188 research outputs found

    Efeito da idade de corte sobre o rendimento forrageiro do Capim-Tanzânia irrigado nos Tabuleiros Litorâneos do Piauí.

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    Buscando avaliar o efeito da idade de corte, sobre o rendimento forrageiro do capim-tanzânia (Panicum maximum Jacq cv. Tanzânia-1) sob irrigação, foi conduzido um experimento na Embrapa Meio-Norte, em Parnaiba, Piauí


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    Due to the rapid advance in technology, a new generation of power plants has emerged: the concentrated solar power (CSP). It is a renewable energy system that can be combined with large-scale energy storage systems. CSP holds many promises for the countries with high direct solar radiation, as Brazil. However, there are many problems regarding the viability of these plants in the emerging countries such as high capital costs, lack of national technology and qualified professionals. Hybridization of existing power plants with solar energy could be a possible gateway for the technology deployment.  This paper presents the technical and economic feasibility analysis of a steam super-heater plant powered by CSP for electricity production. Such hybridization permits the reduction of CO2 emissions and retrenchment in the long term. In this context, the performances of four different systems of thermoelectric power generation were compared: (i) solar reheating - superheated steam generated by boiler and it expansion in the first turbine using CSP for reheating second expansion turbine; (ii) solar superheater - generating saturated steam in a boiler and superheating it using CSP; (iii) supercritical solar heater - saturated steam production in a boiler and heating at supercritical steam in CSP and (iv) conventional cycle and CSP working in parallel.  The direct irradiation data available at the Brazilian solar atlas were analyzed, looking for the best location of power plant installation. In addition to the solar resource data, other criteria as economic, environmental and availability of transmission lines were taken into account. The decision matrix with performance indicators helped in the decision-making process of location selection. Comparing to others scenarios the obtained results showed several advantages of scenario (iv) - conventional cycle and CSP working in parallel using solar power towers without thermal storage. Research result as well revealed Santa Maria da Vitória town, Bahia region, as a better place for plant construction using the selected scenario. The total capacity was determined to be 30 MWe in accordance with the incentives offered by 481/2012-ANEEL (Brazilian Agency) resolution.   Keywords: Concentrated solar power (CSP); Solar irradiation data; Hybrid thermoelectric; Reheating vapor cycle

    Dark matter distribution in Milky Way-analog galaxies

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    Our current understanding of how dark matter (DM) is distributed within the Milky Way (MW) halo, particularly in the solar neighborhood, is based on either careful studies of the local stellar orbits or model assumptions on the global shape of the MW halo. In this work, we undertake a study of external galaxies, with the intent of providing insight to the DM distribution in MW-analog galaxies. For this, we carefully select a sample of galaxies similar to the MW, based on maximum atomic hydrogen (HI) rotational velocity (v=200-280 km s^{-1}) and morphological type (Sab-Sbc) criteria. With a need for deep, highly-resolved HI, our resulting sample is composed of 5 galaxies from the VIVA and THINGS surveys. To perform our baryonic analysis, we use deep Spitzer mid-IR images at 3.6 and 4.5 {\mu}m from the S4G survey. Based on the dynamical three-dimensional modeling software 3D-Barolo, we construct RCs and derive the gas and stellar contributions from the galaxy\'s gaseous- and stellar-disks mass surface density profiles. Through a careful decomposition of their rotation curves into their baryonic (stars, gas) and DM components, we isolate the DM contribution by using an MCMC-based approach. Based on the Sun\'s location and the MW\'s R_{25}, we define the corresponding location of the solar neighborhood in these systems. We put forward a window for the DM density (\rho=0.21-0.46 GeV cm^{-3}) at these galactocentric distances in our MW analog sample, consistent with the values found for the MW\'s local DM density, based on more traditional approaches found in the literature.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figures, 3 tables, submitted to Ap

    Contaminação bacteriana em teclados de computadores utilizados em hospital universitário do nordeste do Brasil

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    The technological advance allows the insertion of computers in the hospital environment, being neededto the execution of tests, record the patient information or doctor's personal use. Thirtyone samples ofcomputer keyboards from the Hospital "Professor Alberto Antunes", at the Federal University of Alagoas,Brazil (UFAL), were subjected to microbiological analysis in the period from February to June 2011. Thecolonies that were isolated were subsequently morphologically and biochemically analyzed, including by automated method (VITEK®). Among the sectors monitored, the following bacteria were detected:Acinetobacter baumannii (Obstetrical Clinic), Pseudomonas stutzeri (General Medicine and Maternity),P. oryzihabitans (Pediatrics), Enterobacter cancerogenus (Chemotherapy Sector), E. cloacae (NeonatalIntensive Care Unit), Enterococcus faecium (Oncology Nursing Sector), Sphingomonas paucimobilis(Ophtalmology Sector) and  Rhizobium radiobacter (rooming). From these,  P. oryzihabitans, E.cancerogenus and S. paucimobilis showed resistance to antibiotics commonly recommended. Therefore, the hospital computer keyboards can play in the spread of pathogens and should be part of theroutine disinfection of the hospital. Cover with protective film and the adoption of preventive measuressuch as hand washing are important.O avanço tecnológico permitiu a inserção dos computadores no ambiente hospitalar, sendo necessários na solicitação de exames, registro de informações dos pacientes ou para uso pessoal dos médicos.Trinta e um teclados de computadores do Hospital Universitário Professor Alberto Antunes/UFAL foramsubmetidos a análises microbiológicas no período de fevereiro a junho de 2011. As colônias isoladasdas amostras foram analisadas morfobioquímicamente, inclusive por método automatizado (VITEK®).Entre os setores monitorados, foram detectadas as seguintes bactérias: Acinetobacter baumanii (Clí-nica Obstétrica), Pseudomonas stutzeri (Clínica Médica e Maternidade),  P. oryzihabitans (Pediatria),Enterobacter cancerogenus (Setor de Quimioterapia), E. cloacae (UTI Neonatal), Enterococcus faecium(Enfermaria do Setor Oncológico), Sphingomonas paucimobilis (Setor Oftalmológico) e  Rhizobiumradiobacter (Alojamento Conjunto). Destas, P. oryzihabitans, E. cancerogenus e S. paucimobilis apresentaram resistência a antimicrobianos comumente recomendados. Portanto, os teclados de computadores hospitalares podem atuar na disseminação de patógenos, devendo fazer parte da rotina dedesinfecção do ambiente hospitalar. A cobertura com película protetora e a adoção de medidas preventivas como a lavagem das mãos são de grande importância

    Modelo digital para a Restinga e Paleoilha da Marambaia, Rio de Janeiro.

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    Foi criado para a Marambaia um modelo digital de seu ambiente, com a finalidade de avaliar as diversas situações ambientais presentes na região. Acha-se representado por um conjunto de sete mapas digitais temáticos constituintes da Base de Dados Georreferenciadas, e por dois mapas digitais classificatórios, correspondentes às avaliações das áreas com potencial para testes militares e para investigação científica. Estes produtos foram desenvolvidos pelo Laboratório de Geoprocessamento Aplicado da UFRRJ, através do uso da técnica de geoprocessamento e métodos associados do programa SAGA/UFRJ - Sistema de Análise Geo Ambiental

    Multiplicadores do Conhecimento provendo Inclusão Digital  para Crianças da Comunidade da Taíba

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    Este trabalho descreve um projeto de extensão desenvolvido por  estudantes de graduação participantes de um Centro Acadêmico, provendo aulas de informática a crianças carentes de uma comunidade local, focando na inserção no mundo digital  e suas oportunidades, motivando­os nas perspectivas da tecnologia da informação.

    Soja: novas alternativas em culinária.

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    Formulação de pratos à base de soja. Os primeiros resusltados desse esforço estão aqui, sob a forma de receitas simples, fáceis de serem executadas e, ao mesmo tempo, muito agradáveis ao paladar do brasileiro, o que nem sempre tem sido alcançado por outros receituários.bitstream/item/118251/1/novas-alternativas-em-culinaria.pd