36 research outputs found

    The RNA-binding protein RBP33 dampens non-productive transcription in trypanosomes

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    In-depth analysis of the transcriptomes of several model organisms has revealed that genomes are pervasively transcribed, giving rise to an abundance of non-canonical and mainly antisense RNA polymerase II-derived transcripts that are produced from almost any genomic context. Pervasive RNAs are degraded by surveillance mechanisms, but the repertoire of proteins that control the fate of these non-productive transcripts is still incomplete. Trypanosomes are single-celled eukaryotes that show constitutive RNA polymerase II transcription and in which initiation and termination of transcription occur at a limited number of sites per chromosome. It is not known whether pervasive transcription exists in organisms with unregulated RNA polymerase II activity, and which factors could be involved in the process. We show here that depletion of RBP33 results in overexpression of similar to 40% of all annotated genes in the genome, with a marked accumulation of sense and antisense transcripts derived from silenced regions. RBP33 loss does not result in a significant increase in chromatin accessibility. Finally, we have found that transcripts that increase in abundance upon RBP33 knockdown are significantly more stable in RBP33-depleted trypanosomes, and that the exosome complex is responsible for their degradation. Our results provide strong evidence that RBP33 dampens non-productive transcription in trypanosomes

    Reconstitution of the Ataxia-Telangiectasia Cellular Phenotype With Lentiviral Vectors

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    Ataxia-telangiectasia (A-T) is a complex disease arising from mutations in the ATM gene (Ataxia-Telangiectasia Mutated), which plays crucial roles in repairing double-strand DNA breaks (DSBs). Heterogeneous immunodeficiency, extreme radiosensitivity, frequent appearance of tumors and neurological degeneration are hallmarks of the disease, which carries high morbidity and mortality because only palliative treatments are currently available. Gene therapy was effective in animal models of the disease, but the large size of the ATM cDNA required the use of HSV-1 or HSV/AAV hybrid amplicon vectors, whose characteristics make them unlikely tools for treating A-T patients. Due to recent advances in vector packaging, production and biosafety, we developed a lentiviral vector containing the ATM cDNA and tested whether or not it could rescue cellular defects of A-T human mutant fibroblasts. Although the cargo capacity of lentiviral vectors is an inherent limitation in their use, and despite the large size of the transgene, we successfully transduced around 20% of ATM-mutant cells. ATM expression and phosphorylation assays indicated that the neoprotein was functional in transduced cells, further reinforced by their restored capacity to phosphorylate direct ATM substrates such as p53 and their capability to repair radiation-induced DSBs. In addition, transduced cells also restored cellular radiosensitivity and cell cycle abnormalities. Our results demonstrate that lentiviral vectors can be used to rescue the intrinsic cellular defects of ATM-mutant cells, which represent, in spite of their limitations, a proof-of-concept for A-T gene therapy

    Lead Optimization of 3,5-Disubstituted-7-Azaindoles for the Treatment of Human African Trypanosomiasis.

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    Neglected tropical diseases such as human African trypanosomiasis (HAT) are prevalent primarily in tropical climates and among populations living in poverty. Historically, the lack of economic incentive to develop new treatments for these diseases has meant that existing therapeutics have serious shortcomings in terms of safety, efficacy, and administration, and better therapeutics are needed. We now report a series of 3,5-disubstituted-7-azaindoles identified as growth inhibitors of Trypanosoma brucei, the parasite that causes HAT, through a high-throughput screen. We describe the hit-to-lead optimization of this series and the development and preclinical investigation of 29d, a potent antitrypanosomal compound with promising pharmacokinetic (PK) parameters. This compound was ultimately not progressed beyond in vivo PK studies due to its inability to penetrate the blood-brain barrier (BBB), critical for stage 2 HAT treatments.The authors acknowledge funding from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (M.P.P. and M.N., R01AI114685; M.P.P., 1R21AI127594, R01AI124046; C.R.C., R21AI126296; https://www.niaid.nih.gov/), the Spanish Ministerio de Economí a, Industria y Competitividad (M.N., SAF2015-71444-P; D.G.-P., SAF2016-79957-R; http://www.mineco.gob.es), Subdireccion General de Redes ́ y Centros de Investigacion Cooperativa (RICET, https://www.ricet.es/) (M.N., RD16/0027/0019; D.G.P., RD16/ 0027/0014), and RTI2018-097210-B-I00 (MINCIU-FEDER) to F.G. An ACS MEDI Predoctoral Fellowship for D.M.K. is gratefully acknowledged, as is support from the National Science Foundation for K.F. (CHE-1262734). We thank AstraZeneca, Charles River Laboratories, and GlaxoSmithKline for the provision of the in vitro ADME and physicochemical properties data. The use of JChem/ChemAxon software is acknowledged

    Clonal chromosomal mosaicism and loss of chromosome Y in elderly men increase vulnerability for SARS-CoV-2

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    The pandemic caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19) had an estimated overall case fatality ratio of 1.38% (pre-vaccination), being 53% higher in males and increasing exponentially with age. Among 9578 individuals diagnosed with COVID-19 in the SCOURGE study, we found 133 cases (1.42%) with detectable clonal mosaicism for chromosome alterations (mCA) and 226 males (5.08%) with acquired loss of chromosome Y (LOY). Individuals with clonal mosaic events (mCA and/or LOY) showed a 54% increase in the risk of COVID-19 lethality. LOY is associated with transcriptomic biomarkers of immune dysfunction, pro-coagulation activity and cardiovascular risk. Interferon-induced genes involved in the initial immune response to SARS-CoV-2 are also down-regulated in LOY. Thus, mCA and LOY underlie at least part of the sex-biased severity and mortality of COVID-19 in aging patients. Given its potential therapeutic and prognostic relevance, evaluation of clonal mosaicism should be implemented as biomarker of COVID-19 severity in elderly people. Among 9578 individuals diagnosed with COVID-19 in the SCOURGE study, individuals with clonal mosaic events (clonal mosaicism for chromosome alterations and/or loss of chromosome Y) showed an increased risk of COVID-19 lethality

    Gestión del conocimiento: perspectiva multidisciplinaria. Volumen 13

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    El libro “Gestión del Conocimiento. Perspectiva Multidisciplinaria”, Volumen 13 de la Colección Unión Global, es resultado de investigaciones. Los capítulos del libro, son resultados de investigaciones desarrolladas por sus autores. El libro es una publicación internacional, seriada, continua, arbitrada, de acceso abierto a todas las áreas del conocimiento, orientada a contribuir con procesos de gestión del conocimiento científico, tecnológico y humanístico. Con esta colección, se aspira contribuir con el cultivo, la comprensión, la recopilación y la apropiación social del conocimiento en cuanto a patrimonio intangible de la humanidad, con el propósito de hacer aportes con la transformación de las relaciones socioculturales que sustentan la construcción social de los saberes y su reconocimiento como bien público. El libro “Gestión del Conocimiento. Perspectiva Multidisciplinaria”, Volumen 13, de la Colección Unión Global, es resultado de investigaciones. Los capítulos del libro, son resultados de investigaciones desarrolladas por sus autores. El libro cuenta con el apoyo de los grupos de investigación: Universidad Sur del Lago “Jesús María Semprúm” (UNESUR) - Zulia – Venezuela; Universidad Politécnica Territorial de Falcón Alonso Gamero (UPTFAG) - Falcón – Venezuela; Universidad Politécnica Territorial de Mérida Kléber Ramírez (UPTM) - Mérida - Venezuela; Universidad Guanajuato (UG) - Campus Celaya - Salvatierra - Cuerpo Académico de Biodesarrollo y Bioeconomía en las Organizaciones y Políticas Públicas (CABBOPP) - Guanajuato – México; Centro de Altos Estudios de Venezuela (CEALEVE) - Zulia – Venezuela, Centro Integral de Formación Educativa Especializada del Sur (CIFE - SUR) - Zulia – Venezuela; Centro de Investigaciones Internacionales SAS (CEDINTER) - Antioquia – Colombia y diferentes grupos de investigación del ámbito nacional e internacional que hoy se unen para estrechar vínculos investigativos, para que sus aportes científicos formen parte de los libros que se publiquen en formatos digital e impreso

    Proyecto, investigación e innovación en urbanismo, arquitectura y diseño industrial

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    Actas de congresoLas VII Jornadas de Investigación “Encuentro y Reflexión” y I Jornadas de Investigación de becarios y doctorandos. Proyecto, investigación e innovación en Urbanismo, Arquitectura y Diseño Industrial se centraron en cuatro ejes: el proyecto; la dimensión tecnológica y la gestión; la dimensión social y cultural y la enseñanza en Arquitectura, Urbanismo y Diseño Industrial, sustentados en las líneas prioritarias de investigación definidas epistemológicamente en el Consejo Asesor de Ciencia y Tecnología de esta Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Con el objetivo de afianzar continuidad, formación y transferencia de métodos, metodología y recursos se incorporó becarios y doctorandos de los Institutos de investigación. La Comisión Honoraria la integraron las tres Secretarias de Investigación de la Facultad, arquitectas Marta Polo, quien fundó y María del Carmen Franchello y Nora Gutiérrez Crespo quienes continuaron la tradición de la buena práctica del debate en la cotidianeidad de la propia Facultad. Los textos que conforman las VII Jornadas son los avances y resultados de las investigaciones realizadas en el bienio 2016-2018.Fil: Novello, María Alejandra. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Arquitectura, Urbanismo y Diseño; ArgentinaFil: Repiso, Luciana. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Arquitectura, Urbanismo y Diseño; ArgentinaFil: Mir, Guillermo. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Arquitectura, Urbanismo y Diseño; ArgentinaFil: Brizuela, Natalia. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Arquitectura, Urbanismo y Diseño; ArgentinaFil: Herrera, Fernanda. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Arquitectura, Urbanismo y Diseño; ArgentinaFil: Períes, Lucas. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Arquitectura, Urbanismo y Diseño; ArgentinaFil: Romo, Claudia. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Arquitectura, Urbanismo y Diseño; ArgentinaFil: Gordillo, Natalia. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Arquitectura, Urbanismo y Diseño; ArgentinaFil: Andrade, Elena Beatriz. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Arquitectura, Urbanismo y Diseño; Argentin

    Papel de la proteína de unión a RNA ZC3H41 en la regulación de los RNA mensajeros que codifican proteínas ribosomales en Trypanosoma brucei

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    Los tripanosomátidos son eucariotas unicelulares con un ciclo de vida complejo, que alterna entre el insecto vector y el hospedador mamífero. Para adaptarse a los diferentes ambientes que encuentra dentro de cada huésped, los parásitos se diferencian y sufren cambios bioquímicos y morfológicos gobernados por la expresión diferencial de genes propios de cada etapa. En estos organismos, la transcripción de la RNA polimerasa II parece ser constitutiva dentro de la misma unidad policistrónica, por lo que el control de la expresión génica ocurre casi exclusivamente a través de mecanismos postranscripcionales. En este contexto, las proteínas de unión a RNA (RBPs) constituyen uno de los principales mecanismos de regulación ya que son capaces de unirse a los RNA mensajeros diana y reclutar a otros factores implicados en mecanismos de procesamiento, localización, degradación o traducción, determinando así el destino de los mRNAs dentro de la célula. Entre las RBPs se ha demostrado que las proteínas de dedo de zinc de tipo CCCH están implicadas en procesos celulares tan diversos como la diferenciación, la regulación del ciclo celular y la traducción. ZC3H41 es una proteína con un dominio de dedo de zinc de tipo CCCH esencial en la forma procíclica de Trypanosoma brucei, que ha sido descrita como un componente de gránulos de estrés nutricional y que es secretada en vesículas asociada al SL RNA. Sin embargo, el papel de esta proteína en el metabolismo del RNA sigue siendo desconocido. En esta tesis doctoral hemos demostrado que el silenciamiento de la expresión de ZC3H41 condujo a alteraciones en el ciclo celular y a la aparición de parásitos con morfologías aberrantes. ZC3H41 se encontró asociada a una proteína esencial, a la que llamamos Z41AP, formando un heterodímero estable, y también a proteínas de unión a poli(A), PABP1 y PABP2, y al factor de inicio de la traducción eIF4E4. La identificación de los transcritos asociados a ZC3H41/Z41AP reveló que el complejo se encuentra asociado principalmente a mRNAs que codifican proteínas ribosomales. Además, observamos que la unión a los transcritos diana disminuye cuando el parásito es sometido a estrés nutricional. Finalmente, mostramos que el silenciamiento de ZC3H41 o Z41AP produjo una acumulación de precursores de rRNA 5S y una disminución global de la traducción. En resumen, los resultados de esta tesis doctoral indican que el complejo ZC3H41/Z41AP podría participar en el control del destino de los mRNAs que codifican proteínas ribosomales dentro del parásito, facilitando su asociación con el complejo PABP1/eIF4E4/eIF4G3 en respuesta al estado nutricional del parásito. Estas observaciones proporcionan una vía atractiva para explorar más a fondo cómo los tripanosomas son capaces de vincular la detección de señales ambientales con la regulación de la expresión génica.Tesis Univ. Granada

    The AMPKα1 Pathway Positively Regulates the Developmental Transition from Proliferation to Quiescence in Trypanosoma brucei

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    During infection in mammals, the protozoan parasite Trypanosoma brucei transforms from a proliferative bloodstream form to a quiescent form that is pre-adapted to host transition. AMP analogs are known to induce quiescence and also inhibit TbTOR4. To examine the role of AMP-activated kinase (AMPK) in the regulation of this developmental transition, we characterized trypanosome TbAMPK complexes. Expression of a constitutively active AMPKα1 induces quiescence of the infective form, and TbAMPKα1 phosphorylation occurs during differentiation of wild-type pleomorphic trypanosomes to the quiescent stumpy form in vivo. Compound C, a well-known AMPK inhibitor, inhibits parasite differentiation in mice. We also provide evidence linking oxidative stress to TbAMPKα1 activation and quiescent differentiation, suggesting that TbAMPKα1 activation balances quiescence, proliferation, and differentiation

    Role of the RNA-binding protein ZC3H41 in the regulation of ribosomal protein messenger RNAs in trypanosomes

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    Background: Trypanosomes are single-celled eukaryotes that rely heavily on post-transcriptional mechanisms to regulate gene expression. RNA-binding proteins play essential roles in regulating the fate, abundance and translation of messenger RNAs (mRNAs). Among these, zinc finger proteins of the cysteine3histidine (CCCH) class have been shown to be key players in cellular processes as diverse as differentiation, regulation of the cell cycle and translation. ZC3H41 is an essential zinc finger protein that has been described as a component of spliced leader RNA granules and nutritional stress granules, but its role in RNA metabolism is unknown. Methods: Cell cycle analysis in ZC3H41- and Z41AP-depleted cells was carried out using 4′,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole staining, microscopic examination and flow cytometry. The identification of ZC3H41 protein partners was done using tandem affinity purification and mass spectrometry. Next-generation sequencing was used to evaluate the effect of ZC3H41 depletion on the transcriptome of procyclic Trypanosoma brucei cells, and also to identify the cohort of mRNAs associated with the ZC3H41/Z41AP complex. Levels of 5S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) species in ZC3H41- and Z41AP-depleted cells were assessed by quantitative reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction. Surface sensing of translation assays were used to monitor global translation. Results: We showed that depletion of the zinc finger protein ZC3H41 resulted in marked cell cycle defects and abnormal cell morphologies. ZC3H41 was found associated with an essential protein, which we named Z41AP, forming a stable heterodimer, and also with proteins of the poly(A)-binding protein 1 complex. The identification of mRNAs associated with the ZC3H41/Z41AP complex revealed that it is primarily composed of ribosomal protein mRNAs, and that binding to target transcripts is diminished upon nutritional stress. In addition, we observed that mRNAs encoding several proteins involved in the maturation of 5S rRNA are also associated with the ZC3H41/Z41AP complex. Finally, we showed that depletion of either ZC3H41 or Z41AP led to the accumulation of 5S rRNA precursors and a decrease of protein translation. Conclusions: We propose that ZC3H41 and Z41AP play important roles in controlling the fate of ribosomal components in response to environmental cues. Graphical Abstract: [Figure not available: see fulltext.]Open Access funding provided thanks to the CRUE-CSIC agreement with Springer Nature. This work was funded by the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) (grant 201920E114 to AME)