54 research outputs found

    The European Migration System and Global Justice. A First Appraisal

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    Migration is at the heart of the current political debate in Europe. Moreover, the migration crisis has disclosed a number of normative and ethical issues connected to the current management of migration in the EU. This report provides a preliminary insight into the EU’s policy on migration. It looks specifically at the terms the EU chooses, the definitions it devises and the concepts and understandings it endorses in its migration policies. In order to grasp the actual working of an emerging EU Migration System of Governance (EUMSG), the same terms, concepts and definitions are also examined with reference to a set of national cases: Italy, France, Germany, United Kingdom, Hungary, Greece and Norway

    Urban informality and confinement: toward a relational framework

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    In the 21st century, a growing number of people live ‘informal’ lives within fissures between legality and informality. Concomitantly, power relations are increasingly expressed through devices of confinement. While urban informality and confinement are on the rise often occurring simultaneously, scholars have so far studied them separately. By contrast, this article proposes a new framework for analysing urban informality and confinement relationally. It generates new insights into the role of informality in the (re)production of confinement and, vice versa, the role of confinement in shaping informal practices. While these insights are valuable for urban studies in general, the article charts new lines of research on urban marginality. It also discusses how the six articles included in this special issue signal the heuristic potential of this relational framework by empirically examining distinct urban configurations of ‘confined informalities’ and ‘informal confinements’ across the Global North and the Global South

    On regional security governance once again: how analysis of the Southern Caucasus can advance the concept

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    Already introduced to the academic and political debate some years ago, the concept of “security governance” still needs to be clarified. In particular, four main shortcomings need to be overcome to make the concept more useful for an assessment of current security dynamics: in the first place, attention has been devoted more to “governance” than to “security”, while failing to consider the role of the understandings and perceptions of the actors involved in the governance system. Second, the literature on the actors (governmental or not) involved is still fragmented. Third, the literature on security governance has too often been detached from reflections on regionalism, while it would be useful to further explore the relationship between cognitive definitions of regional and security dynamics. Fourth, the literature has predominantly focused on Europe and the transatlantic area, overlooking processes of “region-building” in security terms in other “unexpected” geographical spaces. After proposing avenues to overcome the current gaps in the literature, the Southern Caucasus is chosen as a case study to show the different instances of security governance emerging, thanks to definitions of the region in security terms that have involved regional and external actors, of a state and non-state nature

    Azerbaigian e Unione Europea

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    Il testo analizza tensioni e convergenze nei rapporti tra Unione Europea e Azerbaigian, focalizzandosi sulla dimensione politico-istituzionale, commerciale, energetica, ambientale, strategica e di controllo delle frontiere

    Security governance, Copenaghen e Parigi: verso un approccio di sintesi allo studio della sicurezza

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    Analisi di tre scuole di pensiero sulla sicurezza e della loro compatibilit\ue

    Conceptualizing the EU in Multilateral Security Governance

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    A review of recent security theories and a call for a great dialogue among them

    Study of organic phase mobility in nanocomposite organic-inorganic coatings

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    Organic-inorganic hybrids synthesized by a dual photopolymerization and condensation process from (i) two organic precursors, either polyethylene glycol , diacrylate (MW = 600) (PEGDA) or bisphenol-A-ethoxylate (15EO/phenol)-dimethacrylate (BEMA), (ii) the organic-inorganic bridging monomer (methacryloyl-oxypropyl-trimethoxysilane, MEMO) and (iii) the inorganic precursor tetraethoxysilane (TEOS) were investigated by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and dynamic mechanical spectroscopy (DMTA). It is found that progressive formation of the crosslinked network during the different steps of hybrid production results in changes of molecular mobility that show up in changes of the glass transition of the organic phase. While moving from the organic precursor to the final hybrid through the subsequent photopolymerization and condensation reactions, the transition is seen to broaden, decrease in intensity and shift to higher temperature. Excellent agreement of DSC and DMTA results is obtained. Dynamic mechanical analysis of the hybrids coated on PET film (coating thickness 10 m and 40 m) show an additional up-shift of Tg, more marked in the case of the thinner hybrid coating. This result is attributed to molecular interactions at the substrate-coating interface that locally hinder molecular mobility. The consequent increase of Tg is more evident when the coating layer is thin. The results show the potential of the DMTA technique in coating-polymer substrate adhesion studies. Finally, the relaxation spectrum of the hybrids is sensitive to humidity absorbed from the environment and reversibly changes in absorption-desorption cycle

    The government of change? Migration and defence policy under Giuseppe Conte’s first cabinet

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    In 2018, a fully populist government, without any mainstream parties, was formed in Italy. Some authors expected to see a considerable degree of policy change, while others predicted a limited – and mainly symbolic – transformation. However, few studies have investigated the impact of the new government on migration and on defence policy. To what extent did the ‘Yellow-Green’ government foster policy change with respect to traditional approaches in these policy domains? This article aims to gauge the extent of policy change in the fields of migration and defence under Giuseppe Conte’s (first) cabinet (June 2018-August 2019). Relying upon secondary and primary sources (semi-structured interviews with ministers, MPs, diplomats, experts, etc.), we contribute to the literature on the impact of populist parties on migration and defence policies once in office, advancing the hypothesis of a ‘salience-constraints’ balance

    "Polimeri da Fonti Rinnovabili nell'Imballaggio", Dipartimento di Chimica G. Ciamician, Universit\ue0 di Bologna, 14 Gennaio

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    L\u2019utilizzo nell\u2019imballaggio di polimeri naturali o polimerizzati da bio-monomeri (\u201cbio-based polymers\u201d) \ue8 diventato sempre pi\uf9 frequente e richiama una attenzione crescente dell\u2019industria e del consumatore, rispondendo sia a necessit\ue0 economiche che di tutela dell\u2019ambiente. I materiali basati su molecole biologiche provenienti da fonti rinnovabili possono rispondere a diverse problematiche poste all\u2019attenzione della comunit\ue0 scientifica, produttiva e dell\u2019autorit\ue0 politica, che vanno dal reperimento della materia prima, ai requisiti di inserimento in un ciclo naturale di trasformazione biologica, all\u2019abbattimento dell\u2019immissione di CO2 nell\u2019ambiente. In questa logica rientra anche il possibile utilizzo di scarti provenienti dal settore agricolo che rappresenta una potenzialit\ue0 con interessanti risvolti di carattere economico. Tuttavia, le problematiche connesse ai processi di produzione e di trasformazione dei \u201cbio-based polymers\u201d necessitano di una messa a punto anche in relazione ad un confronto delle propriet\ue0 di questi materiali polimerici con quelle dei polimeri utilizzati tradizionalmente. La giornata si propone pertanto di affrontare la tematica delle propriet\ue0 dei polimeri basati su biomolecole gi\ue0 impiegati o potenzialmente utilizzabili nel campo dell\u2019imballaggio e delle problematiche connesse con la loro lavorazione. Si discuteranno gli aspetti pi\uf9 rilevanti dal punto di vista industriale ed economico. Verranno anche presi in considerazione esempi specifici di applicazione di questi biomateriali sotto forma di espansi, film o termoformati
