572 research outputs found

    Characterization of non-coding transcripts involved in the development of the cerebral cortex

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    Der Cortex von Säugetieren ist der Hirnbereich, der fundamental für höhere kognitive Funktionen wie Lernen, Gedächtnis, Aufmerksamkeit und komplexes Denken ist. Die Entwicklung des Cortex wird von neuralen Vorläuferzellen gesteuert, die schnell proliferieren, um ihren Pool zu expandieren, bevor sie zu differenzierenden Zellteilungen wechseln, um alle Neuronen zu generieren, aus denen der reife sechs schichtige Neokortex besteht. Der schrittweise Wechsel von Selbsterneuerung zu Neurogenese ist ein zeitlich regulierter Prozess, dessen Fehler schwere lebenslange kognitive Erkrankungen verursachen können. Aus diesem Grund ist es enorm wichtig zu verstehen, welche Faktoren die Schicksalsentscheidung der neuralen Vorläuferzellen regulieren. In den letzten zwei Jahrzehnten haben mehrere Studien die Wichtigkeit von nicht-kodierenden RNAs, wie lange nicht-kodierende und micro RNAs, für diese zeitliche Regulierung hervorgehoben. Mithilfe der Generierung einer kombinatorischen RFP/GFP Reporter Mauslinie, die die Isolierung von proliferierenden und differenzierenden Vorläuferzellen und neugeborenen Neuronen erlaubt, wurde berichtet, dass die lange nicht-kodierende RNA Miat als ein Regulator des neuralen Vorläuferzellen-Schicksals mittels Spleißen fungiert. Die Arbeit dieser Thesis zeigt, dass die Überexpression von Miat den Wechsel der neuralen Vorläuferzellen von proliferierenden zu neurogenen Zellteilungen verzögert und etabliert eine Strategie, um Miat-gespleißte Ziele auf Einzelpopulationslevel während der Corticogenese zu entdecken. Außerdem wurde die doppelte Reporter Mauslinie genutzt, um einen umfassenden und kompletten Katalog von micro RNAs, die in neuralen Vorläuferzellen und Neuronen exprimiert sind, zu erstellen. Dies führte zur Identifizierung von miR-486-5p als ein neuer Regulator der neuralen Vorläuferzellen-Schicksalsentscheidung

    Prey of the Short-eared Owl (Asio flammeus) in a Pampas grasslands area of Argentina

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    We describe the prey of the Short-eared Owl in a Pampas grassland area of Argentina on the basis of pellets occasionally collected (N = 10). We found a high proportion of small mammals within samples (80% by number and 97% by biomass). Pellets also contained a very small number of insects and an avian prey. Prey spectrum of this owl species in our study site was similar to those described on other previous studies. Presence of rodents that typically inhabit native grasslands in the study area suggests that the Short-eared Owl could be exploiting less human-impacted areas as hunting habitats.Fil: Baladron Felix, Alejandro Victor. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas y TĂ©cnicas. Centro CientĂ­fico TecnolĂłgico Conicet - Mar del Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ciencia Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras; ArgentinaFil: Cavalli, Matilde. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas y TĂ©cnicas. Centro CientĂ­fico TecnolĂłgico Conicet - Mar del Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ciencia Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras; ArgentinaFil: Cardoni, Daniel Augusto. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas y TĂ©cnicas. Centro CientĂ­fico TecnolĂłgico Conicet - Mar del Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ciencia Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras; Argentin

    Retour sur un parcours autour de la médiation

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    L’article revient sur l’élaboration d’un modèle conceptuel susceptible d’inclure celui retenu par le CECR (Cadre européen commun de référence pour les langues) à l’intérieur d’une perspective plus large mais reposant toujours sur une conception dynamique de l’acteur social. Le modèle a été construit autour d’une mise en relation des notions de mobilité, d’altérité et de communauté et de la centration de l’ensemble sur le rapport à la médiation. Il est fait état des interrogations, fluctuations, redéfinitions auxquelles a donné lieu ce processus d’élaboration. Dans une conception d’inspiration pragmatique, c’est le processus de socialisation/individuation de l’acteur social qui est pris en compte. Tout particulièrement pour les acteurs et les groupes sociaux les moins favorisés, la médiation contribue à lever les obstacles à la mobilité, réduire la distance à l’altérité, fluidifier l’accès et la participation aux communautés. Dans le même temps, elle mobilise et accroit leurs capacités et leur autonomie. L’article propose plusieurs catégorisations de la médiation, souligne l’importance de ses dimensions langagières et se conclut par quelques commentaires sur le positionnement adopté par les auteurs.L’articolo riesamina il processo di elaborazione di un modello concettuale che potrebbe includere quello utilizzato dal QCER (Quadro Comune Europeo di riferimento per le lingue) in una prospettiva più ampia, ma sempre sulla base di una concezione dinamica dell’attore sociale. Il modello è stato costruito intorno alle interrelazioni tra le nozioni di mobilità, alterità e comunità e con una centratura dell’insieme concettuale sul rapporto con la mediazione. Vengono riferiti interrogativi, fluttuazioni, ridefinizioni ai quali ha dato luogo il processo di elaborazione. In una concezione d’ispirazione prammatica, è il processo di socializzazione / individuazione dell’attore sociale che viene preso in considerazione. In particolare per gli attori e i gruppi sociali che incontrano maggiori difficoltà, la mediazione contribuisce a rimuovere gli ostacoli alla mobilità, a ridurre la distanza rispetto all’alterità, a rendere fluidi tanto l’accesso quanto la partecipazione alle comunità. Al tempo stesso, si mobilitano e si accrescono le loro capacità e la loro autonomia. L’articolo propone diverse categorizzazioni del concetto di mediazione, sottolinea l’importanza delle sue dimensioni linguistiche e conclude con alcune osservazioni sulla postura adottata dai suoi autori

    Atlantocerus, a new genus of lungfish from the upper cretaceous of South America and Africa

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    Fil: Cione, Alberto Luis. Departamento Paleontología Vertebrados, Museo de La PlataFil: Gouiric-Cavalli, Soledad. Departamento Paleontología Vertebrados, Museo de La PlataFil: Goin, Francisco Javier. Departamento Paleontología Vertebrados, Museo de La PlataFil: Poiré, Daniel Gustavo. Departamento Paleontología Vertebrados, Museo de La Plat

    Atlantoceratodus a new genus of lungfish from the upper Cretaceous of South America and Africa

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    The only previously known material of “Ceratodus” iheringi Ameghino, 1898 (the hoiotype, a tooth píate) was collected by Carlos Ameghino along with other marine and freshwater fossils in the “Piso Shehuenense” in Pari Aike, Río Shehuen, Southern Patagonia. The material was figured but not described. Fortunately, the hoiotype was preserved in the Museo de La Plata. The bearing beds are presently included in the Mata Amarilla Formation which is considered Cenomanian-Coniasian in age. Additional lungfish material from the Southern part of Mendoza and Río Negro provinces was erroneously reponed by several authors to this species.In the present contribution, based on about 200 complete and fragmentary tooth plates from the type locality, we describe and diagnose the species “Ceratodus ” iheringi and a new genus, Atlantoceratodus. The species appears to be only known in the type area. Atlantoceratodus iheringi most closely resembles “Ceratodus " madagascariensis Priem, 1924 from the upper Cretaceous (Campanian) of Madagascar and we suggest that both species pertain to the same genus.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    Atlantoceratodus a new genus of lungfish from the upper Cretaceous of South America and Africa

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    The only previously known material of “Ceratodus” iheringi Ameghino, 1898 (the hoiotype, a tooth píate) was collected by Carlos Ameghino along with other marine and freshwater fossils in the “Piso Shehuenense” in Pari Aike, Río Shehuen, Southern Patagonia. The material was figured but not described. Fortunately, the hoiotype was preserved in the Museo de La Plata. The bearing beds are presently included in the Mata Amarilla Formation which is considered Cenomanian-Coniasian in age. Additional lungfish material from the Southern part of Mendoza and Río Negro provinces was erroneously reponed by several authors to this species.In the present contribution, based on about 200 complete and fragmentary tooth plates from the type locality, we describe and diagnose the species “Ceratodus ” iheringi and a new genus, Atlantoceratodus. The species appears to be only known in the type area. Atlantoceratodus iheringi most closely resembles “Ceratodus " madagascariensis Priem, 1924 from the upper Cretaceous (Campanian) of Madagascar and we suggest that both species pertain to the same genus.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    AffineGlue: Joint Matching and Robust Estimation

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    We propose AffineGlue, a method for joint two-view feature matching and robust estimation that reduces the combinatorial complexity of the problem by employing single-point minimal solvers. AffineGlue selects potential matches from one-to-many correspondences to estimate minimal models. Guided matching is then used to find matches consistent with the model, suffering less from the ambiguities of one-to-one matches. Moreover, we derive a new minimal solver for homography estimation, requiring only a single affine correspondence (AC) and a gravity prior. Furthermore, we train a neural network to reject ACs that are unlikely to lead to a good model. AffineGlue is superior to the SOTA on real-world datasets, even when assuming that the gravity direction points downwards. On PhotoTourism, the AUC@10{\deg} score is improved by 6.6 points compared to the SOTA. On ScanNet, AffineGlue makes SuperPoint and SuperGlue achieve similar accuracy as the detector-free LoFTR


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    Il documento che qui viene presentato nella traduzione italiana propone un modello semplice, ma di ampio respiro, che ha un duplice scopo: concettualizzare le scelte politiche di educazione linguistica incentrate sulla mobilità degli attori sociali – in particolare degli allievi ai diversi livelli di scolarità – che è responsabilità delle istituzioni e, nello specifico, della scuola definire e attuare; indicare obiettivi istituzionali e politici, perché questo modello e l’illustrazione che ne viene fornita per i contesti scolastici non si limitano agli aspetti didattici e linguistici. Essi coinvolgono l’intero progetto educativo in cui la mediazione, in forme diverse, gioca un ruolo tanto più determinante in quanto le questioni che riguardano la mobilità, l’alterità e i gruppi sociali sono decisive nelle società multietniche, multilingui e pluriculturali contemporanee.   Education, mobility, otherness. The mediation functions of schools The document presented here in the Italian translation has a dual purpose: cognitive, insofar as it proposes a simple – but wide-ranging – model for conceptualising language education policy choices based on the mobility of social agents; and institutional and political, because this model and the illustrations that are given of it in school contexts are not confined to teaching and linguistic aspects. They present an entire educational project in which mediation in its different forms plays an especially crucial role given the centrality of issues relating to mobility, otherness and social groups in the multiethnic, multilingual and multicultural contemporary societies


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    Procurou-se, com este trabalho, realizar o desenvolvimento do layout de um aplicativo para smartphones voltado a bibliotecas públicas municipais, para que o usuário possa ter rápido acesso ao acervo, facilitando processos de reservas e empréstimos de materiais e incentivando a leitura. A metodologia criativa utilizada foi a de Bruno Munari. Com esse método, é possível acompanhar toda a etapa de projeto, incluindo pesquisa bibliográfica e de campo, permitindo conhecer tudo o que envolve o projeto antes do uso da criatividade, que ocorre de forma mais embasada, chegando a melhores resultados. Com base em todas as informações coletadas, por meio de pesquisa de campo com possíveis usuários, pesquisa bibliográfica e do estado atual desse segmento, foi possível desenvolver o layout do aplicativo Phanteca, atendendo às necessidades do público, cumprindo os objetivos do trabalho e seguindo os conceitos propostos. É inegável a influência da tecnologia na vida das pessoas nos tempos atuais e o design visa melhorar e facilitar tarefas do dia a dia com a criação e adaptação de ferramentas para resolver problemas.Palavras-chave: Biblioteca. Layout. Smartphone. Design gráfico

    Electrically induced drop detachment and ejection

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    A deformed droplet may leap from a solid substrate, impelled to detach through the conversion of surface energy into kinetic energy that arises as it relaxes to a sphere. Electrowetting provides a means of preparing a droplet on a substrate for lift-off. When a voltage is applied between a water droplet and a dielectric-coated electrode, the wettability of the substrate increases in a controlled way, leading to the spreading of the droplet. Once the voltage is released, the droplet recoils, due to a sudden excess in surface energy, and droplet detachment may follow. The process of drop detachment and lift-off, prevalent in both biology and micro-engineering, has to date been considered primarily in terms of qualitative scaling arguments for idealized superhydrophobic substrates. We here consider the eletrically-induced ejection of droplets from substrates of finite wettability and analyze the process quantitatively. We compare experiments to numerical simulations and analyze how the energy conversion efficiency is affected by the applied voltage and the intrinsic contact angle of the droplet on the substrate. Our results indicate that the finite wettability of the substrate significantly affects the detachment dynamics, and so provide new rationale for the previously reported large critical radius for drop ejection from micro-textured substrates
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