41 research outputs found

    El espacio agrícola de la Comunidad de Madrid : aproximación sistemática a la comarcalización basada en el medio físico y la tradición histórica

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    Los estudios de ordenación territorial realizados hasta el presente se han desarrollado, por lo general, prestando una atención especial a los aspectos más fácilmente cuantificables, tales como la demografía, las infraestructuras, etc., y dejando a un lado otros aspectos de más difícil estimación, como es el caso del medio físico. En nuestro trabajo se pretende poner de relieve la conveniencia de considerar todos los factores significativos , entre los que se encuentran los rasgos del medio físico y los que podrían llamarse factores históricos. Unos y otros son básicos para llegar a una clasificación de los espacios actuales, que ha de fundarse "en la evidencia de que nuestro suelo es diferente y variado en sus diversas comarcas, encontrándose la causa sustancial y determinante ce tal variedad en la infraestructura geoclimática del país unida a los diferentes orígenes de la población" (SANZ JARQUE). En el Capítulo I se trata de la significación de la expresión "espacio rural" y de su evolución en las últimas décadas; dentro de él está el "espacio agrícola". El Capítulo II se dedica a la descripción de un espacio concreto, la antigua provincia de Madrid, con sus rasgos físicos -geomorfología, climatología, litología- y los procesos históricos que en ella se han dado: asentamientos de la población, propiedad de la tierra y tipología de los municipios. En el Capítulo III se incluyen la cartografía y clasificación de los espacios agrícolas actuales; se lleva a cabo después una comparación de estos espacios actuales con el mapa de vegetación potencial del profesor RIVAS MARTÍNEZ; finalmente, se reseñan los proyectos de comarcalizacion llevados a cabo en la provincia. El Capítulo IV se dedica, en su primera partef a la interpretación de la situación actual desde un punto de vista histórico, y se pergeña una comarcalizacion basada en estos criterios; en la segunda parte se lleva a cabo una aproximación sistemática a una comarcalizacion del espacio de la Comunidad de Madrid, como integración de tres aspectos: el medio físico, la tradición histórica, y los aspectos económico- funcionales que pueden darse por sintetizados en el estudio realizado por CLOPACO a partir de otras propuestas de comarcalización. La metodología seguida se inserta en la línea de los metamodelos, buscando más una orientación para la clase de modelos a diseñar en orden al tratamiento de este tipo de información, que el diseño de un modelo concreto. La Constitución de 1978 y el Estatuto de la Comunidad de Madrid de 1982 abren grandes posibilidades para la adecuada ordenación del territorio, introduciendo criterios de potencialidad en defensa del espacio agrícola. La decisión política que deberá tomarse en un futuro más o menos inmediato para vertebrar el territorio de la Comunidad madrileña, podrá seguir diversos enfoaues y habrá de basarse en la información más completa que pueda recogerse. La información procedente del medio físico y de la tradición histórica es, sin duda, relevante y su consideración, en el marco jurídico adecuado, permitirá una toma de decisiones más a-justada. Studies of landscape planning, or land use planning, carried out up till now have been developed crenerally considering only some aspects easily quantifiable, such as demography, infrastructures, etc. while those aspects more difficult to assess have been left aside, as in the case of physical environment. In our study we aim to stress the impartance of considering all relevant factors and, among those, the physical environment and historie factors. Both are fundamental for classifying áreas. Chapter I deals with the meanings of the expression "rural space" and its evolution over recent decades. Chapter II deals with the desetiption of a concrete space, namely the former province of Madrid, with its physical features and the historie processes oceurred therein. Chapter III deals with cartography of the present agricultural áreas and with their comparison with potential vegetation áreas; finally, the regionalization projeets carried out in the province are discussed. The first part of Chapter IV is dedicated to the interpretation of the present situation from a historical point of view, and a map based on these criteria is drawn; in the second part a systematic approach to the regionalization of the Community of Madrid is undertaken, as an integration of these three aspects -the physical environment, historical tradition and functional-economic aspects. The methodology followed can be placed in the line of metamodels, looking more towards the type of models to design to deal with this type of information, than towards the design of a specific model

    IMPLEMENTASI KEBIJAKAN UJI KOMPETENSI KEAHLIAN (UKK) DALAM MENINGKATKAN KOMPETENSI LULUSAN (Studi Pada Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK) Bidang Keahlian Otomotif di SMK Pasundan 2 Kota Bandung, SMK Pasundan 2 Kabupaten Bandung Dan SMK Pasundan 1 Kabupaten Cianjur

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    Problems in this study, namely the implementation of the policy is has not been optimal increasing Skills Competency Test improve the competence of Graduates of Vocational Schools Pasundan specially otomotif skill.The method used in this research is qualitative descriptive method with qualitative research approach "Grounded Theory", namely theory inductively developed during the study through continuous interaction with the data in the field and researchers become an instrument or tool is the researcher's own research.SMK Pasundan 2 Bandung, Bandung regency SMK Pasundan 2 and SMK 1 Pasundan Cianjur district is known to have the same characteristics. This means that between Erviromental Threat Oportunity Profile (ETOP) with Strategic Advantage Profile (SAP) have the same gap. Based on the gap analysis, strategic alternatives exist on the right hand quadrant, which is located on Diversification strategy. Keywords: Implementation of the policy, the Content of policy and Context of implementation. Skills Competency Test

    Rural Development as “Working With People”: a proposal for policy management in public domain

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    Development concept is frequently used in recent decades to replace the term progress, which became from oldest and one-way approaches. Development of people is understood as a complex process that is usually associated to a specific policy when applying for the aids to countries in need. This document is proposed to emphasize that the aid system to developing countries did not fulfill its intended purpose. It is a problem of resources, but not only resources. It is necessary to innovate the models that have been previously applied: they have been aged and there is some “tiredness” in developed countries to keep donating funds with such scarce results. This is complemented with a model that has worked in the less developed and isolated areas of the European Union and called Leader Community Initiative. Where is the success of this model? The writers of these pages do not naively think that here they can find the “philosopher’s stone” to solve such complex problems, but that there are elements than can be adapted easily. Along the following pages these ideas synthetically presented here are developed and another way of working is suggested

    Las cooperativas y los países en desarrollo.

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    Asistimos a una crisis global que cuestiona la eficacia de los modelos de cooperación al desarrollo que, en general, están marcados por una separación entre los gestores de la cooperación y los beneficiarios de ayudas. Se da una cierta «profesionalización» de donante y de receptor que contribuye a enquistar los problemas estructurales que constituyen la raíz de los mismos. Valorando los éxitos alcanzados a escala mundial en las décadas pasadas, que han logrado sacar de la pobreza extrema a grandes masas de la población mundial, se hace necesario un nuevo enfoque para la gestión del desarrollo, que ponga el acento en las personas y que favorezca la colaboración estrecha entre donantes y beneficiarios, rompiendo con la dualidad de funciones de los modelos clásicos de cooperación al desarrollo. En este artículo se pone de manifiesto que el modelo cooperativo cumple perfectamente con los principios de lo que podemos llamar nuevos planteamientos de cooperación al desarrollo, que ponen el énfasis en el enfoque territorial de las iniciativas. El modelo cooperativo requiere, por principio, de la participación de todas las personas involucradas en la iniciativa empresarial y añade además unos valores de respeto y cuidado que son necesarios y parte esencial de los modelos de desarrollo basados en el territorio y que se muestran a través de algunos ejemplos

    Planning and projects: three visionaires Friedmann, J., Trueba, I. and Ramos, A.

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    It is impossible to talk about planning as a scientific meta-discipline without mentioning one of the most influential worldwide figures in the second half of the twentieth century: John Friedmann. His contribution to the planning concept on his "Planning as Social Learning" theory is still very relevant. This paper shows the intellectual connection between Friedmann and Angel Ramos and Ignacio Trueba, two of the Spanish intellectual drivers in the engineering project knowledge area, who contributed to founding the Engineering Projects Spanish Association. The three of them share a broad vision of the project and abandon the "blue print" planning model. They also see the project as a transformational tool that requires a different planning style to the one which prevailed in the 70s - both in public and private domains. They were pioneers in structuring Knowledge / Action in a different way, both in academic institutions where disciples helped to bring about change- and with direct action via projects

    An approach of the European higher education framework to the management of higher education at university level in Peru

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    Abstract This communication research gives an insight to University Education in Peru and a brief review of the main European documents that deal with the European Higher Education Framework, highlighting the principles upon which it is based, as well as the strategic objectives that it sets forth and the tools to achieve them. The purpose of this process is to adapt our university education management in Peru to the EEES, seeking to identify the limitations and constraints faced with regard to the keys of European convergence and the means or instruments that we have in order to attain convergence in Peru

    Institutional Structuralism as a Process to Achieve Social Development: Aymara Women\u27s Community Project Based on the Working with People Model in Peru

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    Institutional Structuralism draws on different social and economic institutions and seeks to mobilize them through an approach known as “managed pluralism” (Midgley, 2013). It also works as a process to promote social development for everyone. The state should usually play a key role in this process, although this is not always the case. This article analyzes a process which has been ongoing since 2007 promoted by a university institution with the Aymara Women’s Community in Peru to harmonize social welfare with economic development; taking into account the Working with People model through its three components: ethical-social, political-contextual and technical-entrepreneurial. The results show new tools for developing the institutional structuralism process through a bottom-up methodology which enables social development to be achieved

    Towards RAI Principles: Four case studies to apply them

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    The Principles for Responsible Investment in Agriculture and Food Systems (RAI) aproved by the Committee on World Food Security (CFS) in October 2014, aim to contribute to food security and nutrition and to the improvement of sustainable livelihoods for small producers, with a comprehensive, responsible and respect for the environment approach, thus, supporting the progressive realization of the right to adequate food in the context of national food security. With the aim of making known the RAI Principles, FAO commissioned GESPLAN Research Group of the Technical University of Madrid (UPM) to carry out workshops and conferences with different approaches: territorial research workshops in two selected disadvantaged communities in Latin America and conferences for dialogue, reflection and discussion with business leaders, academics and civil society actors linked to agro-food systems in Spain

    Toward a planning model for the peruvian university system as a competitive strategy.

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    University education in Peru is based on models of teacher-centered teaching and a conception of knowledge which is closed and static and under the dominance of an information model now overwhelmed by multiple factors hastened by international change. The worlds most prestigious universities have chosen cultural diversity as a sign of quality and are hence interested in the mobility of teachers and students through exchange and cooperation with foreign educational institutions. These universities respond more effectively to pressure from the international business sector, better satisfy training demands, introduce new information and communication technologies into education and research and have improved administration and management structures. While there is progress, the university system in Peru is a planning model defined "as a discipline that seeks to respond to the needs of an organization defined by new cultural and social models" (A. Cazorla, et al 2007).This paper studies the non-Euclidean thinking of planning and development of John Friedmann (2001). Based on the four domains of social practice, it proposes a planning model for Peruvian universities that meets international requirements

    An approach of the European higher education framework to the management of higher education at university level in Perú

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    This communication research gives an insight to University Education in Peru and a brief review of the main European documents that deal with the European Higher Education Framework, highlighting the principles upon which it is based, as well as the strategic objectives that it sets forth and the tools to achieve them. The purpose of this process is to adapt our university education management in Peru to the EEES, seeking to identify the limitations and constraints faced with regard to the keys of European convergence and the means or instruments that we have in order to attain convergence in Peru