STATA 14 for analysis. Level of SRH communication was measured based on 10 SRH communication topics, while comfort was based on 9 SRH discussion topics. Bivariate and multivariate linear regression analyses were conducted to determine correlates of level of, and comfort with, SRH communication P-value < 0.05 was considered for statistical significance. Results The mean number of topics that caregivers discussed was 3.9 (SD = 2.7) out of the 10 SRH topics explored. None of the respondents discussed all the topics; 2% reported ever discussing nine topics with their young adolescent, while 3.5% reported never discussing any of the topics. General health and bodily hygiene (89.9%) and HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted infections (STIs) (77.5%) were the most commonly discussed, while night emissions in boys (4.3%) and condoms (8.3%) were least discussed. The majority of caregivers (62%) reported a high level of comfort with discussing SRH. The mean comfort score was 21.9 (SD = 3.8). In general, the level of SRH communication increased with an increase in comfort with SRH communication beta = 0.22 (0.04); 95% CI = (0.15, 0.30). The level of comfort with SRH communication decreased with an increase in the number of YAs in a household beta = -0.92 (0.38); 95%CI = (-1.66,-0.18). Conclusion Overall, the level of SRH communication is low and varies according to the number of SRH topics. Caregivers' comfort with SRH communication with YAs was a significant correlate of SRH communication. This justifies the need for interventions that aim to improve caregivers' comfort with communicating with young adolescents about SRH. Plain English summary Communication between parents and children about sexual and reproductive health (SRH) during the early adolescence stage (10-14 years) plays a significant role in creating positive reproductive health outcomes in later adolescence and adulthood. We conducted surveys in rural areas of Mbarara district among 218 pairs of caregivers and their children aged 10-14 years between January and February 2020. The purpose of the study was to understand whether there is communication between the two, and how comfortable they felt having discussions about SRH. We also asked caregivers and their children about their knowledge of SRH, and how they generally felt about SRH for young people. This study, however, reports only results from caregivers. We found that, on average, caregivers discussed 4 of the 10 SRH topics explored in this survey with their child, and that the majority of the caregivers reported being very comfortable discussing SRH-especially general health and bodily hygiene-with their children. On the whole, we found that caregivers' SRH communication was largely influenced by their comfort with discussing SRH with their adolescent child. The level of comfort was influenced by the number of young adolescents living in a household. However, there is no clear justification for this finding from existing literature. In conclusion, there is a need for interventions that facilitate improvement of communication on SRH between parents/caregivers and young adolescents. These should focus on improving comfort levels by promoting communication skills for caregivers and emphasizing value clarification