916 research outputs found

    On the high-low method for NLS on the hyperbolic space

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    In this paper, we first prove that the cubic, defocusing nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation on the two dimensional hyperbolic space with radial initial data in Hs(H2)H^s(\mathbb{H}^2) is globally well-posed and scatters when s>34s > \frac{3}{4}. Then we extend the result to nonlineraities of order p>3p>3. The result is proved by extending the high-low method of Bourgain in the hyperbolic setting and by using a Morawetz type estimate proved by the first author and Ionescu.Comment: The result is extended to general nonlineraitie

    Well-Posedness for Semi-Relativistic Hartree Equations of Critical Type

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    We prove local and global well-posedness for semi-relativistic, nonlinear Schr\"odinger equations i∂tu=−Δ+m2u+F(u)i \partial_t u = \sqrt{-\Delta + m^2} u + F(u) with initial data in Hs(R3)H^s(\mathbb{R}^3), s≥1/2s \geq 1/2. Here F(u)F(u) is a critical Hartree nonlinearity that corresponds to Coulomb or Yukawa type self-interactions. For focusing F(u)F(u), which arise in the quantum theory of boson stars, we derive a sufficient condition for global-in-time existence in terms of a solitary wave ground state. Our proof of well-posedness does not rely on Strichartz type estimates, and it enables us to add external potentials of a general class.Comment: 18 pages; replaced with revised version; remark and reference on blow up adde

    Distributed Nested Rollout Policy for Same Game

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    Nested Rollout Policy Adaptation (NRPA) is a Monte Carlo search heuristic for puzzles and other optimization problems. It achieves state-of-the-art performance on several games including SameGame. In this paper, we design several parallel and distributed NRPA-based search techniques, and we provide a number of experimental insights about their execution. Finally, we use our best implementation to discover 15 better scores for 20 standard SameGame boards

    On the propagation of an optical wave in a photorefractive medium

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    The aim of this paper is first to review the derivation of a model describing the propagation of an optical wave in a photorefractive medium and to present various mathematical results on this model: Cauchy problem, solitary waves

    On approximate solutions of semilinear evolution equations II. Generalizations, and applications to Navier-Stokes equations

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    In our previous paper [12] (Rev. Math. Phys. 16, 383-420 (2004)), a general framework was outlined to treat the approximate solutions of semilinear evolution equations; more precisely, a scheme was presented to infer from an approximate solution the existence (local or global in time) of an exact solution, and to estimate their distance. In the first half of the present work the abstract framework of \cite{uno} is extended, so as to be applicable to evolutionary PDEs whose nonlinearities contain derivatives in the space variables. In the second half of the paper this extended framework is applied to theincompressible Navier-Stokes equations, on a torus T^d of any dimension. In this way a number of results are obtained in the setting of the Sobolev spaces H^n(T^d), choosing the approximate solutions in a number of different ways. With the simplest choices we recover local existence of the exact solution for arbitrary data and external forces, as well as global existence for small data and forces. With the supplementary assumption of exponential decay in time for the forces, the same decay law is derived for the exact solution with small (zero mean) data and forces. The interval of existence for arbitrary data, the upper bounds on data and forces for global existence, and all estimates on the exponential decay of the exact solution are derived in a fully quantitative way (i.e., giving the values of all the necessary constants; this makes a difference with most of the previous literature). Nextly, the Galerkin approximate solutions are considered and precise, still quantitative estimates are derived for their H^n distance from the exact solution; these are global in time for small data and forces (with exponential time decay of the above distance, if the forces decay similarly).Comment: LaTeX, 84 pages. The final version published in Reviews in Mathematical Physic

    On the density-potential mapping in time-dependent density functional theory

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    The key questions of uniqueness and existence in time-dependent density functional theory are usually formulated only for potentials and densities that are analytic in time. Simple examples, standard in quantum mechanics, lead however to non-analyticities. We reformulate these questions in terms of a non-linear Schr\"odinger equation with a potential that depends non-locally on the wavefunction.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figure

    Finite-time blowup for a complex Ginzburg-Landau equation

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    We prove that negative energy solutions of the complex Ginzburg-Landau equation e−iθut=Δu+∣u∣αue^{-i\theta} u_t = \Delta u+ |u|^{\alpha} u blow up in finite time, where \alpha >0 and \pi /2<\theta <\pi /2. For a fixed initial value u(0)u(0), we obtain estimates of the blow-up time TmaxθT_{max}^\theta as θ→±π/2\theta \to \pm \pi /2 . It turns out that TmaxθT_{max}^\theta stays bounded (respectively, goes to infinity) as θ→±π/2\theta \to \pm \pi /2 in the case where the solution of the limiting nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation blows up in finite time (respectively, is global).Comment: 22 page

    On approximate solutions of semilinear evolution equations

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    A general framework is presented to discuss the approximate solutions of an evolution equation in a Banach space, with a linear part generating a semigroup and a sufficiently smooth nonlinear part. A theorem is presented, allowing to infer from an approximate solution the existence of an exact solution. According to this theorem, the interval of existence of the exact solution and the distance of the latter from the approximate solution can be evaluated solving a one-dimensional "control" integral equation, where the unknown gives a bound on the previous distance as a function of time. For example, the control equation can be applied to the approximation methods based on the reduction of the evolution equation to finite-dimensional manifolds: among them, the Galerkin method is discussed in detail. To illustrate this framework, the nonlinear heat equation is considered. In this case the control equation is used to evaluate the error of the Galerkin approximation; depending on the initial datum, this approach either grants global existence of the solution or gives fairly accurate bounds on the blow up time.Comment: 33 pages, 10 figures. To appear in Rev. Math. Phys. (Shortened version; the proof of Prop. 3.4. has been simplified

    Sharp thresholds of blow-up and global existence for the coupled nonlinear Schrodinger system

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    In this paper, we establish two new types of invariant sets for the coupled nonlinear Schrodinger system on Rn\mathbb{R}^n, and derive two sharp thresholds of blow-up and global existence for its solution. Some analogous results for the nonlinear Schrodinger system posed on the hyperbolic space Hn\mathbb{H}^n and on the standard 2-sphere S2\mathbb{S}^2 are also presented. Our arguments and constructions are improvements of some previous works on this direction. At the end, we give some heuristic analysis about the strong instability of the solitary waves.Comment: 21 page

    Solitary wave dynamics in time-dependent potentials

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    We rigorously study the long time dynamics of solitary wave solutions of the nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation in {\it time-dependent} external potentials. To set the stage, we first establish the well-posedness of the Cauchy problem for a generalized nonautonomous nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation. We then show that in the {\it space-adiabatic} regime where the external potential varies slowly in space compared to the size of the soliton, the dynamics of the center of the soliton is described by Hamilton's equations, plus terms due to radiation damping. We finally remark on two physical applications of our analysis. The first is adiabatic transportation of solitons, and the second is Mathieu instability of trapped solitons due to time-periodic perturbations.Comment: 38 pages, some typos corrected, one reference added, one remark adde
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