7 research outputs found
Antitumor activity of photodynamic therapy performed with nanospheres containing zinc-phthalocyanine
The increasing incidence of cancer and the search for more effective therapies with minimal collateral effects have prompted studies to find alternative new treatments. Among these, photodynamic therapy (PDT) has been proposed as a very promising new modality in cancer treatment with the lowest rates of side effects, revealing itself to be particularly successful when the photosensitizer is associated with nanoscaled carriers. This study aimed to design and develop a new formulation based on albumin nanospheres containing zinc-phthalocyanine tetrasulfonate (ZnPcS4-AN) for use in the PDT protocol and to investigate its antitumor activity in Swiss albino mice using the Ehrlich solid tumor as an experimental model for breast cancer.\ud
Ehrlich tumor’s volume, histopathology and morphometry were used to assess the efficacy of intratumoral injection of ZnPcS4-AN in containing tumor aggressiveness and promoting its regression, while the toxicity of possible treatments was assessed by animal weight, morphological analysis of the liver and kidneys, hemogram, and serum levels of total bilirubin, direct bilirubin, indirect bilirubin, aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), gamma glutamyl transferase (GGT), alkaline phosphatase, creatinine and urea. In order to evaluate the efficacy of PDT, groups of animals treated with intratumoral injection of doxorubicin (Dox) were also investigated.\ud
Intratumoral injection of ZnPcS4-AN was found to be efficient in mediating PDT to refrain tumor aggressiveness and to induce its regression. Although tumor volume reduction was not significant, PDT induced a remarkable increase in the necrosis area seen in the tumor’s central region, as in other experimental groups, including tumor and Dox treated groups, but also in the tumor’s peripheral region. Further, PDT showed minimal adverse effects. Indeed, the use of ZnPcS4-AN in mediating PDT revealed anti-neoplastic activity similar to that obtained while using intratumoral Dox therapy.\ud
PDT mediated by the new formulation ZnPcS4-AN enhanced the inhibition of tumor growth while producing practically no adverse effects and thus emerges as a very promising nanotechnology-based strategy for solid cancer treatment.We are grateful to the Sabin Institute/Sabin Laboratories for technical\ud
support and to the Brazilian National Council for Technological and Scientific\ud
Development (CNPq), the Foundation to Support Research in the Federal\ud
District (FAPDF), the Coordination for Further Training of Graduate Staff\ud
(CAPES), the Nanobiotechnology-Network CON-NANO (CAPES), INCTNanobiotecnologia\ud
(MCTI, CNPq, CAPES), CNANO-UnB, the São Paulo\ud
Research Foundation (FAPESP) #08/53719-4 ACT, and the DPP-University of\ud
Brasília, for financial support
Por que a elasticidade-preço das importações é baixa no Brasil? Evidências a partir das desagregações das importações por categorias de uso
Resumo Estudos recentes indicam que a elasticidade-preço das importações brasileiras é baixa. Este trabalho procura racionalizar o referido resultado revisitando as estimativas das importações do país desagregadas por "categoria de uso". Os resultados reportados sugerem que a baixa elasticidade-preço das importações agregadas reflete fundamentalmente a baixa elasticidade-preço das importações de combustíveis, bens intermediários e de alguns tipos de serviços - notadamente, transporte, aluguel de equipamentos e pagamentos de royalties - produtos que, somados, respondem por pouco menos de dois terços do total importado. Isso ocorre porque vários desses produtos têm pouca ou nenhuma possibilidade de substituição por similares nacionais, devido principalmente a deficiências estruturais na oferta nacional
Growing knowledge: an overview of Seed Plant diversity in Brazil
Abstract An updated inventory of Brazilian seed plants is presented and offers important insights into the country's biodiversity. This work started in 2010, with the publication of the Plants and Fungi Catalogue, and has been updated since by more than 430 specialists working online. Brazil is home to 32,086 native Angiosperms and 23 native Gymnosperms, showing an increase of 3% in its species richness in relation to 2010. The Amazon Rainforest is the richest Brazilian biome for Gymnosperms, while the Atlantic Rainforest is the richest one for Angiosperms. There was a considerable increment in the number of species and endemism rates for biomes, except for the Amazon that showed a decrease of 2.5% of recorded endemics. However, well over half of Brazillian seed plant species (57.4%) is endemic to this territory. The proportion of life-forms varies among different biomes: trees are more expressive in the Amazon and Atlantic Rainforest biomes while herbs predominate in the Pampa, and lianas are more expressive in the Amazon, Atlantic Rainforest, and Pantanal. This compilation serves not only to quantify Brazilian biodiversity, but also to highlight areas where there information is lacking and to provide a framework for the challenge faced in conserving Brazil's unique and diverse flora