24 research outputs found

    The global monsoon system representation in BAM-v1.2 and HadGEM3 climate simulations

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    The features of monsoon systems in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres are analysed in climate simulations of two atmospheric models: the Brazilian Global Atmospheric Model version 1.2 (BAM-v1.2) and the UK Met Office Hadley Centre Global Environment Model version 3 (HadGEM3). The results are compared to GPCP precipitation and ERA5 datasets. Although they have different configurations and parameterizations, the purpose is to evaluate their ability in representing key features of the global monsoon system. The spatial extent of the monsoon domains is well simulated by the models, as well as the main characteristics of the monsoons, although precipitation biases are noticed in the regions affected by the systems, consistent with vertical motion and moisture flux biases. The largest precipitation biases are found in the West Pacific Monsoon Region, extended to the east, and in the Australia Monsoon Region extended to the Maritime continent. Deficiencies in precipitation can be related to inaccuracy of vertical motion and humidity flux, as well as to the lack of air–sea interaction. However, the atmospheric circulation features at low and high levels are well represented in all monsoon regions, as well as the annual cycle of precipitation in those regions by both models. The divergence at high levels and convergence at low levels associated with ascending air movement and precipitation in monsoon regions are well represented by the models. An analysis of two monsoon indices at eight monsoon regions showed the models are generally able to simulate the relationship between precipitation and circulation features. In the majority of years, the signs of indices from the models agree with observations. Correlations of precipitation and circulation indices between models and observations show statistically significant values for some monsoon regions. The results obtained contribute to improving knowledge about global monsoon features and their representation in the two models

    Numerical assessment of changes in land–atmosphere interactions during the rainy season in South America using an updated vegetation map

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    Land Use and Land Cover Change (LULCC) is a key driver of changes in land–atmosphere interactions, playing an essential role in climate and weather patterns in South America (SA). This study used a modelling approach to assess the land–atmosphere changes introduced by LULCC over the Brazilian territory. Numerical experiments of early (2006), neutral (2004) and late (2008) rainy season onset years were performed in the Integrated BIosphere Simulator (IBIS) to assess the land-surface parameters, and in Brazilian Atmospheric Model (BAM) to assess the atmospheric variables. The models were run with a natural (NAT) vegetation map and an updated (UP) vegetation map, which incorporated realistic Brazil deforestation up to the early 2000s. The differences between the two maps were particularly larger over 25°–15°S and 50°–40°W, where the Atlantic Forest and Cerrado biomes were replaced by pasture. IBIS experiments showed that over the area of larger LULCC there was an increase in albedo of up to 8% while reductions in net radiation, surface heat fluxes, surface temperature and surface roughness were noticed. Land–atmosphere feedbacks assessed with BAM experiments showed that LULCC contributed to a drier and colder (stable) atmosphere over central-east SA that opposes the necessary conditions for the rainy season onset. The changes included increases in surface pressure and low-level wind associated with reductions in 2 m temperature and surface roughness. These changes contributed to decrease the cloud formation and less precipitation in all three rainy season onset years, but particularly in the late rainy season onset year during September–October–November (SON). The atmospheric changes induced by LULCC show a pattern of dry atmosphere (reduced precipitation), similar to those of late onset years, and indicate that LULCC enhances the late rainy season onset condition over central-east SA. Additionally, this study highlights the importance of considering up-to-date vegetation maps because these changes significantly affect both surface and atmospheric variables

    Recent developments on the South American monsoon system

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    This paper reviews recent progress made in our understanding of the functioning and variability of the South American Monsoon System (SAMS) on time scales varying from synoptic to long-term variability and climate change. The SAMS contains one of the most prominent summertime climate patterns in South America, featuring a strong seasonal variability in a region lying between the Amazon and the La Plata Basin. Much of the recent progress is derived from complementary international programs, such as the Monsoon Experiment South America (MESA), as well as from ongoing international programs such as the Large Scale Biosphere Atmosphere Experiment in the Amazon Basin (LBA) and the La Plata Basin (LPB) Regional Hydroclimate Project, which includes the CLARIS LPB Europe-South America Network for Climate Change Assessment and Impact Studies in La Plata Basin Project. The latter assesses atmosphere-land surface interactions, the role of land use changes and aerosols from biomass burning considered as sources of variability and change in the SAMS functioning, characteristics and behaviour. The SAMS region is particularly susceptible to variations of climate due to the importance of hydroelectricity generation and the agricultural base of local economies. Also addressed in this report are projections of climate change and extremes, which are important for impact and vulnerability assessments. This discussion includes the need to identify and understand important processes that control the monsoonal climate, how these processes may vary and change, and how they may interact with key societal sectors, including water resource management, hydroelectric generation, agriculture, and agribusiness. This paper reports on the major contributions of MESA to the knowledge of characteristics, functioning and variability of the SAMS, and is based on recent studies and publications, and can be considered as an update of a previous review by C. S. Vera et al. (2006a). © 2010 Royal Meteorological Society.Fil:Berbery, E.H. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales; Argentina.Fil:Vera, C.S. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales; Argentina.Fil:Saulo, A.C. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales; Argentina

    Hydrological processes interconnecting the two largest watersheds of South America from seasonal to intra-monthly time scales: A critical review

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    Many articles on the subjects of moisture transport, precipitation and surface hydrology of the two largest watersheds of South America, the Amazon and the La Plata basins, are stitched together to obtain an overview of the aspects related to the hydrological processes interconnecting them on time scales ranging from seasonal to intra-monthly. In the mean, moisture from the tropical Atlantic Ocean is transported by the trade winds into the Amazon Basin. A good part of it precipitates over the Amazon Basin and the other part reaches the La Plata Basin by northerly winds east of the Andes. Besides the moisture transported from the Atlantic, there is evapotranspiration in the Amazon and La Plata basins. A part of the evapotranspiration of the Amazon Basin precipitates over the same basin, contributing with about 1/3 of annual precipitation this basin, and a part joins the aerial stream into the La Plata Basin, contributing with about 1/4 of its annual precipitation. Semi-permanent and transient meteorological systems such as Inter-Tropical Convergence Zone, South Atlantic Convergence Zone, Low-Level Jet (LLJ) east of the Andes, Madden–Julian Oscillation, cold fronts and cyclones play an important role in the seasonal and intra-seasonal variations of precipitation, evapotranspiration and river discharge. The hydrological memory in Amazonian soils and the LLJ constitute an inter-seasonal coupling between the water balances of the two basins. All these aspects are succinctly described and discussed in this review article. Hypotheses for future research are formulated. © 2020 Royal Meteorological Societ