633 research outputs found


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    The management of a regional customs directorate is analyzed. A new approach of the managerial system, in the European integration context, is presented.The customs system is one of the first “doors” to a new economic, social and cultural community. ForPerformance management, strategic management, human resource management

    Completant l'inventari de macroforaminífers

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    Vuit gèneres nous de macroforaminífers del Cretaci superior han estat publicats per investigadors de l'equip de Micropaleontologia del Departament de Geologia (Unitat de Paleontologia) de la UAB, en tres articles relacionats. Aquests nous taxons són de gran importància per donar-hi una edat als sediments dipositats en àrees de plataforma poc fonda, on organismes tals com els ammonits, foraminífers planctònics o nanoplàncton, que generalment s'utilitzen per datar les roques sedimentàries, són absents. A més, aporten dades sobre la recuperació de la fauna de macroforaminífers desprès d'una extinció en massa.Ocho géneros nuevos de macroforaminíferos del Cretácico superior han sido publicados por investigadores del equipo de Micropaleontología del Departamento de Geología (Unidad de Paleontología) de la UAB, en tres artículos relacionados. Estos nuevos taxones son de gran importancia para dar una edad a los sedimentos depositados en áreas de plataforma poco profunda, donde organismos tales como los amonites, foraminíferos planctónicos o nanoplancton, que generalmente se utilizan para fechar las rocas sedimentarias, están ausentes. Además, aportan datos sobre la recuperación de la fauna de macroforaminíferos después de una extinción en masa

    Aportaciones al conocimiento del Eoceno del anticlinal de Oliana (prov. Lérida)

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    Brief description and correlation of the litostratigraphic units of the Oliana anticline are given in this note. Igualada and Tossa Members of the Santa María For- mation (FERRER, 1967 and 1971) have been recognized in the area

    Alguns Macroforaminífers del Biarritzià català

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    The Biarritzian of the west side of the Segre Valley is formed by Alveolina limestones. These facies are different from the east side ones (shales) because the Segre Fault (GARRIDO, 1972) conditioned the geometry of the sedimentary basin and stablished, in the west side, a shallow, clean water platform which favoured the development of Large Foraminifera. Three profiles are obtained, St. Llorenç de Montgai (447 m), St. Tomàs (163 m) and Ivars de Noguera (95 m). These profiles are lying on the red-beds of the Pontils Formation. When present, the overluing formation is the post-orogenic conglomerates. The Alveolina limestone is equivalent to the Rocacorba Formation. The Foraminifera founded in this sediments belong mainly to the porcellaneous Foraminifera (Alveolinidae, Soritidae, Milioidae), except for some agglutinated and hyalin Foraminifera

    Exploring Critical And Creative Thinking Tools As A Means To Support Self-Sustainability

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    In this paper, I adapt and explore a model of sustainability supplemented by critical and creative tools, whereby I seek to enhance methods for self-guidance throughout my life journey, and ultimately, place myself in a position to better lead others. The sustainability model and the critical and creative thinking tools selected represent a starting point for an ongoing reflective practice where I seek to utilize critical thinking to evaluate what\u27s working well and what\u27s not, and hold ideas in tension with alternatives , and creative thinking to generate said alternatives as needed. Through the lens of the adapted self-sustainability model, I seek to address two issues in particular: (1) how to avoid depleting resources such as time, money, and energy/health, and, (2) how to increase well-being based on various parameters for well-being which I consider as being most crucial in an immediate sense. The questions to be explored in this ongoing practice are: (How) will a practice of supporting a typically intuitive life-approach with a set of tools which enable me to recognize and evaluate events, experiences, observations, patterns, etc., using rational or reflective methodology, result in decision-making which works to improve self-sustainability, i.e., fewer depleted resources, and increased well-being? The critical and creative thinking tools to be adopted and adapted should, primarily, serve to help address issues from a variety of perspectives, evaluate or foresee consequences, and generate qualitative alternative ideas and viewpoints. Finally, I consider possible next steps for continuing my inquiry

    Performance analysis of joint precoding and MUD techniques in multibeam satellite systems

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    This paper considers interference mitigation techniques in the forward link of multibeam satellite systems. In contrast to previous works, either devoted to receiver interference mitigation (e.g. multiuser detection) or transmitter interference mitigation (precoding), this work evaluates the achievable rates of the joint combination of both techniques. On the one hand, precoding cannot properly mitigate all the inter- beam interference while maintaining a sufficiently high signal-to-noise ratio. On the other hand, the receiver cost and complexity exponentially increases with the number of signals to be simultaneously detected. This highlights that the receiver cannot deal with all the interferences so that in general only 2 signals are jointly detected. As a result, the use of precoding within a coverage area jointly with multiuser detection can both benefit from each other and extremely increase the achievable rates of the system. This is numerically evaluated in a close-to-real coverage area considering simultaneous non-unique decoding strategies. The results show the benefits of this joint scheme that eventually can increase the current precoding performance a 23%.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Assessment and Awareness of Mental Health Conditions among Refugees in Vermont

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    Refugees experience profound hardship in their home-country, displaced country and throughout the period of re-settlement. Experiences like direct or indirect exposure to traumatic events, torture, sexual abuse and stigmatized refugee identity post-resttlement are major risk factors for the development of mental health coniditions inlcuding PTSD, depression and psychosis. Despite major risk factors for the development of mental health conditions, culturally-specific mental health stigma persists as a major barrier to addressing mental health among refugees. This project emphasizes techniques and self-education that can be utilized to improve mentah health screening and identification among refugee patients in Vermont.https://scholarworks.uvm.edu/fmclerk/1762/thumbnail.jp

    NOMA and interference limited satellite scenarios

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    This paper deals with the problem of non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) in multibeam satellite systems, where the signals are jointly precoded. It is considered that the number of frames that are simultaneously transmitted is higher than the number of feeds, reducing the precoding interference mitigation capabilities as the system becomes overloaded. In order to solve this problem, we assume that the satellite user terminals are able to perform multi-user detection to mitigate the interference. In the current NOMA approach, it is assumed a successive interference cancellation (SIC) receiver. To increase the spectral efficiency, this paper investigates NOMA with simultaneous non-unique detection (SND). Compared to the case where user terminals perform single user detection (SUD), conventional scheduling heuristic rules do not longer apply in this scenario. Therefore, different scheduling algorithms are proposed considering both SIC and SND strategies. As the numerical evaluations show, SND yields larger average data rates than the SIC receiver. Concerning the scheduling, the best strategy is to pair users with highly correlated channels and the lowest channel gain difference. It is also shown that the sum-rate can be increased in overloaded satellite systems with respect to satellite scenarios, where the number of transmitted frames and feeds is the same.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Presencia y estructura de Calcarina lecalvezae en el Biarriziense pirenaico (Prov. de Lérida, España)

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    En esta nota se atribuyen al Biarritziense las capas arcillomargosas de "Can Mosqueta" (N de Sant Llorenç de Morunys), y se establecen las relaciones existentes en base a su estructura, entre Calcarina lecalvezae del Eoceno y los representantes recientes de dicho género