1,626 research outputs found

    Density Fluctuations in the Oscillatory Phase of Nonclassical Inflaton in FRW Universe

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    Using coherent and squeezed state formalisms of quantum optics for a minimally coupled non-classical inflaton in the FRW mertic is studied, in semiclassical theory of gravity. The leading order solution for the semiclassical Einstein equations in the coherent, squeezed and squeezed vacuum states are obtained perturbatively and are exhibit powerlaw expansion behaviour. The validity of the semiclassical theory is examined in the squeezed vacuum state in the oscillatory phase of the inflaton. The semiclassical theory in the oscillatory phase of the non-classical inflaton holds only if the associated squeezing parameter is much less compared to unity. Quantum fluctuations of the inflaton is also examined in coherent and squeezed state formalisms.Comment: 14 pages, 2 figures, To appear in Int.J.Mod.Phys.

    Optical cavities as amplitude filters for squeezed fields

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    We explore the use of Fabry-P\'erot cavities as high-pass filters for squeezed light, and show that they can increase the sensitivity of interferometric gravitational-wave detectors without the need for long (kilometer scale) filter cavities. We derive the parameters for the filters, and analyze the performance of several possible cavity configurations in the context of a future gravitational-wave interferometer with squeezed light (vacuum) injected into the output port.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure

    Upper Bound on the region of Separable States near the Maximally Mixed State

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    A lower bound on the amount of noise that must be added to a GHZ-like entangled state to make it separable (also called the random robustness) is found using the transposition condition. The bound is applicable to arbitrary numbers of subsystems, and dimensions of Hilbert space, and is shown to be exact for qubits. The new bound is compared to previous such bounds on this quantity, and found to be stronger in all cases. It implies that increasing the number of subsystems, rather than increasing their Hilbert space dimension is a more effective way of increasing entanglement. An explicit decomposition into an ensemble of separable states, when the state is not entangled,is given for the case of qubits.Comment: 2 figures. accepted J. Opt. B: Quantum Semiclass. Opt. (2000

    Quantum Mechanics and Linearized Gravitational Waves

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    The interaction of classical gravitational waves (GW) with matter is studied within a quantum mechanical framework. The classical equations of motion in the long wave-length limit is quantized and a Schroedinger equation for the interaction of GW with matter is proposed. Due to its quadrapole nature, the GW interacts with matter by producing squeezed quantum states. The resultant hamiltonian is quite different from one would expect from general principles, however. The interaction of GW with the free particle, the harmonic oscillator and the hydrogen atom is then studied using this hamiltonian.Comment: 24 pages, written in REVTE

    Entanglement and bifurcations in Jahn-Teller models

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    We compare and contrast the entanglement in the ground state of two Jahn-Teller models. The E⊗βE\otimes\beta system models the coupling of a two-level electronic system, or qubit, to a single oscillator mode, while the E⊗ϵE\otimes\epsilon models the qubit coupled to two independent, degenerate oscillator modes. In the absence of a transverse magnetic field applied to the qubit, both systems exhibit a degenerate ground state. Whereas there always exists a completely separable ground state in the E⊗βE\otimes\beta system, the ground states of the E⊗ϵE\otimes\epsilon model always exhibit entanglement. For the E⊗βE\otimes\beta case we aim to clarify results from previous work, alluding to a link between the ground state entanglement characteristics and a bifurcation of a fixed point in the classical analogue. In the E⊗ϵE\otimes\epsilon case we make use of an ansatz for the ground state. We compare this ansatz to exact numerical calculations and use it to investigate how the entanglement is shared between the three system degrees of freedom.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figures, comments welcome; 2 references adde

    Squeezed Light for the Interferometric Detection of High Frequency Gravitational Waves

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    The quantum noise of the light field is a fundamental noise source in interferometric gravitational wave detectors. Injected squeezed light is capable of reducing the quantum noise contribution to the detector noise floor to values that surpass the so-called Standard-Quantum-Limit (SQL). In particular, squeezed light is useful for the detection of gravitational waves at high frequencies where interferometers are typically shot-noise limited, although the SQL might not be beaten in this case. We theoretically analyze the quantum noise of the signal-recycled laser interferometric gravitational-wave detector GEO600 with additional input and output optics, namely frequency-dependent squeezing of the vacuum state of light entering the dark port and frequency-dependent homodyne detection. We focus on the frequency range between 1 kHz and 10 kHz, where, although signal recycled, the detector is still shot-noise limited. It is found that the GEO600 detector with present design parameters will benefit from frequency dependent squeezed light. Assuming a squeezing strength of -6 dB in quantum noise variance, the interferometer will become thermal noise limited up to 4 kHz without further reduction of bandwidth. At higher frequencies the linear noise spectral density of GEO600 will still be dominated by shot-noise and improved by a factor of 10^{6dB/20dB}~2 according to the squeezing strength assumed. The interferometer might reach a strain sensitivity of 6x10^{-23} above 1 kHz (tunable) with a bandwidth of around 350 Hz. We propose a scheme to implement the desired frequency dependent squeezing by introducing an additional optical component to GEO600s signal-recycling cavity.Comment: Presentation at AMALDI Conference 2003 in Pis

    Improving Detectors Using Entangling Quantum Copiers

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    We present a detection scheme which using imperfect detectors, and imperfect quantum copying machines (which entangle the copies), allows one to extract more information from an incoming signal, than with the imperfect detectors alone.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, REVTeX, to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Qudit Entanglement

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    We consider the separability of various joint states of D-dimensional quantum systems, which we call 'qudits'. We derive two main results: (i) the separability condition for a two-qudit state that is a mixture of the maximally mixed state and a maximally entangled state; (ii) lower and upper bounds on the size of the neighorhood of separable states surrounding the maximally mixed state for N qudits

    Hilbert--Schmidt volume of the set of mixed quantum states

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    We compute the volume of the convex N^2-1 dimensional set M_N of density matrices of size N with respect to the Hilbert-Schmidt measure. The hyper--area of the boundary of this set is also found and its ratio to the volume provides an information about the complex structure of M_N. Similar investigations are also performed for the smaller set of all real density matrices. As an intermediate step we analyze volumes of the unitary and orthogonal groups and of the flag manifolds.Comment: 13 revtex pages, ver 3: minor improvement

    Qudit Quantum State Tomography

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    Recently quantum tomography has been proposed as a fundamental tool for prototyping a few qubit quantum device. It allows the complete reconstruction of the state produced from a given input into the device. From this reconstructed density matrix, relevant quantum information quantities such as the degree of entanglement and entropy can be calculated. Generally orthogonal measurements have been discussed for this tomographic reconstruction. In this paper, we extend the tomographic reconstruction technique to two new regimes. First we show how non-orthogonal measurement allow the reconstruction of the state of the system provided the measurements span the Hilbert space. We then detail how quantum state tomography can be performed for multi qudits with a specific example illustrating how to achieve this in one and two qutrit systems.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, submitted to PR
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